
[ US /ˈfæɫɪk/ ]
[ UK /fˈælɪk/ ]
  1. relating to a phallus especially as an embodiment of generative power
    a phallic cult
    phallic worship
  2. resembling or being a phallus
    phallic eroticism
    priapic figurines
    a phallic symbol
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How To Use phallic In A Sentence

  • Solomon himself impersonated the phallic god Baal-Rimmon, "Lord of the Pomegranate," when he was united with his divine bride, the mysterious Shulamite, and drank the juice of her pomegranate Song of Solomon 8:2. Archive 2008-03-01
  • And the most striking (and very beautiful) image in the show depicts the 56-year-old Shah 'Abbas caressing a beardless, round-cheeked, almond-eyed pageboy, who is holding an exaggeratedly phallic wine flask between his knees. A New Look at the Old Iran
  • The most commonplace metonymic index of industry - the factory chimney - is also metaphorically a phallic symbol.
  • Twisting he-men disport around the thick trunk of a phallic tree.
  • So, if your daughter has a phallic toady lovie then, duh, your son gets a furry beaver lovie. Ask Me About My Beaver | Her Bad Mother
  • And the manner in which political manhood gets displayed is tiresomely predictable: macho chest beating, posing with the fetish objects of anxious masculinity (trucks, big machines, and even bigger weapons), humiliating your opponent with castrating insults, calling into question his or her ability to be tough, ruthless, and merciless with the designated enemy of the moment -- in short, phallic strutting. Stephen Ducat: Revenge of the Wimp Factor: The Ironies of Proving Manhood in the Democratic Primary
  • Many medieval pictures of the unicorn portray it resting its head, with phallic horn, in the lap of a maiden, an image with not too hidden sexual imagery.
  • And then you follow that with the absurd satire of Humanism -- nihilist Nietszche prancing on in goathide leggings with an ithyphallic cock dancing in the air, bringing existential panic, but saying "Whatever doesn't kill me, makes me stronger" -- bara boom. Archive 2006-02-01
  • In case you don't read in English that much (other than the ultimately-lame lyrics of Britney Spears 'songs), the word' phallic 'means' related to (and/or shapes resembling) the full erection of the male penis '. Natinski Diary Entry
  • Plants do a great job of looking very phallic at this time of year, none more so than the skunk arums, in this case Lysichiton camtschatcense.
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