
View Synonyms
[ UK /pˌɛstɪlˈɛnʃə‍l/ ]
  1. likely to spread and cause an epidemic disease
    a pestilential malignancy in the air
    plaguey fevers
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How To Use pestilential In A Sentence

  • The pestilential winds of the east are described by various authors under various denominations; as harmattan, samiel, samium, syrocca, kamsin, seravansum. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • If they want to know their first task, as coaching motivator and quarterback leader, it's to eradicate pestilential losses like this one. For the NFL's worst, it always gets better when they play the Redskins
  • During the hot weather it's a pestilential place, populated by heavy clouds of biting insects.
  • It is a pestilential bureaucracy, which attempts to micro-manage higher and school education.
  • At every fair-time "a kind of pestilential fever" raged, so that at least 400 folk were buried there annually during the five or six weeks of the market. On the Spanish Main Or, Some English forays on the Isthmus of Darien.
  • It has rid us of a pestilential politics based on religious hatred and elitist contempt for the poor.
  • Their reputation was pestilential, and the greatest care was taken to leave them alone.
  • If there is a powder-like whitish coating covering the tongue surface, it is caused by the internal accumulation of summer-humid heat and is usually seen at the onset of pestilential diseases.
  • Who can wonder that pestilential disease should originate and spread in such situations?
  • They squeezed across the narrow bridge ten abreast - one hideous, brown, pestilential beast with a hundred buckling legs.
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