How To Use Pelvic In A Sentence
The fin's origin is relatively far behind the pelvic fin insertion.
There was no extension into the endometrial cavity, nor into the pelvic peritoneum.
The external iliac vein is the main venous trunk of the pelvic limb and its branches are the medial circumflex femoral...
Often, the muscles used to maintain body posture are affected, namely the muscles in the neck, shoulders, and pelvic girdle, including the upper trapezius, scalene, sternocleidomastoid, levator scapulae, and quadratus lumborum.
The prostate can be affected by a variety of infectious and poorly defined non-infectious conditions that present as acute or chronic pelvic pain with a range of accompanying urinary and systemic symptoms.

The dual Group 1 winner has been out with a pelvic injury.
The Sun
Results: Pelvic inflammatory diseases, abortion, IUD, pelvic cavity operation, tubal ligation and pathological changes of reproductive system have evident effect on ectopic pregnancy.
During normal voiding the detrusor muscle contracts and the muscles of the urethral sphincter and pelvic floor relax in a co-ordinated fashion to allow the bladder to empty.
We recommend using this method of measuring and quantifying LLD when there is no history of pelvic deformity and the iliac crests can be readily palpated.
During one particularly intense session of meditation, the patient had a vivid recollection of being three years old, and suffering a severe double hernial rupture, caused by a weakening of the muscles in the pelvic region.
Meditation as Medicine
The muscles beneath the bladder that surround the urethra are called the pelvic floor muscles.
We looked at hospital admissions data for congenital and acquired syphilis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and ectopic pregnancy.
I'm trying to do, like, a zillion pelvic floor exercises a day.
Dogs bred to have exaggerated angulation in the hindquarters, extreme pelvic slope, or are poorly muscled, poorly angulated, and narrow in the hips seem more predisposed.
Adhesions can involve the uterus, tubes, ovaries, and bowels and can attach any of these structures to each other or to the floor of the pelvic area.
This type of training engages and increases the activation of the core muscles consisting of pelvic floor muscles, transversus abdominis, multifidus, internal and external obliques, rectus abdominis, erector spinae (sacrospinalis) especially the longissimus thoracis, and the diaphragm.
David Buer: Effects Of Training On Unstable Surfaces For Sports Performance
Treatment does not correct tubal damage but prevents reactivation if laparoscopy or other pelvic surgery is indicated.
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a general term for an infection that affects the lining of the uterus (endometrium), the fallopian tubes (salpingitis), and/or ovaries (oophoritis).
The pelvic fin usually consists of a spine on each side and one fin ray.
Imaging techniques can reveal the anatomy of the pelvic floor and lower urinary tract, and the inside of the bladder can be visualized directly with a cystoscope.
Patients may also present with chronic lower abdominal or pelvic pain, or alterations in the menstrual pattern.
Diagnosis may not be obvious if pelvic involvement precedes active bowel disease, or if drainage is clear or mucoid.
The exercises include the pelvic tilt, partial sit-up, and drawing the knees to the chest.
A radical cystectomy and prostatectomy with bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy and appendectomy were performed.
One month postoperatively, however, a computed tomograhic scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis demonstrated a new pelvic mass.
On the inhalation, the collarbones lift, the diaphragm flattens and descends, pushing out the belly, and the pelvic floor descends.
The hip is a strong joint: a bossed knuckle of bone clasped deep into a hollow of the pelvic skeleton.
Christianity Today
Chronic radiation enteritis is now recognised as a frequent and clinically important sequel of abdominal and pelvic irradiation treatment for malignant disease.
The fornices should be palpated around the cervix for nodules suggestive of endometriosis, and may also be the etiology for fixed adnexa or may result from pelvic inflammatory disease.
pelvic exam
No malignant cells were found in the lymph nodes, omentum, or pelvic washings.
One is the iliacus muscle, which connects the front of the pelvic bowl to the upper thigh; the other is the psoas, which connects the lower spine to the upper thigh.
A woman's pelvic floor supports the bladder, womb and the bowel.
One is the iliacus muscle, which connects the front of the pelvic bowl to the upper thigh; the other is the psoas, which connects the lower spine to the upper thigh.
Radiologic studies typically include pelvic ultrasound; laboratory data should be obtained regarding pertinent gonadotropins and other hormone levels.
The painful, heavy periods can be caused by a variety of conditions including endometriosis, fibroids, chronic pelvic infections, and adhesions.
Nor is it about wowing them with your capped teeth or that pelvic wiggle.
Times, Sunday Times
These include persistent pelvic or abdominal pain, increased abdominal size or bloating and difficulty eating.
The Sun
Ascending infection in women leads to the major complication of gonorrhea, pelvic inflammatory disease, a common cause of female infertility.
The first thing to do is to measure the distance between your ischial bones, otherwise known as your sit bones, which make up part of the pelvic girdle.
The abdomen is blown up with carbon dioxide so that space exists between your pelvic organs.
Alternative Health Care for Women
If there is any uncertainty about that, a pelvic exam or sonogram may be done.
Because the patient was obese, the uterus and ovaries could not be palpated clearly at pelvic examination.
Pelvic floor exercises may be helpful in the puerperium.
If pelvises are present, compare: the male pelvic girdle will have wider ischio-pubic ramus, while the female will have a defined ventral crest, a curved subpubic concavity, & a wide sciatic notch.
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Postoperative adhesions often form in women after reproductive pelvic surgery.
Anorgasmia may be psychologically induced, but could also be caused by other medical problems, such as multiple sclerosis, pelvic trauma, spinal cord injury, vulvodynia, or even a hormonal imbalance.
The most important procedure is the separation of the anus from the carcass and the pelvic area.
Field & Stream
The shaft of the normal penis consists of two erectile bodies, called the corpora cavernosa, that begin at the pelvic bone and extend to just below the head of the penis.
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But it's a subject which needs to be taken seriously - especially as men also have a pelvic floor and can suffer the same problems as women.
The Sun
It is used to treat delayed menses and congested blood (especially in the lower pelvic cavity) and abdominal pains.
Pelvic striated muscle contractions are subserved by the perineal nerve, and autonomic fibers send efferent impulses to effect the other visceral motor responses.
At the opened pelvic bone, use a sharp knife to make cuts to free the large intestine and rectum from the pelvic area.
Field & Stream
During evacuation, the anorectal junction moves down and backwards and the pelvic floor usually descends slightly.
Pelvic organ prolapse (cystocele, rectocele, and uterine prolapse) and anal incontinence are also troublesome sequelae of vaginal delivery.
Then we get together in big rooms and listen to each other having discussions on fiscal tightening or pelvic floor exercises, whither the welfare state.
Times, Sunday Times
The condition is caused by damage to the complex network of nerves in the neck and shoulder when her arm became stuck behind her mother's pelvic bone during birth.
The same survey was given to women presenting at a specialty clinic for removal of an ovarian or pelvic mass.
Pelvic inflammatory disease, surgery or endometriosis can cause adhesions or scar tissue.
That way they'd be spared his lewd pelvic gyrations.
The Hungarian has a pelvic problem.
The Sun
He has said he underwent an initial surgery 11 June to have a pelvic abscess removed, and doctors determined a subsequent operation was needed to remove a cancerous "abscessed tumour" from his pelvic region.
Fidel Castro describes Hugo Chávez's recovery as 'impressive'
Contractions of the bladder after stimulation of the pelvic nerve, dilation of the vessels of the salivary gland after stimulation of the chorda nerve still occur even after atropinization.
Otto Loewi - Nobel Lecture
The rice field eel has an anguilliform body with a large mouth and small eyes and no pectoral and pelvic fins.
People with interstitial cystitis may have painful spasms of the pelvic floor muscles.
Results: Pelvic inflammatory diseases, abortion, IUD, pelvic cavity operation, tubal ligation and pathological changes of reproductive system have evident effect on ectopic pregnancy.
pelvic inflammation
Be sure to stop smoking (as it breaks down the support tissues of the bladder) and do daily pelvic floor exercises.
The Sun
The pudendal nerve supplies the clitoris but the pelvic, hypogastric and vagus nerves serve the pelvis region.
Suzie Heumann: Enlightened Sex: Movement For Freeing Orgasm
Nonspecialists are often reluctant to diagnose depression, which can produce symptoms ranging from insomnia to pelvic pain, Thompson says.
Treatment to restore normal tone and function to the pelvic floor musculature should not be overlooked.
Anal manometry is performed to assess the anal sphincter, pelvic floor, and associated nerves.
Can be detected via urine or blood tests or self-administered swabs, but some are asymptomatic so women may not know to be tested outside of a routine pelvic exam.
Questioning the Need for Routine Pelvic Exam
Before you begin doing any abdominal muscle exercise other than transverse abdominal contractions and pelvic tilts see pages 96-97, check your rectus abdominis muscles for separation.
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
Males possess a larger spine on the first vertebra behind the pelvic girdle.
The most common sites of origin for osseous lesions are the long bones, such as the femur or humerus or the pelvic bones.
Based on those observations, he initiated a study of the role of the pelvic and tail musculature in the ventilation of pigeons.
Salmonids all have a small appendage called the axillary process located at the origin of the pelvic fins on the body.
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Endometritis and salpingitis are thought to be components of pelvic inflammatory disease.
The laparoscope can be moved around within the abdominal or pelvic cavity to give several different views.
It is used to treat delayed menses and congested blood (especially in the lower pelvic cavity) and abdominal pains.
Injury after childbirth usually involves all the pelvic floor and pelvic organ supports, although sometimes only one organ may prolapse.
As the uterus grows larger it generally gets a slight twist, known as a dextrorotation, which allows it to fit more easily in the abdominopelvic cavity.
To begin with the whole idea is horribly embarrassing because it inevitably means the pelvic walk and a confident swagger.
Fools Rush In - A Call to Christian Clowning
In internal medicine: chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, diabetes mellitus, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease and algomenorrhea, etc.
Chronic radiation enteritis is now recognised as a frequent and clinically important sequel of abdominal and pelvic irradiation treatment for malignant disease.
The lumbosacral trunk comprises the whole of the anterior division of the fifth and a part of that of the fourth lumbar nerve; it appears at the medial margin of the Psoas major and runs downward over the pelvic brim to join the first sacral nerve.
IX. Neurology. 6e. The Sacral and Coccygeal Nerves
The middle sacral artery may also provide a renal artery in cases of pelvic kidney.
The most typical symptom of interstitial cystitis is pelvic pain.
The bone graft is harvested from the patient's pelvic bone and inserted along with a spacer in between the vertebral bodies.
Ultrasonography can detect stones at the vesicoureteric junction but cannot easily show the normal ureter or ureteric calculi in other positions; it can, however, show any secondary dilatation of the pelvicaliceal system.
Popularly spoken of as the "lying-in period," and medically known as the puerperium, this time of convalescence immediately following childbirth is usually occupied by two important things: the restoration of the pelvic organs to their normal condition before pregnancy, and the starting of that wonderfully adaptative mechanism concerned with the production of the varying and daily changing food supply of the offspring.
The Mother and Her Child
Cuvier wanted to know whether the pelvic bone had developed any peculiar structures as a result of carting around such a heavy load.
The pelvic nerves emanate from the roots of the second through fourth sacral segments of the spinal cord.
Oh yes, and the evil scientist uses the aliens 'pelvic examinator gun ray thingie to amalgam four assorted woodland creatures into a girlfriend -- Animala -- portrayed by the only genuinely attractive person to appear in the movie.
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The rectal shelf, representing pelvic metastasis of an intra-abdominal malignancy.
I river danced, I orgasmed - as a man and a woman, I shook my rubber boobs out, I modelled, I pelvic thrusted, I read peoples minds… pretty normal evening, you know?
The England defender has missed 12 games with a pelvic injury.
Times, Sunday Times
Conclusion Laparoscopy can diagnose and treat pelvic disease in female infertility.
Here there is pelvic haematocele a result of tubal leak following tubal pregnancy.
The class includes general aerobic exercise, step aerobics and pelvic floor exercises.
Has she never heard of pelvic-floor exercises?
Times, Sunday Times
The femur, in the thigh, articulates at the hip joint with the pelvic girdle, linking the legs to the vertebral column via the sacro-iliac joints.
RESULTS: The most common indications for hysterectomy were leiomyomata (60% of hysterectomies), pelvic relaxation (11%), pain (9%), and bleeding (8%).
In Defense of the Hysterectomy
Traction should be in line with the pelvic axis and coordinated with maternal expulsive efforts.
The bladder is a hollow, muscular organ situated deep in the pelvic cavity behind the ureter tubes.
Your doctor will do a physical exam including a pelvic exam with pap smear.
Nonspecialists are often reluctant to diagnose depression, which can produce symptoms ranging from insomnia to pelvic pain, Thompson says.
Pelvic pain, which feels like period pain, is the most common symptom of endometriosis.
Sagittal and coronal cross-sectional images afford the best views and will be used throughout the MRI portion of pelvic anatomy.
Your pelvic muscles need tightening up — do pelvic floor exercises and lose any excess weight.
The Sun
This can bring on different aspects of pain, such as dysmenorrhea - painful, sometimes disabling cramps during menses; pain may get worse over time (progressive pain), also lower back pains linked to the pelvis, chronic pelvic pain - typically accompanied by lower back pain or abdominal pain, dyspareunia - painful sex, dysuria - urinary urgency, frequency, and sometimes painful voiding.
Robyn N. Cohen: Why Endometriosis Needs More Media Attention
Several case studies and one randomised controlled trial have shown that screening significantly reduces the prevalence of genital tract infections and pelvic inflammatory disease in women.
The size of the pelvic area varies in cows and those with small pelvic areas are more prone to difficulty.
Ovarian or pelvic irradiation with or without treatment with alkylating agents may adversely affect female fertility and pregnancy outcome.
You can reduce the risk of stress incontinence by doing pelvic floor exercises, both before and after delivery.
Times, Sunday Times
Has she never heard of pelvic-floor exercises?
Times, Sunday Times
This consists of an introductory seminar including demonstration of pelvic examination on a manikin and an opportunity for students to practise this under supervision.
This faster - moving air provides the pelvic fin with additional lift.
Aerobic exercise will improve overall blood flow, while pelvic floor exercises target the pelvic area directly.
Times, Sunday Times
Dogged by a long-term pelvic injury, the 36-year-old South African had not been named in Warwickshire's four-day team since last August and his 2011 entrance could not have been more dramatic.
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After the birth, you'll also need to strengthen your pelvic floor and abdominals.
Do your pelvic floor exercises, the good old pullup-and-hold sort that are taught to mumsto-be, alongside treatment and you'll be laughing, even if you sneeze.
Times, Sunday Times
Nevertheless, pelvic CT still showed an abscess within right psoas muscle and iliac fossa.
In the pelvic girdle the ilium corresponds to the scapula, the ischium to the coracoid, the pubis to the clavicle.
Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
Their confirmation as such must be made at a bimanual pelvic examination.
He gets us out of our seats to sing, sway and imitate the astonishing pelvic thrusts of the Dionysiac dancers on stage in a number called Originality.
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Then we get together in big rooms and listen to each other having discussions on fiscal tightening or pelvic floor exercises, whither the welfare state.
Times, Sunday Times
Pelvic organ prolapse results from a weakening of connective tissue or loss of muscular support.
My pelvic region felt more sensitive, and my orgasms felt more intense.
Strong pelvic floor muscles also help you to have an easier delivery.
Times, Sunday Times
Rats with vagal, pelvic, hypogastric and ovarian neurectomies exhibited a marked decrease in calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunoreactive nerves in the uterus relative to rats with pelvic, hypogastric, and ovarian neurectomies with intact vagus nerves.
In Defense of the Hysterectomy
As with many other body systems, pelvic care is typically offered only once a woman has developed significant physical symptoms, like urine leakage or a sensation of heaviness known as a prolapse as the uterus moves toward the vaginal opening.
Wild Feminine
For a mild or moderate enterocele, nonsurgical treatments - particularly, exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles - may help relieve symptoms, if symptoms are present.
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Extra weight and pressure can also weaken the pelvic floor muscles and damage the bladder nerves.
Times, Sunday Times
If this fails, and in cases of aspermia caused by pelvic injury or multiple sclerosis, rectal electrostimulation usually provides semen suitable for assisted conception.
This pain often gets worse during bowel movements because of pressure on a muscle in the pelvic floor called the levator ani.
Science Blog
But an angry crowd objected to their pelvic thrusts and called in cops.
The Sun
Be sure to stop smoking (as it breaks down the support tissues of the bladder) and do daily pelvic floor exercises.
The Sun
Endometriosis, tubal surgery and pelvic surgery result in pelvic and tubal adhesions and abnormal tubal function.
Work your inner thighs and pelvic floor with this exercise.
Times, Sunday Times
However, it is well known that endometriosis is associated both with pelvic pain and infertility.
The cavity of the lesser pelvis is bounded in front and below by the pubic symphysis and the superior rami of the pubes; above and behind, by the pelvic surfaces of the sacrum and coccyx, which, curving forward above and below, contract the superior and inferior apertures of the cavity; laterally, by a broad, smooth, quadrangular area of bone, corresponding to the inner surfaces of the body and superior ramus of the ischium and that part of the ilium which is below the arcuate line.
II. Osteology. 6c. 2. The Pelvis
New Attitude - black nylon and spandex ‘underwear’ - has an adjustable pad that presses firmly against the sacrum, a bone in the pelvic area.
Now let it be said that nothing that results in a pelvic abscess is going to heal quickly.
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She also gives exercises for the deep abdominal muscles to stabilize the back and pelvic girdle.
A radical cystectomy and prostatectomy with bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy and appendectomy were performed.
The structures cover the head, neck, tail, and parts of both the pectoral and pelvic limbs.
In contrast, benign pelvic lymph nodes averaged 1.7 cm in their greatest dimension.
It can spread to the womb and tubes leading to pelvic inflammatory disease.
Extra weight and pressure can also weaken the pelvic floor muscles and damage the bladder nerves.
Times, Sunday Times
These fasciæ are closely related to one another and to the deep fascia of the perineum, and in addition have special connections with the fibrous coverings of the pelvic viscera; it is customary therefore to describe them together under the term pelvic fascia.
IV. Myology. 6e. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Pelvis
Reflux that extends into the renal pelvis and calyces and is associated with moderate ureteral, renal pelvic, and calyceal dilation.
The pelvic examination should include an evaluation for inflammation, infection and atrophy.
Treatment often begins with simple Kegel exercises designed to strengthen pelvic muscles.
Concomitant development of a long tail would be important to damp lateral oscillation and control yaw associated with pelvic paddling.
These include muscles used to maintain body posture, such as those in the neck, shoulders, and pelvic girdle.
This can lead to the development of endometritis or pelvic inflammatory disease.
Gentamicin is a very strong antibiotic of the aminoglycoside family that is used to treat gonorrhea, kidney and other serious infections, and for pelvic inflammatory disease in combination with other drugs.
Chapter 37
In both living and fossil forms, the pectoral and pelvic fins are prominent characteristics of the locomotor anatomy.
Another group of muscles of the pelvic girdle act to flex the hip, and include the psoas, the iliacus, a combination of the two called the iliopsoas, the pectineus, and the sartorius muscles.
It is a congenital abnormality which covers a spectrum ranging from a simple bifid renal pelvis to a complete ureteropelvic duplication.
Then your brain tells your pelvic floor muscles to relax and your sphincter (the opening at the neck of your bladder) to open.
The available clinical evidence leans heavily on parenteral therapy of inpatients with pelvic inflammatory disease.
Physical findings include a normal or slightly enlarged uterus, pelvic pain with movement of the cervix and a palpable adnexal mass.
Uterine prolapse occurs when pelvic floor muscles and ligaments stretch and weaken, providing inadequate support for the uterus.
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To begin with the whole idea is horribly embarrassing because it inevitably means the pelvic walk and a confident swagger.
Fools Rush In - A Call to Christian Clowning
You can reduce the risk of stress incontinence by doing pelvic floor exercises, both before and after delivery.
Times, Sunday Times
And it cuts blood pressure and tones up your pelvic floor.
The Sun
Postpartum lochia not prevent the net flow of air to prevent postpartum complications postpartum pelvic varicose veins, Ms. production.
A pelvic examination in women and a perineal and penile examination in men can identify the presence of discharge, trauma, or infective lesions such as herpes or chancroid.
They will be able to advise you and may recommend exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles or other treatment.
If you have pelvic pain or questions about ovarian cysts, talk to your physician.
Results:The patients with pelvic varicosis showed network like, non echo areas and plexiform or color ball shaped blood flow signals which were not found in control group.
The bone can also be taken from several places, commonest being the iliac crest (pelvic bone).
He also postulated that C trachomatis was a cause of pelvic inflammatory disease after noting that mothers whose babies had chlamydial ophthalmia neonatorum had symptoms of salpingitis.
Other forms of incontinence benefit from pelvic floor exercise monitored by biofeedback.
The absence of pelvic sensation in the four patients with cervical lesions supports this interpretation.
The diagnostic relevance of other techniques (ultrasonography, evacuation scintigraphy, pelvic floor magnetic resonance imaging, etc) is under evaluation.
With regard to the specific characters of the species of _Zeugopterus_ nothing is known of peculiarities in mode of life which would give an importance in the struggle for existence to the concrescence of the pelvic fins with the ventral in _punctatus_, to the absence of this character and the elongation of the first dorsal ray in _unimaculatus_, or to the absence of both characters in _norvegicus_.
Hormones and Heredity
The anatomical location of the pelvic blood vessels puts them at risk for injury during hip surgery.
The anatomical location of the pelvic blood vessels puts them at risk for injury during hip surgery.
There is also substantial overlap with other functional disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and chronic pelvic pain.
This technique, developed by naprapathic physician and herbalist Dr. Rosita Arvigo and based on traditional healing methods of Maya medicine, addresses pelvic flow and organ alignment through abdominal and sacral massage, for both women and men.
Wild Feminine
The patient underwent preoperative chemotherapy and subsequent radical hysterectomy and bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy.
Objective : To explore the efficient treatment and nursing methods for the patients with pelvic inflammatory disease.
Ascending infection in women leads to the major complication of gonorrhea, pelvic inflammatory disease, a common cause of female infertility.
Strangely enough, the only subjects in this study to experience problems with pelvic relaxation were two patients who had cervical prolapse after subtotal hysterectomy.
Sometimes it takes a year or two for nerves or blood vessels in your pelvic area to heal.
Gunshotwounds through the skull, ribs, sternum and pelvic bones mayleave coned defects with a smaller hole on the entry side of thebony plate and a larger bevelled defect on the other side
Objectives:To investigate the affection of pelvic anatomy and sagittal balance of the spine to isthmic spondylolisthesis etiology and clinical symptom.
In cases where fracture of some portion of the pelvic girdle is suspected and the subject is able to walk, crepitation is sought by placing one hand on an external angle of the ilium and the other on the ischial tuberosity and the animal is then made to walk.
Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
Prolonged exposure to the disease may arise to various health problems such as epididymitis in men, and Pelvic
They groped us, felt us up and thrust their pelvic regions into our backsides.
Suprapelvic height, pelvic height, and subischeal height are obtained by calculation on the basis of standing height, sitting height, total lower limb length, ankle height and bi-iliac width.
She had a history of a right ovarian cystectomy several years earlier but no history of sexually transmitted diseases or pelvic inflammatory disease.
To confirm the diagnosis, she had computed tomography of the abdomen, which showed extensive ascites but no obvious abdominal or pelvic mass.
They occupy the ovarian fossae on the lateral pelvic wall.
The pectoral radials are one of a series of endochondral - growing or developing within cartilage - bones in the pectoral and pelvic girdle on which the fin rays insert.
Aerobic exercise will improve overall blood flow, while pelvic floor exercises target the pelvic area directly.
Times, Sunday Times