How To Use Pestilential In A Sentence

  • The pestilential winds of the east are described by various authors under various denominations; as harmattan, samiel, samium, syrocca, kamsin, seravansum. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • If they want to know their first task, as coaching motivator and quarterback leader, it's to eradicate pestilential losses like this one. For the NFL's worst, it always gets better when they play the Redskins
  • During the hot weather it's a pestilential place, populated by heavy clouds of biting insects.
  • It is a pestilential bureaucracy, which attempts to micro-manage higher and school education.
  • At every fair-time "a kind of pestilential fever" raged, so that at least 400 folk were buried there annually during the five or six weeks of the market. On the Spanish Main Or, Some English forays on the Isthmus of Darien.
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  • It has rid us of a pestilential politics based on religious hatred and elitist contempt for the poor.
  • Their reputation was pestilential, and the greatest care was taken to leave them alone.
  • If there is a powder-like whitish coating covering the tongue surface, it is caused by the internal accumulation of summer-humid heat and is usually seen at the onset of pestilential diseases.
  • Who can wonder that pestilential disease should originate and spread in such situations?
  • They squeezed across the narrow bridge ten abreast - one hideous, brown, pestilential beast with a hundred buckling legs.
  • It must be realised that the developers who are trying to spoil our town rely on people thinking that they have already objected to their pestilential schemes and don't have to do so again. But this is not so.
  • Of flying insects, too, there are such as appear in houses, fields, and woods, which arise in like manner in summer, with no oviform matters sufficient to account for them; also such as devour meadows and lawns, and in some hot localities fill and infest the air; besides those that swim and fly unseen in filthy waters, wines becoming sour, and pestilential air. Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom
  • During the hot weather it's a pestilential place, populated by heavy clouds of biting insects.
  • Most times, apart from the pestilential traffic lights, there is hardly a vehicle to be seen, but it is still costing £200,000 as a temporary measure’.
  • a pestilential malignancy in the air
  • During the hot weather it's a pestilential place, populated by heavy clouds of biting insects.
  • 18.3 In comments on his table, Potter says that he has doubtless included mention of many plagues which, although described under that name, are probably a dissimilar disease, writers having applied the terms pestilential and pestilent in a generic sense to diseases specifically different. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • There is a law Section 1170 that states that the Board of Health and Sanitation of the City of New York may remove from the public arena any person sick with any contagious, pestilential, or infectious disease. Deadly
  • He said, `People like that are undoubtedly a pestilential nuisance, to put it no higher. KARA KUSH
  • Many people were dependent for their water supply on this pestilential stream.
  • Certain it is, that after he had left the island called La Mona, and when he was approaching the island of San Juan, a drowsiness, which Las Casas calls "pestilential," but which might reasonably be attributed to the privations, cares, and anxieties which the admiral had now undergone for many months, seized upon him, and entirely deprived him for a time of the use of his senses. The Life of Columbus
  • From the cave of my ignorance, amid the fogs of my dulness, and pestilential fumes of my political heresies, I look up to thee, as doth a toad through the iron-barred lucarne of a pestiferous dungeon, to the cloudless glory of The Letters of Robert Burns
  • He spoke of the long moonless night lyings-in - wait, the pestilential fens, the rivers envenomed by leaves of poison-plants, the deep snow-drifts, the scorching suns, the scorpions, and rains of grasshoppers; he also descanted on the peculiarities of the great lions of the Atlas, their way of fighting, their phenomenal vigour; and their ferocity in the mating season. Tartarin of Tarascon
  • What was remarkable was that the Allies having spent nearly six years fighting to destroy this pestilential horror in the heart of Europe, then turned round and assisted the German people to rebuild their society and their prosperity. Athens backs villagers' fight for German compensation over 1944 SS massacre
  • The pestilential winds of the east are described by various authors under various denominations; as harmattan, samiel, samium, syrocca, kamsin, seravansum. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • In comments on his table, Potter says that he has doubtless included mention of many plagues which, although described under that name, are probably a dissimilar disease, writers having applied the terms pestilential and pestilent in a generic sense to diseases specifically different. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • It is the spirit which incarcerates unfortunate prisoners of honorable warfare in pestilential holds, stifles them with thirst, starvation, diseased meats, if not slow poisons, and plants tons of gunpowder under them that, in case of inability to retain them, they might be blown to atoms at the mere touch of a match. The Assassinated President
  • be to resemble office worker of pestilential and general sweep anything away by appearance before this " happy net " be pointed to to lack new idea and cold-shoulder gradually.
  • Yet the Eighties revival that has swept its pestilential way through womenswear for years continues to wreak eye-watering havoc on the way the other side accoutres itself. Top stories from Times Online
  • He found a population of about 150 Malay inhabitants and a tropical rainforest edged by pestilential swamps.
  • Her mixture burned the pestilential corpses that threatened the defenders and her illuminations at night thwarted Vandal attacks.
  • In truth, we found fevers, violent deaths, pestilential paradises where death and beauty kept charnel-house together. Chapter 15
  • Their passions, tumultuous and merciless as the Tyrrhene Sea, raged indeed with the danger, but also with the uses, of naturally appointed storm; while ours, pacific in corruption, languish in vague maremma of misguided pools; and are pestilential most surely as they retire. Val d'Arno
  • Like many other men, North or South, they were brave enough when it came to gunpowder, but were quickly vanquished at the idea of pestilential disease. Chasing an Iron Horse Or, A Boy's Adventures in the Civil War
  • From the beasts of prey and the cannibal humans down to the death-dealing microbes, no quarter is given; and daily, wider and wider areas of hostile territory, whether of a warring desert-tribe in Africa or a pestilential fever-hole like Panama, are made peaceable and habitable for mankind. THE HUMAN DRIFT
  • We must get rid of these pestilential flies.
  • Eck's comments on the "pestilential" errors of Wiclif and Hus condemned by the Council of Constance was met by the reply, that, so far as the position of the Hussites was concerned, there were among them many who were "very Christian and evangelical". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy

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