
  1. divided into five parts; specifically, having each floral whorl consist of five (or a multiple of five) members
    pentamerous flowers
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How To Use pentamerous In A Sentence

  • These species are notable for the plesiomorphic retention of venation (albeit already quite reduced) in their tegmina, segmented cerci, and pentamerous tarsi.
  • To take an example, the group Pseudostrobus, characterized by pentamerous leaf-fascicles, appears in many systems. The Genus Pinus
  • This species resembles P. Sabiniana in the length of its seed-wing and in the color of its cone, but is distinct in the short triangular umbo, in its pentamerous leaf-fascicles and in the mottled dorsal surface of its nut. The Genus Pinus
  • In the British Adoxa the uppermost flower generally has two calyx-lobes with the other organs tetramerous, whilst the surrounding flowers generally have three calyx-lobes with the other organs pentamerous. VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
  • Most basal Eudicots are dimerous or trimerous, with only occasionally pentamerous types (Sabiaceae, Ranunculaceae) which represent homoplasious trends.
  • The large number of strictly pentamerous families of starfish support the interpretation that there is ‘rigid control’ of pentamerism.
  • He expressed the possibility that the pentamerous condition of the water vascular system might be ‘rigidly programmed into the developmental process.’
  • Thus, in both _Lilium lancifolium_ and _L. auratum_ the writer has frequently met with pentamerous flowers. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • In the British Adoxa the uppermost flower generally has two calyx-lobes with the other organs tetramerous, whilst the surrounding flowers generally have three calyx-lobes with the other organs pentamerous. VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
  • Adephagous: belonging to the Adephaga: pentamerous, predatory, terrestrial beetles with filiform antennae and predatory habits: see hydradephagous. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
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