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How To Use Ovulation In A Sentence

  • It may act as such, by suppressing ovulation, but it also works by making the lining of the womb hostile to the newly conceived embryo.
  • Females breed when they are in estrus - a brief period of ovulation that only occurs every two years and lasts just a few days.
  • Unilateral ovariectomy in rabbits doubles the ovulation rate in the remaining ovary and the adjacent uterine horn is crowded with embryos.
  • Too much exercise can have a disastrous effect on fertility, because it can stop ovulation occurring. PCOS DIET BOOK: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Our brain sends out chemical messages to our ovaries, which in turn produce estrogen and progesterone on a fluctuating basis—estrogen governs the first half of the cycle, and then, after an egg has ripened and pushed its way out of the ovary in the process known as ovulation, progesterone governs the second half. Healing the Female Heart
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  • Patients then completed the study according to protocol after six subsequent ovulations.
  • Some plans cover fertility drugs to stimulate ovulation or intrauterine insemination (IUI, often called artificial insemination) but don't cover pricier assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures, such as in vitro fertilization. Health insurance rules may decide whether infertility treatment is essential
  • It provides fantastic nutrition and immunoenhancement for the child, acts as natural birth control because lactational hormones suppress ovulation, and eats up calories so quickly that a mom can either quickly lose "baby weight" or keep eating like mad. We Ain't Nothing But Mammals...
  • Ovulation is successful in approximately 75 percent of women treated with clomiphene, but subsequent pregnancy rates are only 30 to 40 percent.
  • During the menstrual cycle, an ovum is released from one of the ovaries (the release is called ovulation), and the uterus develops an inner lining enriched with blood to prepare it for the possible implantation of a zygote. Menstrual cycle
  • BLAKEY: The babies were created through a process called ovulation induction. CNN Transcript Jul 14, 2001
  • Wood made other major research contributions to gynaecology, previously the Cinderella of medical research, adding to knowledge of uterine contractibility, the psychological effects of hysterectomy, and the corpus luteum's role in ovulation and pregnancy. The Guardian World News
  • Ovulation could occur from either ovary with embryonic development taking place in the ipsilateral oviduct and uterine horn. SUPER GOOD QUALITY DARK KNIGHT TRAILER
  • Marissa experienced cramping with ovulation—especially when she ovulated on the left side—that seemed to increase as she approached perimenopause. Wild Feminine
  • This lactational ovulation can be more effective than all other forms of birth control in reducing population growth. Hebrew Women in Egypt: Bible.
  • For this reason, the synthetic hormones are technically known as ovulation inhibitors.
  • Some animals release powerful scents when ready to mate, while others display skin color changes, but human ovulation is notoriously difficult to detect. Study: Fertile Women Dress to Impress | Impact Lab
  • After ovulation the empty follicle left behind in the ovary is remodelled, and it plays an important role in the second half of the menstrual cycle, known as the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle.
  • Metformin, a biguanide and insulin-sensitizing agent, has been used to restore menstrual cyclicity and induce ovulation in PCOS without the use of additional fertility drugs.
  • Infertility, generally resulting from chronic anovulation lack of ovulation Regular Exercise Prior to IVF Treatment Lowers Success Rate
  • These include prescription medications such as danazol, a drug that suppresses ovulation and causes increased facial hair, acne, and a deep voice. Mark Hyman, MD: Eliminate Suffering From PMS In 5 Simple Steps
  • It is noticeable that a slighter disturbance of normal conditions is needed to render digestion painful than to cause painful ovulation, that is, pain preceding the menstrual flow. The Education of American Girls
  • So as soon as you manage the stress, whether it's through meditation or acupuncture or therapy or you know, some kind of toxicity, toxic relationship is going on, as soon as you manage the stress, the anovulation will stop -- will frequently resolve. CNN Transcript Jun 30, 2007
  • The fact that it releases some progestin would make me suspect that ovulation is suppressed somewhat, but if you are still getting your period while on the Mirena, I would suggest that you are ovulating. ProWomanProLife » A remarkably honest abortionist
  • Thyroid stimulating hormone, testosterone, and prolactin concentrations need be checked only if cycles are irregular or absent, suggesting anovulation, galactorrhoea, or symptoms of thyroid disorder.
  • Being underweight and exercising excessively can increase the risk of anovulation, subfertility, and intrauterine growth retardation in pregnancy
  • Also, as there is a problem of anovulation the ovary does not produce eggs every month, hence the girl suffers from irregular periods (usually delayed) scanty or heavy flow and often has difficulty in conceiving. - Articles related to Don't eat for two, pregnant women told
  • Ovulation prediction tests are not only for those having problems conceiving.
  • A common condition such as polycystic ovaries, which hinders ovulation, can be triggered by excessive weight gain in pregnancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some are given clomiphene to induce ovulation, but it doesn't always work.
  • Do the menstrual cycle and the ovulation gradually calculate?
  • Part3 Infertility gynecology obstetrics assisted fertility sexual dysfunction ovulation pap smears TV interview Egypt Cairo ISCI IVF IUI oligospermia azospermia gender selection baby sex selection menopause PCO ploysyctic ovaries baby blues myomas uterus vagina vaginal infections ectopic pregnancy high risk pregnancy hormons circumssion dysparunia HSG folleculomtery post coital test hypoplastic premarital early diagnosis antenatal care osteoprosis family planning delivery labor health education cervix labaroscope habitual abortion woman - Articles related to Adult kids feel sting when mom picks favorites
  • Treatment may consist of administering progesterone or ovulation drugs.
  • He said broader and earlier use of fertility treatment such as clomiphene, which stimulates ovulation, has greatly contributed to the number of multiple births he's handled. More Cincinatti schools teeming with twins
  • In adult females, social rank modulates the length of behavioral estrus, with high ranked females mating for longer periods of time prior to ovulation than lowed rank females.
  • Alesse, Lo-estrin and Mircette are called low dose, but in fact they contain enough estrogen to suppress ovulation (that's the original point of the pill, after all). Understanding “Perimenopause”
  • But neither in the boy is the occurrence of the first ejaculation a proof of capacity for reproduction, or a proof that the period of the puberal development is completed; nor in the girl is the occurrence of the first menstruation, which may long precede the establishment of the far more important function of ovulation, characteristic in either of these respects. The Sexual Life of the Child
  • It's not a very clear picture but that is an ovulation test stick thingummy.
  • IUD insertion or mifepristone administration following ovulation may cause endometrial changes that could impede implantation of the conceptus in the endometrium.
  • Current clinical guidelines about a woman's potentially fertile days have been based on two assumptions that ovulation occurs 14 days before the next menses and that women are fertile for several days before and after ovulation.
  • Sarah Hrdy proposed that silent ovulation helps prevent infanticide because neither the husband nor the lover knows if he has been cuckolded.
  • Ethinyl oestradiol is a synthetic oestrogen and in combination with cyproterone inhibits ovulation by suppressing the mid-cycle peak of the luteinising hormone released from the pituitary gland as well as the follicle-stimulating hormone. Archive 2007-08-01
  • There is also a high chance that women who receive treatment for anovulation will produce twins or multiple births. Chapter 21
  • Misexpression screen for spontaneous ovulation level in virgins.
  • An ovum (plural ova) is a mature egg released at ovulation.
  • What inspired him to take on this challenge was his research on how hormones control critical ovarian functions in mice, such as oocyte maturation and ovulation. British IVF pioneer Robert Edwards wins Nobel prize for medicine
  • Immature human eggs, or oocytes, sit in suspended animation in the ovaries from the time they are formed in the female fetus, and complete the process of meiosis to form mature egg cells only just prior to ovulation. Delayed Childbearing
  • Melatonin may inhibit ovulation, causing some women to have difficulty getting pregnant.
  • Newer oral contraceptives, with lower levels of ovarian steroids, allow follicular growth, but ovulation usually does not occur.
  • In the form of enzymes and hormones, proteins help regulate sleep, digestion and ovulation.
  • He had developed a pill, containing synthetically produced versions of the hormones oestrogen and progestin, which would suppress ovulation apparently without side-effects.
  • The closer to ovulation you have intercourse, the better the chances to conceive a boy, because the male y-sperm cells are faster than the female x-sperm cells, and they tend to get to the egg first.
  • Withdrawal bleeding after progestational challenge, along with normal PRL and TSH level, demonstrate amenorrhea caused by anovulation.
  • They are looking for rapid fluctuations of usually neglected minor steroids during the build-up to ovulation.
  • If a female and male have sex within several days of the female's ovulation, fertilization can occur.
  • The primary mode of contraception with the pill is to suppress ovulation, thereby preventing conception. ProWomanProLife » A remarkably honest abortionist
  • The morula, as the cluster of cells is called at this stage, floats freely in the uterus until seven or eight days after ovulation, absorbing its needed nutrients from uterine secretions. THE HIDDEN FACE OF GOD
  • By noticing these changes, the woman can tell when ovulation is about to occur.
  • The doctor administered a shot of HCG, a drug that induces ovulation within twenty-four hours, and we returned on the following two mornings for intrauterine insemination, or IUI, procedures. Times Two
  • Prediction of ovulation was carried out by basal body temperature (BBT) charts and B-ultrasonography in 72 normally menstruation women for a total of 100 cycles each.
  • The fingerlike ends fimbria of the fallopian tube sweep across the surface of the ovary and propel the egg into the tube after ovulation. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • Ethinyl oestradiol is a synthetic oestrogen and in combination with cyproterone inhibits ovulation by suppressing the mid-cycle peak of the luteinising hormone released from the pituitary gland as well as the follicle-stimulating hormone. Archive 2007-08-01
  • The BabyStart kit contains a his-and-hers package of a sperm concentration test and six ovulation testers.
  • If there is no ovulation, then there is no corpus luteum formation and no cyclic rise in pregnanediol levels. 347.
  • In common with in vitro fertilisation, a gamete intrafallopian transfer cycle begins with superovulation to recruit multiple follicles and is followed by egg retrieval.
  • Between five and seven days after ovulation, the fertilised egg implants into the wall of the uterus and produces root-like outgrowths called villi.
  • Using a gentle sucking action that coaxes your egg from its shell, your fimbria actually reach down and massage your ovary just before ovulation. Getting Pregnant
  • It is likely that the patient became pregnant with her first or nearly first ovulation otherwise one would expect that inspissated blood in the uterus and salpinges would have made fertilization difficult. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Although the number of mares included in this study (10 mares) is small, this study provides preliminary evidence that a low number of spermatozoa can result in pregnancy if sperm are deposited non-surgically on the surface of the uterotubal joint ipsilaterally (pertaining to the same side) to impending ovulation. News
  • Now while it is true that the commonest cause for anovulation is PCOD, the other common diagnosis which needs to be ruled out is premature ovarian failure. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Thyroid stimulating hormone, testosterone, and prolactin concentrations need be checked only if cycles are irregular or absent, suggesting anovulation, galactorrhoea, or symptoms of thyroid disorder.
  • But one of the most common causes of infertility is anovulation, which means the hormones that are secreted by the pituitary are a little bit out of, you know, balance. CNN Transcript Jun 30, 2007
  • Using DNA technology, the scientists have found two distinct genes with a large effect on ovulation rate in sheep.
  • Infertility among women is often due to ovulation problems, including failure to ovulate.
  • The combined oral contraceptive pill, which is the most widely used type of pill, prevents ovulation.
  • Several studies have shown that weight loss in women with PCOS improves the endocrine profile, menstrual cyclicity, rate of ovulation and likelihood of a healthy pregnancy.
  • Scientists found that the brain has a dedicated population of receptors that respond specifically to the kisspeptin molecule by triggering the release of hormones that cause ovulation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new drug, based on the hormone kisspeptin, stimulates ovulation in a way that more closely mimics the natural process in a woman's body. Times, Sunday Times
  • The discovery of some key hormones involved in the ovulation process—namely FSH and LH—opened a new world of biochemical technology, one which made tracking egg release markedly faster, easier, and more accurate. Getting Pregnant
  • The cervical opening is widest during ovulation, so it's easier to sample the cells in the cervical canal at that point.
  • Typically, menstruation and ovulation cease with the menopause, at around age 51 or 52.
  • Many women will respond to Clomid, especially if the issue is PCOS or anovulation. Treating Infertility by Flushing the Tubes
  • The seed is a prophylactic against oligospermia and is useful in increasing sperm count, ovulation in women, etc. Xml's
  • Reliable methods to predict ovulation are lacking, therefore predicting the fertile window is also unreliable.
  • The contraceptive implant slowly releases a hormone into a woman's body that inhibits ovulation.
  • If, after appropriate testing, there is no evidence that conception has occurred already, she may be treated with medications that would prevent ovulation, sperm capacitation, or fertilization. Catholic Views on Emergency Contraception and Its Role in the 2010 Massachusetts Special Election « Publius the Geek
  • Marshall, who has found that in the ferret and other animals, ovulation may be dependent upon copulation, also considers that ovulation and menstruation, though connected and able to react on each other, may both be dependent upon a common cause; he finds that in bitches and rats heat can be produced by injection of extract from ovaries in the oestrous state (F.H.A. Marshall, _Philosophical Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
  • Publisher: Putman Media, Inc. Influence of the formamidine pesticide chlordimeform on ovulation in the female hamster: dissociable shifts in the luteinizing hormone surge and oocyte release (SuDoc EP 1.23/6: 600/J-94/040) by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency OpEdNews - Quicklink: US Drinking Water and Watersheds Widely Contaminated by Hormone Disrupting Pesticide, Atrazine
  • Chenoweth described biostimulation as the positive stimulatory effects of a bull on estrus, ovulation, or pregnancy.
  • Other long-term effects of polycystic ovary syndrome are related to the clinical consequences of persistent anovulation.
  • In all cases, 50mg of sertraline a day was given only to the women following ovulation during the luteal phase of the menstrual period—the standard SSRI treatment for PMS or PMDD.
  • Temporary heat stress near the time of estrus and ovulation can reduce oocyte quality by altering meiotic processes, directly affecting conceptus quality and survival.
  • An over the counter urine test kit or a blood test can measure LH (luteinizing hormone) levels, which is the trigger for ovulation and the cause of the subsequent rise in progesterone.
  • The worst tragedy occurs when a patient with anovulation because of poor ovarian reserve is misdiagnosed as having PCOD. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Women with regular menstrual cycles should begin testing for urinary LH about 3 days prior to expected ovulation.
  • Moreover, the incidence was lowest in women who reported ovulatory disorder and use of ovulation-induction therapy (hazard ratio, 0.60). This was based on data collected between 1995 and 2001.
  • When teaching students, I describe the processes of spermatogenesis, ovulation and fertilisation as a continuum with implantation and early pregnancy development.
  • Although the researchers did not perform a check on the estrous cycle directly, their microscopic analysis of ovaries and uterus tissue showed that the hormone-induced changes (i.e. early ovulation and formation of corpus luteum) were well underway. Jeffrey Smith: Genetically Modified Soy Diets Lead to Ovary and Uterus Changes in Rats
  • The drop in inhibin B levels reflects the diminishing number of follicles left for future development in the ovary.14 As the number of follicles available to develop decreases below the level necessary for ovulation, ovulation stops. Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
  • It can block the surge of hormones that cause of ovulation and it can also thicken the mucous and change the uterine lining which makes it inhospitable for a fertilized egg to implant.
  • Most women of reproductive age spent many years pregnant or lactating, states that suppress ovulation.
  • In most normal human menstrual cycles only one follicle reaches full maturity, to be released at ovulation, on about day 14.
  • Values remained high throughout dioestrus, with a rapid decline beginning 14 to 15 days after ovulation.
  • Serum progesterone levels were obtained six, eight and 10 days after the expected day of ovulation, which was defined as 14 days before expected menses.
  • When the pill is used, if there is any ovulation, it renders the egg unable to attach to the uterine wall - some of the same hormones come into play, but the major pregnancy hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) does not appear until implantation and fertilization begin. The Pill kills babies!! | My[confined]Space
  • Ovulation is the release of the egg from the ovaries in a regular monthly cycle.
  • This usually results in increased ovulations and an increase in transferable embryos.
  • I warmed to the discussion, eager to share my knowledge of meiosis and mitosis, spermatogenesis and seminal vesicles, ovulation and the menstrual cycle. Archive 2006-01-01
  • This combination also was significantly more effective than clomiphene alone for inducing ovulation.
  • It usually happens once a month but can be more or less depending upon a woman's own ovulatory cycle. sometimes you can release more than one egg. if you don't get pregnant that cycle then your body will have a period in about a couple of weeks. women with annovulatory cycles don't ovulate but still get their period. women with irregular cycles could have a 14 day cycle and then a 60 day cycle the next time.www. taking charge of your fertility - a book In humans, the period when ovulation occurs is called the ovulatory phase, and it occupies the fourteenth day of an idealized twenty-eight day menstrual cycle. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • As the sonographer said, gaining more weight could kick-start ovulation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Researchers in the United States have found a link between a low-fat dairy diet and increased risk of infertility due to lack of ovulation (anovulatory infertility). Lactose Not Associated with Fertility
  • This is especially important during phases three and four (ovulation and implantation). Times, Sunday Times
  • Ovulation calendar helps you to use the natural contraception method.
  • Your temperature rises after ovulation and falls back down again at menstruation, until the next time you ovulate.
  • For women who desire pregnancy, a medication called clomiphene (Clomid) can be used to induce ovulation (cause egg production). Arab Times Kuwait News
  • Once ovulation takes place, a surge of growth in the luteal cells causes progesterone and some estradiol to be secreted.
  • But there is a display dedicated to future methods, containing research-stage items such as the male pill, further injectables and high-tech ovulation thermometers.
  • And according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, most cases of female infertility are caused by problems with ovulation, which is typically marked by irregular or absent periods. Infertile women sing acupuncture's praises
  • At the predicted time of ovulation she is artificially inseminated with semen from the husband of the infertile woman…
  • In female rats, DEHP and its metabolite disrupt normal biological processes by prolonging oestrous cycles, suppressing or delaying ovulation and reducing estrogen and progesterone concentrations. Phthalates
  • Ovulation will not occur and there will be no formation of a corpus luteum to secrete progesterone and oestrogen.
  • This process is called ovulation, and it usually occurs about halfway through your cycle, but it can occur earlier or later. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • Menstrual cycles can occur without ovulation taking place as the menopause approaches.
  • Ovulation could occur from either ovary with embryonic development taking place in the ipsilateral oviduct and uterine horn. SUPER GOOD QUALITY DARK KNIGHT TRAILER
  • An over the counter urine test kit or a blood test can measure LH (luteinizing hormone) levels, which is the trigger for ovulation and the cause of the subsequent rise in progesterone.
  • What is the average body temperaure in early pregnancy? im due on in 2 days and have just discovered 2 things on the net, one being that during ovulation and after (if you get pregnant) for 18 weeks your body temp goes up. i havent kept a record of my body temp but if i have ever taken it for one reason or another its beein in the 36's. ive just taken it now and its 37.4. so what im asking is has anyone else out there had anything similar? also ive just discovered something called luteal phase which is the time between ovulation and coming on your period, on average its 10-16 days. i have noticed for the last 2 months its been 14 days but i thought that was a coincidence. my '14th day' was yesterday. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • It works first to prevent ovulation and thus not allowing the egg to be fertilized, which is not abortion, but it ALSO works to prevent an already fertilized egg from implanting in the womb. Think Progress » Popular Teen TV Show To Claim Morning-After Pill Can Cause A Miscarriage
  • What has been called the "incessant ovulation" of modern women causes chronic anemia and may have more severe lifetime effects including increased risk of cervical, uterine and breast cancers, and osteoporosis. Valerie Tarico: Picture a Technology Revolution. In Contraception. It's Here.
  • Nutrition, body weight, and stress affect menstruation and ovulation.
  • Anything that inhibits ovulation - eg, pregnancy or oral contraception - reduces the risk of ovarian cancer.
  • Some of the man's sperm is put into the woman's womb at the same time as ovulation (the release of an egg), making conception more likely.
  • Ovulation can also be detected by a half-degree drop in body temperature, and a change in vaginal discharge.
  • Some of the man's sperm is put into the woman's womb at the same time as ovulation (the release of an egg), making conception more likely.
  • This method of ovulation prediction is called the basal body temperature guide or BBT Using the BBT involves taking your temperature every day for at least two months. Getting Pregnant
  • Women athletes who have amenorrhea and wish to become pregnant may require fertility drugs to induce ovulation.
  • Reproductive maturity is achieved with the establishment of regular menstruation and ovulation in females and mature spermatogenesis in males.
  • The main causes of infertility in females are irregular periods and menses at prolonged intervals which may lead to decreased egg formation and ovulation.
  • According to Dutch researchers at the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, the higher the BMI in obese women, the longer it takes a woman to conceive, even among obese women with normal ovulation who happen to be subfertile. A Baby at Last!
  • Still another possibility is for her to control either her ovulation or the maturation of her eggs after she is inseminated by certain males.
  • Values remained high throughout dioestrus, with a rapid decline beginning 14 to 15 days after ovulation.
  • After the eggs are released ovulation from the follicles, the follicles change from estrogen production to progesterone production and the dog enters a phase called diestrus. The Seattle Times
  • She is taking a drug to stimulate ovulation.

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