

[ US /ˈpisə/ ]
  1. a city in Tuscany; site of the famous Leaning Tower

How To Use Pisa In A Sentence

  • Also, lets not forget more POW organizations and their universal despisal of Japan. Japan should not budge an inch » Japundit Blog
  • The countryside of Pisa had been ravaged by aerial bombardments and artillery barrages, leaving only a wilderness of roofless houses and smoking craters.
  • While Giovanni Pisano's Siena Cathedral façade may have provided an inspiration for Maitani's design, his style of execution as a sculptor is more independent in character.
  • Pisa Tinoisamoa, Nick Roach and Hunter Hillenmeyer will fight for the strongside job. Even with Jay Cutler in place, can Bears put it all together?
  • (Taste, July 9): A bitter debate surrounded the announcement of the Bollingen Prize to the profascist and anti-Semitic Ezra Pound for" The Pisan Cantos, "judged by a panel of highly regarded poets to represent the best poetry of 1948. Art Stands Apart From the Artist
  • Page 166 would best answer this soil and climate, as he was thought no despisable gardener at home. Journal of a Lady of Quality; Being the Narrative of a Journey from Scotland to the West Indies, North Carolina, and Portugal, in the Years 1774 to 1776
  • Personally I haven't still read anything past The Omac Project I'm from Spain and it's being released now, here but I've been told that the final "abuse" on the Golden Age, Earth-2 spirit is despisable. Comic Book Urban Legends Revealed #142 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • As art historians Alex Nagel and Chris Woods have argued, by faithfully depicting a Greek from the east, Pisanello may have felt he was also looking back in time at the Greece of Socrates and Praxiteles. Gopnik's Daily Pic: The first commemorative medal
  • By all means make it look appetising, but do not overdo the plate-decorating, nor feel you have to emulate restaurants, and stack everything up like the leaning tower of Pisa.
  • Pentru a forţa comunităţii ştiinţifice pentru a da greutate egal cu fiecare bit prostie unprovable a ideologiei religioase, s-ar pisa progresul ştiinţific se opreste. »2007» February
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