
How To Use Pick In A Sentence

  • As I did at FIAC, I selected 18 galleries and asked their most anglophonic expert to pick an image and talk about it for under two minutes. Michael Kurcfeld: Doing Shots: The Old and the New at Paris Photo 2011 (VIDEO)
  • If there was any hope of holding on to even a shred of her dwindling self-respect, she should do exactly what she knew Margo would do—close the laptop, take her de-scrunchied, perfumed, and nearly thonged self down to the nearest club, pick up the first passably good-looking stranger who asked her to dance, and bring him back to the apartment for some safe but anonymous sex. Goodnight Tweetheart
  • It should be a baritone scoring game and the unfortunate should be in early disceptation for a top 3 pick. Xml's
  • People were gulping down sundowners, women seemed to be, rather disinterestedly, sipping their drinks and picking up a bite.
  • It bothered me a little that I didn't have a pickup, and I couldn't see doing much off road driving with my Mustang fastback.
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  • Ketheral looked around the inside of the armory, picked up a chainwhip, a normal whip, a brace of throwing knives, and a couple of shields.
  • Mr. Sorapong, 35 years old, selected industrial estate developers Hemaraj Land & Development PCL and Amata Corporation PCL among his top picks, with Hemaraj returning 147% over the course of 2010 and Amata providing a 99% return on investment. Real Estate
  • I picked a piece of fluff off my shiny black suit.
  • I picked up the faint sound of a car in the distance.
  • Of course, this kid dreams of a place like this island, where nobody works except to keep house and pick wild blueberries and beachcomb. Diary
  • CNN ... why arent you covering all the "handpicked," townhalls for Obama and theliberal dems? No media allowed at Palin speech in Missouri
  • I picked up a piece of wood and started carving.
  • Looking at Yankee Stadium (home of the world champion Yankees) it appears you can buy a ticket for one of the nosebleed seats, and then after the game starts pick any seat you want from about row 10 up.
  • I believe it has its own atmosphere because it is built in what you call a caldera, but I may have picked that information up from like a Syfy TV movie about the Coming Global Superstorm, or invented it in my own mind. Television Without Pity
  • Pick one meal a day from each colour-coded section. The Sun
  • He picked up his first booking for a 45th-minute foul on Bull.
  • Gamers familiar with some tracks will easily be able to pick out certain landmarks or other features from their real-life counterparts.
  • Alice played a clear note on the flute, picked up the piccolo and tried it.
  • The orchestrated escort and the accompanying police violence in clearing the picket reflected the involvement of city based police, the local constabulary having been cooperative with the workers.
  • Instead, go to the departure area of the airport and pick up a taxi that has just dropped somebody. Times, Sunday Times
  • Erin Lyle, co-owner of Marty's Auto on Rathbone Avenue, told the Daily Herald "We have three houses right next to us and we've never had a noise or nuisance issue ... they're (city) not picking on tattoo parlors or grocery stores or anyone else. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Traffic officers claim the new gun can't be picked up by speeding motorists who use radar detectors to avoid being caught.
  • By the same token, if you pick up a strange rash, you will want to see a doctor in case it really is flesh-eating bacteria.
  • With no requalifying for the Ryder Cup, no wild-card picks and no apparent animosity, the only thing to talk about has been how poorly many of the team members are playing.
  • An orbiting satellite picked up a distress signal from the ship's emergency beacon, standard equipment on all modern boats.
  • The dangers for girls were especially acute: “It is estimated that two-thirds of the girls who appear before the Court charged with immorality owe their misfortune to influences derived directly from the movies, either from the pictures themselves or in the ‘picking up’ of male acquaintances at the theatre!” A Renegade History of the United States
  • The first two Toyota pickups we got into wouldn't start, even with eight men rocking them to get the engine to catch.
  • It was picked up on a £300 scanner near Andrew's naval base at Portland, Dorset.
  • They were picked up too, and brought into hangars by metal claws on strong wires.
  • Brown bags of pasta stand ready to be combined with cans of Italian tuna, homemade pickled vegetables, home-canned tomato sauce, and jars of his favorite imported red peppers.
  • The first man picked up the end and threaded it through the loop on his leg iron.
  • They didn't pick up any ground against Boston, who spent its day walloping Toronto to remain two games in front of New York. Yanks Smack Cleveland Again
  • I strongly recommend you pick up the book next time you spy a copy on someone's bookshelf.
  • Meeting Moshe is not going to mean that you'll get published by Tor, or even picked up by him. Want to break in? Come to Minicon.
  • The first two British charter jets picked up 413 refugees last night. The Sun
  • The music picked up the tempo and overhead a saxophone played sweet jazz.
  • We're going to Andreas's Boutique to pick out something original for both of us.
  • On a recent morning, Evers steered his pickup truck through a Central California almond grove, his drawling sales pitch at the ready.
  • At the touch of a button one of the blank monitors blipped to life, displaying a scene that was being picked up by a hidden remote camera.
  • A picket was organised last week after receivers Robson Rhodes refused to withdraw redundancy notices issued to 67 staff.
  • All phospholipids are hygroscopic and pick up water if they are not handled properly under inert gas atmosphere.
  • Lily picked Petal up and put her back in the tote.
  • The team built a robot which could distinguish a slug from a stone and pick it up.
  • If you don't know my husband I should mention here that he's what you'd probably call a picky eater. Scribbit | A Blog About Motherhood in Alaska
  • In the wild there is no piste patrol to pick up the pieces, and the mountains bristle with rocks, cliffs and cornices.
  • I would wear it with hoop earrings and thong sandals that were picked up in Capri beforehand. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can pick up a background porky flavour, but they're way too sweet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Competitors have been able to cherry pick the profitable areas, such as business mail. Times, Sunday Times
  • As they are picked off one by one, the pace remains snappy and the viewing experience is over before you know it. The Sun
  • Tuesday, 19 February 2008 first signs of spring - centre piece of the month february pick whatever flowers you get at the supermarket to make this little basket filled with flowers. ranunculus are my favourites and available all over the place at the moment, so i chose to put them into this flowery centrepiece. the orchid is quite fancy but you just really need one to pimp this up (and it keeps for ever!). a rose or two, some ivy and green leaves from the forest and you are all set. to get started line a basket with some foil and trim on the edges. soak some floral foam in water and place in the basket, when soaked wet (can be really, really wet - it will have to work as a vase to the flowers), eventually cut and trim the floral on the edges, so that it resembles an arch. trim flowers and green leaves and stick into pot. start doing so on the bottom of foam, working upwards until you have an even flowery centrepiece. make sure foam stays moist - adding some water from time to time. Archive 2008-02-01
  • 'Th' Rambler fr'm Clare 'beautifully on what they call a pickle-e-o befure they sarved a rayplivin writ on him. Mr. Dooley: In the Hearts of His Countrymen
  • A pickup truck was circling the pond, which flushed some birds out of the reeds and into the open water.
  • The photographs of black cotton pickers, including young children, are reminders of the harsh reality underlying the glory.
  • After first-round draft pick Sylvester Morris ended a 20-day holdout by signing a seven-year deal, the team didn't want to waste any time getting him on the field.
  • He picks up sensations, like electrical charges, from the hard inner walls that contain him.
  • The hard labor of the farm was mostly done by them, and on the floor of the big kitchen, toward sundown, would be squatting a circle of twelve or fourteen "pickaninnies," eating their supper of pudding (Indian corn mush) and milk. November Boughs ; from Complete Poetry and Collected Prose
  • Winners will be picked from all correct answers received. Times, Sunday Times
  • But any candidate who does not reach 15 percent in a given precinct is deemed ‘not viable,’ and his supporters will then pick another.
  • In its third section, the piece lands into a melancholy return with a re-established tonic and some layered guitar/autoharp picking.
  • The best-known dressing-up dish is kimchee, vegetables pickled in sweetish but mostly hot red chili paste touched with garlic and ginger.
  • She picked herself up and stumbled over to the wall, bracing herself against it.
  • She explained moreover that wherever she happened to be she found a dropped thread to pick up, a ragged edge to repair, some familiar appetite in ambush, jumping out as she approached, yet appeasable with a temporary biscuit. The Ambassadors
  • If long-term rates rise with a pickup in the economy and increasing demand for capital, the bonds will lose value.
  • I wake up in the morning and before I even get out of bed, I pick up my celly, go to and check my Padres score. Falling Off the Bandwagon
  • While I'm not picking this title up unless Cass gets treated properly, I will say that the artist who made the teaser is very good. Who’s behind the mask this time? | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Rosheen watched as Postine came into view on the big screen, her massive frame picked out in infra-red against the night.
  • The story - probably apocryphal - is that William Webb Ellis at Rugby School in the nineteenth century picked up the ball during a soccer match and ran with it, inventing rugby.
  • It is a kind of effervescent drink that you make by adding water to the crystals and it is supposed to ‘pick you up’ and get you ready to go when you have had too much to drink the night before.
  • By statute, the borough council has 30 days from the date of the nominations to pick one of the three to become mayor. Home News Tribune - News
  • She will spend a week relaxing in the Californian sunshine with a select team of stylists hand-picked from across the globe.
  • These are hand picked results from the guids that should all be good results for the query (see screen shot below of results for “Paris Hotels” – click for larger view). Baidu coming to Britain?
  • The new law will still allow peaceful picketing.
  • He picked up a necklace belonging to Dylan that had been concecrated and, concentrating on Dylan, used it to scry with.
  • Thereby, you will be able to navigate your way ahead, carefully picking your route around bloated wobbly people, inconsiderate ‘wallowers’ and arsey posers as they try to impress the girls.
  • I'm used to Emily saying things like that, so I don't take any notice, just nod and pick up a bottle of peach nectar off the shelf, slosh it around, wrinkle my nose.
  • Black olives are picked when ripe and are pickled in brine and sometimes then in oil.
  • Pay a visit to the camp infirmary, get your clothes deloused, or just park yourself in the latrine and fight that nasty case of amoebic dysentery you picked up along the way - it's up to you.
  • Also, for some reason, interlibrary lending never did pick up in India (and most other parts of the developing world).
  • Requests are supposed to be passed on to the city's Clean Teams, gangs of four in special red uniforms and marked vans who not only pick litter but also prune and weed green spaces.
  • In addition to weekly episodes of our human rights broadcast, we were also producing 'fortnightly' (a word we had picked up from Anita and begun to employ widely!) editions of Body Shop Television -- a unique, in-store television magazine devoted to internal communication among Body Shop employees and managers. Rory O'Connor: There Was Nothing Like This Dame
  • When I was older I became interested in ornithology, and I brought into play the expertise I had picked up. LEARNING TO TALK: SHORT STORIES
  • However much we can all appreciate the arguments in favour of renting, most of us still hanker after the long-term idyll of bricks, mortar and a white picket fence. Are we better off renting?
  • In the Best Supporting Actor category, Chris Cooper deservedly picked up the gold statuette for his barnstorming performance in Adaptation.
  • Mr. Summers organizes the meetings, usually picks the topic, and sometimes acts as a devil's advocate.
  • He redialed the number of the bodyguard and waited for him to pick up.
  • In the periphery of the oxidation, copper mineralization occurs as chalcopyrite, bornite, tennantite and mispickel.
  • I've a bone to pick with you.
  • Growing up bilingual in English and German, Hobsbawm picked up three or four other languages along the way (he reproves monoglot historians for their provincialism).
  • Fields was wearing a set of the new jungle fatigues and boots that the advance party had picked up for him.
  • You know the drill: cut the grass; bag the clippings; haul them to the curb for pickup.
  • I sighed and then picked up my crutches, hobbled to the door, and down the hall of the apartment to the living room.
  • It was foolish of you to pick a fight with a heavyweightboxing champion!
  • Pickles has earned widespread plaudits since taking office for his energetic and radical approach to reforming local government. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jay snuggled back down into his goose down pillows and picked up a tennis ball to ideally throw at the ceiling, then he looked at Chris who was still fumbling with his words.
  • The pickup features an exclusive transducer that Guild claim offers advanced sensitivity and dynamic range as well as low noise levels.
  • One of the biggest dangers to commuters at the time was the constant threat of pickpockets and other petty thieves preying upon unsuspecting victims.
  • During an earlier scene of cooperative fruit picking with Cambodian and Laotian refugees, we are offered an opportunity to meditate on a pan-Asian Thailand of agrarian-pastoral well-being, and a move away from the tense border security of the 70s when refugees from Cambodia and Laos led Thailand to turn sharply to the right. Michael Vazquez: ON THE 48TH ANNUAL NEW YORK FILM FESTIVAL
  • Being that the last two No. 1 picks have received at least $30 million in guaranteed money, well, all together now: Better get it right. Guiding draft principle amid NFL's money woes: Get it right
  • The car industry in the rustbelt is miserable. Factories making thirsty pickup trucks are cutting back or closing.
  • Many simple things, for example picking up an item, activating a switch or initiating a dialog, can be done with a single mouse click.
  • Chickadees, crossbills, goldfinches, nuthatches, siskins, and woodpeckers pick the winged seeds out of pine and spruce cones.
  • Julie picked at the small amount of food she had put on her plate.
  • `When the guest room's fixed up, I'd like to invite Howard and Karin to stay," she said, halting to pick up a cowrie shell. OUT OF THE ASHES
  • It offers first-class dust pick-up thanks to a new floorhead especially designed for low wattages. Latest Press Releases
  • So he then proceeded to try to pick up the mouse, but instead succeeded in smearing the chopped up mouse all around. Camfire? Ok here's a story.......
  • Since '96, Montreal has been home to Fang, her pipa (the Chinese lute) and the stack of awards and honours she picked up in her native China.
  • A 2-inch link keeps the bracket below the top of the tailgate for pickups with toppers.
  • It showed two white police pickup trucks, with large bullbars on the front bumpers, plowing separately into a group of protesters. Headlines
  • Winners will be picked from all correct answers received. Times, Sunday Times
  • This week we had a carrot salad with diced chilies, pickled lemon rind and cilantro.
  • This same theme is picked up in his later works.
  • Sometimes people don't just pick up the phone & ring Crimestoppers out of some sense of duty, but they will do it for filthy luker. 200 Weeks
  • Then he would eat his favourite food by picking off choice meat off of the bone of extra rare chicken tikkas.
  • When I was last in Barbican part of the shell of the house was still standing, roofless, disfloored, diswindowed, and pickaxed into utter raggedness, as so much rubbish yet waiting to be removed from the new railway gap. The Life of John Milton
  • Besides picking the more familiar lemon balm, coltsfoot and mullein, I found myself picking honeysuckle flowers for their antibacterial and antiviral properties.
  • Watching the boy toss, turn and slip in and out of a light doze, Laras wondered if he wasn't somehow picking up on his father's tension and frustration in some subtle way.
  • Come on, you haven't got time to pick and choose.
  • Eventually it would have been picked up at about 3.00 am when a despatcher was doing some housekeeping on the system. Parklife « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Very few workers were willing to cross the picket line .
  • It's also a preservative so most pickles contain vinegar of some kind. The Sun
  • A sport utility vehicle, or SUV is a passenger vehicle which combines the towing capacity of a pickup truck with the passenger-carrying space of a minivan or station wagon.
  • Manned Orbiting Laboratory gloves with sharkskin palms and sewn-in steel fingernails, so nimble that an astronaut could pick up a dime while wearing them, even when they were pressurized; long johns laced with plastic pipes, to water-cool the wearer; and box after box of headgear, including Armstrong's gold-visored external helmet, once thought to have been left on the moon. The Seattle Times
  • Picking a character involves moving the stylus from the stamen into a petal, and then back to the stamen (in some cases via another petal). Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » 2005 A sight for sore thumbs?
  • The single crochet is just like picking up a stitch then binding it off as you go. Yay for google! « Compulsive Knitter
  • He gave the receptionist his name and she picked up her phone and spoke into it briefly. LOST SUMMER
  • One thing The Sleepy Jackson has done though, is pick a quality support act, in the shape of The Delays.
  • But Ruben liked to pick and pick at her until she exploded so he could turn around and call her childish.
  • In the debate, the cockney cannily picked Derek, the professional speechwriter, to be on his side.
  • She turned the key in the ignition and they left Pickering Beach, driving west.
  • When I picked up the case that had the deprogrammer in it, the case had Grene written on it (although Geenen is etched in the plastic of the actual deprogrammer, meaning my dentist got it right but one of the staff didn't), and when I got called to the pharmacy window to pick up a prescription, they called me as Grinnen. Table Tango
  • My task is to winnow through what remains after the onslaught and pick up unconsidered trifles they might have missed. THE FIVE MILLION DOLLAR PRINCE
  • Trip flares, attached to low pickets, can be placed around a position or in an ambush site, and may either be fired when an enemy touches a tripwire or initiated by the defender or ambusher.
  • Gardeners regularly stroll the grounds, picking up stray pieces of trash and trimming unruly bushes.
  • A new patient came into the office recently and told me she picked me over my partners because of the sheer amount of material displayed under my generic bio information on our practice website.
  • This non-dairy whip icing has a ‘fresh picked’ strawberry flavor, silky texture and delicate, pink color that's perfect for any dessert.
  • The salmon they carried from Berwick was boiled, pickled in brine and delivered in barrels known as kitts.
  • Opponents would claim that the sight of placard-wielding pickets outside various religious functions presents the Gospel in a poor light.
  • But I picked up the Geodesica omnibus from the SFBC and I am totally getting Saturn Returns when it's out. Back on Cover Art
  • In a video provided by the French military, the forces are seen rappelling from a helicopter at night with night vision goggles, before the aircraft lands in a field to pick up a man, who appears to be the Japanese ambassador to Ivory Coast. France rescues Japanese envoy in Ivory Coast
  • Unions held demonstrations and picketed across the country. U.K. Public-Sector Workers Strike
  • A pickpocket can cut through the straps with a sharp knife.
  • The telly and the players pick up on crowd vibe like no other sport. The Sun
  • She did some fingerpicking, then strummed softly again.
  • Back in the 1870s, when the project began, the 480-foot-long pit was dug with shovels, picks, burros, and a whole lot of muscle.
  • They had, it seemed, picked the wrong person to do it.
  • He picked up speed and dashed through the ever-increasing crosswinds of sand.
  • I think -" "I've a pretty little mare, pure Arab - bought her for breeding, but she's proving deuced picky, altogether unamenable. ON A WILD NIGHT
  • I picked up the wrong bag by mistake.
  • Jolly's bunk was at the back of the radio room, and he would have had to pass Kinnaird and Grant to get out, not forgetting that he would also have to stop to pick up the Nife cells. Ice Station Zebra
  • It would be easy to pick on individual measures in isolation and ask,'What is so special? Times, Sunday Times
  • Hoping they weren't already in bed, I picked up Chandler's cordless telephone and dialed my number.
  • That causes such hassles for retailers as longer police-response times, as well as less-frequent snow plowing and trash pickup.
  • I have to say, the one year I was on a high detectability plan _ I had to cover the first $6000 of family medical expenses before the insurance would pick up. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Why Obamacare 2.0 is Like Cap-and-Trade
  • The cost savings paid for the SUV's independent rear suspension, which can be shared with the pickup should the market demand it.
  • The Frenchie is a Bloody with a Dijon bite balanced with a blue cheese-stuffed olive plus pickled asparagus, a pickle, lemon and lime.
  • Back then, messenger companies would lump all the pickups and deliveries together on one invoice.
  • I grabbed an ice pick off the sledge and tramped away from the camp towards the face of Portal Mountain.
  • And the title essay picks up this theme: "Let the dedicated activist never overshadow the dedicated servant of literature — the matchless storyteller. Books: Sontag's Last Stands
  • Pickron, who had experience in the background-screening industry, soon learned the landscaper was a convicted felon released from prison two years earlier. | news
  • I could not have picked a more exposed position on the pitch to take the capsule. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grunting, he picked up one sack, bearing it with him as he finished the circuit of the booths.
  • Detroit: The rebuilding Pistons, looking for help along their front line, drafted Austin Daye, a 6-11 sophomore from Gonzaga, with the No. 15 pick — the third player selected in the first round who is the son of a former NBA player. Team-by-team analysis: T'wolves have guards covered
  • I think you have done well in avoiding the topic altogether; but between ourselves, do you really think that the refinement of manner, the censorious, hypocritical, verbal scrupulosity, which is carried so far in this "picked age" of ours, is a true sign of superior refinement of taste, and purity of morals? Characteristics of Women Moral, Poetical, and Historical
  • This gave the Field a chance to catch up while the hounds cast back and picked up the line without help from the Master.
  • Otherwise, beginning on the 15th day, Natural Source Store will automatically charge your credit card or debit card a total sum of $79.99 for the South Beach Smile Deluxe Kit, which is a 1 month supply and includes: 4 syringe applicators, retainer case for storage, tongue scraper, color shade guide and an interproximal pick, which you previously received as a trial. LAist
  • Let everie sound of a pitch keep still in reson-ance, jemcrow, jackdaw, prime and secund with their terce that whoe betwides them, now full theorbe, now dulcifair, and when we press of pedal (sof!) pick out and vowelise your name. Finnegans Wake
  • Next month the amount of material recycled should further increase, since charges for garbage pickup will double.
  • We decided that in the future, when a truck returned from a pickup, we would put all the boxes in a temporary holding area marked by a cone.
  • In the bigger waters, maskalonge and, of course, any amount of pike and pickerel. The Man from Glengarry; a tale of the Ottawa
  • He stooped to pick up the carrier bag of groceries.
  • Use the discount code and pick up some awesome T-shirts, like a skeletonized Hello Kitty shirt or a T-shirt with Edward and Bela Lugosi! And the All-Time Champion of the World Is...
  • As the country's political heavyweights picked city youngsters off a playground slide, it was clear that these images were designed to kick-start the conference in the Sunday papers.
  • England had no choice but to pick three players making their debuts. Times, Sunday Times
  • I needed more than just overused cliches to pick up my sprits by then.
  • He picked up a washcloth from the counter and ran cold water over it.
  • Motorists can wait for free until arriving passengers call to say they are ready to be picked up.
  • I picked up an interesting sedimentary rock that was the exact shape of a rhombus.
  • Don't bother with the scenic railway, grumped the driver who picked us up from the Megalong Valley once we'd landed.
  • Therefore I reasoned, the longer I left it before I started sewing, the longer it would be before I was squinting well into the night unpicking it.
  • Goodenow and his cohorts tell the players that fans support them, but just who the heck does the NHLPA think will back their picket line when the owners turn to replacement players next winter?
  • You need to be able to pick up on emotions without seeing people. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'd like to be picking holes in him but he was mightily impressive at Leopardstown and seems to have it all. Times, Sunday Times
  • The team also picked up five silver and three bronze team medals at the event.
  • Picking up three crisps and two biscuits, he slides them around the coffee table to make his point. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moto-cross, skate or snowboarding - take your pick - the look is very similar, if not the same.
  • Physical Geology is full of such selections — of the picking out of the soft from the hard, of the soluble from the insoluble, of the fusible from the infusible, by natural agencies to which we are certainly not in the habit of ascribing consciousness. Essays
  • Ven was her first thought when she picked up the receiver.
  • He munched his way through 165 kernels, picking them up with a toothpick.
  • When it came for picking teams for tours abroad they were ignored.
  • Oh, and let me tell you… I already did my hair, brushed my teeth, shaved, plucked, primped, deodorized, sprayed myself with cologne and got dressed before he even picked out the underwear he was going to wear.
  • It rang three times, then someone picked up the receiver.
  • So now, from the very moment that someone picks up a foil to learn how to fence they can start developing the same skills that are associated with top level fencing performance.
  • While my pickoff has been a valuable asset my entire professional career, only in the last season and a half have I come close to perfecting it, including ways to better set up what I call my "A" and "" A+ "moves. Baseball Prospectus
  • The pair then picked off the colours and gained four points from a foul to win the game 50-41.
  • Sarah Pickin, 23, spotted the ancient piece of "confectionery" during a dig in north-west Finland, but had to check with colleagues whether her hunch was correct or if it was in fact a fossilised piece of animal dung. Student Finds Neolithic Chewing Gum | Impact Lab
  • Arriving at the pickup point early, she honked the horn and kept on honking until Peter finally appeared and descended from a high embankment on a slideway of fractured sandstone. From This Beloved Hour
  • The drunk was picking at one of his pockets, he had pulled it inside out.
  • Some twenty minutes after the accident the patient used a spoonlike earpick to remove a bony fragment from deep in his ear canal and we identified this as the malleus that had been fractured at its manubrium.
  • I grabbed her, picked her up, and swung her around like they do in the movies.
  • In these solitary regions, the cattle under the charge of our drovers subsisted themselves cheaply, by picking their food as they went along the drove-road, or sometimes by the tempting opportunity of a _start and owerloup_, or invasion of the neighbouring pasture, where an occasion presented itself. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 280, October 27, 1827

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