How To Use Overlarge In A Sentence
She was wrapped in an overlarge hospital dressing-gown that made her seem even frailer than she was.
Similarly, overlarge graphics, dancing buttons, blinking text, and other bells and whistles can draw too much attention to themselves and detract from the reader's overall experience.
Once you've poured the mousse into the oiled moulds, give each one a sharp tap on the surface to knock out any overlarge air bubbles, cover and leave to set.
All you girls with this sort of hairstyle look as if you're wearing an overlarge blonde merkin over your unwashed brunette locks.
They were small, hard sweets, each in a slightly overlarge, individual wrapper, on which was printed the company name, website address, and a small but improving passage from the Bible.

From the outside, the arena could easily be mistaken for an overlarge nightclub.
Don't plant permanent plants in overlarge containers.
Whatever it was, it glowed bright white, except for two red parts shaped like overlarge eyes in the middle of the face.
Her eyes, a little overlarge for her face, were the color of dying moss.
Through a clumsy, hurried dressing into petticoat and gown whose buttons seemed suddenly overlarge, the fabric harsh against flesh still tender from lovemaking.
Earl of Durkness
Two gold studs in his left ear, overlarge shirts and sweaters, Nike running shoes worn without socks.
I suppose if the publsher wants to pay that kind of money to ferry this loser of a non-writer around, it's their dime, but all it really does is feed her overlarge and undeserved ego.
Palin aide downplays use of private jet
She invited them into her small apartment excitedly, almost tripping on one of her overlarge mismatched socks.
It feels like an overlarge patchwork suit worn by a man who has gone on a crash diet.
An overlarge staircase took up a large slice of the living space.
Do you really have to poke your overlarge nose where it is not wanted?
The overlarge and overcolored automobile was an example of vulgarity of midtwentieth - centyry America.
Still, she didn't feel as bonhomous as she knew she ought at an anniversary party, and as the guests of honour took an overlarge knife in their clasped hands and began to assail a cake whose icing was decorated with roses, ivy, twined hearts and the words Happy Twenty-fifth, Malcolm and Frances, Barbara surreptitiously stole glances round the crowd to see if anyone besides herself was giving more attention to his wristwatch than to the waning moments of the celebration.
A Traitor to Memory
If nothing else, Stephen had an overlarge opinion of himself, and it was refreshing to hear someone put him down.
He walked along the dark streets with his hands in his overlarge pockets.
He still had the same thin frame, balding head, slightly overlarge front teeth, and large glasses.
Even as I write, I can taste the juicy steak, the melting cheese, the caramelised onions and zingy sauce wrapped in bread which was crispy and not overlarge.
It contains nothing fantastical, except for the mere overlarge size of the house in which the toadlike grotesques slump and commit arson or murder, and the world is more dreary, disenchanting, and mundane than our world, not less.
Voice Of The Fans: What Books Have You Stopped Reading?
It contains nothing fantastical, except for the mere overlarge size of the house in which the toadlike grotesques slump and commit arson or murder, and the world is more dreary, disenchanting, and mundane than our world, not less.
Voice Of The Fans: What Books Have You Stopped Reading?
A white shirt with overlarge armholes swung wide as she fought, revealing flashes of her small breasts, nipples erect from the thrill of combat.
The one drawback is that it is short lived and will soon become woody and overlarge.
Scared of an Internet troll with a pismire sized brain and an overlarge mouth?
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Most of it was covered with her baseball cap, and her overlarge jacket clung to her shoulders.
It was refused on the grounds that it was overlarge and out of keeping with the area.
A modernist vacation cottage in the woods of Argentina uses an overlarge door to resist the sense of smallness and to add a feeling of luxury.
Living Within Less
She slung her gray sweat shirt over her head and adjusted the overlarge shoulders.
Like Welles, Laughton had a face perfect for conveying sensuous depravity, with that overlarge lower lip doing half the work for him.
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Ryanair -- easily the worst non-Russian airline I've ever flown -- will now fine passengers 30 Euros if they're caught with overlarge carry-ons.
Boing Boing
The suit hung on her small frame like an overlarge coat.
With this, he sat his overlarge body into an equally oversized chair at the very end of the long table.
The gods and goddesses are overlarge for the spaces they occupy and rest somewhat uncertainly on plinths made up of diaper pattern.
Cassandra directed her next chain of complaints at this overlarge but docile feline.
It was true she was not pretty; her eyes bulged, and her features were overlarge for her oval face, but there was something arresting about the look of her.
Exit the Actress