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How To Use Phantasm In A Sentence

  • And how coincidental is it that he just happens to be working with Angus Scrimm, star of my all time favorite horror film ‘Phantasm.’ The Tail Section » 2007 » May
  • It will come as no surprise to their fans that the film is a phantasmagoria of sickly colours, psychedelic flourishes and jarring optical tics, all reflecting the state of mind of a character way out on the edge.
  • They thought He was a ghost, a phantasm, an apparition, a spirit, anything except their Master.
  • Yet the realist vision shifts to the phantasmagoric, as spectator and spectacle undergo carnivalesque reversals and interpenetration, in their darkest and most violent manifestations.
  • Exposed to the light, the monk's inner demons and the phantasms of his dreams would no longer seem quite as frightening or threatening.
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  • The phantasmagoria or magic lantern show is one of the ‘figures not yet at her command’ in which her preverbal consciousness is assimilated to a spectacular model.
  • You can see why audiences lap up the comedy, the colour and the phantasmagorical love story at its heart. Times, Sunday Times
  • Six was a phantom - a ghost, a ghoul, a phantasm, a hallucination, a side effect of Stray's medicine, some unknown effect of acid, something of that sort.
  • It's a tremendous challenge to the realist novel, and at the same time, one of its greatest opportunities ever -- this dislocation into simulacra and statistics, a phantasmagoric world of global warming PowerPoints and Big Brother reality shows. Anis Shivani: Why American Reviewers Disliked Ian McEwan's "Solar": And What That Says About the Cultural Establishment
  • Its contents were by turns phantasmagorical, hyperreal, surreal, and saturnalian.
  • The battle could not have been fought forty years ago, because, on one side, the Church was an idle phantasm, the gentleman too ignorant, the workman too merely animal; while, on the other, the Manchester cotton-spinners were all Tories, and the shopkeepers were a distinct class interest from theirs. Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet An Autobiography
  • Brilliant flashes of color shot past the windows like phantasmal fire works.
  • Aristotle's Greek word, that is commonly and traditionally translated as "[mental] image" is “phantasmaHis Name Was Do Re Mi
  • This certain interval will give rise to the eerie phantasmatic ir-reality of the Sanatorium as a result of the contamination and rapid decomposition of time. Celebrated Animators The Quay Brothers Return with a New Feature | /Film
  • Consider Ecuador's endangered phantasmal poison frog -- smaller than a dime, but an extract from its skin blocks pain 200 times more effectively than morphine, seemingly without addiction and other serious side effects. Peter Seligmann: America's Commitment to Nature: Another Endangered Species?
  • Floop's island castle is a phantasmagoric fantasyland where anything can happen, and does.
  • For a short while the flaming phantasma lingered firm and orb-like, while the space between itself and reality grew to a hand's breadth; then slowly deliquesced. Fountains in the Sand Rambles Among the Oases of Tunisia
  • The flickering shadows and darting phantasms on the walls reminded me exactly of some sights I once encountered in a cave in Spain, filled with art.
  • Call it rather a sort of beggarly day-dreaming, during which the mind of the dreamer furnishes for itself nothing but laziness, and a little mawkish sensibility; while the whole materiel and imagery of the doze is supplied ab extra by a sort of mental camera obscura manufactured at the printing office, which pro tempore fixes, reflects, and transmits the moving phantasms of one mans delirium, so as to people the barrenness of a hundred other brains afflicted with the same trance or suspension of all common sense and all definite purpose. Coleridge, Biographia Literaria, III footnote 1 « Unknowing
  • He writes of ‘simulacrum’ as the ‘of something that is incommunicable in itself or unrepresentable: literally the phantasm in its obsessional constraint.’
  • As Nead compellingly demonstrates, the volatile magic of gaslight lent enchantment and vitality to the pursuit of pleasure after dark, recreating the city as a vast stage set or Benjaminesque phantasmagoria.
  • It possessed a phantasmagoric nightmarish atmosphere, as you might have anticipated from a ballet inspired by Goya's gritty, bitter 18th century etchings Los Caprichos.
  • A warm body up against his flesh, too warm, too real, to be a phantasm of the night. THE LONGEST WAY HOME
  • Moreover, though every intellectual act is accompanied by sensory motion, and especially by some sense representation (phantasma) evoked in the imagination, nevertheless sensation and sensuous representation (phantasma, image) differ essentially from the idea produced in and by the intellect, which is an immaterial, supersensuous and superorganic power or faculty. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • His twitterview today with Jake Tapper is full of examples as he talks about Iran not so much as an actual country full of actual people doing actual things in a difficult situation, but instead as a kind of phantasmagoric canvass onto which we should paint a tableau of American hubris and militarism. this Tweet: Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • As I write this, all the beings and happenings of that other world rise up before me in vast phantasmagoria, and I know that to you they would be rhymeless and reasonless. CHAPTER I
  • The company is the dance equivalent of Salvador Dali, creating weird phantasmagorical worlds.
  • The long shadows cast by rows of the sculptor's phantasmagorical figures take on a haunting significance. Times, Sunday Times
  • But like any other principle claiming ultimacy, it is nothing but a phantasm - a mere assumption, an assertion, a claim - one which reigns supreme simply due to its success in excluding other, competing claims.
  • Science seems to offer him a point from which to view the helter-skelter human sagas created by the phantasms of mind and emotion.
  • Yet we discover later all kinds of reasons and motivations which, while presented in phantasmagoric contexts, are not without significance. 'Pleasure is now, and ought to be, your business': Stealing Sexuality in Jane Austen's _Juvenilia_
  • A notion which corresponds to our word concept was defined as a phantasm of the understanding of a rational animal. Guide to Stoicism
  • Barrowvians, _i. e._ a grotesque kind of phantasm that frequents places where prehistoric man or beast has been interred; Planetians, The Sorcery Club
  • But, beyond what we will never know or understand about this often deliberately cryptic film, can we intuit a core logic, a phantasmal logic, which holds it together?
  • Not so coincidentally also about the CIA, another 'phantasm' that you were deeply deluded about too. Heads up staffers, tips to avoid a Health Care "Town Hell" (Blog for Democracy)
  • The ending offers a particularly haunting and poignant gesture - the reunion of a family torn apart on a purely phantasmic, spiritual cinematic plane.
  • a great concourse of phantasmagoric shadows
  • Drawing on archival materials, they bring together image, text and music into a series of haunting, phantasmagorical narratives. Times, Sunday Times
  • As far as I can tell, your argument, which you inist Mr. Sidgwick must accept if he wishes to avoid being bespattered with innuendo about Final Solutions, is as follows: if the phantasms I, John Roosevelt, conjure up are true representations of reality, then a negotiated settlement is impossible; therefore, a negotiated settlement is impossible. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • She looked troubled but shook her head; she said it was a phantasm and warned me to tell no one else. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • a phantasmal presence in the room
  • A warm body up against his flesh, too warm, too real, to be a phantasm of the night. THE LONGEST WAY HOME
  • The piece begins with an unusual take on what H.W. Fowler called polysyllabic humour, ‘electrocardiogram’ and ‘phantasmagoria’ appearing in lieu of swear words.
  • Indeed in the citation above Mulvey characterizes the formation of the ego as a kind of ‘phantasmization’ of the subject.
  • A garland of betony worn at night was a specific against phantasma or delusions and a head poultice of crushed teasel a spiky plant with hooked spines would relieve the symptoms of the frenzy.20 Another popular belief was that a rosted Mous, eaten, doth heale Franticke persons.21 Bedlam
  • Called Arnolfini, in honor of the Flemish painter Jan van Eyck, the bejeweled chandelier, rendered out of glass containers, including egg cups and poison bottles, suggests a phantasmagoric Still Life painting. Out of the Gallery and Into the Home
  • She can make no sense of how her phantasmal projection can surface into reality.
  • Phantasmagoria portray the unspeakable, they rise above the written language.
  • They released a string of brilliantly weird hits with phantasmagorical Tim Pope videos and amassed huge success in America.
  • Mere words could never capture the phantasmagoria of our dreamscape.
  • The lake was phantasmal by night and, moreover, relatively smoke-free. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Shakespeare seems to use it ( 'phantasma') in this passage in the sense of nightmare, which it bears in Italian. The New Hudson Shakespeare: Julius Cæsar
  • Call it rather a sort of beggarly day-dreaming, during which the mind of the dreamer furnishes for itself nothing but laziness and a little mawkish sensibility; while the whole materiel [sic] and imagery of the doze is supplied ab extra by a sort of mental camera obscura manufactured at the printing office, which pro tempore fixes, reflects and transmits the moving phantasms of one man's delirium, so as to people the barrenness of an hundred other brains afflicted with the same trance or suspension of all common sense and all definite purpose. Gothic Visions, Romantic Acoustics
  • It is also populated by visitors from dreamland, including a phantasmagorical travel agent (yes, really). Times, Sunday Times
  • With a pastiche of scores by Chopin, Schumann, Shostakovitch, and Rimsky-Korsakov, Nijinsky is a phantasmagoria.
  • Christianity; the phantasma, the shade (not the soul) of tile dead. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • If there is no external cause, then the supposed object of the impression was a "phantasm," such as a figure in a dream, or the Furies whom Orestes sees in his frenzy. Guide to Stoicism
  • Molly was looking out of her window, as it went past her with the slow beginnings of speed, watching the faces that drifted by, in a kind of phantasmagoric show, never more to be repeated, when, in the further corner of a third-class carriage near the end of the train, she caught sight of a huddled figure that reminded her of Walter; a pale face was staring as if it saw nothing, but dreamed of something it could not see. Home Again
  • The works are beguilingly small, and in clean acrylic colours on canvas, have a phantasmagorical kaleidoscopic effect, which is dizzying in its intensity.
  • They thought He was a ghost, a phantasm, an apparition, a spirit, anything except their Master.
  • The rest of the service was phantasmagorial background to that great reality — a phantasmagorial background a little inclined to stare. Love and Mr Lewisham
  • He was sitting at a supper-table smoking a cigarette, and gazing somewhat sadly -- it seemed to me -- at the pandemoniac phantasmagoria of screaming dancers, the glittering cosmopolitan chaos that multiplied itself riotously in the mirrored walls of the great flaring ball-room, where under-dressed women, waving many-coloured paper lanterns, rode on the shoulders of grotesquely clad men prancing to joyous music. The Grey Wig: Stories and Novelettes
  • NBC producer David Michaels and director John Gonzalez put a phantasmagoria of images up on screen in the more than an hour-and-a-half of the telecast.
  • The phantasmal poison frog from Ecuador and Peru, for example, secretes a painkiller called epibatidine that is 200 times more powerful than morphine - and non-addictive.
  • She looked troubled but shook her head; she said it was a phantasm and warned me to tell no one else. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • Once Banks arrives in Shanghai, however, the story enters a more phantasmagoric world, and nightmarish and unreal events seem to occur.
  • This phantasmagorical gothic tale is designed to confuse at times. Times, Sunday Times
  • The change was almost phantasmagorial, as if the sun had burst through the fog upon that face: it became clear, bright, almost radiant. The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid
  • They thought He was a ghost, a phantasm, an apparition, a spirit, anything except their Master.
  • Fans proclaim it a visionary masterpiece, a mind-expanding, phantasmagorical inner-space odyssey. Times, Sunday Times
  • Take, for instance, Master Holofernes's vituperation of Don Adrian de Armado in _Love's Labour Lost_, and see what you can make of it: 'I abhor such phantasms, such insociable and point-devise companions, such rackers of orthography, as to speak Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 460 Volume 18, New Series, October 23, 1852
  • It is highly probable, that a singular piece of phantasmagoria, which was certainly played off upon the Commissioners of the Long Parliament, who were sent down to dispark and destroy Woodstock, after the death of Woodstock
  • In the first place, the sensory information collected by the single senses is distinguished, synthesized, and collated by the higher sensory faculties of the common sense [sensus communis] and the so-called cogitative power [vis cogitativa], to be stored in sensory memory as phantasms, the sensory representations of singulars in their singularity. The Medieval Problem of Universals
  • Its contents were by turns phantasmagorical, hyperreal, surreal, and saturnalian.
  • He knew that he must seek them in their own social world, and to this he would surely be raised by his phantasmagorial income of thirty shillings a week. The Fortunate Youth
  • These scenes of retrieval of the past are presented as Jones's dreams or hallucinations, half-light phantasmagoric visions.
  • [2854] In another place he laughs those men to scorn, that think longis syrupis expugnare daemones et animi phantasmata, they can purge fantastical imaginations and the devil by physic. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Is the phantasmagoria of sound and noise and color really passing or is it all an illusion here in my brain?
  • The rest of the service was phantasmagorial background to that great reality -- a phantasmagorial background a little inclined to stare. Love and Mr. Lewisham
  • Not that my life has been a wild bacchanalian phantasmagoria of debauchery and dissipation, but I've had my moments.
  • Called Arnolfini, in honor of the Flemish painter Jan van Eyck, the bejeweled chandelier, rendered out of glass containers, including egg cups and poison bottles, suggests a phantasmagoric Still Life painting. Out of the Gallery and Into the Home
  • A dream world was born: phantasmagoria, hallucinations, angels in paradise, the sun, moon and stars personified, vividly imagined.
  • The way the moonbeams hit his face made him look pale and phantasmal, like he was a just an illusion sitting there against that dripping tree.
  • The flicker of candlelight illuminated the darkened dining room, creating phantasmal shadows dancing upon the walls.
  • Phantasma Gloria" has become a local landmark.
  • You go further and would touch the phantasmagorial veil. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • In capitalist societies it is only the definite social relationships of men themselves, which in their eyes takes on the phantasmagorial form of a relation between things. Commodity fetishism, Sign-value, and Seduction
  • But that's mere prelude to the film's raison d 'ê tre: a phantasmagoric journey through the Buddhist equivalent of hell in which the entire cast is treated to all imaginable — and some hitherto unimaginable — tortures. Haunting Films From Japan
  • Others (pardon me in tracing the institutions of learning and asserting that they were called phantasm, prejudice and blasphemy) have been heralding their pitifully and destructively ignorant doctrine, that the 'Africans spring of the monkey species;' that 'they became black from Ham, who had a curse from his father, Noah.' Once a Methodist; Now a Baptist. Why?
  • These scenes of retrieval of the past are presented as Jones's dreams or hallucinations, half-light phantasmagoric visions.
  • This is called abstracting the universal idea from the phantasmata, but the term must not be taken in a matrialistic sense. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • In any case, it is abundantly clear that, in many even if not all cases, Aristotele uses "phantasma" to refer to what we now call a mental image. His Name Was Do Re Mi
  • These paintings harbour a menagerie of folk-monsters, a phantasmagoria of apparitions that might be beatific angels or might be ghoulish extraterrestrials.
  • Some images of the film seem heightened, romantic, expressionist, oneiric (like the phantasmal image of Raynal struggling against the wind).
  • The Wordless Music Orchestra, clad in phantasmal white, performed Gavin Bryars ' 1969 piece "The Sinking of the Titanic. All Aboard the RMS Guggenheim
  • Wordsworth's poetics, where such despotism was closely linked, in Wordsworth's mind, to the mad assortment of visual technologies thronging the London market, such as panoramas, dioramas, raree shows and phantasmagorias. Introduction: Gothic Romance as Visual Technology
  • Increasingly his memories collide with phantasmagorical Circles of Hell and apocalyptic visions.
  • Not that my life has been a wild bacchanalian phantasmagoria of debauchery and dissipation, but I've had my moments.
  • But it was impossible to say whether these excogitated phantasms should be played thus or otherwise, and whether the ultimate meaning was how things change or how they don't.
  • Many of the short movements sound like the phantasmagorical release of long pent-up frustrations, regrets and even anger. Times, Sunday Times
  • The NATO bombing also produced imagery that performs a phantasmatic imaginary, an epic Hollywood film where mighty men and high-tech bombing machines save Kosovar women in babushkas and elderly Albanians in wheelbarrows.
  • Raphaelo Florienborque, leader of the Phantasms, joked that maybe they should take that phrase literally.
  • Herbert even went so far as to plead guilty, when Grisel gave him the cue, of having a little heightened and overcoloured his story of the restless phantasmal old creature that haunted their queer wooden hauntable old house. The Return
  • The nomad and romantic in him, troubled and restless with Ukrainian myth, legend, and song, impressed upon Russian literature, faced with the realities of modern life, a spirit titanic and in clash with its material, and produced in the mastery of this every-day material, commonly called sordid, a phantasmagoria intense with beauty. Taras Bulba and Other Tales
  • collection of perceptions" which makes up our consciousness may be an orderly phantasmagoria generated by the Ego, unfolding its successive scenes on the background of the abyss of nothingness; as a firework, which is but cunningly arranged combustibles, grows from a spark into a coruscation, and from a coruscation into figures, and words, and cascades of devouring fire, and then vanishes into the darkness of the night. Hume (English Men of Letters Series)
  • So hour after hour passed, through which, between vain attempts to sleep, I managed to wade through many pages of Rosny's Le Termite -- a not very cheerful proceeding, I must say, concerned as it is with the microscopic and over-elaborate recital of Noel Servaise's tortured nerves, bodily pains, and intellectual phantasma. CHAPTER XI
  • Its contents were by turns phantasmagorical, hyperreal, surreal, and saturnalian.
  • But I prefer to use the word phantasm as hinting the indefiniteness into which the Soul spills itself when it seeks to communicate with Matter, finding no possibility of delimiting it, neither encompassing it nor able to penetrate to any fixed point of it, either of which achievements would be an act of delimitation. The Six Enneads.
  • Chiara and Fabio are part of the same movement or fashion or compulsion: they have come from Italy especially for the convention, parading faces completely covered in phantasmagoric designs finished off with piercings. Tattoos: Eyecatching – but are they art?
  • It has even become fashionable for them to be non-scary, so reliant have we become on stretching the literary uses of disembodied spirits and other phantasms.
  • The full text is divided into three parts:Then phantasmagoria dragon, the lion image, and the dragon, lion is in construct decorate of function.
  • Springtime seen lacily through a phantasmagoria of song. Star-Dust
  • However, Aristotle's use of phantasma seems to collapse this distinction. His Name Was Do Re Mi
  • The neighboring paintings, by contrast, were phantasmagorically alive, their fine ribbons of line vacillating between chance and intention.
  • Albert explicitly rejects the Averroist view of the active intellect as itself a celestial intelligence, a single, separate substance which actualizes in the passive intellect phantasms supplied by individual human minds. Dante Alighieri
  • They brood over and revolve it -- the idea grows up, a horrid phantasmalian monomania; and all of a sudden, in a hundred different places, the one seed sown by the leaden types springs up into foul flowering. Night and Morning, Volume 3
  • We therefore see that some find in Ignatius's method illuminism, hallucination, and phantasmagoria; others see in it nothing dazzling, but rather dulness and insipidity. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Jim's first impression of London was an ocean of flying mud, through which myriads of phantasmagorial creatures and things moved in sullen, unceasing procession; an all-enveloping wall of brown fog; and a roar like unto some monster in pain. Colorado Jim
  • Some of them begin with the appearances of ghostly wrongdoers and phantasmal murders, but in the end they are revealed to be hoaxes or misapprehensions of the Scooby Doo ilk. Book Review: The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | Fandomania
  • I'm using my eternal rest to the full, though - my spectral pottery skills are coming along nicely, and I'm pretty hopeful that I'll get to cop another phantasmal feel of Demi Moore's norks. Archive 2009-05-01
  • But visions and dreams, whether natural or supernatural, are but phantasms: and he that painteth an image of any of them, maketh not an image of God, but of his own phantasm, which is making of an idol. Leviathan
  • Someone had set up a strobe light in the back, so the dancing figures were in silhouette, and their movements appeared to consist of a series of slides; like the images from a phantasmagoria.
  • Phantasm is a virtual reality adventure game.
  • They wanted to talk to the creator of the phantasmagorical striding figures that have subsequently become so very famous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile the Usual Suspects ™ witter on about that phantasmal, oxymoronic contruction, "liberal fascism. Archive 2009-02-01
  • The ancient killing spirit unleashed on Fairgeth became a large man in a white ape suit—formidable, easier to create, but hardly phantasmal and not as menacing. The Codex Continual » Bulwark Media: Max Dawes
  • It was real blood, composed of lymph and crassamentum, and not a mere celestial ichor, as the Phantasmists allege. Specimens of the Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • The world-sickness of the White Logic makes one grin jocosely into the face of the Noseless One and to sneer at all the phantasmagoria of living. Chapter XXXVI
  • They look not only fantastic but satisfyingly phantasmagorical. Times, Sunday Times
  • A partial scene of the Great Harmany should be ensured by the Uni-ty, if the Great Harmony las a phantasm vision, can not be achieved forever.
  • The second cause of absurd assertions I ascribe to the giving of names of ‘bodies’ to ‘accidents, ’ or of ‘accidents’ to ‘bodies, ’ as they do that say ‘faith is infused’ or ‘inspired, ’ when nothing can be ‘poured’ or ‘breathed’ into anything but body; and that ‘extension’ is ‘body, ’ that ‘phantasms’ are ‘spirits, ’ etc. Chapter V. Of Reason and Science
  • The rest of the ride was an enfevered phantasmagoria. Your United States Impressions of a first visit
  • Bollywoods Most Wanted barefeet blogger in the soul of a sculpted rock indigenous like entombed neither this nor that a pedestrian poet he bloomed tryst with destiny capsized and doomed bejeweled moments sartorial spirituality packaged costumed link after link on a facebook mushroomed a twittering tragedy a madman of mumbai assumed words words more words enwombed from his deadwood body after his death as poetic testimony of ill fate exhumed posthumously phantasmagorically perfumed Archive 2009-10-01
  • Yet this self-protective brand of public service was of no account to the Lordly Phantasms.
  • He could often be found sitting cross-legged onstage, using just his guitar, his beat-boxing skills and a battery of effects pedals to concoct phantasmal full bands. Rocking the Mic
  • Warburton and Johnson, read _vice versa_: This is abominable which he would call abhominable, which destroys the poet's humour, such as it is, who is laughing at such fanatical phantasms and rackers of orthography as affect to speak fine. A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 2
  • That ignorance was on prominent display after New Hampshire, as analysts groped to explain the primary results and came up with explanations that were as offensive as they were phantasmagorial. Susan Faludi: The Correct Hillary Stereotype: Competence
  • She looked troubled but shook her head; she said it was a phantasm and warned me to tell no one else. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • And out of the phantasmalian group of objects there grew a single slim, well-remembered figure in red, to dazzle him with her strange, unexpected beauty, and to soothe him with an unspoken faith that began then and had not yet faltered in her lovely eyes. The Rose in the Ring
  • Sometimes, though, ghosts can be all the scarier when they are less phantasmagorical. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has lifted figures directly from Masaccio, and his works suggest Arcimboldo 's phantasmagorical heads and the flayed bodies of Andreas Vesalius' s 16th-century tome on human anatomy. Prospecting Some Personal Landscapes
  • The diversity of literary vision offers rhetorical phantasm great space in both form and content , while the aesthetic value of rhetorical phantasm extends the expression vision of literary language .
  • These paintings harbour a menagerie of folk-monsters, a phantasmagoria of apparitions that might be beatific angels or might be ghoulish extraterrestrials.
  • A phantasm that appeared to M. Brutus, in his tent, said to him, Philippis iterum me videbis. The Essays
  • Logic makes one grin jocosely into the face of the Noseless One and to sneer at all the phantasmagoria of living. Chapter 36
  • The phantasmagoria includes a scene depicting the French emperor reviewing an army of hideous demons.
  • But his pictures of nature are fine only as imaging the dreaminess, and obscurity, and confusion of distempered sleep; while all his agents pass before our eyes like shadows, and only impress and affect us with a phantasmagorial splendour. Famous Reviews
  • Phantasm is a virtual reality adventure game.
  • Exploring the relationship between literary vision and rhetorical phantasm plays a significant role in the appreciation of literature language from the narrative perspective.
  • Like the generality of people who are psychic and who have never had an experience of the superphysical, my conception of a phantasm was a "thing" in white that made ridiculous groanings and still more ridiculous clankings of chains. Animal Ghosts Or, Animal Hauntings and the Hereafter
  • ‘It was only a terrible phantasm trying to take root in my imagination,’ he reassured himself.
  • All these we have included under the term phantasm; a word which, though etymologically a mere variant of phantom, has been less often used, and has not become so closely identified with visual impressions alone. Henry Sidgwick
  • Russian literature, faced with the realities of modern life, a spirit titanic and in clash with its material, and produced in the mastery of this every-day material, commonly called sordid, a phantasmagoria intense with beauty. Taras Bulba
  • He creates a bad-dream atmosphere, a phantasmagoria of boredom, futile journeys, wasted lives and endless, incantatory meetings.
  • It's an unreal, phantasmagoric place, Ford's America: an unashamedly sublime, romantic, sinister spectacle.
  • Mere words could never capture the phantasmagoria of our dreamscape.
  • A warm body up against his flesh, too warm, too real, to be a phantasm of the night. THE LONGEST WAY HOME
  • Very arguably, Aristotle's views about imagery (phantasmata) cannot be fully understood in isolation from his views about imagination (phantasia), which he defined as “(apart from any metaphorical sense of the word) the process by which we say that an image [phantasma] is presented to us” (De Anima 428a 1-4). His Name Was Do Re Mi
  • What Ms. Surno describes as an "ornate, lush, gorgeous orgy" is a 29-minute phantasmagoria. Making Beautiful Music With Film
  • They alone preserve the phantasmagoria of bookland and dreamland. Twenty-One Days in India; and, the Teapot Series

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