How To Use Overthrow In A Sentence

  • Some were members of Turkey's elite military class known as "pashas," a title of respect harking back to Ottoman military commanders Monday for allegedly planning to blow up mosques in order to trigger a military takeover and overthrow the - Photown News
  • They shouted hosannas and waved palm branches as Jesus the hoped-for warrior king, the overthrower of Rome, the savior of the world - rode in on a donkey.
  • Korsibar in time had been overthrown, and Prestimion's sorcerers had sliced his usurpation out of the history of the world. KING OF DREAMS
  • The German military party -- which, as everyone knows, holds the reins of policy in Germany entirely -- have, as far as I can see, done all they could to overthrow Kerenski and set up Im Weltkriege. English
  • Now the boy's being hauled before the courts for having been part of a plot to overthrow some tinpot dictator in Equatorial Mongolia or some such place.
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  • I am for _meddling with slavery everywhere_ -- _attacking it by night and by day, in season and out of season_ (no, it can never be out of season) -- in order to _effect its overthrow_. History of the Negro Race in America from 1619 to 1880. Vol. 2 (of 2) Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens
  • I was startled at the news that 129 persons were killed last Sunday in the attempt by rebel air force officers to overthrow the government in the capital.
  • If properly timed, these throws can quickly get a ball to a baseman to make a play; if it isn't, however, the ball will most likely be overthrown, missing cutoff men entirely along with its target.
  • The classic Newtonian view of gravity as a simple force between objects was overthrown by Einstein's vision of gravity as the result of objects warping space and time.
  • He thought they could be beaten-that their virtual monopoly of the running shoe market could be overthrown.
  • Their goal of restoring the power of the Church hid their aim of overthrowing the republic.
  • Umpteen mistakes were made, overthrows, byes, no-balls, bad shots, all of them a reminder that cricket is a game of the spirit.
  • Moldovan official told Russia Today television that anti-Communist demonstrators want to overthrow the government and reunite the nation with neighboring Romania.
  • He had been imprisoned after being reprieved from a death sentence handed down by General Victoriano Huerta, the usurper who would overthrow Francisco Madero in February 1913. Pancho Villa as a German Agent...
  • A key provision in the Act criminalized knowing membership in an organization that advocated the forcible overthrow of the government, and imposed a penalty of up to twenty years of imprisonment.
  • But the city folk constituted a new and terrible destructive force, the equilibrium was overthrown, and the poppies well-nigh perished. The Golden Poppy
  • Could incite overthrow of the regime. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has displayed good mobility in the pocket but also had some overthrows while trying to dodge pressure.
  • Trumped-up charges of conspiracy to overthrow the queen, and an unjustly conducted prosecution, brought conviction of treason and hanging at Tyburn.
  • Dub reggae had themes dealing with the overthrow of Babylon and which were openly hostile to the white world.
  • Nor is there any evidence that the movement seeks to overthrow democracy.
  • It was much broader than Tory or church party and avoided the divisive names of Whig and Tory at a time when many were combining to overthrow Walpole.
  • He has a blazing fastball and a dynamic slider, but he must overcome the tendency to overthrow and cut down on his pitch counts.
  • The rebel factions made common cause to overthrow the regime.
  • Napoleon overthrows the King of Spain Fernando VII and places his brother Joseph on the throne (1808) Mexico - history time-line overview - resource page
  • They are alienated, in the Marxist sense, from the product of their labours and this cannot be changed without revolutionary upheaval and the overthrow of capitalism.
  • With its bad language and schoolboy humour, Alfred Jarry's first and most influential play is the story of Mum and Dad Ubu, two gloriously evil megalomaniacs, who spur each other on to overthrow the regime.
  • A fifth possible motivation is that the authors of the article believed that the overthrow of the current legal government of the USA was more important than success in the war.
  • The rebels hatched a plot to overthrow the government.
  • They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.
  • The monarchy was overthrown in 1973, and since then government has been unstable. Twentieth Century History - Basic Facts
  • Kriota dealt with the overthrow of the human population, viral vampirism, genetic engineering, hypertrichosis aka Wolfman disease and more! Archive 2010-02-01
  • The military overthrow of the Egyptian government produced an unwelcome rise in oil prices. Times, Sunday Times
  • This may have arisen from the fact that Paine's doctrine was much more plain and intelligible to the common people: it was operatical and proposed immediate excision; that is, it advocated the total overthrow of monarchy, and the establishment of republicanism. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
  • His performance has been steady, but he also has overthrown several open receivers on plays that should have gone for touchdowns.
  • Could incite overthrow of the regime. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the insurgency is trying to overthrow this regime, it is contending with a formidable obstacle that successful rebels of the 20th century generally did not face: A democratically elected government.
  • Doubtless, it was by half-unconscious, automatic motions of her hands, that this heavy-hearted one performed the final office for Felipe, and planted a rude cross of withered sticks -- no green ones might be had -- at the head of that lonely grave, where rested now in lasting un-complaint and quiet haven he whom untranquil seas had overthrown. The Piazza Tales
  • Although a friend of the King, my loathing of the overthrown politicians was such that I accepted with alacrity.
  • For in the prevalence of sense and spirit over stupidity and malversation, all reasonable men have an interest; and as intellectual beings we feel the air purified by the electric shock, when material force is overthrown by intellectual energies. Representative Men
  • Support for dissident iraqis such as was given to OTPOR in Yugoslavia is a more proper way to assist people in overthrowing a despot. mds Says: Matthew Yglesias » Take That Anti-War Liberals!
  • He was Oda Yorimoto, descendant of a powerful daimio of the Ashikaga Dynasty of shoguns who had fled Japan with his faithful samurai nearly three hundred and fifty years before upon the overthrow of the Ashikaga Dynasty. The Mucker
  • His staff are also apparently plotting his overthrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Security forces have uncovered a plot to overthrow the government.
  • You also know that the South African regime was overthrown by massive shifts in internal and external forces.
  • The overthrow of capitalism would usher in the socialist society. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • Overthrowing capitalism and landlordism , and establishing a nationalized and democratically planned economy, is the only way to develop the productive forces.
  • A magnificent pile of cushions at the head of the banquet seemed prepared for the master of the feast, and such dignitaries as he might call to share that place of distinction; while from the roof of the tent in all quarters, but over this seat of eminence in particular, waved many a banner and pennon, the trophies of battles won and kingdoms overthrown. The Talisman
  • A ball just short of a length from Silverwood went over the top of Spearman's stumps but the right-hander responded with a boundary and soon afterwards there were four overthrows as Martyn aimed at the stumps and missed.
  • It was a matter of great speculation between them as to what the plans of the "outlanders" were for the overthrowing of the power of the Great Ones and the destruction of the entire breed of Prags. "Microcosmic Buccaneers" by Harl Vincent, part 8
  • When we have disagreed is when the CIA stepped away from being an intelligence agency, and started overthrowing democracies, and TRAINING ALQUEDA. Think Progress » BREAKING: CBS To Report Fitzgerald Will Make His Decision Known Tomorrow
  • During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries increasingly smaller oligarchies came to power in the Swiss cantons but were overthrown in 1798 in the wake of the French Revolution.
  • Like a surrealistic melting stone, the sculpture blows up, exaggerates, and even overthrows the communicative relationship of the nature and its subjective.
  • It took a lot of courage to write in a police state that ‘the ruling bureaucracy is anti working class, an enemy’, and call for its revolutionary overthrow.
  • They would create some kind of great force that would overthrow the old order.
  • He has great stuff but gets excited and overthrows, hurting his command.
  • Zephyrus, a mysterious, icy seductress, uses her power over men to snare them into aiding her scheme to overthrow the world order in order to avenge the wrongs done to womankind over the course of history. Straight for the Art: ‘Swallowing the Earth’ | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • And the overthrow of the government my papa had given his power to by a group of hateful men only made things worse.
  • Sikorski refused to answer to questions about whether Poland will be sending arms to the rebels, who say they are outgunned by Gadhafi's forces and can't overthrow him without heavier weapons. Rebels: Gadhafi forces pushed back from Misrata
  • Rebels were already making plans to overthrow the government.
  • They regard the 1917 Russian revolution as merely a capitalist revolution overthrowing feudalism.
  • Next, there was Iran-Contra when St. Ronnie let ollie north run the government and make illegal deals with the Iranians (who had just recently releases 44 American is had held hostage for over a year, even keeping them longer at Reagan's request so he'd look good when they got released during his inauguration) and used the money to supply arms to the Contras, who wanted to overthrow the legitimately elected gov of Nicaraugua. Obama touts financial reform, says GOP stance 'deceptive'
  • The process of building up a truly democratic society has two parts: first, the organization and union in a single movement of all classes that stand for the abolition of classes, and class rule; and second, the overthrow of those social elements that stand in the way of this natural evolution, their destruction and dissolution _as classes_, and the absorption of their members by the new society as individuals. Socialism As It Is A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement
  • The president was overthrown in a military coup.
  • He said that Allende's government in Chile was overthrown by the army and the CIA in 1973.
  • It's not surprising then, that the first play of the 2003 season was a deep ball for the speedy wide receiver that was just overthrown.
  • The latter was not so much a practical attempt to overthrow monarchy as a creed. The Search for Justice - a history of Britain and the British people Volume III
  • I was startled at the news that 129 persons were killed last Sunday in the attempt by rebel air force officers to overthrow the government in the capital.
  • If I were to destroy what those who came before me established, I should be justly convicted of being not a builder, but an overthrower, so testifies the voice of the Truth, who says ‘Every kingdom divided against itself shall not stand’ (Lk 11: 17); and every science and law divided against itself shall be destroyed. It’s a miracle Shea-Porter didn’t talk about cooking her colleagues’ dinners. | RedState
  • If America is on the verge of being "overthrown," it's not happening at the hands of Muslim-Americans. Dissident Voice
  • In the wake of the Arab Spring revolutions that followed the overthrow of Tunisian President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali -- some of which were catalyzed or sustained by online communication -- it has become a central tenant of the department's so-called 21st Century Statecraft. Corbin Hiar: Do SOPA and PIPA Conflict With State Dept.'s Global Internet Freedom Goals?
  • In short, it is impossible to imagine the people of Britain could possibly overthrow a government. The Sun
  • Despite such revanchism, in the spring of 2009 Hamid declared another amnesty, this time pardoning some 170 prisoners who had been charged with endangering national security, including 35 Shias on trial for allegedly trying to overthrow the government. Iran's Bahraini Ambitions
  • He was ultimately overthrown and the country descended into chaos.
  • In 568 the Lombards marched from Pannonia into Italy, conquered the northern part, still called Lombardy, and founded the kingdom of that name, which was afterward greatly extended, and existed until overthrown by Charlemagne in 774. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • When the powers that be were overthrown, the rebels took their vengeance out on the Jews, whom they saw as collaborators with the former regime.
  • A military junta had just overthrown the constitutional government and annulled a recently held presidential election.
  • Though many on the ground in the struggle against the Shah were leftists and other secular democratic forces -- some of whom organized important strikes, demonstrations, and other actions independently from the religious hierarchy -- the religious overtone of the demonstrations was apparent in the slogans, communiqués, banners, graffiti, and other means throughout the 13-month struggle that led to the Shah's overthrow in February 1979. Stephen Zunes: Why Egypt Will Not Turn Into Another Iran
  • I was startled at the news that 129 persons were killed last Sunday in the attempt by rebel air force officers to overthrow the government in the capital.
  • The Venezuelan president has often said the United States supports opposition attempts to overthrow him.
  • Mahdi, 56, had been imprisoned and then under house arrest since his civilian government was overthrown in June 1989.
  • Consequently, the invocation of self-determination, as the means to justify overthrowing an alien governing power, was traditionally considered to be a political, as opposed to a legal, tool.
  • The ironhanded young Yezdigerd seemed more likely than his sire to attempt the overthrow of Khoraja, so the Khorajans were looking to their defenses. Conan and The Mists of Door
  • The story is about a future society in which an authoritarian cult controls the vast reaches of Asia, but is then overthrown, leaving a pair of young lovers to experience the scary novelty of freedom.
  • Habre has been living in Dakar since he was overthrown by current Chadian President Idriss Deby more than 20 years ago. Senegal: Chad Asks for the Extradition of Habre to Belgium
  • No! There's her pretty hat of straw Laid on the bench; but then they saw There was no ribbon round it; The garden all neglected; The rake and wat'ring-pot were down Amongst the jonquils overthrown; The broken-branched roses running riot; The dandelion, groundsell, all about; And the nice walks, laid out with so much taste, Now cover'd with neglected weeds and wanton waste. Jasmin: Barber, Poet, Philanthropist
  • The son of northern French nobility, and a former cleric and Cluniac monk, he became pope in 1088, at a time when the papacy, reeling from a rancorous and protracted power struggle with the emperor of Germany, stood on the brink of overthrow. 'The Crusades'
  • He was advertised the French army in Italy had had an overthrow.
  • He frequently travelled abroad and it was during one trip in 1973, while taking mudbaths near Naples for his lumbago, that he was overthrown.
  • Thus, in 1953 the CIA and British intelligence collaborated in overthrowing the nationalist regime of Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran after he nationalized the oil industry in that country.
  • Unity (OAU) to "ostracise" the military regime which had overthrown ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The isoseismal 7, which includes places where the shock was strong enough to overthrow ornaments, vases, etc., is also very nearly an ellipse, whose axes are 80 and 56 miles in length, and whose area is A Study of Recent Earthquakes
  • The only solution was the overthrow of the capitalist system. Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • To her, novel ideas meant the overthrow of succession of crops, ruin under the name of improvements and methods; in short, mortgaged lands as the inevitable result of experiments. Beatrix
  • The slavery was overthrown after the Civil War in U.S.A.
  • The only Shakespeare play written entirely in verse, it contrasts the high-flown ideals of Richard with the low cunning of Henry Bolingbroke, the man who overthrows him and later has him murdered.
  • Society will not be overthrown, that is true, but, I ask you, who would willingly accept such a life? Modeste Mignon
  • Federal officials cited the speech as an ‘overt act’ seeking the violent overthrow of the U.S. government, landing him in prison for three years.
  • Comrades, we shall overthrow the government as true as there are fifteen intermediary acids between margaric acid and formic acid; however, that is a matter of perfect indifference to me. Les Miserables
  • Riots, revolutions and the overthrow of rulers, keep everyone on their toes!
  • They now began to side with the extreme wing of the pied noir integrationist movement, which openly called for his overthrow.
  • It is a stirring, brutal tale of conspiracy and intrigue, treachery and dissent, the overthrow of a hapless leader named Duncan.
  • Some less able horsemen met with various accidents; for though it was a proverb of the time, that nothing was so bold as a blind horse, yet from this mode of equitation, where neither horse nor rider saw the way he was going, some steeds were overthrown, others backed upon dangerous obstacles; and the bones of the cavaliers themselves suffered much more than would have been the case in an ordinary march. Count Robert of Paris
  • We, in contrast, did not get near theirs and Steve threw well, one overthrow excepted.
  • This was a work, infamous in its time, of the most depraved and retrograde Jesuitism, which purported to find a grand conspiracy of Freemasons and other subversives in the overthrow of the Bourbons. Reactionary Prophet
  • Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.
  • It was the aid of Russia which enabled her to overthrow the great Napoleon, and now she permits the little Napoleon to bully her into a war with Russia that he may bedizen his name with the glory of a conflict with the conqueror of his illustrious kinsman. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 1, January, 1864
  • Under that effigy lie the great bones of Sir John Cheyne, a mighty man of war, said to have been "overthrown" by Richard the Third at the battle of Bosworth Field. Our Hundred Days in Europe
  • This champion of samurai who would overthrow the Shogunate and expel the barbarians became the devoted follower of the elite shogunal official.
  • This is the first week where the medieval saga doesn't revolve around a brutal battle to overthrow the King. The Sun
  • overthrown" such a permanent fixture of the cognitive landscape as Newtonian gravitational theory, the general theory of relativity at once became a principal focus of philosophical interest and inquiry. Early Philosophical Interpretations of General Relativity
  • He doesn't throw particularly hard, and when he overthrows, he loses command.
  • Dub reggae had themes dealing with the overthrow of Babylon and which were openly hostile to the white world.
  • The group aims to overthrow the military government.
  • ADEN - Northern Yemeni forces entered outlying but heavily populated northern districts of Aden in what appeared to be a final push to overthrow the breakaway southern Yemen state. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Since the January 14 overthrow of Tunisian strongman Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and the subsequent February 11 toppling of Egyptian autocrat Hosni Mubarak via campaigns of mass civil disobedience, the socio-political landscape of the Middle East and North Africa has been dramatically, and perhaps permanently, altered. Atif Choudhury: The Libyan No-Fly Zone: A New Paradigm for Humanitarian Intervention and the Reinforcement of Democracy
  • They conspired to overthrow the government
  • Moreover they know that if they become too flagrant in their suppression of opposition and commit atrocities, the United Nations stands ready to intervene to overthrow them.
  • The old corrupt, totalitarian regime was overthrown.
  • What is worse is we will prosecute that person for working with legitimate Government agencies as a private contract officer to overthrow some other tinpot dictator in a country that he or she has invaded or taken control of.
  • Hamath is confounded -- at the tidings of the overthrow of the neighboring Damascus. on the sea -- that is, at the sea; the dwellers there are alarmed. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The division of the four-hour subtitled colossus into two feature length halves, sees the first part deal with Che and the Castro brothers 'successful guerrilla campaign to overthrow the Cuban dictatorship in the early' 60s. Queen's Journal: Latest stories
  • That government was overthrown in a military coup three years ago.
  • But beware, we must continue our vigilance, lest our wishes be again disregarded by supporters of the overthrow of our voted term limits and, other issues we've voted for or against. GOP beating
  • With only eight marines, a Navy midshipman, and 100 mercenaries, Eaton left Alexandria, Egypt, to restore Hamet Karamanli to the throne of Tripoli and overthrow his usurper brother.
  • As such, Mr. Karzai has conveniently been "repackaged" as latter-day version of Ngo Dinh Diem, the South Vietnamese leader who was overthrown in a coup that was openly backed by prominent American journalists like David Halberstam of the New York Times and his cohort Neil Sheehan of UPI and later the Times as well. Ashley Rindsberg: Spinning the War in Afghanistan
  • The two firms had battled to overthrow a law on payouts for short-haul passengers left waiting for three hours or more. The Sun
  • When that king was making his great endeavour, in the middle of the thirteenth century, to overthrow the Norwegian power in the Western Highlands and Isles, he was joined by Cormac with a force of three birlinns or galleys of sixteen oars each.
  • The only ultimately effective way the worker can resist is through collective class action to overthrow the capitalist mode of production.
  • Our task is surely not to overthrow globalization, but to capture and use it as a vehicle for humanity's first global democratic revolution.
  • The creaking action heroes are back on screen for the tale about a group of mercenaries who head to South America to try to overthrow a dictator. The Sun
  • holpen" denotes properly, to take hold of one, to help him up when he is in danger of falling, and here means that God had succoured his people when they were feeble, and were in danger of falling or being overthrown. Barnes New Testament Notes
  • After many turnings (alias digressions), to say nothing of downright overthrows, stops, and delays, we have arrived in three weeks at Toulouse, and are now settled in our houses with servants, &c., about us, and look as composed as if we had been here seven years. Selected English Letters
  • -- The overthrow of the decemvirate was followed by a long struggle between the nobles and the commons, which was an effort on the part of the latter to gain admission to the consulship; for up to this time only a patrician could hold that office. General History for Colleges and High Schools
  • Their father, who was determined to overthrow the queen, was influencing the eldest daughter, trying to get her to rise up against her mother.
  • He has overthrown the basic standards of morality.
  • And yonder stands the faitour, rejoicing at the mischief he has done, and triumphing in your overthrow, like the king in the romance, who played upon the fiddle whilst a city was burning. The Fair Maid of Perth St. Valentine's Day
  • In attempting to get off the mark, was within a whisker of being run out, Kevin's throw careering for overthrows instead.
  • This may serve to overthrow the wild and irrational justification of the antinomians, libertines, and lazy solifidians, who upon this ground only judge themselves to be Christ's, because they believe they are: a way of justification, for its easiness, rather to be wished true than to be thought so. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
  • The Kailyard school, with its unintellectual sentimentalizing of rural life and its rejection of the political implications of writing in Scots, was precisely what MacDiarmid had overthrown back in the 1920s.
  • Ben Bella was overthrown in a military coup in 1965.
  • The derision into which the Cult of the Supreme Being fell after the overthrow of the Jacobins did not discredit the theme, which underwent a series of conservative metamorphoses in the 19th century.
  • Its importance declined after his overthrow and it was shut three times in the following decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • If she had, like fellow honoree Desmond Tutu, taken a leading part in overthrowing apartheid, it would make sense to say that the White House vetters were dazzled by good deeds and failed to notice dubious words. Stromata Blog:
  • This, in turn, has resulted from a wholly false conception of gender as a construct to be overthrown, not as a defining fundament of what makes human beings precisely human.
  • Namphy's administration was itself overthrown on Sept. 18 in a further military coup led by Brig. -Gen.
  • Another extraordinary tale says that Ra, convinced mankind was plotting to overthrow him, sent Hathor to kill them all.
  • The state has been the center stage of India's 44-year-old Maoist rebellion that seeks to overthrow the national government, which Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has termed the gravest threat to India's internal security. Supreme Court Grants Binayak Sen Bail
  • C Demand a military-style coup to overthrow the management. The Sun
  • God is to be overthrown, then providence must be expressive of God's approbative ordination, equally as his revealed will is. Act, Declaration, & Testimony for the Whole of our Covenanted Reformation, as Attained to, and Established in Britain and Ireland; Particularly Betwixt the Years 1638 and 1649, Inclusive
  • Like it or not we gotta live with these folks, and we need every swinging dick we can muster to help overthrow our corporate masters. dogtown, Well put. Main RSS Feed
  • He was ultimately overthrown and the country descended into chaos.
  • In 1986, a bloodless overthrow brought an army officer to power.
  • After he won the presidency in 1990, the opposition joined with the Army to overthrow him and expel him from the country.
  • he was too shrewd to go along with them on a road that could lead only to their overthrow
  • Amazonian fair having overthrown and bestrid her enemy, was now cuffing him lustily with both her hands, without any regard to his request of a cessation of arms, or to those loud exclamations of murder which he roared forth. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
  • Are you suggesting that the current leadership of SAA, SAS and Auroville needs to be 'bombarded'/overthrown by a new contingency of leaders? Old must slack hold
  • The reality is that any corrupt regime overthrown by moral and rational forces would immediately be targeted for destruction.
  • The revolution had overthrown the brutal domination of feudalism and ended crown monopolies over trade.
  • The overthrow of the regime and wide-ranging reform. Times, Sunday Times
  • A military junta had just overthrown the constitutional government and annulled a recently held presidential election.
  • Moravians, Bulgars, Croato-Serbians, and Poles all sought to overthrow the Avars, but their power was not broken until Charlemagne appeared.
  • President Mbeki said in an interview earlier this month Pretoria would not dictate policy to Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, nor would it be "dragooned" into overthrowing his government. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Military plotters were working to overthrow the regime. The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge
  • He was overthrown in a coup in 1991 and forced to flee the country, but that only fed his popularity.
  • There were some overthrows, slight misfields, inaccurate throws all of which helped the advancing players.
  • It seems the 96 fastball was a bit of an overthrow for him, as he did not top 94 in his six fastballs after that.
  • Covenanters; yet, in regard it was established upon, and did homologate the overthrow of the reformation, to which that people do still adhere, it could make no substantial change in their condition, from what it formerly was. Act, Declaration, & Testimony for the Whole of our Covenanted Reformation, as Attained to, and Established in Britain and Ireland; Particularly Betwixt the Years 1638 and 1649, Inclusive
  • The president was overthrown in a military coup.
  • Nor was he an atheist intent on overthrowing the Catholic Church: his final efforts to get a Christian burial led to a bizarre funeral.
  • It is the day that Nazi rule was overthrown and long-term and stable democracy established across Europe.
  • Only an overthrow by Manning prevented a long touchdown.
  • His stepfather's brand of Islam accommodated elements of animism and Hinduism, but Obama understood in retrospect that the overthrow of Sukarno in 1965, and the massacre of Communists and ethnic Chinese, had changed his stepfather from the idealist his mother had met at the University of Hawaii to an incommunicative man intent on surviving in the new regime. Dreams from Obama
  • She also stressed the role of people power in overthrowing two former dictators in the Philippines in the last 15 years.
  • In the mentioned situation, the act of handing the ball to the boy is the same as an overthrow into dead territory.
  • They had long schooled themselves in efforts to overthrow bourgeois convention.
  • He denounced him as a counter-revolutionary bent on overthrowing the government.
  • A party with popular support of the people was 'overthrown' by a less popular party. Malaysiakini
  • When he has fallen behind hitters, he has overthrown, trying to blow his fastball past hitters.
  • It is a stirring, brutal tale of conspiracy and intrigue, treachery and dissent, the overthrow of a hapless leader named Duncan.
  • They are charged with plotting the overthrow of the Egyptian government and of attempting to damage Egyptian security.
  • Q Who was behind plot to overthrow government? The Sun
  • Backed by the United Fruit Company, which didn't want to give up its land for redistribution even with government compensation, Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas succeeded in overthrowing Jacobo Arbenz's democratically elected government. John Feffer: Not-So-Magical Realism
  • In August 1972, her father's failed attempt to overthrow King Hassan brought an abrupt end to nineteen-year-old Malika's storybook youth.
  • Numerous overthrows, wides and no balls showed the drawbacks inherent in blind cricket.
  • When it comes to running out opposition batsmen, why is it that the ball unerringly strikes the stumps when the batsman is yards in, but equally unerringly misses by a mile and goes for overthrows where he is yards out?
  • It is the very ordinariness of his life (and the tragedy of his death) that has given his story the power to overthrow dictators. Times, Sunday Times
  • RE: “So you agree that the US Government under Eisenhower through the CIA was wrong in overthrowing the democratically elected prime minister of Iran in 1953??” Think Progress » Sen. Alexander: Using Reconciliation To Pass Health Care Reform Would ‘End The Senate’
  • Joel's prophecy that the valley of Jehoshaphat is to be the scene of the overthrow of the Antichristian foes. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Their puppet regime was overthrown by Fidel, and they will never forget.
  • Governments sometimes changed quickly with the all too often violent overthrow of the regime in power.
  • The rebellious officers, having seized the radio station, broadcast the news of the overthrow of the monarchy.
  • But, in time, even the colonial masters were overthrown in their cricketing dominance by mere colonials.
  • Although Mongol-led confederations sometimes exercised wide political power over their conquered territories, their strength declined rapidly after the Mongol dynasty in China was overthrown in 1368.
  • Yet the constitution says the army can overthrow a leader if people are unhappy with him. The Sun
  • If a regime abrogated the rights to life, liberty, and property, its subjects could overthrow it and choose a new one.
  • The latter was not so much a practical attempt to overthrow monarchy as a creed. The Search for Justice - a history of Britain and the British people Volume III
  • All are nations blessed with vast mineral wealth but suffering from ongoing attempts to overthrow their internationally recognized governments.
  • Did the rebels not overthrow Toki soon, Johen would swear his allegiance to the New Danish jarl. Playing Easy to Get
  • Soon, we had enough power to totally overthrow the System.

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