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How To Use Oxidized In A Sentence

  • Many metals are readily oxidized by oxygen in the atmosphere.
  • In all experiments the algae were treated with benzoquinone, to inhibit metabolic activity in the chloroplast and to maintain an oxidized plastoquinone pool.
  • These metabolites cause hemoglobin to be oxidized to methemoglobin which is unable to transport oxygen. 3 The presence of significant amounts of methemoglobin causes normal hemoglobin to hold on tighter to oxygen. Phenazopyridine
  • When the cast electrodes of air-melted steel are remelted under vacuum and deoxidized with carbon, the product has significantly improved purity.
  • These unsaturated hydrocarbons are readily oxidised and polymerised, which can reduce the oil's shelf life.
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  • They breathe compounds such as CO2, sulphate, sulphite, certain oxidised metals.
  • The activity series of metals determines which half-cell oxidizes and usually the more active metal is the one oxidized during the reaction. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • If you find one at this price with a decent engine, you can count on the interior looking like a dog's bed and the paint will be oxidized or flaking off in sheets.
  • These nanoparticles are selectively oxidized by the hypervalent iodine species PhICl Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The researchers did not determine if the aluminum present in their samples was oxidized aluminum, or unoxidized aluminum. Was it Nanotech-Thermite or Phasers that took down the WTC?
  • When an element is caused to combine with oxygen it is oxidized.
  • A panel of trained professional tasters also found electroheated milk to be sweeter, with less bitter, oxidized and stale flavors than UHT processed milk.
  • When electrons are transferred between atoms in a chemical reaction, the atom that loses electrons is "oxidized", and the atom that gains electrons is "reduced. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • To deoxidation of the coloring matter by substances, which have a great tendency to become oxidised or peroxised; _e. g._ hydrogen, in the case of decolorisation by sulphuretted hydrogen, nascent hydrogen, and the protoxides of iron and tin, &c. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Makeup salt consists of a precise mixture of sodium and potassium cyanides that are oxidized by aeration to the mixed cyanate.
  • If there is less methane emission it means that either more carbon is stored in the peat, or the methane is 'oxidized' as it passes through the water to carbon dioxide, or it is pulsed out of the system," Mitsch told LiveScience in an email interview. U.S. News
  • An oxidized zinc ore from Inner Mongolia was found to be very difficult to treat due to its features of high oxidation rate, heavy weathering and the intimate association of hemimorphite and limonite.
  • At the end of their development, the tuberized lateral branches contained very high amounts of polyphenols, which oxidized into dark compounds rendering in situ localization of cytokinins impossible at this stage.
  • They become very easily peroxidized, but they have the grave defect of requiring two preparations in place of one. Scientific American Supplement, No. 598, June 18, 1887
  • During the waning stages of eruption, fumarolic activity oxidized cinders along the rim and deposited aggregates of sublimates, hydrothermal precipitates, and reaction products near the central vent of the volcano.
  • It is bleached on the side at which hydrogen gas is evolved in consequence of the liberated hydrogen withdrawing oxygen from the indigo, thereby forming a colorless deoxidized indigo. The Forces of Matter, Delivered before a Juvenile Auditory at the Royal Institution of Great Britain during the Christmas Holidays of 1859-60
  • At that time little practical importance attached however to the object, and even when Plante, in 1860, produced his secondary battery, composed of lead plates peroxidized by a charging current, little more than scientific curiosity was excited. Scientific American Supplement, No. 384, May 12, 1883
  • They remove electrons from the species being oxidized and are themselves reduced.
  • In a second method, toluene is mixed with nitric acid and oxidized to produce benzoic acid.
  • Over 150 million years ago, marine plants blanketed the sea floor and sedimentation created sufficient pressure to convert the unoxidized carbon into oil. Robert Zevin: Addiction
  • The deoxidized indigo is yellow and in this state penetrates the woollen fibre; the more perfectly the indigo in a vat is deoxidized, the brighter and faster will be the colour. Vegetable Dyes Being a Book of Recipes and Other Information Useful to the Dyer
  • A grain or so is oxidized into reddish alloxan and alloxantin by carefuly evaporating with a few drops of strong nitric acid on a piece of porcelain. Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887
  • In fact, to burn at high temperatures, thermite must contain large amounts of unoxidized aluminum, rather than aluminum oxide. Was it Nanotech-Thermite or Phasers that took down the WTC?
  • Experiments by my colleagues Long and Lupton have shown that the ratio of lactic acid removed to lactic acid oxidized is about the same as in isolated frog's muscle, namely about 6: 1. Archibald V. Hill - Nobel Lecture
  • The most abundant oxidised ores are the carbonates, malachite and chessylite; the silicates, as also the red and black oxides, occur less abundantly. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • On single-stranded oligonucleotides, all the guanines are oxidized to the same extent.
  • The reducing agent causes the reduction of an atom by donating an electron and is itself oxidized.
  • Jurgis 'informant; but it was hard to think of anything new in a place where so many sharp wits had been at work for so long; where men welcomed tuberculosis in the cattle they were feeding, because it made them fatten more quickly; and where they bought up all the old rancid butter left over in the grocery stores of a continent, and "oxidized" it by a forced-air process, to take away the odor, rechurned it with skim milk, and sold it in bricks in the cities! The Jungle
  • Reactions in which atoms of the same element are both oxidized and reduced are disproportionation reactions.
  • Pale-to-medium blue mammillary rosasite aggregates occur with malachite in oxidized rock fallen from the north face of the open pit near the decline access drift.
  • They breathe compounds such as CO2, sulphate, sulphite, certain oxidised metals.
  • On a priori grounds we should expect alcohol to be oxidized in the liver along with leucin, tyrosin, uric acid, xanthin bodies, and various amido bodies. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • An enormous amount of mineralization remained, but it consisted only of deep, unoxidized sulfides so low in grade that mining them was not economical.
  • Where the Zeederbergs-Cheshire contact lacks ironstone horizons, the contact is variably sheared, and adjacent rocks are silicified and characterized by mostly oxidized sulphide impregnation.
  • Similarly, when the body is injured, it releases capsaicin-like substances - fatty acids called oxidized linoleic acid metabolites or OLAMs - and these, via receptors, cause pain, the researchers have found. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • There is a large industrial market for synthetically epoxidized vegetable oils (such as linseed or soybean), but the epoxidation process is expensive. 16: Oils
  • The coke is oxidized to carbon dioxide, which changes to carbon monoxide at high temperatures.
  • This was partially due to a lack of technology to concentrate the deeper unoxidized ores and the high cost of transportation to the nearest railhead.
  • Most metals are so readily oxidized by atmospheric oxygen that they are only found naturally as oxides, sulfides or salts.
  • The allylic alcohol is oxidised to the epoxide (R) - glycidol using the oxidising agent tertiary butylhydroperoxide in the presence of a catalyst. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
  • It is well burnished and/or polished and, based on its core colors, had been incompletely oxidized during its firing.
  • Aluminium is rapidly oxidized in air.
  • A species is oxidized in a reaction if it undergoes a increase in oxidation number.
  • The reduced form is a thioether and is derived from cysteine, whereas the oxidized form is a sulphate ester and is derived from the sulphonation pathway.
  • Its mineralogy is complex with multiple representatives in most chemical groups, yet virtually all of the primary, unoxidized ores are dominated by a single zinc mineral, sphalerite.
  • Phase identification and microchemical -analysis of the oxidized layer on the surface of a high temperature cast iron were performed. The mechanism of oxidation-resisting was explored.
  • The enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase is responsible for efficient metabolism of alcohol after it has been oxidised to acetaldehyde.
  • Consequently, the allergic tendency of oxidised rosin will over a period of time diminish and eventually become zero when all the rosin has been oxidised and decomposed.
  • However, the triple N-N bond makes N2 almost inert, and only a few microorganisms have the capability to utilize (fix) N2, converting it to the more easily utilizable combined nitrogen forms – initially ammonia (NH3), or its protonated species, ammonium (NH4+) that is terminally oxidized to nitrate (NO3 -) by nitrifying bacteria. Marine nitrogen cycle
  • The indican is oxidized to form the deep blue indigotin.
  • The unoxidized sections consist primarily of marmatite ore, which is composed primarily of pyrite, marmatite, galena, siderite, and minor chalcopyrite.
  • Several hundred tons of the richer oxidized material were stockpiled on the dump.
  • The difference between the two determinations corresponds to the ferrous salt which has been peroxidized by the manganese peroxide. Scientific American Supplement, No. 401, September 8, 1883
  • “Thus, for example,” says Robert Hunt, “if a slip of paper prepared with the ammonio-citrate of iron be exposed partially to sunshine, and then washed with the bichromate of potash, the bichromate is deoxidized and precipitated upon the sunned portion, just as it would be if directly exposed to the sun’s rays.” Photographic Reproduction Processes
  • The quantity of iron thus peroxidized multiplied by 0.491 gives the quantity of manganese contained in the portion operated upon. Scientific American Supplement, No. 401, September 8, 1883
  • In the Weasel pocket, the earliest mineral to form appears to have been one of the iron-bearing carbonates that has since been oxidized to limonite.
  • The removal of the thick, oxidized varnish was complicated by Turner's use of megilp, which renders the paint surface especially vulnerable to solvents.
  • He found that oxidised germanium produced a protective coating that prevents copper from oxidising. Times, Sunday Times
  • D are provided with slides, and are for the purpose of introducing the deoxidized ore into the second bottom of the furnace. Scientific American Supplement, No. 441, June 14, 1884.
  • Mutated, freely-multiplying cells are caused by peroxidized fats, by free radicals in the body, by radiation (there has always been background radiation on Earth), by chance mutation. How and When to Be Your Own Doctor
  • These fatty compounds depend upon stearine partly oxidized, that is deprived of a certain number of atoms of hydrogen. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • It is promptly oxidized by nitric acid, and is converted into pelargonic acid and other fatty acids. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Deposits of non-iron metallic ores, for example those of sub-Volcanic or submarine emanative genesis, or sulfide veins with oxidized valuable-mineral sources, or stratified tin deposits, such as frequently occur in the Latin American Andes, exhibit this fine intergrowth and must be handled during beneficiation with special attention regarding the fine grain distribution. Chapter 20
  • The reason of this appears to be that a part of the manganese is first precipitated as hydrated sesquioxide, which is afterward oxidized to hydrated peroxide, for the upper portion of the liquid may sometimes be colored by chameleon, while the lower portion, which is in closer contact with the precipitate, is less colored or absolutely colorless. Scientific American Supplement, No. 324, March 18, 1882
  • The coke is oxidized to carbon dioxide, which changes to carbon monoxide at high temperatures.
  • All submitted answers are subject to the rules set forth in our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. from Sourdough Dave wrote 3 weeks 6 days ago bluing is a controlled oxidation of the steel so the surface has a bluish luster and by already being oxidized prevents that other form of oxidation called rust. What exactly is a blued barrel?
  • Large amounts of polyunsaturated fats are prone to oxidation and consume large amounts of endogenous antioxidants to keep from becoming peroxidized. Vegetarians AGE faster | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • It is definitely known that both of them produce heat when they are oxidized, that is, when they are combined with oxygen; thus, the logical way of measuring them is to determine the quantity of heat that will be produced when they are eaten and united with oxygen, a process that causes the liberation of heat. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 1: Essentials of Cookery; Cereals; Bread; Hot Breads
  • Safety systems gone out of alignment and a battered gyroscopic guidance system struggled to orient him for a favorable landing, but Andy hit hard, scrambling circuits already oxidized to the point of being barely functional. 365 tomorrows » Of Andys and Upgrades : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • High temperatures and/or little oxygen favor formation of the less oxidized oxide, e.g., CO. Many nonmetal oxides react with water to form acids; these substances are called acid anhydrides.
  • During the waning stages of eruption, fumarolic activity oxidized cinders along the rim and deposited aggregates of sublimates, hydrothermal precipitates, and reaction products near the central vent of the volcano.
  • The rock is cemented by a mixture of quartz overgrowths, K-rich feldspar, and an oxidized ferruginous clay now dominated by chlorite.
  • There is a strong echo of elegance, but the tertiary flavours of nut and oxidised or Madeira-like notes are now coming to the foreground.
  • At the time we recommended it we couldn't find any fish oil capsules that we thought were good i.e., lacking in peroxidized oils; now there are a number of fish oils out there that qualify. Michael R. Eades, M.D.: Why krill oil?
  • Silver can be oxidized to give the effect of tarnish, and this coloration was popular in Europe and North America during the 19th century, when it was also produced by using sulphurs.
  • Reduction of FAD by NADPH is slower by 100fold, the mutant en - zyme reacts with oxygen to form 25% oxidized enzyme and 75% flavin hy - droperoxide, which successfully hydroxylates the substrate. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • When an element is caused to combine with oxygen it is oxidized.
  • This vessel was incompletely oxidized during firing and has large amounts of grog and bone temper in its porous clay body.
  • DRI is baked and deoxidized iron used as a scrap supplement in electric-arc steelmaking furnaces. Purchasing - Top Stories
  • Gold and silver bullion that remains in a cupelling furnace after the lead has been oxidized and skimmed off.
  • The front door and shutters are copper, oxidized to match the posts and corbels.
  • There is a large industrial market for synthetically epoxidized vegetable oils (such as linseed or soybean), but the epoxidation process is expensive. 16: Oils
  • It produces copper concentrates by means of floating sulphurated mineral, and copper cathodes using a lixiviation process of oxidised mineral.
  • the oxidized form of iodine
  • In safety matches _red_ phosphorus, an oxidizing agent, and some gritty material such as emery is placed on the side of the box, while the match tip is provided as before with an oxidizing agent and an easily oxidized substance, usually antimony sulphide. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • Formosa Oolong A semi-fermented or oxidised tea with a delicate flavour.
  • Care should be taken to see that this material is properly deoxidized either by the use of ferrovanadium or its equivalent. The Working of Steel Annealing, Heat Treating and Hardening of Carbon and Alloy Steel
  • Dextran T-10 surrounding the iron core of SPIO was oxidized by reaction with 10 mM sodium metaperiodate in the dark for 1 hour at room temperature. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It is generated by an enzyme-catalyzed chemoluminescence reaction, wherein the pigment luciferin is oxidised by the enzyme luciferase. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In a well-ventilated furnace, the lead melted, oxidized and passed into the pores of the cupel, leaving only a bead of precious metals.
  • One carven image of the goddess Sekmet, seated on her throne, two inches high, carved in soapstone, caked with an iron rich clay, oxidized to a deep blood red. The 13th Page
  • These unsaturated hydrocarbons are readily oxidised and polymerised, which can reduce the oil's shelf life.
  • In the book we make the case that dietary cholesterol is important to the body for numerous reasons and we recommend that people get some good, unoxidized cholesterol in their diet daily. 6-Week Cure blog idea II | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Aluminium is rapidly oxidized in air.
  • The canvases seem to have arisen from excavation; their weathered, oxidised appearance has an architectural appeal.
  • The gold is associated with sulphides, sericitic alteration and minor quartz veinlets although the open-pittable resource is largely oxidised. Reuters: Press Release
  • Most of the Ottoman period material consisted of fragments of thick walled, flat based, strap handled jars/jugs and cooking pots with simple rims, in oxidized hard to very hard fired reddish-brown fabric (s), with a rough feel, sometimes powdery, hackly broken edges and moderate, mostly angular inclusions, which were dull white and shiny black in color, and including lime and mica fragments. Suburban Survey Pottery Study « Interactive Dig Sagalassos – City in the Clouds
  • White, green, oolong and black all come from the same leaf but the way the leaves are processed-steamed, fermented oxidized, dried, or bruised-gives the tea the special characteristics of its category. Tamie Adaya: Tea Time in Los Angeles and Around the World
  • This is important because once alpha acids have been oxidized they can no longer be isomerized into iso-alpha acid, thus decreasing the hop's bittering potential. FAQ: The Hops FAQ Revision 3 by Norm Pyle/Mark Garetz and Al Korzonas
  • Indeed, whenever protoplasmic materials are being oxidized (the process referred to in sec. 15 as katabolism) heat is being set free. A Practical Physiology
  • However, the addition of purpurin to oxidized cytochrome c in the absence of microsomal fraction demonstrated low level but dose-dependent ‘reductase-like’ activity.
  • That of the Green Eyed Monster -- now thoroughly oxidized as far as penetrated -- forms a sheet from twenty to forty feet in thickness, consisting of ferruginous, sandy, or talcose soft material carrying from twenty to thirty dollars to the ton in gold and silver. Scientific American Supplement, No. 446, July 19, 1884
  • The oxidized organo silane film can also be used as an etch stop or an intermetal dielectric layer for fabricating dual damascene structures.
  • HCl it gave 15.3 p.ct. furfural; oxidised with nitric acid it yielded 10.4 p.ct. mucic acid. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • Most of the scratchy lines and squiggles visible here are the green patina of oxidized bronze, not a part of the original coin as cast.
  • Instead, in response to heat, cells create their own natural capsaicins called oxidized linoleic acid metabolites or OLAMs. Top Stories
  • To prove these findings conclusively the scientists used an elegant trick: The methionine molecules were replaced with isosteric, chemically stable, non-oxidizable analogs, i.e. with the more hydrophobic norleucine (simulates non-oxidized methionine) and the highly hydrophilic methoxinine (simulates oxidized methionine). Innovations-report
  • Description: Ingots or block, silver gray in new section. It is readily oxidized in the air.
  • In deposits that have been uplifted and exposed on land, the upper sulphides and oxides are invariably oxidized and weathered to a variety of secondary minerals (‘gossan’) by circulating meteoric water.
  • On exposure to the air Valerian oil becomes oxidised, and forms valerianic acid, which together with an alcohol, "borneol," constitutes the active medicinal part of the plant. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • When caffeine is carefully oxidized with chlorine, it yields dimethyl-alloxan and methyl-urea. Scientific American Supplement, No. 415, December 15, 1883
  • In some of these, unmodified sperm oil was used, but more often it was sulfurized; sometimes it was epoxidized, chlorinated, or phosphorylated before being added to the lubricant base stock. 5 Uses
  • We also learn why vacuum packing gives meat a nasty metallic tang - it cannot breathe but ends up marinading in oxidised blood.
  • The damage includes fatty liver, liver function damage and elevated levels of peroxidized lipids in the liver.
  • Isolation and characterization of a group of oligopeptides related to oxidized glutathione from the root of Panax ginseng.
  • Like other acids, it reacts with most alcohols to form esters and decomposes when heated; it is also easily oxidized.
  • The original white lead pigments have oxidized and turned black.
  • The original white lead pigments have oxidized and turned black.
  • The composition of the lode is similar to that of the Isle Royale lode and consists of fragments of the oxidized brecciated flow top cemented by quartz, calcite, prehnite, and epidote.
  • None of these features was seen on our unoxidized Belgian specimens.
  • The lining must resist high temperature, oxidized basic slag and liquid metal.
  • In situations where large amounts of sulfides are being oxidized in this way, an enormous amount of acidity is associated with the sulfate product.
  • When some waters are heated, the raised temperature will reduce the effectiveness of the polyphosphate so that oxidized iron will accumulate in the water heater.
  • On exposure to the air Valerian oil becomes oxidised, and forms valerianic acid, which together with an alcohol, "borneol," constitutes the active medicinal part of the plant. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Because magnesium is very reactive, it is used as a sacrificial anode (a substance designed to be oxidized first, thus protecting other metals) for the hulls of ships and in underground pipelines
  • All are clad crisply in pre-oxidized copper panels, which are brawn, more than green, though this will change somewhat after winter gales spray the tower with the brackish water of the estuary.
  • Most of the scratchy lines and squiggles visible here are the green patina of oxidized bronze, not a part of the original coin as cast.
  • Detailed surveys revealed that the planet's oceans and atmosphere were tainted by a high percentage of oxidized iron, giving it the reddish-bronze color of the legendary metal, Orichalc.
  • Oxidized bases (both pyrimidines and purines) and misincorporated uracil, were similar for fresh and frozen lymphocytes.
  • These unsaturated hydrocarbons are readily oxidised and polymerised, which can reduce the oil's shelf life.
  • The Mikis Formation consists of 380-500 m of compound lava flows, typically pahoehoe-type with ropy surfaces and oxidized flow tops, indicating that they were erupted subaerially.
  • In a neutral atom, the number of electrons is the same as the number of protons but atoms can be ionized, either oxidized or reduced, and end up with a different electron count.
  • The inventor has in his possession positive plates, five to six years old, completely peroxidized, though there remains in the interior a thin core of metallic lead sufficient to give passage to the current. Scientific American Supplement, No. 598, June 18, 1887
  • On the nature of the fluorenone-based emission in oxidized poly (dialkyl-fluorene) s all content
  • During the combustion of coal, minor constituents are also oxidized.
  • There they are converted to fatty acids, amino acids, and glycogen, or else oxidized by the various catabolic pathways of cells.
  • If your health care provider hasn't told you the merits of pure unoxidized cholesterol from the above sources, you better think twice. Anatomy of a statin ad | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • In situations where large amounts of sulfides are being oxidized in this way, an enormous amount of acidity is associated with the sulfate product.
  • ~ One carven image of the goddess Sekmet, seated on her throne, two inches high, carved in soapstone, caked with an iron rich clay, oxidized to a deep blood red. The 13th Page
  • The walls grew purple, the floor as red as blood: the deep itself was purpled with the venous hue of deoxidized life-currents. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 28, July, 1873
  • Just to jump in .. dont scrub it off unless its a chunk in the middle of the pan surrounded by unoxidized and unseasoned metal. Iron pan, perfect cornbread | Homesick Texan
  • deoxidized," and to render harmless the traces of sulphur present. The Working of Steel Annealing, Heat Treating and Hardening of Carbon and Alloy Steel
  • We usually use some metal like platinum as the conducting wire to allow the cell to discharge electricity. determine which half-cell oxidizes and usually the more active metal is the one oxidized during the reaction. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • When an element is caused to combine with oxygen it is oxidized.
  • = -- Cesspool emanations usually consist of a mixture of sulphuretted hydrogen, sulphide of ammonium, and nitrogen; but sometimes it is only deoxidized air with an excess of carbonic acid gas. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • The ethanol is oxidized first into an aldehyde and then to acetic acid by the oxygen in the atmosphere.
  • This was partially due to a lack of technology to concentrate the deeper unoxidized ores and the high cost of transportation to the nearest railhead.
  • Recycling of oxidized intermediates, as well as regeneration of the reductants, affect the redox state of specific redox pairs.
  • This recurs in the bunch of bananas covered with pinpricks that, oxidised on contact with the air, form the black outline of a face.
  • Typical plasticizers for PVC are long chain organic compounds such as phthalates, adipates and organophosphates. secondary plasticizers include chlorinated paraffins and epoxidised natural oils.
  • Under weathering conditions, the silver sulphide minerals in general are oxidized to form native silver and cerargyrite, which are relatively insoluble and remain for the most part in the oxide zone. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • The reductant donates electrons and becomes oxidized while the oxidant gains electrons and is in turn reduced.
  • The author, therefore, considers that the base is oxidized by the blood to carbopyridinic acid, which is a still more powerful antiseptic than chinoline itself. Scientific American Supplement, No. 315, January 14, 1882
  • A slightly oxidised finish adds bite to the rich palate.
  • Gone for good are the heavy, oxidised whites, replaced by fresher, fruitier fare. Times, Sunday Times
  • The larger the number of heteroatoms, the more highly oxidized the molecule.
  • At the town center were two low church spires of oxidized copper surmounted by twin crosses.
  • If molten steel is deoxidized and refined without addition of a strong deoxidizer, in presence of acidic slag or uncovered with slag in the open air, deoxidization of the molten steel is insufficient.
  • He carried a light cane, surmounted by the head and shoulders of a depraved-looking female in oxidized silver as a handle. My Three Years in Manipur and Escape from the Recent Mutiny
  • B6 vitamers are first oxidized to pyridoxal, and rapidly phosphorylated to P5P in the liver.
  • Reductive regeneration of the oxidized catalytic thiol depends on glutathione, thioredoxin, glutaredoxin, cyclophilin, and tryparedoxin.
  • When a metal is oxidized, it is converted from an uncharged atom to a cation by losing electrons.
  • Like those of the home, the exterior materials - rough-sawn cedar siding and oxidized sheet steel - blend with the colors of the landscape.
  • Considerable nitrogen, phosphorus, and some micronutrients are released from organic matter as it is oxidized or decays.
  • On the nature of the fluorenone-based emission in oxidized poly (dialkyl-fluorene) s all content
  • Most metals are so readily oxidized by atmospheric oxygen that they are only found naturally as oxides, sulfides or salts.
  • In one method, naphthalene is oxidized with vanadium pentoxide to give phthalic anhydride.
  • There'll also be bangles with precious and semi-precious Jaipur stones, strings of Hyderabad pearls, silver oxidized ornaments and temple jewellery sets.
  • The first time he made it the soup looked so oxidised and grey and unappetising, but the flavour was mind-blowing, like having 15 artichokes in every spoonful.
  • Considerable nitrogen, phosphorus, and some micronutrients are released from organic matter as it is oxidized or decays.
  • Oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes and ketones Allylic and benzylic alcohols can be oxidized in presence of other alcohols using certain selective oxidants such as manganese dioxide (MnO2). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The perforated plates of lead may be prepared by drilling, casting, or in other convenient manner, but the apertures, of whatever form, should be placed as closely together as possible, and the finely divided lead to be peroxidized is pressed into the cells or cavities so as to fill their interiors only. Scientific American Supplement, No. 344, August 5, 1882
  • Cysteine in the extracellular space is mostly oxidized to cystine.
  • He and several colleagues at Tongji University took two million pounds of unoxidized scrap iron, which they got from local metal processing shops at bargain prices, and used them as part of the filtration process for toxic industrial wastewater. Sustainable: Recycle
  • During these reactions, the molecule that donates the electron is oxidized and the molecule that accepts the electron is reduced.
  • Phase identification and microchemical -analysis of the oxidized layer on the surface of a high temperature cast iron were performed. The mechanism of oxidation-resisting was explored.
  • The important criterion in connection with the use of this material is that the steel be properly deoxidized, either through the use of ferrovanadium or its equivalent. The Working of Steel Annealing, Heat Treating and Hardening of Carbon and Alloy Steel
  • Large quantities of waste and morbid materials, the products of inflam-mation, have to be oxidized, that is, burned up and eliminated from the system. Nature Cure
  • The allylic alcohol is oxidised to the epoxide (R) - glycidol using the oxidising agent tertiary butylhydroperoxide in the presence of a catalyst. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
  • All Answers from Sourdough Dave wrote 3 weeks 6 days ago bluing is a controlled oxidation of the steel so the surface has a bluish luster and by already being oxidized prevents that other form of oxidation called rust. What exactly is a blued barrel?
  • Reactions in which atoms of the same element are both oxidized and reduced are disproportionation reactions.
  • Initial experiments used two amino acids - alanine and glycine - and sodium sulfite, which is less oxidized compared to sulfate. Earth News, Earth Science, Energy Technology, Environment News
  • It is suggested that mitochondrial pyruvate is partly oxidized by the TCA cycle and is partly exported to the cytoplasm where it is carboxylated to form malate 1-for continued export to the apoplast.
  • High intensity magnetic - reverse flotation is the most efficient technology for oxidized iron ore processing nowadays.
  • Some of the finest cuprite specimens ever found have come from the oxidized zones of several of Arizona's porphyry copper and related deposits.
  • As mentioned above, the manganite produced by the present invention may also be air-oxidized to produce manganese dioxide.
  • In one method, naphthalene is oxidized with vanadium pentoxide to give phthalic anhydride.

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