How To Use Perpendicular In A Sentence
If the plane contains the main rotation axis then it is usually called a vertical reflection plane; and if it is perpendicular to the main rotation axis it is known as a horizontal reflection plane.
Perpendicular window, to support which the low circular arch in the centre had been constructed; on either side of this window were now to be seen the mouldings and featherings of the original early decorated lights, on a level with the lateral clerestory range; below these the Norman arcade, based upon a string course of nebule ornaments.
Bell’s Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Hereford, A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See
In the following year they surveyed the perpendicular to the meridian east of Paris, triangulating the area between Paris and Strasbourg.
The cathedral is the former Perpendicular parish church, reconstructed in 1880, with further extensions completed in 1966.
The relationship between the street and the galleries inside is not as intrusively immediate as is suggested by the open-ended, perpendicular orientation.

He had witnessed diminutive bison with semicircular horns; animals "of a bluish lead color, about the size of a goat, with a head and beard like him, and a single horn, slightly inclined forward from the perpendicular"; and "a strange amphibious creature, of a spherical form, which rolled with great velocity across the pebbly beach" of a lunar island.
Kim Kardashian Fails the P.T. Barnum Test
The valley ended in a perpendicular rim of granite.
By the time the sloop's deck was perpendicular, we had unbent the boom-lift from below, made it fast to the wharf, and, with the other end fast nearly to the mast-head, heaved it taut with block and tackle.
The town was kept going by a fine Abbey, whose last church still stands as one of the final triumphs of the Perpendicular style.
Once, on a one lane cloverleaf ramp, going from one freeway to the other (the two ran perpendicular to each other, if you don't know what I mean by "cloverleaf"), a car passed me.
To prevent beaches from disappearing, landowners build rock walls called groins perpendicular to the coast.
Just like the Earth, Saturn's rotational axis is not perpendicular to the plane of its orbit.
Well, often what you'll see in a pergola is a lot more lattice going in closer together and going perpendicular to that, creating the surface for the growing vine and to block sun, of course.
CNN Transcript Jul 23, 2005
Any line through the dumb-bell's centre of gravity, perpendicular to the main axis, is also an axis of rotation.
The minutely balanced works, the gnomon fitted to the perpendicular plane, would be far beyond their grasp.
Plates in equatorial positions on the theca are perpendicular to plate surfaces whereas plates near the stem attachment are inclined aborally and plates near the oral surface are inclined adorally.
It is said to have been discovered by Pythagoras while in Egypt, but was most probably taught to him by the priests of that country, in whose rites he had been initiated; it is a symbol of the production of the world by the generative and prolific powers of the Creator; hence the Egyptians made the perpendicular and base the representatives of Osiris and Isis, while the hypothenuse represented their child Horus.
The Symbolism of Freemasonry
At one of its long edges, the top extends upward, benchlike, to form a backboard; the two perpendicular surfaces are fitted with a single inlaid sheet of medium-density fiberboard.
Within these lines she made little dots at the top and bottom of stubby perpendicular strokes, and strange interlineal hieroglyphics, and sweeping curves, all of which would have puzzled an
The Place of Honeymoons
Construction of the chapel was begun in 1475 by Edward IV and completed under Henry VIII in 1528 and represents one of the finest examples in the country of the Perpendicular Gothic style.
It now is closed off by the forestry and is about four feet from the edge of a cliff which has a perpendicular drop of 700 ft overlooking the Masshill road.
A bipolar nebula is one that is created by ejecting material primarily in a flat disk perpendicular to a single axis of symmetry.
During the time when these styles of Gothic architecture prevailed that are now called the Decorated and the Perpendicular, the roof, [14] the columns, the stained glass windows, the seats, altar, tombs, and even the flooring, were filled with emblasonment.
A Short Account of King's College Chapel
the great perpendicular face of the cliff
But ask him to sit through some hotel cabarets and his hair will rise to the perpendicular and his face will turn a chalky shade of green.
The cruciform church has huge Perpendicular windows, which until the C18 retained their medieval stained glass.
the axes are perpendicular to each other
Hold your feet perpendicular to your shins to involve the gastrocnemius muscle.
The compass needle aligns itself with this field (perpendicular to the wire).
And, halfway to the crosstrees and flattened against the rigging by the full force of the wind so that it would have been impossible for me to have fallen, the Ghost almost on her beam-ends and the masts parallel with the water, I looked, not down, but at almost right angles from the perpendicular, to the deck of the Ghost.
Chapter 17
The air conditioning that doesnt work, my strange small beds and the setee in that odd perpendicular position on the floor, the good solid door with the two locks, my lovely wall window with its painfully familiar view of nothing that surprises me anymore.
I-claudius Diary Entry
Another septarium, cut both horizontally and perpendicularly.
Theory of the Earth~ Part 2 (historical)
In order to find the equation of thefcab of prefTures, draw the right line K I parallel to the di - rectrix £ G, confidered as the axis to which the opdi« nates are perpendicular: let the preffure K £ zap and the abfcifTa £ L = K 1 = at.
A Treatise on Gun-powder ; A Treatise on Fire-arms ; and A Treatise on the Service of Artillery ...
For insertion in the proximal tibia, the spinal needle is directed inferiorly at a 45-degree angle from the perpendicular.
The ascent is precipitous, but the path is cut into continual and short windings, which enable you to surmount the perpendicularity of the mountain.
Chapter 10
The parts of the thick hull moved perpendicular to the midsection.
The ejected material is channeled into narrow jets perpendicular to the disk, while material from the disk falls onto the protostar.
And it must be remembered that the cliff exhibits an intensifying feature which some of those are without — sheer perpendicularity from the half-tide level.
A Pair of Blue Eyes
the axis of an oblique cone is not perpendicular to its base
Rotor following a stabilizer bar, with the blade perpendicular.
One fyke net was set perpendicular to the shore at every shore station.
The common perpendicular bisectors of parallel sides (the axes of symmetry of the trapezoids) bisect the angles of the triangle formed by the extensions of the three equal diagonals.
The position and figure of any object are determined by determining the position of a sufficient number of points in it; and the position of any point may be determined by the magnitude of three rectangular co-ordinates, that is, of the perpendiculars drawn from the point to three planes at right angles to one another, arbitrarily selected.
A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
The first figure is a semicircle, which is perpendicular to the plane of the circle ABDZ and which starts on the diameter AED and, with point A remaining fixed, rotates to position AKD.
And yes you can have a tangent of a tangent, although it requires the first one to be a curve in the plane perpendicular to the original circle [although some people may argue about the maths of this].
In astronomy, the preferred unit of measurement for such distances is the parsec, which is defined as the distance at which an object will appear to move one arcsecond of parallax when the observer moves one astronomical unit perpendicular to the line of sight to the observer.
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The dresser was between the desk and the bed, and there were two closets, one behind each of the headboards of our beds, with the openings perpendicular to the door out of the room.
Drive perpendicular to the direction of the prevalent winds and begin upwind from the area of active soil erosion.
The horizontal grid lines are perpendicular to the centerline.
During this hiatus, the elaborate, expensive Decorated style gave way to the less expensive and plainer Perpendicular.
_Nelumbium luteum_, of which the former waves its beautiful flower on the surface of the river, while the latter, the queen, in fact, of the waters, proudly raises her magnificent crown upon a perpendicular footstalk.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 43, May, 1861 Creator
For a natural look the first year, broadcast half the seeds over the desired area, then sow the remainder in a direction perpendicular to the first.
Velocity is perpendicular to the line of motion, etc.
Imagine to yourself a little squat, uncourtly figure of a Doctor Slop, of about four feet and a half perpendicular height, with a breadth of back, and a sesquipedality of belly, which might have done honour to a serjeant in the horseguards. ...
Literary Remains, Volume 1
We made two slits for the eyes and a perpendicular line for the nose.
A waterspout is a piece of a cloud hanging down in a sloping direction, sometimes bending like a bow, but never perpendicular.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 10 Arranged in systematic order: Forming a complete history of the origin and progress of navigation, discovery, and commerce, by sea and land, from the earliest ages to the present time.
The phrase described one technique for physically searching a crime scene for clues, in which the CS officer covers the floor or ground in one direction, back and forth, like mowing a lawn, then turns perpendicular and covers the same ground again.
The Stone Monkey
The traffic coming in a direction perpendicular to Campbell Road makes a signal junction necessary.
Ancient stonecutters could thus cleave it perpendicular to the crystal axis to produce hexagonal prisms of any desired length.
The pipes have slits of 35-40 mm long and 0. 5-0.8 mm wide perpendicular to the pipes axes and at intervals of 20-50 mm depending on the type of soil.
2.1. Open ditches
Draw a perpendicular from the vertex of the triangle to its base.
The wheel rotates about an axis which is perpendicular to the plane.
In our experiment, we consider horizontal direction and perpendicular direction decouple, so we utilize state space description analysis system model.
The crystal acts as an analyser which ascertains whether or not the photon has polarisation perpendicular to the optical axis of the crystal.
In quartersawing, lumber is produced by first quartering the log and then sawing perpendicular to the growth rings.
The radius, _p b_, of the upper circle is termed the _crater radius_; the line _o p_, drawn from the centre of the charge perpendicular to the surface where the explosion takes place, is termed the _line of least resistance_; the line _o b_, drawn from the centre of the powder to any point in the circumference of the upper circle, is termed the _radius of explosion_.
Elements of Military Art and Science Or, Course Of Instruction In Strategy, Fortification, Tactics Of Battles, &C.; Embracing The Duties Of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, And Engineers; Adapted To The Use Of Volunteers And Militia; Third Edition
If a line be drawn from the point at which the brow curves in towards the root of the nose, and which is called the 'glabella' ( 'a') (Fig. 23), to the occipital protuberance ( 'b'), and the distance to the highest point of the arch of the skull be measured perpendicularly from this line, it will be found to be 4.75 inches.
On Some Fossil Remains of Man
Perpendicular window, the heads of the lights below the transom being cinquefoiled, while above each window is a cornice supported by small arches resting on corbels; over all is a pierced battlement, which is also crenelated at the actual east end.
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Winchester A Description of Its Fabric and a Brief History of the Episcopal See
Draw a perpendicular from the vertex of the triangle to its base.
The passage, which Captain Glass had called a crevice, twisted into this reef, curved directly to the north heel, and ran along the base of the perpendicular rock.
Davout deployed all of his artillery on the French side of the river which was not fordable, so it could only be crossed at one of the two bridges spanning the water so that it could enfilade any Russian attack on the long ridge that was perpendicular to the Russian cavalry, thereby screening the advancing French infantry.
Archive 2009-05-01
The Federal gun-boats have iron-plated sides placed in perpendicular bars on the timbers, and when in action no one appears on deck bu the signalmen, the vessels being steered from a shotproof pilot-house forwards.
Illustrations of the Civil War in America
The two boys were on the slope above the perpendicular cliff opposite.
Since these forces are strongest for orientation of the surface normal perpendicular to the rotation axis, this may cause a slight preference for alignment of the bilayer normals perpendicular to the rotor axis.
The plumbline is always perpendicular to the horizontal plane.
Using small thrusters, the spacecraft will rotate so that the solar panels are oriented perpendicular to the Sun.
The minutely balanced works, the gnomon fitted to the perpendicular plane, would be far beyond their grasp.
These cracks were narrow splits, predominantly perpendicular to the seed's long axis.
During this hiatus, the elaborate, expensive Decorated style gave way to the less expensive and plainer Perpendicular.
The movie theater and subway platform scenes are the most interesting, especially the latter with their perpendicular architectonics and shifting perspectives.
In any event, the doors swing to nearly perpendicular to the body, making it possible to alight gracefully on the tall, upright chairs, rather than execute anything so low-born and cloddish as "sitting.
Rolls-Royce Builds a Real Car20%
We proceed by constructing the perpendiculars at A and B to the line AB and bisecting the right angles at A and B.
If a line be drawn from the point at which the brow curves in towards the root of the nose, and which is called the 'glabella' ( 'a') (Figure 22), to the occipital protuberance ( 'b'), and the distance to the highest point of the arch of the skull be measured perpendicularly from this line, it will be found to be 4.75 inches.
Lectures and Essays
Then up, straight up, the deviation of a fraction of an inch being a certain precursor of disaster, the snowshoe must be lifted till the surface is cleared; then forward, down, and the other foot is raised perpendicularly for the matter of half a yard.
The White Silence
Then draw the lift lines perpendicular to the insertion lines and mark the midpoint between the insertion lines.
It is in the typical English perpendicular style, being square-ended, not the semi-circular apsidal ends as favoured on the continent.
Some are suspended to the vaulted roof by chains, and in frightful-looking positions; others are on the perpendicular walls.
The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton
A1 and A2: carbon-bearing, electrolyte-saturated, measurement direction parallel and perpendicular to planes of foliation respectively.
Perpendicular recording, also known as PMR, has allows for much higher data density, expressed in gigabits per square inch (Gb/inch²).
Tom's hardware UK
There is a curious sense of perpendicularity about these mountain rhapsodies.
Fir-Flower Tablets: Poems Translated From the Chinese
I realized presently that my special forte lay in directing a sizable garden like that rather than in performing the actual labor, especially when June arrived and the sun began to approach the perpendicular and take on callithump.
Dwellers in Arcady The Story of an Abandoned Farm
There is no evidence of any previous doming, and the fault geometry indicates that the rift formed as a result of horizontal extension perpendicular to the rift axis.
The transmitted beam consists only of photons with the perpendicular polarisation.
It enters the room at a 30-degree angle, its steps and risers mitered to dramatic points, its uprights perpendicular not to the floor but to its own sloping rails.
The strain ellipsoid is oblate, showing the Z axis to be perpendicular to the cleavage.
Gaping wounds are a result of being stabbed across lines perpendicular to the fibers.
The bridge took them into the Ilongo district, which was made up of small box-like buildings, two or three storeys high with vaulting lierne roofs, and walls which often leaned away from perpendicular.
The Dreaming Void
Lebert and Hader observed a curious phototactic phenomenon in eyeless mutants of Euglena, i.e. it swam perpendicularly with respect to the incident light, namely, diaphototaxis.
Application of vector method to problems involving parallelism, perpendicularity and division of a line segment.
There are solitary rock-columns that spring straight up out of the water and dark grottoes with narrow entrances; there are barren, perpendicular precipices, and soft, leaf-clad inclines; there are small points, and small inlets, and small rolling stones that are rattlingly washed up and down with every dashing breaker; there are majestic cliff-arches which project over the water; there are sharp stones that are constantly being sprayed by a white foam; and others that mirror themselves in unchangeable dark-green still water.
The Wonderful Adventures of Nils
measure the perpendicular height
To maximize the view, he positioned the house perpendicular to the river, angled the river-side wall, and raised the home on 18-inch reinforced concrete piers.
The tangential plane (also called the meridional plane) contains the chief ray and the optical axis of the lens (or lens system), while the sagittal plane (also called the radial and / or equitorial plane) contains only the chief ray and is positioned perpendicular to the tangential plane.
Kennan, a bowline around his body under his arm-pits, lowered by a couple of seamen down the generous freeboard of the Ariel, who gathered in by the nape of the neck the smooth-coated Irish terrier that, treading water perpendicularly, had no eyes for him so eagerly did he gaze at the line of faces along the rail in quest of the one face.
Solomon, in his seedy clothes and long white locks, seemed to be luring that decent company by the magic scream of his fiddle -- luring discreet matrons in turban-shaped caps, nay, Mrs. Crackenthorp herself, the summit of whose perpendicular feather was on a level with the Squire's shoulder -- luring fair lasses complacently conscious of very short waists and skirts blameless of front-folds -- luring burly fathers in large variegated waistcoats, and ruddy sons, for the most part shy and sheepish, in short nether garments and very long coat-tails.
Silas Marner
Instead, the reticular lamina moved in a direction perpendicular to its long axis.
A cylinder is right, if its generatrices are perpendicular to its base; otherwise, a cylinder is oblique.
Now the nets are thirty feet in depth, are buoyed on the surface of the sea, and are kept perpendicular (like a wall two miles long) by the weight of heavy cables or "warps" which stretch along the bottom of the nets.
Edward FitzGerald and "Posh" "Herring Merchants"
We applied a swelling method to help determine the relative phases of the diffraction peaks along the crystal axis perpendicular to the hexagonal base.
Other species build ‘fog traps,’ pushing up sand ridges perpendicular to airflow, then move back along them, flattening them to extract the collected condensate.
Clift which is also perpendicular; between this abrupt extremity of the ledge of rocks and the perpendicular bluff the whole body of water passes with incredible swiftness. immediately at the cascade the river is about 300 yds. wide; about ninty or a hundred yards of this next the Lard. bluff is a smoth even sheet of water falling over a precipice of at least eighty feet, the remaining part of about 200 yards on my right formes the grandest sight I ever beheld, the hight of the fall is the same of the other but the irregular and somewhat projecting rocks below receives the water in it's passage down and brakes it into a perfect white foam which assumes
The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
As you learn it moves across, too, in some direction perpendicular to space.
This happens because any line that bisects an angle will also bisect the opposite side, and will be perpendicular to that side.
If you use a broadax, hew the log face perpendicular to the ground rather than parallel, as shown here.
Before the sackbut, before the virginal struck perpendicular chords, our madrigals were sublime, loosing harmonies to unhinge the spheres.
Strange Bedfellows
Then, since both semicircles are perpendicular to the plane ABC, so is their line of intersection QN.
The left wing dipped until it was perpendicular to the ground.
Over the whole aisle on each side runs a broad gallery usually called the "triforium," lighted by Perpendicular windows in the outer wall; and above is the "clerestory," or "clear-story," affording a narrow passage in the thickness of the main wall, lighted by the original Norman windows; thus the height is divided into three parts -- ground-story, triforium, and clerestory; and the breadth into the same number -- nave, north aisle, and south aisle; probably designed as a type of the Trinity, as it is thought by many that these symbolical considerations were used in the building of churches in early ages.
Ely Cathedral
If a perpendicular measurement is impossible, the observer records radial distance and sighting angle.
Others, descending from on high, take root as soon as their extremity touches the ground, and appear like shrouds and stays supporting the mainmast of a line-of-battle ship; while others, sending out parallel, oblique, horizontal and perpendicular shoots in all directions, put you in mind of what travellers call a matted forest.
Wanderings in South America
It acts perpendicular to the cross section of the joint.
There's enough loft on a wedge when the shaft sits perpendicular to the ground.
Now rotate the molecule 120° about an axis which is perpendicular to the molecular plane and which passes through the central A atom.
Maximum width at hinge line, with lateral commissures almost perpendicular.
But if she looked lily-frail in her elemental environment, she was belied by the grip she put upon Pierre's hand, by the knotting of her woman's biceps as it took the weight of her body, by the splendid effort of her limbs as they held her out from the perpendicular bank while she made the ascent.
From the vertices of ABC drop perpendiculars on the transversal.
In the hypothesis of acute angle, we can, find a perpendicular and an oblique to the same straight which never meet.
Wave disturbance was estimated by measuring the fetch for wave height on maps as the width of the river perpendicular to the center of the riverbank site.
The main structural members are oriented perpendicular to the ruled lines.
The avenue, very steep and narrow, and causewayed with large round stones, ascended the side of the precipitous bank in an oblique and zigzag course, now showing now hiding a view of the tower and its exterior bulwarks, which seemed to rise almost perpendicularly above their heads.
Old Mortality
The curbs are sharp and perpendicular, not like the American smoothly molded sigmoid-cross-section curves.
The Piezo Array
Let ABC {Fig, 2.) be an oblique aneled Trjangle giveoy whofe Bafe is 15.4, and the Perpendicular
The Complete Measurer: Or, The Whole Art of Measuring. In Two Parts. The First Part Teaching ...
Below the frontonasal suture is the bridge of the nose, convex from side to side, concavo-convex from above downward, and formed by the two nasal bones supported in the middle line by the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid, and laterally by the frontal processes of the maxillæ which are prolonged upward between the nasal and lacrimal bones and form the lower and medial part of the circumference of each orbit.
II. Osteology. 5c. The Exterior of the Skull
Substrate composition was quantified along several transects perpendicular to stream flow and classified as clay and silt.
A third was fingering some sort of instrument, a kind of zither or dulcimer with lengths of catgut strung along two axes, one set perpendicularly above the other.
Son of a Witch
All planes perpendicularto the solar axis intersect the solar sphere along circles of latitude.
The bending plane is normally perpendicular to the axis of the central pair.
Another patent in the steam-engine series, taken out in 1784, contained, besides other methods of converting a circular or angular motion into a perpendicular or rectilineal motion, the well-known and much-admired _parallel motion_, and the application of the steam-engine to give motion to wheel-carriages for carrying persons and goods.
Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 6 of 8 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
Roughly 50-60% of the cool air coming in is diverted by the perpendiculars of the optical and/or hard drives.
Your shoulders need to be perpendicular to your target line as the ball comes off your hand.
In other words, x-axis consists of the feet of the perpendiculars from the focus to the tangents to the parabola.
The students are then asked to identify perpendicular cross sections of maximal and minimal curvature using coordinates taken essentially from the tangent plane.
The angle between a pair of equivalent marker lineations on a sphere constrains the rotation pole to lie on a great circle that is perpendicular to the mutual plane of those lineations.
A telephone lay cradled in the perpendicular base under the directory.
You created two lines that are perpendicular to each other.
When measuring girth, at 4 1/2 feet above the ground, make sure your tape is perpendicular to the axis of the trunk.
Each tissue sample was completely immersed and oriented such that the tissue surface was perpendicular to the surface of the embedding medium.
From the vertices of ABC drop perpendiculars on the transversal.
We scrambled up the nearly perpendicular side of the mountain.
Come to the recover, throwing up your firelock, with a smart spring of the left hand, directly before the left breast, and turning the barrel inwards; at that moment catch it with the right hand below the lock, and instantly bringing up the left hand, with a rapid motion, seize the piece close above the lock, the little finger touching the feather-spring; the left hand to be at an equal height with the eyes, the butt of the firelock close to the left breast, but not pressed, and the barrel perpendicular.
Hence the sharp-silhouette, "aerodynamic" form of the tall building and the sculpted figures of the heroic airmen crowning seven openwork arches, perpendicular to the main facade and comprising a distinctive portal.
Gothic Stalinist Soviet Skyscrapers
So Dominique and Hannelore excavated a trench perpendicular to the eastern part of the NW necropolis, which is interpreted as a degraded active normal fault plane.
Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Seismological Studies Report 1
Lines parallel to the horizon give breadth, that is to say a section of nature ... Lines perpendicular to this horizon give depth.
This implies that the chain was tilted with respect to the surface, while the adenine group was perpendicular to the surface.
When the angle of vision is small every visual ray will be nearly perpendicular to the picture plane.
The Cobb angle is the angle formed by a line drawn perpendicular to the top of the superior vertebrae of the scoliotic curve and a similar perpendicular line drawn along the bottom of the inferior vertebrae.
Some New Jersey communities built rock walls, called groins, perpendicular to the beach.
Any line through the dumb-bell's centre of gravity, perpendicular to the main axis, is also an axis of rotation.
The window is an "oriel" in the Perpendicular style, separated vertically by mullions into three lights in front, with one at each end of the projection, and horizontally by transoms into an upper and lower tier, the former having a trefoil heading to each division.
Bell's Cathedrals: The Priory Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Great, Smithfield A Short History of the Foundation and a Description of the Fabric and also of the Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Less
This reaction produced the most English style of all, the Perpendicular.
The primary unit consists of four to seven primary rods radiating from one perpendicular primary spine.
We proceed by constructing the perpendiculars at A and B to the line AB and bisecting the right angles at A and B.
Like the malachite, it occurs as druses that are perpendicularly attached to columns of gypsum.
Now retract the pyramid, lest it injure the dura-mater; continue the rotary motion, holding the instrument perpendicularly to the bone, withdrawing from time to time, to clean its teeth with the brush and to enable the Surgeon to sound the depth of the groove; -- and penetrate both the diploe and the internal table.
An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
This seems to be expressed in a language of horizontals representing time, and verticals representing a dimension perpendicular to time, in other words: eternity.
The chord of the segment is given, as is its area, and the student is asked to compute its height (the length of the perpendicular bisector of the chord to the circle).
Great quantities of small stones resembling basaltes were in heaps round the edges, at a little distance from which the stones were perpendicular, and firmly bedded in the earth; many of them regular six-sided figures, and all fractured into laminae, from two to nine inches in thickness.
Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales
Canicula, than when he is in Cancer, in which sign, however, he is nearer to the perpendicular.
The New Organon
In this case, all of the points lying along a line through this circle's center and perpendicular to the plane of the heptagon are equidistant from the polygon's vertices.
S, and the arrow of trajectory is for that reason pointing into the future above the hypersurface passing through A and standing perpendicular to the world-line of the source.
Backward Causation
Without changing your elbow angle, keep your left elbow glued to your side and rotate your left shoulder, raising your forearm vertically as far as you can, aiming for a perpendicular position.
The hanging Tower at Pisa is, we believe, some thirty feet or so off the perpendicular, and there is one at Caerphilly about seventeen; but these are nothing to the castles in the air we have seen built by the touch of a female magician; nor is it an unusual thing with artists of the fair sex to order their plumed chivalry to gallop down precipices considerably steeper than a house, on animals apparently produced between the tiger and the bonassus.
Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
How it should Come none Can give any good acco; its Call'd Pooles hole from a man of that name that was a Robber and use to secure himself in yt place like a house, and so ye Country people imagined he made it, but some think it was dug to find mines or marble or Chrystal because ye mettle mines are full of stone as I sd before; only this Enters in ye side whereas the mines they make now are as a well perpendicular for severall yards before it spreads, and yt not till they Come to find metal, but ye difficulty appears as to this hole how so large a Cavity should be Left, as in some places ye Roofe is as lofty as you can see and all stone; now how it should be fixt so as not to tumble in by ye weight of ye Earth or stone on ye top: as to ye waters dropping yt is but what is Customary among rocks and stones, there are many springs wch run in ye veines of ye Earth and allwayes are running in such subteraneus vaults in the Earth, wch gather together and runns in a little Channell in ye bottom of this Cave as you may step one.
Through England on a Side Saddle in the Time of William and Mary
As discussed above for the genus, this echinoid is interpreted to have lived upright as epibenthos, with the long axis perpendicular to the substrate.
This was unusual: a concave-sided pyramid roof supporting a high flèche rising above a Perpendicular gothic square tower to create a profile curiously reminiscent of the Empire State Building.
The placement also made seeing the particulars of their relationship - they were perpendicular to each other, for instance - another mnemonic exercise.
Mustafah Abdulaziz for The Wall Street Journal Rick Davidson tries to get his body perpendicular to the floor.
Climb Every Mountain (But Train Hard First)
The south end of the Transept differs from the north in the arrangement of the windows; in the gable is a low Perpendicular window of seven lights, sunk within a deep recess; the north end has in the upper tier two large Perpendicular windows side by side.
Ely Cathedral
The tourniquet then is tightened and secured by perpendicularly placing a hemostat at the end of the catheter farthest from the vessel.
Cartes_ principles by conceiving the Globuls of the third Element to find less and less resistance against that side of them which is downwards, or by a way, which I have further explicated in the Inquisition about Colours, to be from an obliquation of the pulse of light, whence the under part is continually promoted, and consequently refracted towards the perpendicular, which cuts the Orbs at right angles.
Micrographia Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses with Observations and Inquiries Thereupon
One of the planes of fracture, however, provides a cross section perpendicular to the hinge line and plane of commissure that passes through both ligament areas.
Perpendicular work with a splendid roof of lierne vaulting.
Beautiful Britain: Canterbury
The building between 1200 to 1300 is usually referred to as Early English; between 1300 to 1400, the style of building is referred to as Decorated and from 1400 to 1500, it is known as Perpendicular.
Circular clockwise motion of a cilium can generate directional leftward flow if its axis is not perpendicular to the cell surface but tilted posteriorly.
The valley ended in a perpendicular rim of granite.
He is enchanted by a 'view of a dark sublime grove;' of the grand fountain he says that the 'ebullition is astonishing and continual, though its greatest force of fury intermits' (note the word 'intermits') 'regularly for the space of thirty seconds of time: the ebullition is perpendicular upward, from a vast rugged orifice through a bed of rock throwing up small particles of white shells.'
Rime of the ancient mariner
I said evenly, keeping my gaze level and steady and my posture perpendicular and upright.
You should never use the karabiner brake for perpendicular or overhanging pitches.
The bed of the river was formed by talc-schiste, in strata, the strike of which was from north by west to south by east, standing almost perpendicular, with a slight dip to the eastward.
Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia : from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, a distance of upwards of 3000 miles, during the years 1844-1845
The backward and forward stretching lobes and saddles actually provide resistance to pressure perpendicular to the septum.
People who have an aligned sacrum (where the spine meets the pelvis) can keep their legs perpendicular to the floor when they bend, but I couldn't.
Uniformly broadcast the seed, then repeat in a perpendicular direction.
By this process the upper zone of crystalline matter, which had intumesced so far as to allow of the escape of its aqueous vapor and of much of its mica and quartz, was resolidified, the component crystals arranging themselves in planes perpendicular to the direction of the pressure by which the mass was consolidated -- that is, to the radius of the globe.
A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume III: Modern development of the physical sciences
These applanate thalli are dimerous and in many examples only have the prostrate filaments and one epithallial cell in the perpendicular system.
The bird rises almost perpendicularly in the air with fluttering wingbeats before turning rapidly and making a slow spiral descent with wings and tail outspread.
The perpendicular bisectors of AA’ and BB’ are bound to intersect at A 1.
If he thinks that English Perpendicular is ‘simple, solid, squat’, he's wrong: it is fine-spun and neurotic.
Cholesterol is known to thicken phosphocholine bilayers by orientating the lipids in a more perpendicular fashion to the bilayer plane.
We hope to be able to eat off the portion of other and perpendicular search.
Before proceeding, however, you must check to be sure these two layout lines are perfectly perpendicular to each other.