- someone who studies the evidence for such psychological phenomena as psychokinesis and telepathy and clairvoyance
How To Use parapsychologist In A Sentence
- For the parapsychologist, this should be considered a useful introduction to the workings of the mind of a creative thinker in the field of conjuring.
- News coverage focused on hypnotists, parapsychologists and yogis in saffron robes. Times, Sunday Times
- What we have is a very productive alliance of parapsychologists, old-fashioned mystics, new-fashioned mystics, and psychedelic mystics that has gotten a major foothold in medicine.
- And yet, in 1979, the man who loaned his prestigious name to this enormous katzenjammer denounced the parapsychologists for being weird.
- No parapsychologists or authors publishing in parapsychological journals were cited.
- If you say psionics is indistinguishable from magic, you miss the point: magic is supernatural whereas psionics is based on a yet-undiscovered set of laws of nature that can be investigated, not by priests, but by parapsychologists at Duke University. MIND MELD: Today's SF Authors Define Science Fiction (Part 2)
- News coverage focused on hypnotists, parapsychologists and yogis in saffron robes. Times, Sunday Times
- News coverage focused on hypnotists, parapsychologists and yogis in saffron robes. Times, Sunday Times
- If you asked a parapsychologist, he might say you have extrasensory perception, or ESP.