[ UK /pˈɛlvɪk/ ]
[ UK /pˈɛlvɪk/ ]
of or relating to the pelvis
pelvic exam
pelvic inflammation
How To Use pelvic In A Sentence
- The fin's origin is relatively far behind the pelvic fin insertion.
- There was no extension into the endometrial cavity, nor into the pelvic peritoneum.
- The external iliac vein is the main venous trunk of the pelvic limb and its branches are the medial circumflex femoral...
- Often, the muscles used to maintain body posture are affected, namely the muscles in the neck, shoulders, and pelvic girdle, including the upper trapezius, scalene, sternocleidomastoid, levator scapulae, and quadratus lumborum.
- The prostate can be affected by a variety of infectious and poorly defined non-infectious conditions that present as acute or chronic pelvic pain with a range of accompanying urinary and systemic symptoms.
- The dual Group 1 winner has been out with a pelvic injury. The Sun
- Results: Pelvic inflammatory diseases, abortion, IUD, pelvic cavity operation, tubal ligation and pathological changes of reproductive system have evident effect on ectopic pregnancy.
- During normal voiding the detrusor muscle contracts and the muscles of the urethral sphincter and pelvic floor relax in a co-ordinated fashion to allow the bladder to empty.
- We recommend using this method of measuring and quantifying LLD when there is no history of pelvic deformity and the iliac crests can be readily palpated.
- During one particularly intense session of meditation, the patient had a vivid recollection of being three years old, and suffering a severe double hernial rupture, caused by a weakening of the muscles in the pelvic region. Meditation as Medicine