How To Use Plutocracy In A Sentence
The country today is a plutocracy, a society run in the interests of billionaires and millionaires.
It would replace democracy with plutocracy, letting the wealthy and big business make laws in their own interests.
Financial, not moral, considerations will prevail in a plutocracy.
Either the U.S. is turning into a neo-fascist state (not completely out of the realm of possibility) or (marginally better, I suppose) our democratic system is at risk of becoming a vile plutocracy, if it isn't one already.
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The danger is that plutocracy will prevail over democracy, that the free market will rule over the free citizen.

But if the president and his party need to focus their efforts, the Republicans already know what they want to accomplish: They're committed to restoring the klepto-plutocracy that continues to plunder the economy.
Richard (RJ) Eskow: Breaking the Silence: FCIC Report Brings the Focus Back to Wall Street
As you've pointed out in many of your articles, the revolution against the capitalist plutocracy is largely a war of words and ideas at this point.
Since most people don't want to admit out loud that they live in a plutocracy, successful politicians have, until now, worked hard to keep up an illusion.
The new plutocracy wanted a recognizable artistic language that would ease their cultural insecurities and establish their legitimacy.
A century ago the city was a playground for the New York plutocracy.
It is a plutocracy, not a democracy.
In that respect private capitalism under a consolidated plutocracy, such as impended at the time of the Revolution, would have been a worse threat to the world's future than the competitive system; but as to the immediate bearings of the two systems on human welfare, private capital in the consolidated form might have had some points of advantage.
The outcome of this inevitable economic process was not government of, for and by the people, but of, for and by the new capitalist plutocracy.
For in reality France under Louis XVI was governed not by the nobility, but by a plutocracy in which the majority of nobles had no share.
It's time we put an end to plutocracy.
In a word, aristocracy was displaced by plutocracy.
We need to change our government in a revolutionary way, and overthrow the plutocracy (which is firmly rooted in this mentality) that controls our government.
In the land of fools, also known as the US of A, anything that’s not 100% plutocracy is called “socialism”. autoit 0.762225951300934
Matthew Yglesias » Americans Don’t Like “Socialism” But Many Democrats Do
I'm telling you, why people don't use the word plutocracy and oligarchy to describe what is happening is beyond me.
CNN Transcript Nov 27, 2007
In 2006, the Democrats abandoned their gun control agenda and looked to field pro-life Democrats as the Republicans were being attacked by the Drive-by media for corruption that resulted from the plutocracy of public / private partnerships, or what I call the adoption of liberal crony socialism (a phenomena that Todd Epp incorrectly labels as crony capitalism).
Sibby Online
This is sometimes called plutocracy (rule by wealth) or kleptocracy (rule by theft). wiseGEEK
The Big Apple
Dark times are ahead because there is no republic anymore only a plutocracy.
And as skeptical as I am of majority opinion right now, it's better than the unbridled greed of the plutocracy we've got at present.
The plutocracy presently in charge of these matters must become alert to the needs of all.
As you've pointed out in many of your articles, the revolution against the capitalist plutocracy is largely a war of words and ideas at this point.
He hated what he called the plutocracy, but no individual rich man.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton
We are on the way to becoming a plutocracy.
Under the guise of democracy, the island is a plutocracy - a political system governed by the wealthy people.
However, democracy can default into anarchy, autocracy, liberalism, plutocracy, republic, just about anything, if the majority desires a leader who is representative of that.
The Populists and the radical Democrats felt that they were fighting the battle of the masses against "plutocracy" -- the subtle and corrupting control of public affairs by the possessors of great fortunes; they thought that they saw arrayed against them the forces of wealth and the corporations, seeking to enslave them.
The United States Since the Civil War
Today, more than ever, it resembles a plutocracy, a society governed by a handful of enormously wealthy individuals.
Class privilege has reached the point where the entire society is ruled by a plutocracy.
Then you all listened to the very corporate plutocracy tell you that Nader was an "egoist" and that everything was his fault.
The Obama-Clinton Cabinet? We Voted for CHANGE, Not Recycling
Bury The term plutocracy is generally used to describe these two distinct concepts: one of a historical nature and one of a modern political nature. Top News
In the end, the financial plutocracy handpicked the president.
Anti-immigrant hatred, urban violence, democracy subverted by plutocracy - these are not, the film shows, new developments.
January 21st, 2010 at 11: 20 am tombaker says: the pundits, the baggers, anyone can say anything now, it will all be for show, and nothing more. formal commencement of plutocracy is enacted.
Think Progress » Barnicle: People now think Massachusetts is ‘part of America’ because of Brown’s election.
What we're effectively seeing is the displacement of democratic representative government with something approaching plutocracy.
One and all, the professors, the preachers, and the editors, hold their jobs by serving the Plutocracy, and their service consists of propagating only such ideas as are either harmless to or commendatory of the Plutocracy.
Chapter 9: The Mathematics of a Dream
No one, whatever their conception of justice, can accept public policies which turn a democracy into a plutocracy.
Show's how dumb they are. We don't have a democracy here and haven't for a long time. What we have in America is a plutocracy .
Politicians rail against the plutocracy and the baleful influence of ‘the top 1 percent.’
In these various ways, a new plutocracy was emerging in western Europe during the late nineteenth century, composed of aristocratic and bourgeois elements, which compromised the original liberal ideal.
America under the plutocracy is free by definition, you see. fostert Says:
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The existing two-party system, whose personnel are utterly dependent on the financial support of the plutocracy, is thoroughly unrepresentative of the general population.
Since when did the US become an official plutocracy?
He was opposed to what he called plutocracy, a maldistribution of wealth.
Rutherford B. Hayes: Warrior & President
They pointed out that a country ruled by the very wealthy is actually a plutocracy, not a democracy.
Right now we have a small elite plutocracy and a whole lot of peasants - no wonder the current system is rotting from the inside. No free society can exist without a strong middle class.
Or worse, deliberately downgraded roads to other businesses. by emporer palpatine your not living in a republic no more after all, its called plutocracy govt by corporation musilini did it hitler did it
It's time we put an end to plutocracy.
It appears we either have been transmuted to an obvious plutocracy - or worse, a fascist dictatorship.
Such policies threaten the interest of the plutocracy that runs this county and controls both the Democrats and Republicans.
At best, he was characterized as naïve; at worst, he was told that this article reek sic of brown-nosing to the financial plutocracy and plain dishonesty.
Robert Teitelman: The Reaction to Sloan's Bailout Argument
It's time we put an end to plutocracy.
It's time we put an end to plutocracy.
The country is now ruled by a plutocracy.
Indeed, it does appear they are increasingly living in a plutocracy, and this is a factor that simply cannot be overlooked in the discussion of class polarization.
Aristotle pointed out in his book of lectures The Politics and in his studies of constitutions that aristocracy as an ideal too often degenerated into either oligarchy, the rule of the powerful, or plutocracy, the rule of the rich.