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  1. excessively large

How To Use overlarge In A Sentence

  • She was wrapped in an overlarge hospital dressing-gown that made her seem even frailer than she was. NIGHT SISTERS
  • Similarly, overlarge graphics, dancing buttons, blinking text, and other bells and whistles can draw too much attention to themselves and detract from the reader's overall experience.
  • Once you've poured the mousse into the oiled moulds, give each one a sharp tap on the surface to knock out any overlarge air bubbles, cover and leave to set.
  • All you girls with this sort of hairstyle look as if you're wearing an overlarge blonde merkin over your unwashed brunette locks.
  • They were small, hard sweets, each in a slightly overlarge, individual wrapper, on which was printed the company name, website address, and a small but improving passage from the Bible.
  • From the outside, the arena could easily be mistaken for an overlarge nightclub.
  • Don't plant permanent plants in overlarge containers.
  • Whatever it was, it glowed bright white, except for two red parts shaped like overlarge eyes in the middle of the face.
  • Her eyes, a little overlarge for her face, were the color of dying moss.
  • Through a clumsy, hurried dressing into petticoat and gown whose buttons seemed suddenly overlarge, the fabric harsh against flesh still tender from lovemaking. Earl of Durkness
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