
[ UK /pˈɛnʌmbɹɐ/ ]
[ US /pɪˈnəmbɹə/ ]
  1. a fringe region of partial shadow around an umbra
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How To Use penumbra In A Sentence

  • The First Amendment has a penumbra where privacy is protected from governmental intrusion.
  • It would obviously be impossible to view the exhibits in the penumbral candlelight by which they would originally have been seen.
  • From the flaming crimson center to aureate, flashing penumbra it was instinct with and poured forth power — power vast and conscious. The Metal Monster
  • This is itself a 3-D detailed representation of a brain which can then be laid over the projection of the scanned brain, helping clinicians quickly identify what portions of the brain are likely affected by the infarct and penumbra. Speeding Up Stroke Care
  • Given that cells get a little more oxygen in the area called the penumbra, he thinks that there is the potential for recovery if the waves can be silenced. News Feed
  • A penumbra is the partial shadow cast onto one celestial body (e.g., the Earth) when another celestial body (e.g., the Moon) partically but not completely occludes light from a source (e.g., the Sun). Samuel Alito
  • Penumbras and Emanations have no measurable, quantifiable, or even ascertainable standards. The Volokh Conspiracy » Destroying the Constitution’s Structure is not Constitutional
  • But the penumbra is so faint that it cannot be recognized until just before the Moon enters the Earth's dark central shadow, the umbra.
  • He had a sound belief in astrology, the stars being the twinkling penumbra of his incandescent belief in the ‘free market,’ with whose motions it was blasphemous to tamper.
  • Conchoid curves are obtained for those eclipses in which the moon's penumbra reaches the northern limits to which the sun is visible; such eclipses are those near the ends of a saros or exeligmos series. The History of the Former Han Dynasty
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