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How To Use Overhang In A Sentence

  • After consultation with a resident, a beech tree was successfully pruned to reduce overhang.
  • Man, the surface of the skull is comparatively smooth, and the supraciliary ridges or brow prominences usually project but little — while, in the Gorilla, vast crests are developed upon the skull, and the brow ridges overhang, the cavernous orbits, like great penthouses. Essays
  • Leave the excess pastry overhanging the sides. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leave a decent overhang in case of shrinkage. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, sooner or later the overhang of monetary liabilities would undermine confidence in the key currency.
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  • The white and green" the man by the overhang right there " he's gone now " lancers " those are the ones from Sturinn " they are on the south hills. The Spellsong War
  • As we progressed we found ourselves climbing down steeper and higher dry waterfalls, most of which provided a fissure, a runnel, a pleat of rock or an overhanging crag that allowed a relatively easy descent. Richard Bangs: Climbing the Killer Prince -- Merapi Volcano of Java, Part 2
  • Roll pastry to fit tin, with 1cm overhang. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's also enough oomph in them to push the water up roof overhangs and second-story windows.
  • She walked beneath the overhang, and stepped up the curb.
  • Beneath the city's dense urban forest, low walls of Arroyo Seco stone and clinker brick front brown-shingled homes with porches set under graceful overhangs.
  • Nests may be built in trees and shrubs but are frequently found under building overhangs, in attics, barns, garages and sheds.
  • The house's low roof pitch and deep overhangs shield it from the fierce elements of salt, rain, and wind.
  • Brush the overhanging pastry edge with egg yolk. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately, this approach has the unintended potential consequence of increasing stock option overhang.
  • South African paper wasps, or hornets as they are also called, are often encountered underneath overhangs such as the eaves of roofs but do not form very big groups.
  • The Mayor was struggling to free his chain of office from the overhanging branch of a fragile alder.
  •  Then trees began along the roadway, first a scattering between structures, then tunnels of dense, overhanging growth — great, straight, ivied trees, passage without exit. For A Day
  • Protruding awkwardly above the much older buildings, the huge, prismlike shingled roof of the modern church overhangs a concrete patio bearing a seven-foot wooden cross. American Grace
  • The atrium style entrance halls are overlooked by an overhanging gallery on the first floor.
  • As the alpenglow died and darkness tightened, they settled by their haul bags on the dirt beneath an overhang. The Wall
  • The shadow of the huge overhang above us put paid to any idea of climbing in socks without ropes. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • This last feature occurs near Caldas de los Reyes, the side of the mountain which overhangs it in the direction of the south being covered with immense granite stones, apparently at some ancient period eructed from the bowels of the earth. The Bible in Spain; or, the journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman, in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula
  • The building features window keystones, coloured tiles, and heavy overhanging cornices.
  • They won't spur much investment, given the capacity overhang.
  • And now, as we emerge from the pine-wood, a new Dolomite – a huge, dark, mournful-looking mountain ominously splashed with deep red stains – rises suddenly into towering prominence upon our left, and seems almost to overhang the road. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • The still waters have lost their clarity, tarnished by the ominous clouds that overhang the harbour.
  • The first is a rope climb down into a pool which culminates in a nasty little overhang; this is followed immediately by a superbly rigged rope-climb down an arête; and the third is a three metre climb.
  • There is also a process overhanging the glenoid cavity (g.) wherein the humerus articulates, which process is called coracoid (co.); it is ossified from two separate centres, and represents Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Police drilled holes into an overhanging roof in the property's porch area as an extensive search continued. Times, Sunday Times
  • This polygonal stage overhangs the altar and thus serves as a monumental ciborium for liturgical activity below.
  • Next to it is a timber building overhanging the lake, a fish restaurant and a jetty for fishing and boarding ferries.
  • As far as I know travertine is very UV stable so the floor will not yellow. david on 16 Oct 2008 at 10: 37 am # the home has plenty of overhang to prevent sun damage .. The Walker House in Sydney, Australia
  • A careful restoration from 2004-2006 included Rudolph's dropped covered walkway rebuilt between house and carport, built-in furnishings around living room pit rebuilt by hand to Rudolph's specs, restore the rolling walls along east side of house, fascia, overhangs, posts, screen porch off living room pit. May 2008
  • At one point, a huge puffer vied for attention with an even bigger hogfish, while an eagle ray dug into the sand beneath an overhang of soft corals.
  • They are deposited on an overhanging leaf, or, in the aquarium, an artificial substitute.
  • Along the bank I discovered quiet little eddies, water trickling between the stones with overhanging Myrtles, the sun sparkling on a pool when it could squeeze through the branches and leaves.
  • High on the side of the valley is a band of hard stone, below which softer rock has eroded out leaving overhangs and rock shelters along the base of the cliff.
  • Pale sunlight filters through the trees that overhang the water's edge, throwing veiled patches of gold onto the turgid brown river where cattle drink under the watchful eye of a young herdsman.
  • Icicles fringed every overhang, and several outriding, smaller floes cupped a protected lagoon in which two large humpbacks idled and blew. The Whale Warriors
  • Between her forefeet was a bundle still covered with smears of soft earth, and behind her were drag marks from a hole under the overhang of a bush. The Defiant Agents
  • Leave the excess pastry overhanging the sides. Times, Sunday Times
  • The outdoor verandah and roof overhangs provide welcome shade for both levels in the summer.
  • He tethered the horses in a cleft beneath the overhang and went to cut some pine boughs.
  • What is posed as the "Neanderthal skull" is the roof of the brain-case, or "calvarium" of the anatomist, including the pent-house overhanging the eye-holes or Scientific American Supplement, No. 365, December 30, 1882
  • Tall palm trees with overhanging branches shaded the civilization here, aided by large boulders.
  • Moreover, the massive international liquidity pool offers an overhang of constant downward pressure on the converged price of global finance.
  • A jewfish, six feet long and easily three hundred pounds, his blotchy hide mimicking the sun-dappled rock, pouting lower lip thick as Anna's wrist, lay without moving beneath an overhang of a coral-covered rock less than half his size, his wee fish brain assuring him he was hidden. Excerpt: Flashback by Nevada Barr
  • Ramps lead to a sunny south-facing yard, where an overhang provides shelter.
  • There is a small, peaceful valley in Upper Brookfield where the creek still runs clear, the rainforest overhangs the creek and the whipbirds call to their mates with a long, resounding crack.
  • Note 28: Since the bench beside the lectern is raised, and the base of the lectern overhangs the exposed side edge of the seat beneath, it would appear that the bench seat had been raised while retrieving the lectern from the cabinet, which was then placed on the bench below. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • The rocks began to assume a mantle of translucent ice that dripped in grey icicles from overhangs.
  • Safely hidden with the overhang of the boulder guarding his back, he slipped the packsack from his shoulders and settled in to wait for whatever was making its way toward him through the woods.
  • If you're lucky an eagle ray might cruise past, or you could find a turtle snoozing beneath an overhang.
  • London, at the chill break of day, when the overhanging clouds were yet charged with the 'inky' purple of night -- in order, like a true book-chevalier, to embrace the first dank impression, or proof sheet, of his own famous octavo edition of _Shakspeare_; and of Mr. Bulmer's sumptuous impression of the text of the same. Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
  • A rock overhangs out of the cliff.
  • Woe betide the person who doesn't cut back their overhanging vegetation as it severely compromises the safety of tall pedestrians with hats who use a particular footpath to mass.
  • For traffic driving east, the road descends down a gradient of 0.023 through a wooded area with trees overhanging the road on both sides.
  • We easily transformed the spelling into "gondola," and in fancy were afloat on Venetian waters, under some overhanging balcony, perhaps at the very Palace of the Doges, -- willingly blind to the reality of a mudscow leaning against some rickety wharf posts, covered with barnacles. A New England girlhood, outlined from memory (Beverly, MA)
  • Soon I was looking at vivid red sponges in the overhangs at the base of the reef, along with peacock worms and the squirrelfish which have successfully invaded the eastern Mediterranean from the Red Sea via the Suez Canal.
  • Line a 15 ½ x 10 ½- inch 40 x 27-cm jellyroll pan with parchment paper, leaving a bit overhanging the sides. Jamie Schler: Chocolate Chestnut Charlotte For The Holidays
  • The willows overhanging it discard huge branches which should have been pruned back years ago.
  • For traffic driving east, the road descends down a gradient of 0.023 through a wooded area with trees overhanging the road on both sides.
  • The second involves the joining of DNA ends through the pairing of short complementary sequences, as happens with complementary overhanging DNA ends produced by endonucleases.
  • For those of you with an overhang to your roof line, you'll want to apply a flat soffit to the underside of the overhang.
  • To the extent that excess inventories of tech gear are imports, the burden of reducing the overhang will fall on foreign orders and production.
  • Carefully trim the overhanging pastry to neaten.6. How to cook perfect quiche lorraine
  • But now it's a pleasant place, great for walking my dog or sitting on a bench listening to the breeze rustle the overhanging trees.
  • Mouths caked numb by a throat-cracking berg wind, we lurched back along the beach, bumbling along the craggy rocks to rest beneath the overhang, surfed out strandlopers looking wild and red-eyed.
  • More commonly, however, they swim along the lake-bank under overhanging rhododendrons. Times, Sunday Times
  • We would select a vine well attached to a large tree overhanging a gully.
  • Site them in the sunniest part of the garden, away from overhanging trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Rolls proprieties are observed, of course: the tall, long hood ending in a chromic bluff; the short front overhang; the tapering rear quarters drawn back from the wheels; the steeply sloped C-pillar; the high body-to-glass ratio. Rolls-Royce Builds a Real Car20%
  • In Aesop, the Fox espies a juicy bunch of grapes and leaps ­repeatedly at the overhanging vine. Children's Books
  • Trim pastry overhang before removing the collar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps the most common construction application is roof overhangs on porches and exposed soffits.
  • Our path dropped down to the relative calm of the sea shore, edging craggy inlets beneath overhanging cliff tops.
  • Rick had been hoping to show me some caves beneath the overhang.
  • Inhabiting thick, wooded country and arid, shrubby areas, jaguars often make their dens in caves, or under overhanging rocks.
  • Overhangs are kept short, though the changing radii of the curved sections between the fenders and bumper faces make them look shorter still.
  • A cantilever bracket called tou-kung was used to carry the eaves overhang as far as possible, beyond the outermost columns.
  • Several large trees overhang the path.
  • But the worry is that the overhang of plant and equipment will continue to forestall further capital investment, and that consumer spending will peter out in the face of rising unemployment and unsustainable levels of debt.
  • The building features window keystones, coloured tiles, and heavy overhanging cornices.
  • Fortunately, in those days, roadside verges were clear of overhanging tree branches.
  • Note the long carved breastsummer that supports the overhanging upper story. Medieval People
  • On one project, the heliodon helped the architects size the overhang on a cupola and observe the effects of clerestory windows on the spaces below.
  • Looking towards the mountain above, he saw an overhang with a ledge below it containing a large nest.
  • Moments later I was kicking my way up and over the slightly overhanging cornice on to the plateau above.
  • Margaret and I ate a deck-breakfast in the shelter of the jiggermast a number of the men sneaked aft and got under the overhang of the poop. CHAPTER XLVII
  • Divers with torches may be fortunate enough to cast their lights onto morays under rocky overhangs.
  • As the van was speeding down the street, lamps overhanging above us flashed by quickly.
  • Hanging from an overhang by a bare knuckle with not so much as a carabiner, let alone a safety net to halt your fall, I hear you gasp.
  • A tiny rill meandered beneath a stone slab and as I crossed this a lurking moorhen was startled into headlong escape downstream, soon hidden beneath a golden tangle of overhanging gorse. Country diary: North Derbyshire
  • Site them in the sunniest part of the garden, away from overhanging trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • The auxiliaries won by getting into the base down an overhanging cliff. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a vague light from a street light overhanging the rear of the house.
  • He reasoned that the water and spray had scoured away the soft shale, leaving the overhanging ledge of hard limestone.
  • Are your pots all in place, protected by walls or overhanging roofs? Times, Sunday Times
  • The bay of these 7 × 15 section angelica wood joists has an inter-axis of 56.7 cm and 47 cm on either of the bracing tie-beam of the roof structure; this tiebeam forms part of the joist system and takes up the purlin brackets of the roof overhang of the gutter roofs. Chapter 7
  • He has fine dark eyebrows, and an overhanging forehead.
  • Tucked away unobtrusively in an angle of the river wall, it was also protected by a brick overhang.
  • Trotting the far bank overhanging trees utilising stick float and caster three chub plus a specimen barbel of 7-15-0 obliged.
  • The heavy yet hasty step of the men-at-arms traversed the battlements, or resounded on the narrow and winding passages and stairs which led to the various bartizans [Footnote: A bartizan is a sort of small overhanging balcony, built for defense or for lookout.] and points of defense. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 4
  • The overhang from Mr. Huang's woes may be less easy to escape.
  • They stood beneath the overhang for a moment, then stepped out into the rain.
  • The trade continued to be affected by the overhang of the price freeze order issued last year.
  • If there's too much roof overhang, pad out the gutter with wood blocks on the fascia; if there's too little, extend the drip edge.
  • We passed the day in strolling through the town and in looking at the well-supplied shops, and closed our ramble by lounging in the pretty promenade overhanging the sea, of which it commands a fine view, as well as of the picturesque rock on which the castle is built. Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
  • Line the moulds with clingfilm, leaving a huge overhang. Times, Sunday Times
  • If these sediments become cemented together, they form foraminiferan limestone that is exposed in cliffs and often creates overhanging ledges that provide excellent habitat for fish.
  • Above us we still had a steep, loose snowfield to cross and a large overhanging cornice to surmount before summiting — both of which would prove to be the hardest climbing of the route. A Long and Slippery Slope
  • The cliff overhangs the beach.
  • At first its banks are lined with campion, vetch, roses, bulrushes and meadowsweet and later with poplar trees heavy with overhanging mistletoe.
  • Trim any excess pastry, leaving a 1cm overhang. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don had a hefty roll of flab overhanging his waistband.
  • Voices sounded loud and hard beneath the concrete overhang.
  • Big branches and branches only on the side of overhanging wires are lopped off, leaving the tree unbalanced.
  • Its features include floors raised off the ground and steeply pitched roofs with deep overhanging eaves.
  • Cut off tree branches that overhang your house.
  • This is best learned on an overhanging traverse, or at least, that's how I learned it.
  • Besides cutting back overhanging trees on a three-mile stretch of path, volunteers also laid grass seed and collected debris.
  • The mirror-like overhang that shelters the entry on Fourth Avenue ripples like a river from the reflected lights of vehicles passing by.
  • Her mother pulled the van to a stop beneath the overhang.
  • A jolly old throstle is singing away in the elm which overhangs the parson's gate. Despair's Last Journey
  • All had a big hearth in the kitchen with an overhanging chimney used to smoke hams and sausage as well as to cook and heat.
  • The overhangs have hooks that washers can clip to as they clean.
  • He then continued along the wall ahead, and after about 50 m or so began traversing around an overhang.
  • Mr. Bintrey, on the other hand, a cautious man, with twinkling beads of eyes in a large overhanging bald head, who inwardly but intensely enjoyed the comicality of openness of speech, or hand, or heart. No Thoroughfare
  • There was no roadway, as it seemed no pathway at all up the overhanging cliffs-ridges of granite and grey and green rock, belted with mist, crowned by sun, and fretted by the milky, upcasting surf. The Battle of the Strong — Volume 3 A Romance of Two Kingdoms
  • A few lucky crows have nests under the overhanging rocks and nearby was a limekiln with orchids.
  • The fluviatile trees next the shore are the slender eyelashes which fringe it, and the wooded hills and cliffs around are its overhanging brows. Walden
  • The hardest part was convincing myself to let go of the wall, to leap up and behind me, and to trust both my belayer the same dude from Barcelona and my ability to grab the hold just below the lip of the overhang. Today I Took a Literal Leap of Faith, 20 Feet Up | Mind on Fire
  • Bearded scorpionfish lurk everywhere - in crevices, on ledges and under rocky overhangs of stacked boulders - so keep your eyes peeled.
  • The splayed overhanging eastern wall of the bedroom above concatenates this diagonal tension, while the raised living area closes and holds the space back.
  • Several large trees overhang the path.
  • The rudimentary décor, an hommage to the old Globe, does feature a large, tilted, overhanging mirror.
  • Hidden deep within this region's rocky chasms and valleys lie overhangs and stone shelters containing vast galleries of ancient Aboriginal rock paintings.
  • Legend of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon = = weren't hanging at all but an inexact translation of the Greek word '' kremastos '' or the Latin word '' pensilis '', which mean not just "hanging", but "overhanging" as in the case of a terrace or balcony were described by Greek historians including Berossus and Diodorus Siculus, who apparently never saw them. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Fold the overhanging filo over the filling and then lay the remaining filo sheets on top. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is nothing worse for them than overhanging trees as there is no way they can get out of the way of them.
  • Quick and nimble, fishlike, she glides over rocks, under overhangs and squeezes into narrow openings.
  • When you arrived, you saw the big overhanging roof with classic terracotta tiles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides cutting back overhanging trees on a three-mile stretch of path, volunteers also laid grass seed and collected debris.
  • On the south side, the building steps back as it rises, so that the overhanging floor-plates provide natural shading for the offices beneath.
  • Leave a little excess pastry overhanging the sides to allow for shrinkage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trim any excess pastry, leaving a 1cm overhang. Times, Sunday Times
  • The land, which at first glance seemed relatively featureless, gradually revealed hundreds of arroyos and small valleys, rock overhangs and brushy draws - plenty of places for cats to hide.
  • And lo! as I went from under that huge and dreadful overhang of the great waters, there came downward from the height a great stone that had been cast by the Jet, and it burst upon the rock to my back, and certain of the flinders did strike and ring upon mine armour, and made me to stagger as I ran. The Night Land
  • Finish by folding the overhanging pasta on top and level terrine with an additional layer of pasta.
  • Some of the earliest to appear are under overhanging trees on grassy lawns in sheltered gardens. Times, Sunday Times
  • Overhang the eave by 1/2 inch and leave a space of 1/16 inch between each shingle.
  • Make sure to leave a slight overhang to allow the pastry to shrink during cooking. Times, Sunday Times
  • An appeal would drag out the issue well into 2004, maintaining the current overhang on the share price for an additional unspecified period of time.
  • I sat up quickly and promptly knocked my head on the overhang.
  • Turtles rest on the reef top or on ledges beneath coral overhangs, though they can often be seen cruising along the reef edge.
  • An intimate tangle of dog-leg lanes led me on, to find the Priuli Fountain squeezed between a modern block of flats and a tottery old house with an overhanging Turkish upper storey.
  • They lived in a cabin under an overhanging rock to protect it from discovery from the air. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pale sunlight filters through the trees that overhang the water's edge, throwing veiled patches of gold onto the turgid brown river where cattle drink under the watchful eye of a young herdsman.
  • In the woods atop old hazels under a thinning canopy of ash, along the lime avenue where high branches spread into the crowns, in gardens where hawthorns overhang the unworked edges? here are the robins. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • Keep the structure low, and cantilever the roof overhangs to cool the house and create shady outdoor areas.
  • Overhangs shade the south-facing windows from direct sunlight during the summer.
  • Trim pastry overhang before removing the collar. Times, Sunday Times
  • The two principal forces were the monetary overhang and price liberalization.
  • On its vertical face, clinging beneath overhangs, jammed three or four deep into cracks, are a million scarlet crabs.
  • This unofficial placing could create an amount of overhang in the coming months.
  • Trimmed birds that were allowed to regrow their overhangs ‘caused an immediate reduction in lice’ (p. 815). Archive 2006-07-01
  • Roof overhangs are supported by steel columns also encased in stone.
  • Apart from the low ratio of glass to metal and the extremely tight overhang, the purple colour of the car was also added to make it more appealing to the youth.
  • It's a good time to go exploring the maze of narrow alleys, spying the old Arabian houses with overhanging balconies and brass-studded, elaborately carved teak doors.
  • From where Rhodry stood the stairs seemed to debouch onto a landing under an overhang of raw rock. A TIME OF WAR
  • Three of these parts constitute the torus at the top, and the other four are to be divided equally, one part constituting the upper trochilus with its astragals and overhang, the other left for the lower trochilus. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • Soft corals and gorgonians reach out from the overhanging sides, while shoals of fish swirl in the shade.
  • We paddled right under the canopy of trees overhanging the banks and got close encounters with egrets, herons, storks and some brilliant kingfishers.
  • A balcony overhangs the door below it.
  • Last night we stupidly moored beneath an overhanging tree that must have been infested with fire ants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Companies can keep fixed accounting treatment for their equity compensation, and at the same time reduce the option overhang.
  • Some of the earliest to appear are under overhanging trees on grassy lawns in sheltered gardens. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under the cloak of darkness, they can slip into a cocoon of overhanging foliage.
  • Balconies, shutters, overhanging tile roofs, and wood detailing all add richness and variety.
  • The only reason I can think of for using a short ledgering rod is if overhanging trees are troublesome.
  • We find lacustrine marls on the sides of the Esquiline Hill where it slopes down into the Forum, and fresh-water bivalve and univalve shells in the ground under the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius on the Capitol; while on the face of the Aventine Hill, overhanging the Tiber at a height of ninety feet, is a cliff of travertine, which is half a mile long. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • The presence of monetary or inflationary overhang in the economy exacerbates this situation.
  • These martial strains seemed as far away as Palestine, and reminded me of a march of crusaders in the horizon, with a slight tantivy and tremulous motion of the elm tree tops which overhang the village. Walden
  • Though normally it's not a problem because I set the pod onto a flat surface, it was drizzling when I did the shoot and I had it under the porch overhang to keep the cameral dry. Ready for My Close Up
  • You should never use the karabiner brake for perpendicular or overhanging pitches.
  • There was a tall tree overhanging the road and once I climbed up with a basket of gravel and threw it on the bus.
  • At one point, a huge puffer vied for attention with an even bigger hogfish, while an eagle ray dug into the sand beneath an overhang of soft corals.
  • Are your pots all in place, protected by walls or overhanging roofs? Times, Sunday Times
  • After installing the bolt, I clipped it with a short sling to allow the rope to run freely beneath the overhang.
  • Fluffy white layers drape the branches of maples and hemlocks overhanging the road and the frozen creek running beside it.
  • This is particularly important if your trees overhang another property or a right of way. Times, Sunday Times
  • If an adjoining owner places a structure on his (the adjoining owner's) land that overhangs his neighbours land, he thereby takes into possession airspace to which his neighbour is entitled.
  • The compact, boxy design was very forward looking in its day and is still very striking now, with its dramatic overhanging bonnet and cute round tail-lights.
  • Ashore a spume of brine water rains from an overhanging crag and sluices back through the beach.
  • Its bulky, tough concrete forms and large expanses of glass are softened with unexpectedly elegant touches: striated Italian marble that decorates the borders of two large cantilevers; light rods that enliven the glass wall beneath an overhang; white-aluminum-paneled ceilings, dotted with lights and embellished with a stamped pattern, that extend into the building from the underside of the cantilevers. Lee Rosenbaum: First Look: Rem Koolhaas' Architecture For Architects At Cornell University
  • The roof overhang does not extend the living accommodation and the external width is otherwise only 1 inch in excess of the statutory limit.
  • Leave a decent overhang in case of shrinkage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The structures will be unified by a massive aluminum and zinc roof bordered by a narrow overhang.
  • Where inter coat peeling has been a problem, it is particularly important to clean areas protected from sun and rain such as porches, eaves and side walls protected by overhangs.

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