How To Use Parnassia In A Sentence
The Parnassians contributed to the cultivation of this taste for chinoiserie.
The poets of Parnassian and Symbolisme played important role through the developing course of French artistic songs. The value of a song is essentially up to its lyric.
Clearly, then, by the middle of the 1860s certain Chinese topoi had emerged in the poetry composed in Parnassian circles.
Acanthaceae, Androsaceae, particularly a Gnaphalioides common on the exposed ridge of Mount Jacka; Myrsinea frutex, Parnassia common, Salix fruticosa; on Prospect Point, Lycopodium, Herminioid, Epipactis, Orchideae aliae, 2 Scitamineae.
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
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