[ UK /fˌəʊtəʊdʒˈɜːnəlˌɪst/ ]
[ UK /fˌəʊtəʊdʒˈɜːnəlˌɪst/ ]
- a journalist who presents a story primarily through the use of photographs
How To Use photojournalist In A Sentence
- Try to think like a photojournalist who thinks in advance about the images wanted.
- The more skilled you are as a reporter, photojournalist, copy editor, designer, or producer, the more likely you will step up to the challenges.
- CNN's John King, the first team in there, along with photojournalist Dave Ross (ph), the best in the business there in Everglades City, giving you a sense of what appears to be a bullet dodged, which is we say that very tentatively because we still have yet to really assess the damage in the wake of Wilma. CNN Transcript Oct 24, 2005
- Kalpesh Lathigra's photojournalistic folios are worth the visit.
- The legendary photojournalist died on Tuesday at his home in the South of France.
- A diplomat's son, a photojournalist, a wealthy adventurer, a Peace Corps veteran - these are unlikeable characters, but affecting and recognizably products of a bloated yet dominant America.
- Chris de Bode, an award-winning photojournalist, travelled to Brazil, India, Pakistan and the United Republic of Tanzania to gather the stories.
- And as tolerance for the suits increased, a new-to-the-scene French star, the seventeen-year-old Brigitte Bardot, created a sensation in 1953 posing for photojournalists in her strapless floral bikini on the beach in the ritzy capital of European cinema, Cannes. The English Is Coming!
- He was a photojournalist for Life; mainstay at the Magnum Photo agency (where one can view dozens of images from his ouvre); mentor and booster to scores of photographers; founder of the Fund for Concerned Photography (a phrase Capa himself conceived); chief champion, along with his friend Richard Whelan (who passed away last year), of the legacy of war photographer Robert Capa, Cornell’s older brother. David Friend: VF Daily
- If your camera is disturbing the peace in court, on the golf course or any other venue where silence is golden, photojournalist Sam Cranston's US$125 Camera Muzzle sound blimp for pro film and digital SLR cameras may be for you.