How To Use Photojournalist In A Sentence
Try to think like a photojournalist who thinks in advance about the images wanted.
The more skilled you are as a reporter, photojournalist, copy editor, designer, or producer, the more likely you will step up to the challenges.
CNN's John King, the first team in there, along with photojournalist Dave Ross (ph), the best in the business there in Everglades City, giving you a sense of what appears to be a bullet dodged, which is we say that very tentatively because we still have yet to really assess the damage in the wake of Wilma.
CNN Transcript Oct 24, 2005
Kalpesh Lathigra's photojournalistic folios are worth the visit.
The legendary photojournalist died on Tuesday at his home in the South of France.
A diplomat's son, a photojournalist, a wealthy adventurer, a Peace Corps veteran - these are unlikeable characters, but affecting and recognizably products of a bloated yet dominant America.
Chris de Bode, an award-winning photojournalist, travelled to Brazil, India, Pakistan and the United Republic of Tanzania to gather the stories.
And as tolerance for the suits increased, a new-to-the-scene French star, the seventeen-year-old Brigitte Bardot, created a sensation in 1953 posing for photojournalists in her strapless floral bikini on the beach in the ritzy capital of European cinema, Cannes.
The English Is Coming!
He was a photojournalist for Life; mainstay at the Magnum Photo agency (where one can view dozens of images from his ouvre); mentor and booster to scores of photographers; founder of the Fund for Concerned Photography (a phrase Capa himself conceived); chief champion, along with his friend Richard Whelan (who passed away last year), of the legacy of war photographer Robert Capa, Cornell’s older brother.
David Friend: VF Daily
If your camera is disturbing the peace in court, on the golf course or any other venue where silence is golden, photojournalist Sam Cranston's US$125 Camera Muzzle sound blimp for pro film and digital SLR cameras may be for you.
All photojournalists who respect their subjects find that victimized people are very willing to show the world their lot.
But it's a long journey, and before he confronts the renegade colonel, Willard must first face all manner of trippy imagery, including the American Air Cavalry strafing a Vietnamese village to the sound of amplified Wagner, Robert Duvall declaring that he loves "the smell of napalm in the morning", a riot triggered by frugging bunny-girls, a Californian surfer on LSD and Dennis Hopper as a madly babbling photojournalist.
Apocalypse Now: No 1
Just looking at the photo of the "photojournalist" sleeping next to the candidate speaks volumes.
Want to keep talking about Edwards?
I usually work with a wide angle zoom on one body and a telephoto zoom on another, like most photojournalists.
Presenting work by photojournalists on museum walls is nothing terribly new.
We were not using motors or autowinders which were rarities in the military for photojournalist at that time.
A Japanese photojournalist on Wednesday again expressed remorse to victims and their families of a blast at Amman airport in May after being pardoned and released from prison in connection with the fatal blast.
Miller was the first photojournalist to witness these scenes, and the images she captured are indelibly etched on the public consciousness.
He portrays a freelance assassin and grisly photojournalist.
A photojournalist is 'transported' to a mysterious world?
Sci Fi (SyFy) Orders Three 'New' Mini-Series
He sees them as a way to extend photojournalism's reach, and to expand the photojournalist's reporting role.
The picture speaks of the artistic ambitions of the photojournalist.
Like many good photographers, his career began in newspapers, passing with credits his National Council for the Training of Photojournalists exams.
It was great to get back to my roots as a newbie "photojournalist" and just take pictures of places I enjoy and finding the story in them.
Archive 2008-10-01
I take an entirely different approach to it, and I say any decent photojournalist is a good storyteller, and they're probably not too bad technically.
Archive 2005-01-01
He started his career as a photojournalist in Rome.
The film would drape Galella in the robe of a "photojournalist".
Martin London: Smash That Infomercial!: The Omissions and Lies in HBO's Film About Ron Galella
Photojournalist Manuel Varela de Seijas Brabo, who works under the name Manu Brabo, was in touch with his parents by phone at least once. - News
An immigrant buffeted by war and with little formal education, he learnt his trade as an intern before marching out on his own as a photojournalist.
Uncommonly in the context of a horror film, Karloff is not top-billed; though his bearded and begoggled visage looms large in the psychedelic opening credits with the film's title spelled out in animated bones, à la ABBOTT & COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN, that distinction falls to dashing Jean-Pierre Aumont, who stars as photojournalist Claude Marchand.
Archive 2006-12-31
Photojournalist Manuel Varela de Seijas Brabo, who works under the name Manu Brabo, was in touch with his parents by phone at least one.
NPR Topics: News
I know as a photojournalist your main job is to capture the action on the field, but I'm glad you got those slice of life shots as well.
Bruins go into hibernation
Gilden's subsequent career as a photojournalist is a one-sided conversation with his flawed dad.
East of Eden
A diplomat's son, a photojournalist, a wealthy adventurer, a Peace Corps veteran - these are unlikeable characters, but affecting and recognizably products of a bloated yet dominant America.
Among the overjoyed masses gathered in Times Square that day was one of the most talented photojournalists of the 20th century, a German immigrant named Alfred Eisenstaedt.
To capsulate photojournalism: photojournalists tell stories with visual verbs.
Archive 2005-07-01
He came across a man who was burying a child. This scene was photographed by both Pablo Bartholomew and Raghu Rai, another renowned Indian photojournalist.
The photojournalist is the best analogy, since like a scientist the journalist has an obligation to represent the phenomena faithfully, but also compellingly.
Pretty pictures
A photojournalist is charged with taking his publisher’s daughter, in her early 20s, back to the United States before Mexico is quarantined again for the aliens’ frisky season.
Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
This work illustrates her recent turn from appropriating photojournalistic images and portraits, toward obscuring the body.
Professionals photojournalists concern themselves with authenticity daily, and that is the reason for his comments.
Anna started working as a wedding photographer and photojournalist straight out of art school in 1991.
Here the photojournalists themselves have come to share some of the artists' suspicions of visual journalism, without yet being able to offer an alternative.
The London-born photojournalist was tired of her job with the Baltimore Sun.
Videographers, like photojournalists, must also give consideration to end users of their work.
The catalogue refers to the photographers as documentarists (an older word might be photojournalists).