
How To Use Pasty In A Sentence

  • He had a thin face, a pasty complexion and a long thin nose.
  • But, more likely, he has decided it is less of a PR risk to leave a journalist eating a solitary crab pasty in the drizzle than to be trapped alone with her and - God forbid - a tongue-loosening bottle of wine.
  • The parcel was in fact a huge piece of puff pasty filled with a rather creamy concoction of mushrooms and chestnuts.
  • Manchester, " I replied quietly as 500 pairs of curious eyes swivelled round to a pasty-faced outsider. "Manchester!
  • Dinner was usually fried meat and pasty potatoes thrown on a chipped plate.
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  • Mesell Malkontent of Faux News, the gripping cutting edge metaphorist megamedia propaganda outlet, a non-contributor of the pasty pedantry and PIG’s Pundits in General, spouts ‘demon duck du jour’, and claims, somehow, she knows, somehow, that Hezbollah is just a beauty pagent… Think Progress » Malkin: Outrage About Qana ‘Manufactured,’ ‘If It’s Not Qana, It’s Something Else…It’s Beauty Pageants’
  • I could see, even in the dim light of my fading lamp, that his skin was pasty and pallid, his eyes dark and cloudy.
  • Like her, this beer is some pasty, lanky overrated chick with no boobies.
  • She does look warm and pretty next to pasty Edward, but his palid complexion is just frightening here. the previous poster was much more appealling, alluring, and more likely for viewers to actually ditch their old movies and take this one. ilovethecullens (10/9/2008 5: 19: 17 PM) i dont really like it, they could've done a lot better Final ‘Twilight’ Poster Hits Net. What Do You Think? » MTV Movies Blog
  • Anyway - if you feel the need to be pasty, wan and outraged, you can always write to me and tell me how you feel.
  • Viewers are jokingly referred to as pasty shut-ins, lampooning assumptions about the audience for online video. BikiniZero Takes Net News to ‘Natural’ End
  • Between his pale, pasty flesh, sunken sullen eyes, and limited acting ability, he gives new meaning to the word doughy.
  • The important notes of this classic dish should be caramelised apple and crumbly pasty, but instead, there was an unpleasant sharpness, which came from either burned sugar, or apples left in lemon juice too long, or both.
  • Samuel Pepys recorded that on 6 January 1660 he was entertained to dinner ‘which was good, only the venison pasty was palpable beef, which was not handsome’.
  • So I am fat and pasty, constantly nauseous and frequently sick.
  • They'll most likely tell you to knock on your neighb's door and politely ask them to take it outside: - / kylewritescode answered: There was a case a while back where two lawyers sued their neighbor for smoking in her apartment … maybe give People's Firehouse a call. ironknickers answered: yeah man! more so if you say you have a family history of medical illness's related to smoking, even Second hand. mills answered: It depends on your willingness to 'medicalize' your discomfort by claiming illness; exaggeration (or lying) in this area is rewarded. skyl answered: i would hope so. that disgusting pasty answered: Yes.
  • Anyone who lived in a factory would naturally be a bit pasty, and gloves are a sensible and hygienic precaution where food preparation is involved.
  • Vampires – yes pasty-faced bloodsuckers – are the new, erm, black. THE VAMPIRE LOOK? ONLY SUCKERS WILL BE SPORTING THE TWILIGHT STYLE THIS SEASON | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • More traditional grub, such as a cheese and onion pasty or Scotch egg, follows in the evening.
  • After shuffling though many books and cooking websites I decided to make salmon pasty, a salad of greens, frumenty, and fruit pudding.
  • At other tables, several pasty-faced types in puffed-out shirts lazily gorged themselves on cruisers' cuisine.
  • Why, nothing more glamorous than a Greggs pasty.
  • Now, Manos's Master may look like a weenie with his slim build, pasty complexion, and prominent cheek bones, but the mustache is our first clue that he's a lady killer (literally).
  • I enjoyed these comparisons, and chuckled heartily at the thought of all the pasty faced goons queuing for minging breakfast rolls along the M50.
  • Then, with a pasty in one hand and Tom's article in the other, you'll feel like a true ‘Yooper!’
  • In what can only be described as a pasty smorgasbord of angst, bloodlust, and infinite consumer tie-ins, the Torontoist
  • Poor man was perspiring abnormally, and his face was quite pasty from fear.
  • Pepys's age, I venture to submit that the _humble pie_ of that period was indeed the pie named in the list quoted; and not only so, but that it was made out of the "umbles" or entrails of the deer, a dish of the second table, inferior of course to the venison pasty which smoked upon the dais, and therefore not inexpressive of that humiliation which the term "eating humble pie" now painfully describes. Notes and Queries, Number 06, December 8, 1849
  • Too much of everything - stress, sun, late nights and unhealthy food - takes its toll on your skin, making it look pasty, dull or flaky.
  • He was described as having ‘a sickly, pasty complexion’.
  • His half day off was invariably spent tinkering about the stuffy little flat -- painting, nailing up shelves, mending a broken window shade, puttying a window, playing with his pasty little boy, aged sixteen months, and his pasty little girl, aged three years. Gigolo
  • He would see himself mouth angry words back at the idling grinning shopkeepers, that would wipe away for ever the pasty smile off their faces.
  • She shut her harsh lips together tightly at what she saw; Jase certainly was puffy under his watery, pink-rimmed eyes, and the withered cheeks above his thin graying beard really did have a pasty, gray look. The Ranch at the Wolverine
  • His face was pasty and sweat dripped from the end of his nose.
  • Using a citrus reamer, muddle the leaves until they are dark green and pasty; the total volume should reduce by about half, and they should have released quite a bit of liquid.
  • never matures as a dimensional character; he is pasty, bland, faceless
  • He's a rather unattractive man with long greasy hair and pasty skin.
  • My skin is varying shades of black and grey, pale and pasty in places, then suddenly dropping off to pitch, dull black, an unhealthy cast.
  • So we go shopping but can't find any item of clothing that both looks good and fits, and end up going home with a pair of tights and a half-eaten pasty.
  • I've always associated it with school meals, so to see it put in a shortcrust pasty is an intriguing way of lifting something that is otherwise quite dull and boring.
  • The young men can often be spotted nipping across the road to the garage to buy sweets, biscuits or a Ginsters pasty, and a Daily Star or Sun newspaper to look at the pictures while eating.
  • He has the pale, pasty set of the sedentary, a fleshy padding of indulgence and a deep, broad accent with an odd similarity to that of Charles Kennedy.
  • Slice brawn, spoil a hen, unbrace a mallard, untache a curlew, border a pasty, thigh small birds, splat a pike, fin a chub, barb a lobster Early English Meals and Manners
  • I _had_ to know what a 'bridie' meant, so we stopped to see; but it's only a rolled meat pasty they love in Forfarshire; and brides are supposed to batten on them at their weddings. The Heather-Moon
  • cognoscenti" - elitist, agoraphobic, self-referential, intellectual narcissists with asthma and a tendency towards pasty skin and the use of words like "cognoscenti". Truckeratlas Diary Entry
  • She was achingly gaunt, her skin pasty white, the lines of her face stark and startling in their prominence.
  • But when you're two shades to the left of porky, wearing a pirate shirt that exposes your corpulent, pasty chest is not really a turnon for the crowd. A Handy Hint For All Of You Ren Faire Folk
  • I found myself, a 10-rouble bill in hand, in front of a kiosk selling chebureki, the Crimean meat pasty. ‘And heat it up, will you?’
  • England's gifted, energetic Kenneth Branagh plays that bureaucrat to smirking, pasty-faced perfection.
  • Every worn-out, pasty-faced pauper, every blind man, every prison babe, every man, woman, and child whose belly is gnawing with hunger pangs, is hungry because the funds have been misappropriated by the management. THE MANAGEMENT
  • Using a citrus reamer, muddle the leaves until they are dark green and pasty; the total volume should reduce by about half, and they should have released quite a bit of liquid.
  • Now and again some workman would stop to light his pipe, but the others tramped on round him with never a smile, never a word to a mate, pasty faces all turned towards Paris, which swallowed them one by one…
  • One would have thought that your basic, wholemeal, vegetable pasty would have some minor health benefits.
  • I've lost count of the times I have been stood at the carvery, carving succulent slices of rare beef when some pasty faced carrot nibbler says ‘What's the vegetarian option then?’
  • When young men joining the Corps first arrived in camp they often described themselves as "pasty-faced, pale, and without good color at all."
  • She glanced down upon a freckled face of the complexion described as pasty, a pair of greyish-blue eyes, and Apples, Ripe and Rosy, Sir
  • As the subway moved through the underworld dimness of fluorescent light and darkness, he considered the pasty faces of the car's riders.
  • Whereas Christopher, a writer, should be pasty white and horribly pale, like a baker, not tanned like some playboy off a yacht.
  • He'd darkened a bit from his pale and pasty childhood complexion, but not too much.
  • They walked along the same succulent sea by which pasty-white holiday makers tend to flop in order to obtain coffee brown tans.
  • I thought of the coughing, pasty-faced fellow passenger on the airplane and presumed I'd caught a touch of whatever he was spreading.
  • Our son had the pasty which was one of the problem meals mentioned and he completely enjoyed it.
  • I can now taste the difference between a pineapple and a pasty, but the parosmia remains.
  • The lovely Liesl is played by a pasty, paunchy middle-aged man who gamely glides through "Sixteen Going on Seventeen" like the dreamiest of teenagers, "Climb Every Mountain" is the anthem not of a Mother Superior but of an angsty popping-and-locking b-boy, and "Something Good," in which Maria and Captain Von Trapp confess their love, features three pairs of lovers, two of them same-gender. Kris Wilton: The Sound of Music Like You've Never Seen It
  • Camel's a hard colour to wear and it would be wasted on a pasty-faced youth. Gay Dad: the saga of the camel coat
  • She was plumpish with lank hair and a pasty complexion, not very clean, scruffily dressed - very unappetising, I thought.
  • There is some explanation for the belief that Schubert did not dare to love or declare his love, and some reason to believe that his reticence was wise and may have saved him worse pangs, in the fact that he was only one inch more than five feet high, and yet fat and awkward; stoop-shouldered, wild-haired, small-nosed, big-spectacled, thick-lipped, and of a complexion which has been called pasty to the point of tallowness. The Love Affairs of Great Musicians, Volume 2
  • Stir the butter-flour mixture over high heat until it's very thick and pasty and pulls away from the sides of the pan, Remove from heat and stir until smooth.
  • The primary job of the large intestine is to resorb water from the waste, condensing it down into the thick, pasty glop we all know and love as excrement. Evolution of the appendix? - The Panda's Thumb
  • I'll help wi 'the cloam," said a big, heavily-made boy who was seated at one end of the table, eating a pasty. Secret Bread
  • The sun bled stark white light over the court and it bounded off pasty nets that fluttered a little.
  • A pizza-dough pasty, with a doughnut consistency, envelops a scalding hot tomato and melted mozzarella interior.
  • The sago pasty, the artocarpus bread, some mangoes, half a dozen pineapples, and the liquor fermented from some coco-nuts, overjoyed us. Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
  • RUCerious Brought to you by MalWart your source for cheap plastic crap says: pasty5 ~ iz vowting doun all dem potzes hertig yer widow figger? Think Progress » Obama Reprimands GOP: Stop Saying ‘This Guy’s Doing All Kinds Of Crazy Stuff…To Destroy America’
  • We look to the Russians for that blood-coloured soup, borscht; we eat them cold with pasty, yellow mustard or horseradish sauce and the recent trend of pasta dyed with beetroot juice makes for nothing more than creative viewing.
  • The crispy phyllo pastry that housed the veggie pie provided perfect textural contrast to the pasty sweet potato, which was oh-so-sweetly lubricated by a juicy tomato-apple relish.
  • I'm going to forward the link to my vegetarian mate J who, like most vegetarians I know, is pasty and feeble-looking and needs desperately to sink his shamefully underutilised, omnivorous gnashers into a fat, bloody steak.
  • Kieran washed the jam pasty down with a swallow of wine and turned sideways on the bench to make his own inventory.
  • Even today, you stand a chance of being apprehended for "dressing improperly" - which can mean anything from letting your beer belly hang out, to exposing mottled thighs or pasty midriffs.
  • It's called a pasty," says Brian Harsch, owner of Jean Kay's Pasties in Marquette, NPR Topics: News
  • The Brooklyn-based magazine is hardly alone in its appreciation of callipygian cover models: Rolling Stone gave the world Jennifer Aniston's rump in March 1996 (not to mention Jim Carrey's pasty posterior a year before) and men's magazines like Smooth seem to exist solely to allow photographers to dream up new angles for capturing the curvature of models 'gluteus maximi. The Vice Guide To Covers: 'Butts Are Kinda Safe'
  • Not that he knew he was back, he simply found himself in a room full of monsters, lanky, pasty giants clad in disgusting nether garments, who, rather than beat him compassionately into stability, kept their distance and moaned.
  • The pasty is a meat pie with potatoes and other root vegetables, sealed and baked in a light pastry crust. News & Features from Minnesota Public Radio
  • The dry stuffing takes up the juices of the fowl, and is much more flavorous, and less pasty than that which is wet before use. Dishes & Beverages of the Old South
  • Originally a pasty, it developed its characteristic shape to fit better into huntsmen's saddlebags.
  • Another visually interesting dessert is the kalamay na ure, which looks like a glowing purple rhomboid, a sweet pasty thing made with purple rice.
  • They are big and scary and kind of bronzed, which pisses me off because I always wanted to be one of those people who tanned easily but instead am pasty or pink depending on the season and dammit, why do those all-powerful goddess labyrinth guardians have it so easy when they probably spend their entire lives down here in the dark where no one will even see them? Archive 2006-12-01
  • I resorted to defrosting a lemon, mixing it into the sliced fruit with some sugar and then wrapping the whole lot in puff pasty.
  • Then if you are looking for such delicacies as wild boar pate, potted shrimps or simply a venison pasty, the Food Court should be your first stop.
  • I resorted to defrosting a lemon, mixing it into the sliced fruit with some sugar and then wrapping the whole lot in puff pasty.
  • He was pasty pale in the face as if he was ill, and his thick, swollen lips had a bluish tinge.
  • The parcel was in fact a huge piece of puff pasty filled with a rather creamy concoction of mushrooms and chestnuts.
  • Is this pasty-faced kid, Alexander McCobin, a member of Students for Liberty, suggesting that we must support “liberty” because we do not have “liberty”? Think Progress » CPAC Conference Dissolves Into Right-Wing Civil War Over Gay Rights
  • The smith had told her it was for sale and after meeting its pasty-faced, quasi-urban guerilla owner who spent more time staring at her breasts than worrying about the price he got for the gun, she completed the purchase. The Three Of Swords - любовь среди волков*
  • LAF reminds me alot of pasty Jeff Goldstein taking speed and eating cheetohsm obsessed with his obsession another count cockula protein wisdumb hernaneutic asperger Think Progress » Hastert: Foley Misconduct Was Presented As Something That ‘Might Have Affected Campaigns’
  • The old guy even had a pasty face and a packet of sweets for the kiddies and didn't turn up this week when the munchkins were off.
  • Featured in the current series are smoked haddock scotch eggs with curried mayonnaise, pigeon and red onion pasty, and onion soup with steak and kidney sausage dumplings.
  • My complexion remained pale and pasty.
  • Watching black Africans worship a pasty Jesus who is wearing what Tessa can best describe as a diaper is a cultural experience Tessa could live without. Amaryllis in Blueberry
  • Anyway, Marty was wearing this hideous pale paisley shirt which looked awful on his squidgy pasty skin, and also revealed he has chest hair, which made his smooth, hair-free head look even more freaky.
  • Housewives used to make one for each member of the household and mark their initials on one end of the pasty.
  • He didn't howl in pain, only sucked in his breath while his face turned a shade of pasty oatmeal grey.
  • Worse still, the sense of sameness that pervades the look of the film – pasty-faced agents and snarling gangsters, dozens of murky rooms and grimy exteriors, too many of the same characters in repetitive dialogue – keeps it from building momentum or establishing a rhythm that would help the audience immerse themselves in the narrative or the time and place. DVD Review: Public Enemies « Screaming Blue Reviews
  • Except Mike’s not even cool enough for that, he’s just kind of blobby and pasty and drinks a lot of coffee and has pungently smelly feet. Toastcrumbs Diary Entry
  • The residue may remain as a powdery substance (a calx), in which case the process of roasting is termed calcination; or it may be a pasty mass or liquid. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • I've often thought Americans might be woken up to the true power of vinegar if it could be made dippable, but to make it dippable you'd have to make it glutinous, and making it glutinous would mean the fry would be slathered with a pasty vinegar-scented coating, not saturated as a good fry should be. All Right, Let's Try This Again....
  • What to eat: Whatever looks good – the pastel de camarão (fried prawn pasty) frango (chicken) or siri (crab) empanadas usually are. Top 10 neighbourhood bars in Rio de Janeiro
  • Forty-five minutes later, I'm at the railway station filling my face with a Steak and Guinness pasty.
  • Sometimes, in the free moments, circling about among the tables as he tried to win the door, the pasty-faced men gripped his coat-tails and flung him back at the swinging right of the on-rushing Patsy. The Benefit of the Doubt
  • I've lost count of the times I have been stood at the carvery, carving succulent slices of rare beef when some pasty faced carrot nibbler says ‘What's the vegetarian option then?’
  • He was a heavyset man with medium brown hair and a pale, almost pasty complexion.
  • Food was available but for vegetarians such as myself it was chips or a cheese and onion pasty for £3.50.
  • The bridie looks something like a Cornish pasty which has been put on its side.
  • Why am I picturing STORM as pasty white, 5′6″, thin as a rail, bucktoothed guy? Think Progress » Armey Accuses ‘Destructive’ Tancredo Of ‘Alienating’ Hispanics
  • Cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, about 12 minutes, until the mixture is pasty but not dry.
  • Ensignes with other warlike and ioyfull behaviours, expressing by these outward signes, the inward gladnesse of their mindes, being all as ready to ioyne together in mutuall consent to resist the cruel enemie, as now in sporting maner they made myrth and pastyme among themselues. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Her face was pasty white and she looked quite haggardly.
  • I wiped me fingers gently down the rabbit's flank, then, shutting my eyes, I slid my hand beneath its limp head like a kitchen slice scooping up a burst pasty.
  • Then if you are looking for such delicacies as wild boar pate, potted shrimps or simply a venison pasty, the Food Court should be your first stop.
  • When he emerged, he was pasty-faced and sweating, and his long hair hung down in wet rat-tails.
  • Cold vegetable pasty made from mashed potatoes and flour and filled with carrot, potato and beetroot.
  • Skinny, pasty-faced and dressed from head to toe in black complete with woolly hat rammed down on his head, Hamlet is the epitome of a disaffected philosophy student.
  • Pairing pasty quince pancakes with the fat-rich confit turns the plate monotonous halfway through.
  • He was a large, sloppy man with a round pasty face and yellow hair.
  • The white, colonnaded mansion, built for British rulers of the Punjab whose pasty portraits hang inside, feels like a refuge and a throwback. The Troubled Heart of Pakistan
  • Her rosy skin that Danielle had had was now a pale and pasty white.
  • Face it - dry, pasty, scaly skin doesn't exactly go with shorts and tees.
  • Come now, another shive of mutton? well, then, a piece o 'th' pasty -- do! For the Master's Sake A Story of the Days of Queen Mary
  • I seem to be the first customer of this week; a small boy stares at the pasty-faced foreigner who doesn't speak their language. Sensual pleasure: being shaved
  • He is old and grey and paunchy and pasty -- and by '12, will be older, greyer, paunchier and pastier -- and snarls. Paul Abrams: To al-Qaeda's Cheers: Dick Cheney Is Running, Will Be the 2012 Republican Nominee
  • Their skin was pale and pasty, their eyes were blazing with nightfire, their thin lips were drawn back in that hideous death's head grimace that haunted many an Ocular child in his sleep. Darkness of the Light
  • Dust a piece of waxed paper with more Tom Sawyer Flour (I tried Bob's Red Mill GF Blend for the first two and it was too strong and 'beany' tasting) and roll out using a small pasty roller. Flour tortillas | Homesick Texan
  • He looked at his pasty complexion in the mirror.
  • I always thought it was cockney rhyming slang for the mushy dollop of pasty gloop my disaster-of-a-cook east-end nan served up when I stayed at her house as a kid. In praise of … the Big Fish Fight | Editorial
  • Similarly, cheese can be used in myriad ways, from a simple quiche to a puff-pasty galette with herbs and goat's cheese, or a roast vegetable and pecorino pizza.
  • It turns gloppy and pasty once it sits in the pot after being taken off the heat.
  • Brush with water, cut 2 notches in the top of each pasty, sprinkle with demerara and bake for 25 minutes. Nigel Slater's mincemeat pasties and lamb recipes
  • What is certain is that the word "pasty" has been most readily associated with Cornwall since at least the 19th century, when tin-miners carried them underground. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • CHAZ..a pommy one would be pasty white tea drinking, lets not get too grubby associating with colonial riff raff Cheeseburger Gothic » LMAO.
  • Why can't these pasty-faced barnacles—my contemporaries—get off the stage? Revenge of the 60-Year-Old Has-Beens
  • Frizzy-haired beauties in starched blouses and boaters, fat pasty babies in frocks, scowling matrons in black tents, young men with moustaches striking jokey poses.
  • We dressed for action by a mucky duck pond, more layers than so far this season, the butchers useful for a pasty.
  • He is pasty, overweight and, well, actually he's not really unhandsome.
  • They're usually so docile, chess players, with their pasty skin, skinny necks, elbow patches and eyeglasses.
  • Not only lipstick did they need, but a professional pasty-cake applier to cover the obvious blemishes. Election Central Morning Roundup
  • I saw my less than perfect figure, pasty face, and emotionless green eyes.
  • At the risk of giving you a complement and being told to "shut up" - LOL, i don't know which i like better, your pasty white mug from the other shot, or that profile with the "gump" quote, but it gave me the best laugh i've had in a week or two! Tall Skinny Kiwi
  • Instead of a light, puffy, cherry-studded pudding, the result was a nasty, pasty, cherry omelette that was scraped into the bin before anyone could see it.
  • The event struck a chord with pasty execs who loved getting in touch with their inner ditchdigger. Disneyland for Dudes: Playing With Backhoes, ATVs, Weapons
  • Someone dared to broach the subject of seasickness at the breakfast table, and a few pasty faces glowered at the culprit.
  • They too are often portrayed as poorly dressed, pasty-faced monomaniacs with coke-bottle glasses, who are more likely to be watching Dr Who reruns than attending the prom.
  • Assuming it's the new plate, it's back to the old colors of navy and orange, i.e., bottom 2/3 is navy with a small embossed outline of the state, and top 1/3 is orange. im going to go ballistic of my visual senses keep continuing to be assaulte by gross pasty, hairy, untoned man legs! enough with the faggy tight short shorts already, that shi+ aint right!!!! Brownstoner
  • Is it too much to ask of someone to actually take note of their surroundings, these people can all walk, breathe and eat a Greggs pasty at the same time without dying.
  • To the uninformed, the word conjures up images of university students, computer programmers and pasty-faced geeks in internet cafes.
  • If the pub had not been the favoured haunt of the living dead, a pasty faced bunch of assorted reprobates and alcoholics, he would have quite liked it.
  • He was pasty-faced from years out of the sunlight (he was an inveterate night person).
  • I love praline—perhaps not quite as much as chocolate, but I know from sampling Mr. Torres's other wares that he has the populist touch; while he's fully capable of concocting those frilly French desserts that make you feel like titled nobility when they hit your taste buds, he also knows that chocolate is an essential arrow in any self-respecting pasty chef's quiver. Seeking Layers of Heaven
  • "I just couldn't see myself going into a factory where I saw these pasty-faced fellows walking in and walking out after stamping their cards," Borgnine once said.
  • he looked pasty and red-eyed
  • Ooh, and they were "enigmatic" -- a pasty, poker-faced duo who dressed only in red, white and black, did not appear in their debut video (they used LEGOs and animation instead) and left people guessing about whether they were husband and wife or brother and sister. The Second Coming
  • I enjoyed these comparisons, and chuckled heartily at the thought of all the pasty faced goons queuing for minging breakfast rolls along the M50.
  • She was aware of her pasty skin, of the bags under her eyes, and of the drawn look on her face without his comments.
  • I guess that's what Americans call pasties (as distinct from pasty or indeed the Parisian grog, Pastis).
  • He was pasty pale in the face as if he was ill, and his thick, swollen lips had a bluish tinge.
  • He was described as having ‘a sickly, pasty complexion’.
  • Sam's face was pasty, he had black rings around his eyes.
  • The writer is politically naive if he believes the present Tory regime, or its spineless, pasty-faced opposition, intend to improve matters. The NHS is ripe for revolution | Ian Birrell
  • She was plumpish with lank hair and a pasty complexion, not very clean, scruffily dressed - very unappetising, I thought.
  • Their pasty faces - the result of long periods underground - belie their extraordinary strength and tenacity.
  • Sam's face was pasty, he had black rings around his eyes.
  • He's a rather unattractive man with long greasy hair and pasty skin.
  • I close my eyes and I see Mark's pasty face, his stupid spiked haircut, sweaty face.
  • Back at work, everyone looked sharp as a button and I felt pasty-faced and blurry and 20 years older.

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