How To Use Oxeye daisy In A Sentence
Burbank spent seventeen years hybridizing the common oxeye daisy with the English daisy, the German daisy, and the small but brilliantly white Japanese daisy.
Jane S. Smith: Daisies, Weddings, and Making the Ideal Real
Plants thriving on the meadows include oxeye daisy, yellow-rattle, meadowsweet, bird's-foot trefoil and common knapweed.
The grassland areas are grazed by a mixture of cattle and Jacob's sheep, and are sprinkled with wild flowers including devil's-bit scabious, oxeye daisy, bird's-foot-trefoil, harebell and tormentil.
Species to be reintroduced include the harebell (Campanula rotundifolia), oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) and sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica).
Kew unveils native flower seed bank
On the picnic table, Angela had arranged a vase of wildflowers picked by the road, which she now identified for me: viper's bugloss, butter-and-eggs, oxeye daisy.