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How To Use Phallic In A Sentence

  • Solomon himself impersonated the phallic god Baal-Rimmon, "Lord of the Pomegranate," when he was united with his divine bride, the mysterious Shulamite, and drank the juice of her pomegranate Song of Solomon 8:2. Archive 2008-03-01
  • And the most striking (and very beautiful) image in the show depicts the 56-year-old Shah 'Abbas caressing a beardless, round-cheeked, almond-eyed pageboy, who is holding an exaggeratedly phallic wine flask between his knees. A New Look at the Old Iran
  • The most commonplace metonymic index of industry - the factory chimney - is also metaphorically a phallic symbol.
  • Twisting he-men disport around the thick trunk of a phallic tree.
  • So, if your daughter has a phallic toady lovie then, duh, your son gets a furry beaver lovie. Ask Me About My Beaver | Her Bad Mother
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  • And the manner in which political manhood gets displayed is tiresomely predictable: macho chest beating, posing with the fetish objects of anxious masculinity (trucks, big machines, and even bigger weapons), humiliating your opponent with castrating insults, calling into question his or her ability to be tough, ruthless, and merciless with the designated enemy of the moment -- in short, phallic strutting. Stephen Ducat: Revenge of the Wimp Factor: The Ironies of Proving Manhood in the Democratic Primary
  • Many medieval pictures of the unicorn portray it resting its head, with phallic horn, in the lap of a maiden, an image with not too hidden sexual imagery.
  • And then you follow that with the absurd satire of Humanism -- nihilist Nietszche prancing on in goathide leggings with an ithyphallic cock dancing in the air, bringing existential panic, but saying "Whatever doesn't kill me, makes me stronger" -- bara boom. Archive 2006-02-01
  • In case you don't read in English that much (other than the ultimately-lame lyrics of Britney Spears 'songs), the word' phallic 'means' related to (and/or shapes resembling) the full erection of the male penis '. Natinski Diary Entry
  • Plants do a great job of looking very phallic at this time of year, none more so than the skunk arums, in this case Lysichiton camtschatcense.
  • Either image would appeal to the Surrealist Ernst, as comic in a bawdy sense, as shocking to a correct, middle-class audience — in the Dada/Surrealist mode, and, as evocative in a Freudian spirit, of repressed meditations on the afterparts and on the ithyphallic form of the elephant itself. Ernst's Elephant
  • a phallic cult
  • By displaying musical workers and their tools (usually phallically invested guitars), these magazines designate craftsmanship and professionalism as vectors of male empowerment.
  • Freudian theory would suggest that the corporate cultures of these organizations often institutionalize various combinations of oral, phallic and genital sexuality.
  • As you would expect, the panellists tee-heed their way through a raft of horticultural phallic references.
  • Vitality is likewise conveyed by the phallic morphology and upright surge of the fragmentary kouros at Olympia, shot in profile and appearing dark brown against a radiant background.
  • a phallic symbol
  • The manufacturers of sex toys and virtual magic swords are presumably trying to achieve a similar kind of phallic appearance, but rarely has it been this blatant. Free Realms
  • phallic worship
  • In aiming to establish this, I may be thought to be endeavouring to establish a counter-thesis to that of the preceding essay on alchemy, but, in virtue of the alchemists 'belief in the mystical unity of all things, in the analogical or correspondential relationship of all parts of the universe to each other, the mystical and the phallic views of the origin of alchemy are complementary, not antagonistic. Bygone Beliefs
  • Signs of phallicism among the ancient Hebrews can be clearly pointed out; the serpent was a phallic symbol. The Necessity of Atheism
  • A shape of itself is a mathematical abstraction until we lumber it with our own meaning, and to infer any such meaning as phallicism, puns on condominium notwithstanding, it seems to me you would have to show intention. The phallicism of skyscrapers
  • Though an ithyphallic god of lust, Legba was also androgynous. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Described as a giant phallic symbol in the guidebook, I thought of it more as the Fickle Finger of Fate.
  • But the first, dark, ithyphallic God whom men had once known so tremendous — Struthers had no use for Him. Kangaroo
  • Crowley was phallically centered and saw the wand as the basic tool of magic.
  • The most interesting tidbit about the saintly doctors Cosma and Damian is that there's a hermitage devoted to them where the church is famous for its phallic architecture.
  • At the feast for Shiva, for example, villagers prepare a huge, steamed rice cake made in the shape of a lingam (Shiva's phallic symbol) and stuffed with cheese, molasses, and coconut.
  • For some reason at one end of the beach there is a cave containing some kind of phallic shrine whuich may be due to the phallic shaped rock towering off the coastline! TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • I want, in conclusion to these brief introductory remarks, to say a few words concerning phallicism in connection with my topic. Bygone Beliefs
  • Shiva, the ithyphallic god of animals, ascends early into the pantheon through his marriage to an Aryan princess.
  • Shiva is also the god of fertility and is mostly worshipped in the phallic symbol called Linga.
  • We talk about sexual openness and sexual ambiguity, yet the current psychological ideal of phallic masculinity is as rigid and coercive as it ever was.
  • Many pilgrims report seeing the doves-pair when they trek the arduous route to pay obeisance before the ice-lingam (the phallic symbol of Shiva).
  • Weapons carried by the gang are shaped into huge phallic symbols, demonstrating a sense of vigorous male power or animal instinct, manifested in behaviour like the marking of territory.
  • The mayor of a Maltese village has called on the government to remove a 'phallic' statue ahead of a visit from the Pope this weekend. All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • At the end of some long and dark corridors stood the linga, a rounded phallic symbol periodically garlanded and anointed with oil and ghee. The Apparition
  • Its frontage gleams with neon, and above the gaudy porch is a statue of a four-horsed laurel-wreathed charioteer, his spear raised phallically into the dull London sky.
  • The youthful naked satyrs, dancing contentedly with their scantily clad female partners, are no longer shown ithyphallic.
  • Equally, the power of corporate towers is manifest in up-looking, phallic worship, and in the motherly (that is, custodial) surveillance of the world below.
  • Even the British Museum does not include works on phallicism in its catalogue, and special permission has to be obtained to consult them. Bygone Beliefs
  • Well I think Probe Ministries shouldn't be called that because probing sounds a bit phallic and everyone knows that the phallus is a Pagan symbol. Boo!
  • In particular, Hinduism and the lingam, or phallic symbol associated with the god Siva, are highlighted.
  • The Three Ages of Man, with its blatantly phallic flute and sexually sated putti, is a post-coital reflection on mortality.
  • If depression is warded off in phallic omnipotence and evacuated into the feminine part of the personality, we can formulate a psychoanalytic interpretation of Kreon's behaviour.
  • They occur in all languages, and hint how readily the worship of fire glided into that of the reproductive principle, into extravagances of chastity and lewdness, into the shocking orgies of the so-called phallic worship. The Myths of the New World A Treatise on the Symbolism and Mythology of the Red Race of America
  • Swellfoot's desire for Iona to be taken into custody and brought to him, dismembered, underscores his anxious need to reassert his phallic authority over her, to take comfort in the sight of his own phallic power as it is manifested at the site of her "castrated" body. Shelley
  • Much of the tragedy of the story can be traced to the unhappy childhood of Luke and Leia; with their mother dead, Luke has no focus for his sexual desires during the phallic stage of his development.
  • A lot of the flagellation pornography involved men whipping men or tutors whipping boys, and if you think about the position, it's all about the bottom and a whip, so there's a phallic aspect of it.
  • The same chemical reaction that opens the phallic valves may also improve "microcirculation" under the skin, increasing blood flow and keeping cell membranes taut. Top Blogs
  • I think the phallic nature of the guitar generally makes men gravitate towards it as a kind of phallic extension," Türoque says of this gender divide. Air Guitar Championships Semi-Invisibly Rock Los Angeles |
  • When looking at the body of psychoanalytic literature dealing with perversions it becomes evident that today there is clearly fading support of the theory of phallic primacy.
  • phallic eroticism
  • Get yourself covered from head to toe with drilling mud and hydraulic fluid and you won't think there's much "phallic" about offshore drilling. Camille Paglia has an "increasing sense of forboding" about the election.
  • Davidson's book also sent me to my battered copy of David Arora's Mushrooms Demystified -- the one book you must have if you want to hunt mushrooms-- for this anecdote by the Victorian memoirist Gwen Raverat about the smelly, phallic, stinkhorn mushroom. "Because of the morals of the maids"...
  • In addition to satisfying any mobile phallic curiosity you may harbor, Beyond Reanimator also fulfills your Recommended Daily Allowance ™ of slutty nurses with visible granny panty-lines, orange-foam vomit, needles-the-size-of-railroad-spikes loaded with glowing green goo, the odd heaving nipple being bitten off, and nerdy mad scientists in jumpsuits. Beyond Reanimator
  • The real Pan has hairs upon his balls, an ithyphallic god. Archive 2006-10-01
  • I didn't know that before I got all accusative of it copying Being Erica ... do all English majors at one point study the phallic imagery in James Joyce's Ulysses? Tweets For Today
  • In the Edinburgh University Library copy, it appears that a phallic symbol drawn on the king has been blotted over and has been transferred to the title page.
  • Getting stuck in the phallic phase is little progress over fixation on the oral phase.
  • Since the binding of signifier to signified is non-essential — such that a cigar may just be a cigar — and is often even idiolectic and idiosyncratic — such that what is significant to the advocate, A, may be significant only to them — the conventionality of semantic associations must be taken as a standard of approximate objectivity in order to distinguish the uncoupling of conventionally-accepted pairings (as, say, where the advocate is highlighting a well-established symbolism of anti-Semitism) from the rejection of idiosyncratically-asserted couplings (as, say, where the advocate is reading a pepper mill as a phallic symbol); the former constitutes insignification while the latter is simply a denial of significance. Arguing With Geeks 8
  • Despite his supposedly anti-bourgeois leftist causes, he's a snappy dresser with a taste for cigars, luxury hotels, women and phallic firearms. Carlos director Olivier Assayas on the terrorist who became a pop culture icon
  • When Martin Kenny came across what looked like a phallic carving at a site where workers had been excavating to build a new barn, he didn't know what to make of the thing.
  • In subsequent prints, the demurely phallic-shaped object gradually metastasizes into a whorling explosion.
  • The deity was a lingam, the abstract phallic symbol which is the most common representation of Shiva.
  • Quite obviously this is a phallic symbol.
  • ‘I can't look at this painting without blushing,’ she says, showing me a colour photocopy of one of Kahlo's lush phallic portrayals of a priapic vegetable.
  • No problem acknowledging also that among the many different traditions, practices and stories that have fused and sometimes not even touched and just hung around together in what we now call Hinduism, there is room, and maybe even some intellectual and spiritual value in some contexts, for what is still quite crudely called the "phallic" perspective. Vamsee Juluri: Lord Shiva And The Economist: A New Low For Journalism
  • a procession of women bearing small phallic images and singing hymns in honor of a deity whom he calls Dionysos -- probably Khem or Osiris or Bes; such images are mentioned by Plutarch, [721] supposed by him to represent Introduction to the History of Religions Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume IV
  • But archæological research having established the fact that phallicism has, at one time or another, been common to nearly all races, it seems probable that the Arunta tribe represents a deviation from the normal line of mental evolution. Bygone Beliefs
  • Predominantly concerned with human fertility, it is represented by an ithyphallic male figure.
  • Jen, did you intentionally skip the um... "phallic" nature of the last frog? So What Happens If You EAT the Frog?
  • A pamphlet of 1639 showed Robin as a horned, hoofed, ithyphallic satyr, leading witches' revels in the company of a black dog and an owl. Robin Hood
  • He wanted men once more to refer the sensual passion of love sacredly to the great dark God, the ithyphallic, of the first dark religions. Kangaroo
  • But the dwarfs are free of inner conflicts, and have no desire to move beyond their phallic existence to intimate relations.
  • The largest and busiest altar was for Gede, the often phallically depicted lwa of death, cemeteries, and sexual resurrection.
  • And, as I have said before, that phallicism usually appears to have degenerated into immorality of a very pronounced type is to be deplored, but an immoral view of human relations is by no means a necessary corollary to a sexual theory of the universe. 143 Bygone Beliefs
  • The Jews have a secret process of eunuchry; they have a way of inserting an instrument (a drawing of which he made, showing distinctly phallic features) by psychological means into the glands or bodies of men, thus cleaning them out. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • Well, just because machetes, spears, rifles and missiles are phallic, it doesn't mean men are to blame.
  • The rocking phallicism in radio music of passing cars, American Papyrus: 25 Poems
  • Ancient seals depict an ithyphallic yogi-like figure with buffalo horns, a figure mirrored in later Hindu representations of the great god Shiva.
  • It is not difficult to understand, therefore, why primitive man paid divine honours to the organs of sex in man and woman, or to such things as he considered symbolical of them -- that is to say, to understand the extensiveness of those religions which are grouped under the term "phallicism". Bygone Beliefs
  • The last piece is Louise Bourgeois' Fillette, a phallic object combining male and female elements.
  • I ignore Freud because if, for example, a lamp is a phallic symbol, then what is an artist to use as a lamp symbol? lichanos Etant donnés-ish x2 « Jahsonic
  • In view of the astrological symbolism of these metals, that gold should be masculine, silver feminine, does not surprise us, because the idea of the masculinity of the sun and the femininity of the moon is a bit of phallicism that still remains with us. Bygone Beliefs
  • At any rate, an isolated phenomenon, such as this, cannot be held to controvert the view that regards phallicism as in this normal line. Bygone Beliefs
  • If the sports car is considered some sort of phallic substitute or symbol, then the quad bike is equally emblematic.
  • My bloody incisor, a miniature phallic symbol, I will pray to you for guidance, I will bow before you and ask forgiveness. Miracles, Inc.
  • The cryptic little icons surrounding the figure include clusters of rather phallic winged hearts, a hand that reaches into the picture from beyond the frame and an amorphous red shape emblazoned with a white cross.
  • It is said that the car is a phallic symbol.
  • If only instead of a phallic button, they'd provided each couple with a strokable velvety cleft, or a sensuous, supple, peach-sized ball with a nipply appendage. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Tolpin 1970 restricted the definition of infantile neurosis to the repressed conflicts of the phallic-oedipal phase, for patients whose early development has been normal. Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • A number of works, however, feature clusters of dark, leathery-looking, phallic protuberances and spiky forms that suggest the shapes of devil's horns mentioned in the poems.

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