How To Use plutocracy In A Sentence
- The country today is a plutocracy, a society run in the interests of billionaires and millionaires.
- It would replace democracy with plutocracy, letting the wealthy and big business make laws in their own interests.
- Financial, not moral, considerations will prevail in a plutocracy.
- Either the U.S. is turning into a neo-fascist state (not completely out of the realm of possibility) or (marginally better, I suppose) our democratic system is at risk of becoming a vile plutocracy, if it isn't one already. C. Cryn Johannsen: Please Vote! Plus Some Comments on Fears of Fascism, the Upcoming Elections, and Higher Education Finance Reform
- The danger is that plutocracy will prevail over democracy, that the free market will rule over the free citizen.
- But if the president and his party need to focus their efforts, the Republicans already know what they want to accomplish: They're committed to restoring the klepto-plutocracy that continues to plunder the economy. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Breaking the Silence: FCIC Report Brings the Focus Back to Wall Street
- As you've pointed out in many of your articles, the revolution against the capitalist plutocracy is largely a war of words and ideas at this point.
- Since most people don't want to admit out loud that they live in a plutocracy, successful politicians have, until now, worked hard to keep up an illusion.
- The new plutocracy wanted a recognizable artistic language that would ease their cultural insecurities and establish their legitimacy.
- A century ago the city was a playground for the New York plutocracy.