  1. having the sticky properties of an adhesive
  2. resembling paste in color; pallid
    he looked pasty and red-eyed
    a complexion that had been pastelike was now chalky white
  1. small meat pie or turnover
  2. (usually used in the plural) one of a pair of adhesive patches worn to cover the nipples of exotic dancers and striptease performers

How To Use pasty In A Sentence

  • He had a thin face, a pasty complexion and a long thin nose.
  • But, more likely, he has decided it is less of a PR risk to leave a journalist eating a solitary crab pasty in the drizzle than to be trapped alone with her and - God forbid - a tongue-loosening bottle of wine.
  • The parcel was in fact a huge piece of puff pasty filled with a rather creamy concoction of mushrooms and chestnuts.
  • Manchester, " I replied quietly as 500 pairs of curious eyes swivelled round to a pasty-faced outsider. "Manchester!
  • Dinner was usually fried meat and pasty potatoes thrown on a chipped plate.
  • Mesell Malkontent of Faux News, the gripping cutting edge metaphorist megamedia propaganda outlet, a non-contributor of the pasty pedantry and PIG’s Pundits in General, spouts ‘demon duck du jour’, and claims, somehow, she knows, somehow, that Hezbollah is just a beauty pagent… Think Progress » Malkin: Outrage About Qana ‘Manufactured,’ ‘If It’s Not Qana, It’s Something Else…It’s Beauty Pageants’
  • I could see, even in the dim light of my fading lamp, that his skin was pasty and pallid, his eyes dark and cloudy.
  • Like her, this beer is some pasty, lanky overrated chick with no boobies.
  • She does look warm and pretty next to pasty Edward, but his palid complexion is just frightening here. the previous poster was much more appealling, alluring, and more likely for viewers to actually ditch their old movies and take this one. ilovethecullens (10/9/2008 5: 19: 17 PM) i dont really like it, they could've done a lot better Final ‘Twilight’ Poster Hits Net. What Do You Think? » MTV Movies Blog
  • Anyway - if you feel the need to be pasty, wan and outraged, you can always write to me and tell me how you feel.
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