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How To Use Penumbra In A Sentence

  • The First Amendment has a penumbra where privacy is protected from governmental intrusion.
  • It would obviously be impossible to view the exhibits in the penumbral candlelight by which they would originally have been seen.
  • From the flaming crimson center to aureate, flashing penumbra it was instinct with and poured forth power — power vast and conscious. The Metal Monster
  • This is itself a 3-D detailed representation of a brain which can then be laid over the projection of the scanned brain, helping clinicians quickly identify what portions of the brain are likely affected by the infarct and penumbra. Speeding Up Stroke Care
  • Given that cells get a little more oxygen in the area called the penumbra, he thinks that there is the potential for recovery if the waves can be silenced. News Feed
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  • A penumbra is the partial shadow cast onto one celestial body (e.g., the Earth) when another celestial body (e.g., the Moon) partically but not completely occludes light from a source (e.g., the Sun). Samuel Alito
  • Penumbras and Emanations have no measurable, quantifiable, or even ascertainable standards. The Volokh Conspiracy » Destroying the Constitution’s Structure is not Constitutional
  • But the penumbra is so faint that it cannot be recognized until just before the Moon enters the Earth's dark central shadow, the umbra.
  • He had a sound belief in astrology, the stars being the twinkling penumbra of his incandescent belief in the ‘free market,’ with whose motions it was blasphemous to tamper.
  • Conchoid curves are obtained for those eclipses in which the moon's penumbra reaches the northern limits to which the sun is visible; such eclipses are those near the ends of a saros or exeligmos series. The History of the Former Han Dynasty
  • And a penumbra is a different kettle of fish entirely – the metaphor was used by Justice Douglas in Griswold v. Connecticut and partakes more of substantive due process than anything else. The Volokh Conspiracy » The First Amendment and Advertisements of Legal Prostitution
  • What we call diffused light on Earth, the grateful result of refraction, the luminous matter held in suspension by the air, the mother of our dawns and our dusks, of our blushing mornings and our dewy eyes, of our shades, our penumbras, our tints and all the other magical effects of _chiaro-oscuro_ -- this diffused light has absolutely no existence on the surface of the Moon. All Around the Moon
  • Our planet's shadow has two parts, a dark inner core called the umbra and a pale outer fringe called the penumbra.
  • It does enter a region of space called the penumbra, in which the Earth partially blocks the Sun. Museum Blogs
  • They attracted his eyes as might the intervolved play of two large white moths in the penumbra beyond the candle-light, between his father's back and the dark sideboard; but he fought against the attraction because he knew that to be aware of a servant was an offence against good manners at table. Lady Good-for-Nothing
  • Outlined against the setting sun, the silhouette took on a strangely surreal beauty, as if a shadow's penumbra and umbra were fused together.
  • A penumbral eclipse, sometimes called an appulse, occurs when the Moon misses the Earth's umbra but passes through its penumbra or secondary shadow.
  • My example of the "walking" was one such attempt: I didn't say it was likely that such would happen in practise (it is not), but rather that, legally it wouldn't make sense to assume the literal right to assemble without the incorporation of some panoply (or "penumbra") of associated rights that, while not explicit, in their absense would gut or make a mockery of the one right explicitly given. Balkinization
  • Like many words in everyday use, it carries with it, as it were, a penumbra of different shades of meaning.
  • He is pacing up and down the library in the gloom, ‘the penumbra of the library’, as he put it, and he thinks of a tiger in the jungle, and this is ‘The Other Tiger’.
  • A penumbra of fiery purple encircles this near-seamless construction of photographs, objects and painted images on wood.
  • Neon glow qualifies the relation of work to wall; each piece generates its own set of shadow and penumbra.
  • The black penumbra which appears when you first look to its edges soon becomes brown.
  • That which on earth is called diffusion of light, that luminous matter which the air holds in suspension, which creates the twilight and the daybreak, which produces the umbrae and penumbrae, and all the magic of chiaro-oscuro, does not exist on the moon. Round the Moon
  • When the ascending currents are powerful, they give rise to the nuclei, to the penumbrae, to the faculae. Biographies of Distinguished Scientific Men
  • He brings a sharp eye to the bedside of a poet friend and to urban decay, ‘the dust of voices, / the smoky penumbra around streetlights.’
  • Technically perhaps a true statement, but the emanations and penumbras of the bill will result in bureaucratic decision-making when it comes to who gets treatment and who does not. Ben Smith: Wilson wins? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Others tell different jokes that are incoherent except in the penumbra cast by the joke.
  • It's a double-edged sword: Once they started finding "penumbrae," the courts turned it around on us and made up all sorts of stuff to NARROW our rights and expanded the power of government. Troll's is now h-e-double hockey sticks
  • As the partial phase progresses, you are moving deeper and deeper into the Moon's penumbra.
  • The next circle is less dark, and called the penumbra, because it so closely resembles the penumbra. Remarks
  • My guess is that eliminating the double taxation of dividends would lead to a powerful rally in stock prices and would do much to lift the penumbra of uncertainty that has bedeviled both consumers and corporate managers.
  • From the top of the terrace he gazed upon this vague form standing up like a phantom in the penumbrae of the evening. Salammbo
  • He stands within the penumbra of the falls, near the top of Irish Mountain.
  • This includes the continuous survey of umbra and penumbra of the sunspot.
  • Each sunspot consists of a dark central umbra, which is estimated to have a temperature in the region of 4000°C, and a surrounding penumbra, at a temperature in the region 5000°C.
  • When the ascending currents are powerful, they create those appearances which astronomers designate the nuclei, the penumbrae, the faculae. The Story of the Herschels
  • Soft shadows will create more realistic lighting effects, since this type of shadow more closely resembles shadows in the real world, and cast both an umbra an a penumbra.
  • So, one will observe either a total eclipse by the umbra (which can be well observed), a partial eclipse by the umbra and penumbra, or a total or partial eclipse by the penumbra only.
  • Like semaphores signaling an ambiguous statement, the chairs face away from the figures in the penultimate picture and virtually disappear in the varnished penumbra that concludes the final work of the cycle.
  • But large nuclei, large penumbrae, wrinkles, faculae, do they indicate an abundant luminous and calorific emission, as Herschel thought; that would be the result of his hypothesis on the existence of very active ascending currents, but direct experience seems to contradict it. Biographies of Distinguished Scientific Men
  • The penumbra is the pale outer portion of the Earth's shadow. Breaking News: CBS News
  • Her steps became feebler, and she strained her eyes to look afar upon the naked road, now indistinct amid the penumbrae of night. Far from the Madding Crowd
  • My view is that this would suggest a possibility that such statutes would in essence end up with penumbrae. The Volokh Conspiracy » Thoughts on the Oral Argument in City of Ontario v. Quon
  • Long, thin filaments radiate from the umbra into a brighter surrounding region called the penumbra.
  • And a penumbra is a different kettle of fish entirely–the metaphor was used by Justice Douglas in Griswold v. The Volokh Conspiracy » The First Amendment and Advertisements of Legal Prostitution
  • The umbra is the dark region where no light falls and the penumbra is the grey area where some light falls due to various phenomena. Kottu
  • During the partial stage the increasing penumbral penetration is not noticeable on a minute-to-minute basis, but as the umbra approaches things start to happen fast.
  • Thus, beyond the specifically theological reasons for unionism, there is a broader penumbra of social concerns.
  • In this area called the penumbra, cells get a little more oxygen so there is the potential for recovery if the waves can be silenced, he says. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Shadows and penumbras were instantaneously formed from the myriad of trees and hills that he surveyed through the window, and just as quickly vanished.
  • And we would do well to remember that the penumbra is the lighter, outer region of the shadow, the halo, indeed, of the shadow.
  • In other cases the Moon does not pass through the umbra at all, just going through the penumbra (a region of partial shadow).
  • There is in the penumbra of the USA Patriots Act the rendition of prisoners, the detention of however many anonymous suspects without even the pretense of due process, not to mention legal representation, the perpetual suspension of civil liberty, a new blatancy. Victor Navasky: The Difference Between Being Opinionated (Bad) and Having an Opinion (Good)
  • The Moon begins to enter the Earth's outer shadow, or penumbra, at 9: 06 P.M.
  • On Friday morning, the moon will enter the penumbra of the Earth's shadow at 3: 05 am, and the moonlight will become dimmer.
  • I've been in a black mood since September 2001, it's hanging over me like a penumbra.
  • The penumbra is the transition from the photosphere to the umbra.
  • A penumbral eclipse, sometimes called an appulse, occurs when the Moon misses the Earth's umbra but passes through its penumbra or secondary shadow.
  • If the court could remove the legal impediments to education provided by the state, why couldn't it also read, in penumbras and emanations, any number of other rights and privileges that they thought it would be nice for people to have?
  • It is not that the statute has a penumbral spirit which strikes down devices or stratagems designed to avoid its terms or exploit its loopholes.
  • When viewed through a telescope, sunspots have a dark central region known as the umbra, surrounded by a somewhat lighter region called the penumbra.
  • The fact that he could see the sunspots with the naked eye and that he could make out the umbrae and penumbrae of the spots suggest that they must have been extremely large.
  • The great literary critic and novelist George Steiner 1989, 181 writes that “all of us have experienced twilit, penumbral moods of diffuse attention and unresistant receptivity on the one hand, and of tensed, heightened focus on the other.” The Muse in the Machine
  • At Stephen’s suggestion, at Bloom’s instigation both, first Stephen, then Bloom, in penumbra urinated, their sides contiguous, their organs of micturition reciprocally rendered invisible by manual circumposition, their gazes, first Ulysses
  • Also, it is amusing to have this debate in a Journal called a homonym of, penumbra. The Volokh Conspiracy » Debating Textualism
  • The far better explanation is "You find the right in the emanations from the penumbras. Balkinization
  • Penumbra's special correspondent investigates the secrets of life and of adulterine children, using DNA fingerprinting.
  • The moon passing through the outer region of the Earth's shadow, known as the penumbra, will be visible from Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia's west coast at Stars and Stripes
  • The sky ahead of them was wide-streaked with gold, as if for a symbol, interlaid with sooty clouds in silhouette; on either side the mountains rose from penumbral darkness to clear-cut heights still bright from the slanting radiance. The Silver Horde
  • So a Contitutionally-unenumerated right to privacy results in emanations and penumbras from the Constitution that allows third trimester partial birth abortions, and restricts laws against sodomy and makes birth control a subject for strict scrutiny of legislation limiting its availability. The Volokh Conspiracy » Diane Wood on the Second Amendment
  • Long, thin filaments radiate from the umbra into a brighter surrounding region called the penumbra.
  • The First Amendment has a penumbra where privacy is protected from governmental intrusion.
  • Our planet's shadow has two parts, a dark inner core called the umbra and a pale outer fringe called the penumbra.
  • The penumbra of his face, and the emanations of light leaking from behind his ears, and his hair, was blinding.
  • The Moon on April 24th will glide through Earth's penumbra, producing what astronomers call a ‘penumbral lunar eclipse.’
  • How much the moon is dimmed depends on whether it passed through the penumbra or the darkest part of the shadow, the umbra.

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