physical body

  1. alternative names for the body of a human being
    he has a strong physique
    the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
    Leonardo studied the human body
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How To Use physical body In A Sentence

  • Its root cause - a sense of identity narrowly defined by the physical body and self-limiting thoughts and emotions - is transformed into radiant equanimity.
  • Descartes' position, called substance dualism, has raised fundamental questions about how a non-physical mind could have an effect on a physical body.
  • The principle of sympathetic vibration mentioned above also provides the explanation of that strange and little-known phenomenon called repercussion, by means of which any injury done to, or any mark made upon, the astral body in the course of its wanderings will be reproduced in the physical body. The Astral Plane Its Scenery, Inhabitants and Phenomena
  • Just as the blood is circulated through our physical body, so energy flows through and between the subtle bodies.
  • According to spiritualists, the spirit dwells in the physical body, but can leave it temporarily or permanently.
  • The shackles of my physical body had faded away and instead I was free and floating above it, surrounded by a bright white light. The Sun
  • It becomes strictly an observer, and it no longer is'connected'to the physical body.
  • The mind is the experiencer of suffering, not the physical body.
  • Cathars were dualists, believing in the co-existence of good (the soul) imprisoned within evil (the physical body).
  • Like them he favors a mysticism which maintains that the astral body - a duplicate of the physical body but composed of a finer substance - is what needs to be treated when one is ill.
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