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  1. any of various usually evergreen bog plants of the genus Parnassia having broad smooth basal leaves and a single pale flower resembling a buttercup

How To Use parnassia In A Sentence

  • The Parnassians contributed to the cultivation of this taste for chinoiserie.
  • The poets of Parnassian and Symbolisme played important role through the developing course of French artistic songs. The value of a song is essentially up to its lyric.
  • Clearly, then, by the middle of the 1860s certain Chinese topoi had emerged in the poetry composed in Parnassian circles.
  • Acanthaceae, Androsaceae, particularly a Gnaphalioides common on the exposed ridge of Mount Jacka; Myrsinea frutex, Parnassia common, Salix fruticosa; on Prospect Point, Lycopodium, Herminioid, Epipactis, Orchideae aliae, 2 Scitamineae. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
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