[ US /ˌfænˈtæzəm/ ]
[ UK /fˈɑːntæzəm/ ]
  1. a ghostly appearing figure
    we were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us
  2. something existing in perception only
    a ghostly apparition at midnight
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How To Use phantasm In A Sentence

  • And how coincidental is it that he just happens to be working with Angus Scrimm, star of my all time favorite horror film ‘Phantasm.’ The Tail Section » 2007 » May
  • It will come as no surprise to their fans that the film is a phantasmagoria of sickly colours, psychedelic flourishes and jarring optical tics, all reflecting the state of mind of a character way out on the edge.
  • They thought He was a ghost, a phantasm, an apparition, a spirit, anything except their Master.
  • Yet the realist vision shifts to the phantasmagoric, as spectator and spectacle undergo carnivalesque reversals and interpenetration, in their darkest and most violent manifestations.
  • Exposed to the light, the monk's inner demons and the phantasms of his dreams would no longer seem quite as frightening or threatening.
  • The phantasmagoria or magic lantern show is one of the ‘figures not yet at her command’ in which her preverbal consciousness is assimilated to a spectacular model.
  • You can see why audiences lap up the comedy, the colour and the phantasmagorical love story at its heart. Times, Sunday Times
  • Six was a phantom - a ghost, a ghoul, a phantasm, a hallucination, a side effect of Stray's medicine, some unknown effect of acid, something of that sort.
  • It's a tremendous challenge to the realist novel, and at the same time, one of its greatest opportunities ever -- this dislocation into simulacra and statistics, a phantasmagoric world of global warming PowerPoints and Big Brother reality shows. Anis Shivani: Why American Reviewers Disliked Ian McEwan's "Solar": And What That Says About the Cultural Establishment
  • Its contents were by turns phantasmagorical, hyperreal, surreal, and saturnalian.
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