How To Use Physical body In A Sentence
His physical body is being attacked by weakness of limbs, parchedness of throat, horripilation and hair standing on end.
Its root cause - a sense of identity narrowly defined by the physical body and self-limiting thoughts and emotions - is transformed into radiant equanimity.
Descartes' position, called substance dualism, has raised fundamental questions about how a non-physical mind could have an effect on a physical body.
The principle of sympathetic vibration mentioned above also provides the explanation of that strange and little-known phenomenon called repercussion, by means of which any injury done to, or any mark made upon, the astral body in the course of its wanderings will be reproduced in the physical body.
The Astral Plane Its Scenery, Inhabitants and Phenomena
Just as the blood is circulated through our physical body, so energy flows through and between the subtle bodies.
According to spiritualists, the spirit dwells in the physical body, but can leave it temporarily or permanently.
The shackles of my physical body had faded away and instead I was free and floating above it, surrounded by a bright white light.
The Sun
It becomes strictly an observer, and it no longer is'connected'to the physical body.
The mind is the experiencer of suffering, not the physical body.
Cathars were dualists, believing in the co-existence of good (the soul) imprisoned within evil (the physical body).
Like them he favors a mysticism which maintains that the astral body - a duplicate of the physical body but composed of a finer substance - is what needs to be treated when one is ill.
This catalyst taught me how the inner energies of the seven chakras function as the physical body moves and is inspired through the different types of music.
Isaac Newton documented that the etheric body, commonly referred to as the aura, holds a source of energy that is needed by the physical body.
These physical effects of withdrawal indicate that the physical body craves for more of the drug and that it is physiologically addicted.
In other words, materialistic naturalism says that there is nothing more to me outside of my physical body.
As you bring awareness back into your physical body.
Apart from the physical body parentally endowed, spiritual life is also needed, viz. taking refuge in the Triple Gem, to a Buddhist adherent.
In the major part of his teaching he clearly says the flesh is only the physical body, and it is the body which is the ‘seat of sin’.
They also worked on my physical body in ways that would have caused unbelievable pain in the real world, opening my entire abdominal cavity and coating the insides with a white, chalky substance.
I feel an integrative approach to health is necessary, as after all we have a physical body and an energy body.
Ultimately this closes the entrances to the Chakras at the meeting place of auric field and physical body (skin level).
The depictions of corporeal decay delineate the destiny of the physical body and portray the mysterious transitional state between this and the other worlds.
She took a few moments to find the normal connections between her mind and her physical body.
Instead of a conceptual, allegorical framework leading Dante up into the unifying vision of God as the Supreme Pleasure, there is only the unpurified, physical body tied to the social in all its gross materiality.
No longer in your natural state, you suddenly discover that the physical body has severe restraints.
It is a ‘hands off’ healing modality that teaches people how to scan the aura or the energy field that surrounds the physical body.
The physical body is a temporal miscreation, the result of our choice to listen to the ego.
And for that matter, a stronger link could be forged between a mage's physical body and this sanctuary and stretched as tightly as a harp string Even if the moment of death were instantaneous, making it impossible for Ma'ar to do what Falconsbane had done and make the conscious flight along the link into the sanctuary~ the release of the tension at the end linked to the living physical body would literally snap the spirit into its sanctuary~ whether or not the mage himself was even aware of what was happening to him.
Storm Rising
In Celtic Spiritual tradition, it is believed that the soul radiates all about the physical body, what some refer to as an aura.
They are terms used to describe a mysterious state of awareness, or presence, that is the driving or animating force behind the externalized, concrete physical body that surrounds it.
They also show that divinity, such as the deities of the temples, is pure like the atman, which is not affected by sexual desires and other characteristics of the physical body. - Articles related to Hindus in ritual tongue-piercing in east India
This view, much less common than the spiritual view, provides that Adam was created in the corporealism, or the belief that God has a physical body.
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The corporeal, physical body is the tangible, seeable, touchable body, manifesting the desire of the spirit energy, to see itself manifest into a form that proves and provides its worth to all.
This bio-plasmic body that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body called the ‘etheric’ body, is responsible for maintaining vitality, good health and well being at all levels.
The duration of the null zone will be uncomfortable for any physical body that is not "lightened up.
Since the worshipper accepts God as his Creator, the physical body thus already belongs to Him.
Humans - and everything that has ‘life’ - have an etheric body which looks identical to the physical body but functions at a higher frequency.
Paradoxically, the physical body from which the putrescence comes scarcely seems to touch the earth with its weight.
Now the spirit is Life, and throughout the universe Life ultimately consists in _circulation_, whether within the physical body of the individual or on the scale of the entire solar system; and circulation means a continual flowing around, and the _spirit_ of opulence is no exception to this universal law of all life.
The Hidden Power And Other Papers upon Mental Science
Let your mind be quiet, and observe the sensations of your physical body - blood flow, heartbeat, lungs moving, an itch.
It's the counterpart of the physical body. A ghostlike configuration made of pure energy.
The 68 O n e of t h e five bodies can manifest the power of a given di - taking man's subjective conscious - phosphene geometries are simply work directly with the template of vine Name which, in turnJ mani - ness body out of his physical body the internal read-out! the many worlds.
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The physical body can be cured by treating the astral body with energy healing.
Plotinus, however, described the body itself as an eidolon - a simulacrum or phantom - of the soul: for him, the physical body was less real than the soul, and the soul in turn less real than divine Being.
The physical body provided external signs that variously reflected or imposed on the interior soul the state of its moral health.
The shackles of my physical body had faded away and instead I was free and floating above it, surrounded by a bright white light.
The Sun
We work with the outer form of our physical existence by bringing our complete attention to the physical body, which is the primary basis for our clinging.
In particular, we shall look at the issue of whether objects must be individuated under the kind of sortal expressions that correspond to Aristotelian substance concepts, or whether a more generic notion, such as physical body, will suffice.
Though as I've noticed, doing auric repairs on someone even without their involvement will cause their physical body to repair itself to match the change in their energetic body.
In Tansley as in Brennan you will find descriptions of a hierarchy of subtle energy sheaths or bodies called the etheric, emotional, mental and higher bodies that surround the physical body.
The epiphenomenal view of mind
ALTEA: I see them as physical beings, because we have what is known as the etheric body, the spirit body, which is the same shape and the same size as the physical body.
CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Rosemary Altea Discusses `You Own the Power' - March 15, 2000
Do I not take responsibility for my stress when I lift the geode and consciously transform the stress energy into something healthier for my physical body?
Mulla Sadra was keen to insist upon the Qur™anic account of bodily resurrection but he recognised that it was difficult to provide a philosophical account of the resurrection of this world's physical body.
Mulla Sadra
The shackles of my physical body had faded away and instead I was free and floating above it, surrounded by a bright white light.
The Sun
The Red Balloon was now big and round and felt more alive, now he had substance, a hollow physical body.
The physical body is composed of the elements earth, water, fire, air and ether.
The second is that the interaction between non-physical mind and physical body breaks some law of physics: it is because of something to do with the physical, with physical law, that the problem arises.
We simply step out of the physical body and are in our astral body, going on in the mind as usual.
A therapist will also work on the chakras of the physical body, after clearing blockages on limbs and organs.
In this disturbing comic story the narrator has become disconnected from his physical body and identity, observing his family as a ghost.
The Times Literary Supplement
It was discovered, however, that the physical body could be re-energized.
There is a shift from the physical body of the sovereign to the more abstract body of the state—a reinvented monarchical body.
Her mind was still as sharp as glass shards, though her physical body was lacking in vigor.
We are not just the physical body or ego/personality but a composite of various energy bodies such as etheric, emotional and mental.
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We can say, then, that physical tension is emotional or mental tension stored in the physical body, in the muscles.
After the day's activity, the senses no longer afford keen sensations, and as it is the energy of these sensations that keeps the consciousness "centred" in the brain [5]; this consciousness, when the senses are lulled to sleep, centres in the finer body, which then leaves the physical body with a slight shock.
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