[ UK /pˈɑːdə‍ʊnəbə‍l/ ]
  1. admitting of being pardoned
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How To Use pardonable In A Sentence

  • The crunch came in 1956 when, having committed the almost unpardonable offence of supporting a Labour private member's Bill to abolish hanging, he then abstained in the vote of confidence in the government over Suez.
  • Overall they were guilty of incredible ignorance or unpardonable crimes.
  • She was conscious of a great and pardonable curiosity, of a frank out-reaching for fuller knowledge. CHAPTER 9
  • It is called venial precisely because, considered in its own proper nature, it is pardonable; in itself meriting, not eternal, but temporal punishment. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • This cannot but be sheer sophism of a militarist fanatic and an unpardonable mockery of the Koreans.
  • Truly, to tell lies is not honorable; but when the truth entails tremendous ruin, to speak dishonorably is pardonable. Jacqueline Winspear - An interview with author
  • He had that pardonable pride which will not allow a man to place himself among those who, though outwardly fair-spoken, offer the insult of a hostile and patronizing mental attitude. The Bibliotaph and Other People
  • `West Indian Jasmine," said Bolsover with pardonable pride. A DEAD LIBERTY
  • How does the theme of telling "pardonable lies" figure into that? Jacqueline Winspear - An interview with author
  • Two explanations are given of the origin of the myth of the Kinabalu Lake -- one is that in the district, where it was supposed to exist, extensive floods do take place in very wet seasons, giving it the appearance of a lake, and, I believe there are many similar instances in Dutch Borneo, where a tract of country liable to be heavily flooded has been dignified with the name of _Danau_, which is Malay for _lake_, so that the mistake of the European cartographers is a pardonable one. British Borneo Sketches of Brunai, Sarawak, Labuan, and North Borneo
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