How To Use Pentamerous In A Sentence
These species are notable for the plesiomorphic retention of venation (albeit already quite reduced) in their tegmina, segmented cerci, and pentamerous tarsi.
To take an example, the group Pseudostrobus, characterized by pentamerous leaf-fascicles, appears in many systems.
The Genus Pinus
This species resembles P. Sabiniana in the length of its seed-wing and in the color of its cone, but is distinct in the short triangular umbo, in its pentamerous leaf-fascicles and in the mottled dorsal surface of its nut.
The Genus Pinus
In the British Adoxa the uppermost flower generally has two calyx-lobes with the other organs tetramerous, whilst the surrounding flowers generally have three calyx-lobes with the other organs pentamerous.
VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
Most basal Eudicots are dimerous or trimerous, with only occasionally pentamerous types (Sabiaceae, Ranunculaceae) which represent homoplasious trends.
The large number of strictly pentamerous families of starfish support the interpretation that there is ‘rigid control’ of pentamerism.
He expressed the possibility that the pentamerous condition of the water vascular system might be ‘rigidly programmed into the developmental process.’
Thus, in both _Lilium lancifolium_ and _L. auratum_ the writer has frequently met with pentamerous flowers.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
In the British Adoxa the uppermost flower generally has two calyx-lobes with the other organs tetramerous, whilst the surrounding flowers generally have three calyx-lobes with the other organs pentamerous.
VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
Adephagous: belonging to the Adephaga: pentamerous, predatory, terrestrial beetles with filiform antennae and predatory habits: see hydradephagous.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
Hydradephaga; - ous: applied to aquatic, predatory pentamerous beetles with filiform antennae: see adephagous.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
These species are notable for the plesiomorphic retention of venation (albeit already quite reduced) in their tegmina, segmented cerci, and pentamerous tarsi.
-- Diagram showing the arrangement of parts in a complete, regular, pentamerous flower: _s_, sepals; _p_, petals; _st_, stamens; _o_, ovaries.]
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
It is so common to observe on the same plant, flowers indifferently tetramerous, pentamerous, &c., that I need not give examples; but as numerical variations are comparatively rare when the parts are few, I may mention that, according to De Candolle, the flowers of Papaver bracteatum offer either two sepals with four petals (which is the common type with poppies), or three sepals with six petals.
VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
pentamerous flowers
Most basal Eudicots are dimerous or trimerous, with only occasionally pentamerous types (Sabiaceae, Ranunculaceae) which represent homoplasious trends.
The zygomorphic, pentamerous and spurred flowers are approximately 15 x 12 mm in diameter.
So for a week he floated with the current of casual dissipation and then, caught for an hour by a refluent eddy of lonesomeness, -- four parts of the pentamerous clover-leaf were paired lovers, -- he penned a missive which might have changed much in his future career: He sent to Christian Schwan a formal proposal for the hand of
The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller
These species are notable for the plesiomorphic retention of venation (albeit already quite reduced) in their tegmina, segmented cerci, and pentamerous tarsi.
It is so common to observe on the same plant, flowers indifferently tetramerous, pentamerous, &c., that I need not give examples; but as numerical variations are comparatively rare when the parts are few, I may mention that, according to De Candolle, the flowers of Papaver bracteatum offer either two sepals with four petals (which is the common type with poppies), or three sepals with six petals.
VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
So for a week he floated with the current of casual dissipation and then, caught for an hour by a refluent eddy of lonesomeness, ” four parts of the pentamerous clover-leaf were paired lovers, ” he penned a missive which might have changed much in his future career: He sent to Christian Schwan a formal proposal for the hand of Margarete.
The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller