How To Use Pardonable In A Sentence

  • The crunch came in 1956 when, having committed the almost unpardonable offence of supporting a Labour private member's Bill to abolish hanging, he then abstained in the vote of confidence in the government over Suez.
  • Overall they were guilty of incredible ignorance or unpardonable crimes.
  • She was conscious of a great and pardonable curiosity, of a frank out-reaching for fuller knowledge. CHAPTER 9
  • It is called venial precisely because, considered in its own proper nature, it is pardonable; in itself meriting, not eternal, but temporal punishment. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • This cannot but be sheer sophism of a militarist fanatic and an unpardonable mockery of the Koreans.
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  • Truly, to tell lies is not honorable; but when the truth entails tremendous ruin, to speak dishonorably is pardonable. Jacqueline Winspear - An interview with author
  • He had that pardonable pride which will not allow a man to place himself among those who, though outwardly fair-spoken, offer the insult of a hostile and patronizing mental attitude. The Bibliotaph and Other People
  • `West Indian Jasmine," said Bolsover with pardonable pride. A DEAD LIBERTY
  • How does the theme of telling "pardonable lies" figure into that? Jacqueline Winspear - An interview with author
  • Two explanations are given of the origin of the myth of the Kinabalu Lake -- one is that in the district, where it was supposed to exist, extensive floods do take place in very wet seasons, giving it the appearance of a lake, and, I believe there are many similar instances in Dutch Borneo, where a tract of country liable to be heavily flooded has been dignified with the name of _Danau_, which is Malay for _lake_, so that the mistake of the European cartographers is a pardonable one. British Borneo Sketches of Brunai, Sarawak, Labuan, and North Borneo
  • One, with an index on the Book, cries out, in a style pardonable to his fervency: The remedy of your frightful affliction is here, through the stillatory of Comedy, and not in Science, nor yet in Speed, whose name is but another for voracity. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • It was understandable that Montgomerie should have been happy with that, given how his golfing status had fallen last year and the major problems he encountered with the rules for a silly but unpardonable error in Indonesia.
  • unpardonable behavior
  • Success at politics seldom depends entirely upon good intentions and is often torpedoed with a single strike by matters as trivial as boyhood pranks or otherwise pardonable youthful indiscretions.
  • You were to do really advocate unpardonable thing!
  • He arrives just as a pub landlord is removing a customer for the unpardonable sin of having smiled at his gorgeous young wife.
  • He had made the pardonable mistake of trusting the wrong person.
  • Wind farms commit the unpardonable sin of being built on land that has ‘remained undisturbed for a thousand years’.
  • The spiritualists called down thunder upon the head of the poet, whom they depicted as a vulgar and ribald lampooner who had not only committed the profanity of sneering at the mysteries of a higher state of life, but the more unpardonable profanity of sneering at the convictions of his own wife. Robert Browning
  • He was thrown in jail three times, once for the unpardonable sin of allowing two lesbians to kiss in his club.
  • Set at an elite New England prep school, this is a bittersweet portrait of youthful arcadia, in which a schoolboy commits an unpardonable crime in order to win a prestigious competition.
  • That does not make the transgressions which have been brought to light in the United States, less bad or more pardonable, nor do I mean to offer it as an example of how such things should be handled, but it does bear a certain relevancy from the point of view of "relativity. An International Survey
  • I.E. he designates, with a pardonable smile of self-approval, as "backsheesh" given him, without solicitation, by the government of India; a circumstance that probably appeals to his Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama
  • But, also like baseball, it's entirely pardonable in view of its good-natured competitiveness and unpretentious charm.
  • Such people deserve no pity; for, after all, inconstancy is unpardonable. The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre
  • This is considered an almost unpardonable breach of parliamentary etiquette, according to which the actions of the Whips are not subject to any public scrutiny.
  • Of course I couldn't recall a shred of what the sermon was preaching, other than a on-screen list of unpardonable sins ExChristian.Net -- encouraging ex-Christians
  • The newspaper welcomes his statement that the killing was an unpardonable crime.
  • He insisted on pointing out the exact spot -- marked by a tall, rough-looking post with a cross-tree on it, that stood near the rails -- where two Indians had been "lynched" for some crime by the citizens; which exploit being regarded with _pardonable_ pride by them, was boasted of to travellers accordingly. A Trip to Manitoba
  • The Oxford elite, it appeared, had closed ranks and snubbed him for committing the unpardonable sin of pandering to a popular audience.
  • To some it is even the ultimate treason against faith, the unpardonable sin.
  • Despite identity of usage at Dover and Reading on the subject of the stake, it would be pardonable to conclude that in those times of difficult communication there existed a great diversity of burghal laws, entailing considerable inconvenience and hardship, especially in the case of those engaged in trade. The Customs of Old England
  • He took a moment to indulge in a bit of pardonable pride in himself; not for him the plaints of lesser men, who bleated about the fettering of their great gifts to the rock of bureaucracy, the loss of their personal time, the sacrifice of their relationships and families on the altar of Duty. Tran Siberian
  • Franzen, however, committed an unpardonable crime: He said so out loud.
  • But there were those also who, despite habits or inefficiency, slipped through even formal examination; commanders whose ships were run by their subordinates, lieutenants whose watch on deck kept their captains from sleeping, midshipmen whose unfitness made their retention unpardonable; for at their age to re-begin life was no hardship, much less injustice. From Sail to Steam, Recollections of Naval Life
  • It was unpardonable to throw up one's hands, abandon standards, give in. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Being horrified was an unpardonable self-indulgence in such circumstances and no use to Charley at all. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • But it would be a pardonable exaggeration to say that, for most writers, greedy to learn and emulate, this is the only important question.
  • Standing up to unpardonable abuse, the stentorian voice still comes back fresh and bright for ballad renditions.
  • Except for that last misstep, the others are pardonable.
  • Pretence of any kind was as the red rag; "bleat" was the unpardonable sin; the man who was "human" was the man to be praised. Nights Rome, Venice, in the Aesthetic Eighties; London, Paris, in the Fighting Nineties
  • Pardonable, without what bedrock, hard to avoid puts rich colour psychology.
  • When people came to know, they said that to have done it when sober had shown him possessed of a kind of maliciousness and cynicism almost pardonable, but to do it when tipsy proved him merely weak and foolish. The Translation of a Savage, Volume 1
  • Roosevelt's successful effort to prevent that was his unpardonable crime; but in the eyes of the country at large, his greatest achievement.
  • But when Babaji, with pardonable pride, was showing me round the completed house, he told me that he had decided to retain the two cottages; they would be useful as cookroom and storeroom; besides, they had been built by his father, and so out of respect to his memory he would wait till they fell down of themselves. India and the Indians
  • Success at politics seldom depends entirely upon good intentions and is often torpedoed with a single strike by matters as trivial as boyhood pranks or otherwise pardonable youthful indiscretions.
  • If the ‘now me’ ever bumped into the ‘then me’, I'd have no choice but to shoot me for unpardonable sins against civilised dress codes and trousers calculated to frighten children and livestock.
  • She flew over it like a bird; but at the same instant Vronsky, to his horror, felt that he had failed to keep up with the mare's pace, that he had, he did not know how, made a fearful, unpardonable mistake, in recovering his seat in the saddle.
  • I remember when I first arrived here, seeing two drivers - whose automobiles had just collided - bowing deeply to each other at the roadside over the unpardonable offence each had just committed against the other.
  • Less pardonable is the reduction of Lincoln's complex politics to fuzzy psychological concepts like "growth," transforming the story of what was indeed a fiery political trial into a therapeutic fairy tale. The Path To Proclamation
  • Her unpardonable fault being that alas… She was born as a She.
  • Committed the unpardonable social error of enlisting as a private soldier in a regiment in which his grander cousin was an officer. WHISTLER IN THE DARK
  • The performance seemed to me unpardonable, a contradiction of all that the Olympics is supposed to be.
  • The Perth Saints seemed on their way to their first back-to-back victories of this league campaign when their defence committed an unpardonable error.
  • There have been cases in which men have been mysteriously excruciated with the thought of having committed the unpardonable sin. Sermons Preached at Brighton Third Series
  • The performance seemed to me unpardonable, a contradiction of all that the Olympics is supposed to be.
  • The performance seemed to me unpardonable, a contradiction of all that the Olympics is supposed to be.
  • The fact of the matter is that an innocent person's freedom is not negotiable or pardonable. Alemayehu G. Mariam: Ethiopia: Birtukan Unbound!
  • The objective was to create a situation of extreme violence and polarise people in such a way that those who protested would be terrorised or dubbed anti-national, thus legitimising this unpardonable crime.
  • Except that during a hurdle race they committed an unpardonable breach of etiquette - a French word, though you would not have believed it from their performance.
  • But then I guess that is pardonable because it is something none of the commentators noticed either.
  • For the present, at least, Jim was elated with a pardonable pride in his watch, and, after the manner of youths thus recently set up, he looked at it again and again during his walk next morning across the headlands to Ballycastle, where he had to catch the Ballymoney car, thence to proceed to Ballymena by train. A Child of the Glens or, Elsie's Fortune
  • Sometimes I think it's what's meant by the unpardonable sin – ay, that I do! Chronicles of Avonlea
  • What is pardonable are individual acts, not mass murder. The Volokh Conspiracy » Judge Baltazar Garzón Indicted
  • There is a twofold kind of debt upon the creature, one remissible and pardonable, another irremissible and unpardonable, (so to speak,) the debt of sin, and that is the guilt of it, which is nothing else than the obligation of the sinner over to eternal condemnation by virtue of the curse of God. The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • I was rather glad he did go, for I felt that the village was rather dull for such a brilliant young fellow; and I had a kind of pardonable pride in thinking that he would be fully competent to meet on their own level any pretentious people that might stray hither from more civilized centres. My New Curate
  • In slagging off the hacks in general, and Nicholas Witchell of the BBC in particular, His Royal Highness has committed an unpardonable sin.
  • Everything was explained in it -- everything made clear; and gradually she realised the natural, strong and pardonable craving of the rich, unloved man, to seek out for himself some means whereby he might leave all his world's gainings to one whose kindness to him had not been measured by any knowledge of his wealth, but which had been bestowed upon him solely for simple love's sake. The Treasure of Heaven A Romance of Riches
  • The editorial writer in The Lancet of December 22, 1866 was scathing about Mr Brown and about The Times, calling, with vigorous irony, for a "grand assize of clitoridectomy" at which the lunatic asylums of Europe would be cleared by means of what Mr Baker Brown "with the pardonable pride of an inventor, calls my invention". Peter Stothard - Times Online - WBLG:
  • He contended that, in the first assault Mr. Desailly was the aggressor, having exhibited an unpardonable degree of negligence and carelessness, which not only extenuated the conduct of the defendant, but amounted to a positive excuse and justification. Archive 2009-05-01
  • [FN#57] There is a play upon words in this line, founded upon the double meaning of the word shirk, sharing (or partnership) and polytheism or the attributing partners or equals to God (as in the Trinity), the one unpardonable sin of the Muslim religious code. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume I
  • -- I have committed the one unatonable and unpardonable sin. The Black Robe
  • He adds, therefore, p. 276, “To say that God putteth a case in such solemnity and emphaticalness of words and phrase as are remarkable all along in the carriage of the place in hand, of which there is no possibility that it should ever happen or be exemplified in reality of event, and this in vindication of himself and the equity of his dealings and proceedings with men, is to bring a scandal and reproach of weakness upon that infinite wisdom of his which magnifies itself in all his works; which also is so much the more unworthy and unpardonable when there is a sense commodious, every way worthy as well the infinite wisdom as the goodness of God, pertinent and proper to the occasion he hath in hand, which offers itself plainly and clearly.” The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • But now, without any provocation, and without the justification of reprisal or retaliation, a refusal to outlaw the use of the bomb save in reprisal is making a political purpose of its possession; this is hardly pardonable. Atomic War or Peace
  • Second, there is no warning in the Gospels or in the Epistles of the New Testament about an unpardonable sin.
  • Is there a deception in the novel that you consider more "pardonable" than the others? Pardonable Lies by Jacqueline Winspear: Questions

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