
How To Use Pisa In A Sentence

  • Also, lets not forget more POW organizations and their universal despisal of Japan. Japan should not budge an inch » Japundit Blog
  • The countryside of Pisa had been ravaged by aerial bombardments and artillery barrages, leaving only a wilderness of roofless houses and smoking craters.
  • While Giovanni Pisano's Siena Cathedral façade may have provided an inspiration for Maitani's design, his style of execution as a sculptor is more independent in character.
  • Pisa Tinoisamoa, Nick Roach and Hunter Hillenmeyer will fight for the strongside job. Even with Jay Cutler in place, can Bears put it all together?
  • (Taste, July 9): A bitter debate surrounded the announcement of the Bollingen Prize to the profascist and anti-Semitic Ezra Pound for" The Pisan Cantos, "judged by a panel of highly regarded poets to represent the best poetry of 1948. Art Stands Apart From the Artist
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  • Page 166 would best answer this soil and climate, as he was thought no despisable gardener at home. Journal of a Lady of Quality; Being the Narrative of a Journey from Scotland to the West Indies, North Carolina, and Portugal, in the Years 1774 to 1776
  • Personally I haven't still read anything past The Omac Project I'm from Spain and it's being released now, here but I've been told that the final "abuse" on the Golden Age, Earth-2 spirit is despisable. Comic Book Urban Legends Revealed #142 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • As art historians Alex Nagel and Chris Woods have argued, by faithfully depicting a Greek from the east, Pisanello may have felt he was also looking back in time at the Greece of Socrates and Praxiteles. Gopnik's Daily Pic: The first commemorative medal
  • By all means make it look appetising, but do not overdo the plate-decorating, nor feel you have to emulate restaurants, and stack everything up like the leaning tower of Pisa.
  • Pentru a forţa comunităţii ştiinţifice pentru a da greutate egal cu fiecare bit prostie unprovable a ideologiei religioase, s-ar pisa progresul ştiinţific se opreste. »2007» February
  • He wrote heartfelt petrarchan sonnets extolling his employers, and in 1551 wrote awestruck from the reconquered Pisa, while painting the ducal children: "I am continually with these most saintly sovereigns, and I rejoice in the blessed sweetness of so good and benign a prince. Bronzino's Medici portraits – review
  • Not but that when the duc de Crequi, the French ambassador, was insulted at Rome in the year 1662, the parliament of Provence passed an arret, declaring the city of Avignon, and the county Venaiss in part of the ancient domain of Provence; and therefore reunited it to the crown of France, which accordingly took possession; though it was afterwards restored to the Roman see at the peace of Pisa. Travels through France and Italy
  • Some genius has started a Pisa pushers group on Flicker, featuring third party pics of tourists attempting to 'straighten' the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Boing Boing: June 12, 2005 - June 18, 2005 Archives
  • The degree of relief is alto-rilievo, like those on the Roman sarcophagi and the pulpits of the Pisani; in shape it is almost as high as it is long; this unusual proportion is similar to some of the divisions of the bronze reliefs in the Donatello pulpits at San Lorenzo. Michael Angelo Buonarroti
  • Ibig sabihin, mag-uumpisa ka nang tumanggap ng P1.25 x 11,110 buwan-buwan. Matienzo Family
  • Natacha Pisarenko/Associated Press Papamoa Beach was dirtied with fuel oil. Ship Continues to Spill Oil
  • His invention-a 3D printer momentarily located in Pisa, Italy - is said to look like a “prototype for the automotive industry” and combines the functionality of computer architecture programs with the printer mechanism. Fusion Office Suite From Enrico Pellizzoni
  • Certainly the fellow was provincial, curt, even brutal in his despisal of diplomacy. The Grim Smile of the Five Towns
  • In his portrait of Leonello, Pisanello places the young princeling in profile before a rosebush, the spines of its leaves as if beaten from gold.
  • For the ancients of Pisa have met for the last time; the signory of Florence plots no more; no more will any Emperor with the pride of a barbarian, the mien of a beggar or a thief, cross the Alps, or such an one as Florence and Northern Tuscany with Genoa With Sixteen Illustrations In Colour By William Parkinson And Sixteen Other Illustrations, Second Edition
  • Afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani khorasan khorasani khurasan farsi parsi persian dari tajik tajiki tajikistani tajikistan uzbek uzbeki uzbekistani dostum karzai massoud herat kabul balkh mazar kunduz panjshir parwan kapisa kunduz baghlan laghman logar ghazni kandahar helmand peshawar islam muslim wahhabi - Photown News
  • The erythrocytes in this volume of blood will soon be destroyed by haemolysis, but this provides about 50 mg of iron to the infant’s reserve and reduces the frequency of iron-deficiency anaemia later in infancy (Michaelsen et al 1995, Pisacane 1996). 5. CARE DURING THE THIRD STAGE OF LABOUR
  • The Italians guyed the Tower of Pisa to prevent it from collapsing
  • The Leaning Tower of Pisa is famous for tilting toward the southwest.
  • : D I'm italian and I do live in Pisa, as a student. The Art of Gesture in Tourist Italy
  • As we leave Pisac and roll down the side of the gorge, the sun suddenly emerges and a brilliant rainbow lights up the verdant green Sacred Valley of the Incas.
  • An explosive beginning, lovable and despisable characters, questions of loyalty, moral inquisition all highlight the plot which comes to a rather abrupt end. Reader reviews of The Sunday Philosophy Club by Alexander McCall Smith.
  • Did you pay a visit to the leaning tower in Pisa while you were in Italy?
  • In my opinion, using the word cyclist in the context the article does can unintentionally promote the association of the word cyclist with the mental image of someone despisable or as someone you do not want to be. We Need People Who Ride Bikes, Not Cyclists « PubliCola
  • Although generally attributed to Leonardo Pisano, il Figlio di (son of) Bonacci, this proportion is also found in the measurements of the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25): 2.5 cubits long by 1.5 cubits wide and high (1.5/2.5 = 0.6). Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Pisander and his colleagues on their voyage alongshore abolished, as had been determined, the democracies in the cities, and also took some heavy infantry from certain places as their allies, and so came to Athens. The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • The representation of Leonello's long skull, resolute but unaggressive chin and flat, perhaps broken, nose is more incisive than in the moulded portrait medallion Pisanello copied from it.
  • You despise yourself, and are proud of the despisal, regarding it a virtue. At Swim, Two Boys
  • In the thirteenth century, Pisa and Genoa had emerged as the two major powers in the area, and an account in an annalistic history of Genoa tells us of the 1277 sea battle between Genose and Pisan galleys that took place in view of the Sudak harbor. Interactive Dig Black Sea: From the Field: August 4, 2006
  • Robber Synod of 449 (Latrocinium Ephesinum), the Synod of Pisa in The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • My distinguished colleagues include the legendary tenor Plácido Domingo, as well as counter-tenor David Daniels, mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato, bass-baritone Luca Pisaroni, soprano Lisette Oropesa, and counter-tenor Anthony Roth Costanzo. Danielle de Niese: Inspired to Inspire
  • They have talked to Pisa, and hope to conclude a deal before the weekend.
  • 45 The fleet of galleys and transports sailed in tempestuous weather from the port of Pisa, in The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Prolific and hard-working, de Pisan wrote in most of the contemporary forms and genres.
  • Still uncertain: who will emerge at safety and strongside linebacker — recently signed Pisa Tinoisamoa will get a look — and a backup for Cutler. Even with Jay Cutler in place, can Bears put it all together?
  • Mastery of the machine, he will reflect, can only begin with a despisal of the machine and the supposed benefits it offers. G.K.'s Weekly - The Southern Agrarians
  • The outer lip of Falsilatirus forms a terminal varix that slightly ascends the spire, as in other Pisaniinae.
  • The bridge crosses the Panjir River and will be a conduit between Parwan and Kapisa provinces.
  • August at the convention of treason he took the material where and as he found we see him trying hard to bring the money power of the union into his service, we find him extorting large sums for his political campaigns from the so-called despisable trusts, since then we became accustomed to look upon every man of wealth and the great industrials corporations who have been and are today of incalculable value and benefit to our national welfare, as nothing more or less than contemptible criminals, whom he offended in the most profane language during his crusade against them, if they refused to become a part of his machine. The Attempted Assassination of ex-President Theodore Roosevelt
  • The diversity of the individuals buried together and the special treatment they received could be a sign of ritual killing, said Vincenzo Formicola of the University of Pisa, Italy.
  • In Pisa, whose tourist industry is almost solely dependent on the magnetic power of its leaning tower, it will be an event of unconfined celebration.
  • Alps, and still more, of the sheets of snow on their southern slopes, which supply the refreshing streams of Lombardy: -- the equally steady increase of deadly maremma round Pisa and Venice; and other such phenomena, quite measurably traceable within the limits even of short life, and unaccompanied, as it seemed, by redeeming or compensatory agencies. The Crown of Wild Olive also Munera Pulveris; Pre-Raphaelitism; Aratra Pentelici; The Ethics of the Dust; Fiction, Fair and Foul; The Elements of Drawing
  • Of uk quit smoking help who bogbean defunctness on the trucker or on a longitudinal pisanosaurus at coquettishly stertorously a duramen migratory they loweringed delusively nisi contusion as a cocuswood. Rational Review
  • The other proven point is that drilling and practice is crucial for success in any field -- look no farther than the Japanese math program Kumon, based on daily math drills or the success of Shanghai schools in the recent Program of International Student Assessment PISA in math and reading; both rely on repetition and drilling. Dr. Michele Hernandez: Tiger Kids With Heart: What the Ivies Want
  • We must never forget that in spiritual as in physical climbing it is not every one who can bear the strain of the steeper path; there may be many for whom what seems the slower way is the only one possible, and we should indeed be unworthy followers of the great Teachers if we allowed our ignorance to betray us into the slightest thought of despisal towards those whose choice differs from our own. The Astral Plane Its Scenery, Inhabitants and Phenomena
  • Galileo lived in the city of Pisa.
  • The tower of Pisa leans at an angle .
  • Right now I'm in an internet caff in Pisa, drinking macchiato.
  • The circumstances of his early life are obscure, but we know that in 1277 he was formally betrothed to his future wife, Gemma Donati, and that in 1289 he took part in military operations against Arezzo and Pisa.
  • In Pisa, over 400 police were assembled to accompany a convoy from the railway station to the military airbase.
  • First off, I would think it wise to resist reading the above as a single sentence since these different lines are written in various places on the surface of a situla and cannot possibly have been intended to be read as a single sentence as Pisani suggests. Rhaetic inscriptions Schum PU 1 and Schum CE 1
  • And, even then, a dissident antipapal council assembled in 1511 at Pisa, stimulating a great outflow of canonistic and theological writings in defence of the Conciliar theory.
  • Last week we brought you this epic photobomb of a tourist picture at Italy's Leaning Tower Of Pisa. ANOTHER Awesome Photobomb At The Leaning Tower Of Pisa (PHOTO)
  • There are also likely to be calls this week for London to be allowed to enter the Pisa tests as a distinct entity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three of these decisions were unanimous (Berghuis v. Smith, Smith v. Spisak and Bobby v. Van Hook), one was 6 – 3 (Renico v. Lett). The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Sixth Circuit the New Ninth (At Least in Habeas Cases)?
  • Cenni storici sull 'Università di Pisa in Annuario della Università di Pisa (1899-1900); BUONAMICI, Della scuola Pisana del diritto romano ecc. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • By including and blending the oppositions within her narration, de Pisan has created an engaging and lively epic of her hero, Joan of Arc.
  • There is no negative correlation between Pisa scores and language learning. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy Tuscany north of the city of Pisa miracle Square.
  • While Pisaster has a very broad diet that includes barnacles, limpets, snails, and chitons, mussels are its preferred prey.
  • The foods traditionally blessed by a priest for Easter can be placed in three categories: breads (particularly a yeasty cake called babka), meats (ham, veal, suckling pig, sausage, bacon) and dairy products (butter, cheese, eggs or pisanki-often beautifully decorated by hand). Cincinnati Local News Headlines |
  • Ja ma olin õnnelik, kui Fantozzi viskas kivi aknasse - temas oli ju ka mingi varjatud jõud, mis ei luanud tal näha oma naise pisaraid mehe alandamisel piljardimängus, see jõud, mis pani ta tookord võitma, pani ta ka selle kivi haarama. Tatsutahime Diary Entry
  • Joy Episalla takes photographs of things that are inconsequential, unlovely and just plain boring.
  • A diagnosis of necrosis cannot clearly be made from the published images, says Gino Fornaciari, director of palaeopathology at the University of Pisa in Italy, adding that it could be secondary to malaria. Scientific American
  • In Florence, Italy, a sledgehammer was the likely cause of destruction for a speed camera on the Florence-Pisa-Leghorn expressway. TheNewspaper
  • Among the other ice creams to be served are several alcohol-based flavours like Baileys Irish Cream, French fruit and herb liquor Pisang Ambon, and Curacao.
  • In statics he identified this momentum with what Galileo called momento or impeto, and this identification was certainly conformable to the Pisan's idea. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • There are also likely to be calls this week for London to be allowed to enter the Pisa tests as a distinct entity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Masaccio himself painted a small version of Peter's crucifixion for the predella of the Pisa polyptych, where squat pyramids, hardly taller than the figures, take up considerable space at both edges of the panel.
  • The hanging Tower at Pisa is, we believe, some thirty feet or so off the perpendicular, and there is one at Caerphilly about seventeen; but these are nothing to the castles in the air we have seen built by the touch of a female magician; nor is it an unusual thing with artists of the fair sex to order their plumed chivalry to gallop down precipices considerably steeper than a house, on animals apparently produced between the tiger and the bonassus. Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
  • The relief supplies are being flown from a warehouse in Pisa.
  • Dia ku anggap seperti bapaku sendiri ke sisi penciptaNya� Aku redha dengan ketentuan yang diberi� pertemuan yang sudah dinoktahkan yang tak boleh dipertikaikan oleh sesiapa� Sudah lama diri ini tidak diuji dengan perpisahan yang menyakitkan ini� Ku bersyukur Pada Allah walaupun aku dipinjamkan abah selama 7 tahun sahaja .. aku mendapat menumpang kasih kasih sayang dari PakNgah sehingga aku berkahwin .. KLuBBKiDD'S RaVe
  • M. powiedzial, ze zrozumial i ze to sie nie powtorzy (mam na mysli chowanie dume w kieszen, okazywanie, ze tez jest Mu przykro). poza tym jeszcze troche i, mysle sobie, bede mogla napisac: moje depresanty: brak swiatla, klotnie rodzicow, itp. -
  • I hear they are much pleased with my article on "Les Charmettes & Rousseau"; 12 and they have another, called "William Lentile & Thomas Walt" ,13 which Hunt saw in Pisa, and said it was very good indeed. New Letters from Charles Brown to Joseph Severn
  • In the first half of the century, Pisa and the cities of Tuscany had enjoyed unprecedented prosperity.
  • Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines… btw: this is pics from Pisa and my favorite statue of the Spinario previous * next * guestbook Angieyu Diary Entry
  • Reaksi yang lebih dalam lagi sampai mencapai seluruh dermis hingga lapisan lemah subkutan, tampak sebagai ulkus yang dangkal, degan tepi yang jelas dan perubahan warna pigmen kulit. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The famous tower of Pisa leans at an angle.
  • Among the striking passages in the work are the pathetic sketch of the old violinist and composer, Pisani, with his sympathetic "barbiton" which moaned, groaned, growled, and laughed responsive to the feelings of its master; the description of Viola's and her father's triumph, when "The Siren," his masterpiece, is performed at the San Carlo in Naples; Glyndon's adventure at the Carnival in Naples; the death of his sister; the vivid pictures of the Reign of Terror in Zanoni
  • In 1115 Piombino submitted to the Republic of Pisa, becoming its second main port: authority was exerted by a Capitano("Captain").
  • Macte toris, Latios inter placidissime uates, quod durum permensus iter coeptique laboris prendisti portus. uiduae sic transfuga Pisae amnis in externos longe flammatus amores flumina demerso trahit intemerata canali, 205 donec Sicanios tandem prolatus anhelo ore bibat fontis: miratur dulcia Nais oscula nec credit pelago uenisse maritum. The Marriage of Stella and Violentilla
  • He wrote heartfelt petrarchan sonnets extolling his employers, and in 1551 wrote awestruck from the reconquered Pisa, while painting the ducal children: "I am continually with these most saintly sovereigns, and I rejoice in the blessed sweetness of so good and benign a prince. Bronzino's Medici portraits – review
  • Located in Pisa, Italy, the San Ranieri Hotel was completed last year, and features a vibrant nighttime display of iridescent colors that light up the exterior. The San Ranieri Hotel
  • the leaning tower of Pisa
  • Hence, when we came to Spezzia, we found that the Magra, an unbridged river on the high-road to Pisa, was too high to be safely crossed in the Pictures from Italy
  • [4] Pliny informs us that Caius Julius, the father of Julius Caesar, a man of pretorian rank, died suddenly at Pisa. The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 01: Julius Caesar
  • The relief supplies are being flown from a warehouse in Pisa.
  • They have a great fishing trade here, as well for supply of the country as for merchandise, and the towns are not despisable. From London to Land's End
  • An early example of a course-of-value recursion was given by Leonardo da Pisa, also called Fibonacci, in his Liber abaci, written in 1202 and revised in 1228, when discussing the famous rabbit problem (paria coniculorum): Recursive Functions
  • Right now I'm in an internet caff in Pisa, drinking macchiato.
  • Ea extat etiam apud me, ec dicitur ad calcem absoluta „ sub domi - nio domini Johannis Sfortiae die xxi si - van anni to'-» per manus minimi typo - graphorum ac discipulorum, qui est ex filiis Soncini, et peregrinatur hic (Ger - som) in urbe Pisauri „ • Hanc ergo epigraphem et aeram legens Wolfius, samech cum mem confudit annumque effecit roS seu 247« Conjeceram olim falsam hanc editionem recensens De hebr.typogr. orig.p. 76 Woiftum in exscribenda epigrapbe alterius editionis Pisaurensis anni 274, Cbristi 1514 quae et ipsa apud nos. est, postremum numerum alteri oscitanter praeposuisse et ex 274 effecisse 247. Annales Hebraeo-typographici sec. XV
  • Paribeni, professor at the University of Pisa, and a regalist. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • My distinguished colleagues include the legendary tenor Plácido Domingo, as well as counter-tenor David Daniels, mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato, bass-baritone Luca Pisaroni, soprano Lisette Oropesa, and counter-tenor Anthony Roth Costanzo. Danielle de Niese: Inspired to Inspire
  • The common thread, the unifying idea behind the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and also the separate (although not separately seen by western media or governments) moderate and secular hatred and despisal of the U.S. and its allies is a combination of occupation and religious intolerance. American Raj - Book Review
  • Drugi po redu film iz serijala Sumrak - Mladi mjesec, dolazi u kina 20. studenog, the spisateljica je vrlo blisko suraivala s reiserom filma kako bi radnja knjige bila vjerno prenesena na veliki ekran. Stephenie Meyer na gostovanju kod Oprah otkriva pikanterije iz ...
  • Among the other ice creams to be served are several alcohol-based flavours like Baileys Irish Cream, French fruit and herb liquor Pisang Ambon, and Curacao.
  • JEJU JEJU! do gory nogami wszystko. acha, Aska jutro na ASP przyjezdza. spotkanie organizacyjne maja.fajnie. to byloby na dzis. obiecuje, ze poprawie sie z pisaniem. tymczasem ide przygotowywac sie do spania - pewnie niedlugo Brat wroci z pilki i siadzie do kompa. swoja droga lubie, kiedy siedzi przed komputerem, a ja juz leze w lozku i czytam. mM: * 42!!! previous - next latest entry about me archives notes -
  • He was patronized by the Pisani family and he was the official portrait painter to the Venetian academy.
  • The famous tower of Pisa leans at an angle.
  • Fossils from this site include both early ornithischians, such as Pisanosaurus, and putative early saurischians, the two major lineages of dinosaurs.
  • At the western extremity of Florentine territory (in the outskirts of Pisa) was a historic Petrine site, the Romanesque church of San Piero a Grado.
  • Born Galileo Galilei in Pisa, Italy, Galileo was a philosopher, inventor, astronomer, and mathematician who made fundamental contributions to the sciences of motion, astronomy, and strength of materials and to the development of the scientific method. Five People Born on February 15 | myFiveBest
  • By all means make it look appetising, but do not overdo the plate-decorating, nor feel you have to emulate restaurants, and stack everything up like the leaning tower of Pisa.
  • We saw the leaning tower of Pisa from the air, which was special. Firenze
  • So I compared the data that Pierre referenced from the Economist to the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) data on student performance around the world (both are 2006 studies). Innovation
  • Afghanistan Islam Ramazan Mubarak islam muslim kabul balkh herat mazar afghan afghanistani panjshir kandahar farsi khorasan tajik hazara pashto pashtun hamid karzai ahmad shah masood massoud iran tajikistan tajik parwan kapisa helmand kandahar khost paktia paktika ghazni ghor badakhshan kunduz kabuli khurasani tolo tv ariana tv khorasan tv hamid qaderi habib qaderi ehsan aman farhad darya wahid qasimi wahid saberi naghma mangal nashinas gul zaman peshawar - Photown News
  • In the 15th-century Palazzo Pisani, Karla Black has made the kind of work that whets the appetite for the Turner prize, the award she is tipped to win this December: boulder-size bundles of sugar paper chalked over in shades of peach and pistachio and bedecked with talcous mounds of plaster powder; sheets of paper sprayed with fake tan; and balsa wood painted with eyeshadow. Karla Black at the Venice Biennale: 'Don't call my art feminine'
  • Except for a few hillsides, which are terraced with trails to gain more flat terrain for beginner skiers, the terrain matches that of the Pisa range.
  • I know that the Mayor of Pisa, if he had any say in it at all, would like the tower to be reopened in June next year to coincide with the feast of their patron saint.
  • Also in the West, this kind of mathematics came fully to surface only after seven centuries or so, in the famous Liber abaci of Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonacci) around 1200 A.D. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The '' 'Leaning Tower of Pisa' '' is the '' campanile '' (bell tower) belonging to the Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • It was a snatch from a popular chorus, something he had heard sounding all over the town of Pisa one April night, one of the first bland and summer-like nights of the year, that Flavian had chosen for the refrain of a poem he was then pondering -- the Pervigilium Veneris -- the vigil, or "nocturn," of Marius the Epicurean — Volume 1
  • There is no negative correlation between Pisa scores and language learning. Times, Sunday Times
  • When World War II broke out, Pound almost fanatically addressed American troops in broadcasts on Rome Radio, which ended in 1945 with his arrestment by partisans and imprisonment by U.S. Forces in a Disciplinary Center near Pisa. Ezra Pound
  • Who hasn't heard of the Leaning Tower of Pisa?
  • the tower of Pisa is far out of plumb
  • As the burly adventurer Trelawney tells it, Shelley and his friend Jane Williams were boating in the Gulf of Spezia near Pisa and the poet was in a dark reverie. Lev Raphael: Is It Time to Throw Out Your Books?
  • I've toed the track after your own leading, I'm jist as poor as ever, and ten times more despisable, -- I am, d-- n me; for I'm a white Injun, and there's nothing more despisable. Nick of the Woods
  • Of uk quit smoking help who bogbean defunctness on the trucker or on a longitudinal pisanosaurus at coquettishly stertorously a duramen migratory they loweringed delusively nisi contusion as a cocuswood. Rational Review
  • [Return to the letter] 15 The family with whom Carlino lived in Pisa from September 1822 to May 1824 (Stillinger 135n12). New Letters from Charles Brown to Joseph Severn
  • The booty did not teach the Pisans how to engage in trade, any more than it taught them how to govern.
  • Anything but resentment there would have been unnatural, not to say inhuman and despisable, in a daughter. V. V.'s Eyes
  • Did you pay a visit to the leaning tower in Pisa while you were in Italy?
  • He is 35 and a fellow journalist who works at the regional TV station in Pisa, we move on to discuss the demise of the typewriter and then his recent trip to South America. Danna Harman: Couch Surfing and Me
  • Jean Pisani-Ferry, director of Brussels-based think tank Bruegel, said France should focus less on fiscal belt-tightening and more on jump-starting its economy, even if it means higher deficits in the near term. Fresh Worries of Recession Grip Europe
  • In this way he arrived at Tumipampa, within the territory of Quito, whose Sinchi, named Pisar Ccapac, was confederated with Pilla-huaso, History of the Incas
  • There are workers ordering egg and cheese sandwiches on kaisers from nearby Vilotti & Pisanelli Bakery, retired guys from the neighborhood having Ellis coffee and toast and sharing a carton of half-and-half.
  • I recently travelled second class from Pisa to Ventimiglia.
  • And whereas you taxe me, that I cannot live here without capitall sin; farre is the thought thereof from me: for, here I am regarded as the wife of Pagamino, but at Pisa, you reputed me not worthy your society: because, by the point of the Moone, and the quadratures of Geometrie; the The Decameron
  • RT @nizejpodpisany: Niech fani zimnego lecha tak głośno nie rechoczą z tych spod krzyża. Made in Wisła | the POLSKI blog
  • The newcomer was not an Adonis, perhaps, but he was one compared with the awkward, leaning Tower of Pisa "cornstalk," who carried the jack-knife as "the homeliest man in the section. The Lincoln Story Book
  • In the following year he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Pisa.
  • Pisanello is at his most innovative in his drawings, as is also Jacopo Bellini.
  • And if Catherine despises me need she render her despisal more cruel by the liking she has for that naughty Friar The Queen Pedauque
  • And he would say this without any talent for self-despisal, with a sorry show of good humour, repugnant in its torment .... Loulou
  • In Pisa, at such an hour, the Arno is the emblem of Despair. Alone
  • The Pisaniinae comprise ovate to fusiform gastropods whose shells are sculptured with axial ribs and finer spiral cords and threads.
  • Bentsi-Barnes IK, Barlow GM, Bae J, Pisarska MD (2009) Sumoylation of forkhead L2 by Ubc9 is required for its activity as a transcriptional repressor of the Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory gene. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles

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