How To Use Parapsychologist In A Sentence
For the parapsychologist, this should be considered a useful introduction to the workings of the mind of a creative thinker in the field of conjuring.
News coverage focused on hypnotists, parapsychologists and yogis in saffron robes.
Times, Sunday Times
What we have is a very productive alliance of parapsychologists, old-fashioned mystics, new-fashioned mystics, and psychedelic mystics that has gotten a major foothold in medicine.
And yet, in 1979, the man who loaned his prestigious name to this enormous katzenjammer denounced the parapsychologists for being weird.
No parapsychologists or authors publishing in parapsychological journals were cited.
If you say psionics is indistinguishable from magic, you miss the point: magic is supernatural whereas psionics is based on a yet-undiscovered set of laws of nature that can be investigated, not by priests, but by parapsychologists at Duke University.
MIND MELD: Today's SF Authors Define Science Fiction (Part 2)
News coverage focused on hypnotists, parapsychologists and yogis in saffron robes.
Times, Sunday Times
News coverage focused on hypnotists, parapsychologists and yogis in saffron robes.
Times, Sunday Times
If you asked a parapsychologist, he might say you have extrasensory perception, or ESP.