How To Use Overarch In A Sentence
The overarching goal of my research program is to study and gain a better understanding of the impact of different factors on growth, population and community dynamics of agrestal, ruderal, and environmental weeds.
Total Football was more pronounced in the days where the great Johann Cruyff was the talisman of the starting XI, but it still hangs out as an overarching tactic employed by theDutch.
The Volokh Conspiracy » World Cup 2010:
Colossal emergents with overarching crowns a hundred meters across dominated the chlorotic topog'raphy, while smaller yet still gigantic growths fought for a share of life-giving sunlight.
Mid Flinx
However, this sort of overarching perspective only has the propaedeutic function of pointing our attention in a certain direction.
The European federalists wanted to subordinate national governments to an overarching federal authority.
In these films, Naruse repeatedly found beautiful, economical, and multifaceted ways of exploring his favorite topic - the futility of hope (despite the admirability and beauty of the hopeful) - that forms his overarching pessimism.
GreenCine Daily: Shorts, 4/4.
Our overarching goal is to both provide a needed community service, and to raise the profile and public visibility of the Alabama State Nurses Association.
Along the lakefront a curving sweep of barberry and daylilies terminated at gazebos overarched by old apple and willow trees.
In these films, Naruse repeatedly found beautiful, economical, and multifaceted ways of exploring his favorite topic - the futility of hope (despite the admirability and beauty of the hopeful) - that forms his overarching pessimism.
GreenCine Daily
Democracy, so understood, arises out of mutual need, and finally points to the overarching necessity of a shared sense of democratic caritas, or charity.
An overarching priority is to reinforce professional staffing, which is much more profitable than clerical staff.
While it is imperative to have an overarching policy framework that comprehends the fundamental factors shaping our world, in practice, foreign policy typically is local.
Sometimes they have an overarching storyline as a subplot, but they don't rely on it solely.
Different villages within a larger cultural unit are highly autonomous and there is no overarching structure of the whole.
Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
It is emblematic of the difficulties facing those who attempt definitions in the current age of resistance to overarching defining characteristics.
They learned fairly to live in the perfunctory; they remained in it as many hours of the day as might be; it took on finally the likeness of some spacious central chamber in a haunted house, a great overarched and overglazed rotunda, where gaiety might reign, but the doors of which opened into sinister circular passages.
The Golden Bowl — Complete
Recognizing temporal aspects of reductionism alongside other representational issues like intrinsicality, which are not captured by a focus on mereology alone, supplements the evidential base for an argument in favor of talking about different kinds of reductionism rather than in terms of one unified account of reduction or overarching dichotomies of “reductionism” versus
Reductionism in Biology
He cast himself as an urban philosopher whose overarching theory, which he called Gothic Futurism, posited that graffiti writers were trying to liberate the mystical power of letters from the strictures of modern alphabetical standardization and had inherited this mission from medieval monks.
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Big rocks overarch the stream
What she wants or does not want is subsumed in absolute indifference and the great overarching project of finding the perfect negation of ego.
Individuals, we are told, should not be seen as the mere creatures of their positions in some overarching social structure.
Choice, Rationality, and Social Theory
The overarching theme of the government's educational reforms has been to enhance opportunity for all pupils regardless of background or ability.
Times, Sunday Times
The lack of an overarching threat meant devolution of power away from central authorities.
The "Gigantic Overarching Question" --- what constitutes "human"/"humanity", and once we define it, how can/do we hierarchize ourselves --- didn't do it for me.
REVIEW: Blade Runner (The Director's Cut)
Second, De La Vallee Poussin appears to assume that there is a coherent and consistent belief about the nature of Trikaya overarching all so-called Mahayana sects.
The Volokh Conspiracy » “Game Show Looks to Convert Atheists”:
Pedagogical freedom is not an absolute; it is instrumental and subservient to the university's overarching interest in promoting free inquiry and debate.
The occasional tweak of the regulatory ratchet is as much as we can get these days - precisely because people like you and me have persuaded too few voters to give these issues the overarching significance they deserve.
While not everyone agrees on what should or should not be included in open access publishing, an overarching feature is that there should be universal access to all scientific knowledge.
Along the lakefront a curving sweep of barberry and daylilies terminated at gazebos overarched by old apple and willow trees.
The thought that overarches the centuries with firmamental sweep is the thought of the Ensemble.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 30, April, 1860
The theological mode ceases to provide the overarching frame.
The eternal, overarching divinity whom Graves' favorite goddess personified has gone by many names.
And once the band start to realise that the Foum is theirs for the taking, there's no stopping the emotional exuberance overriding the technical side and becoming the overarching feature of the night.
Home ownership has been an overarching and innate desire of the British.
The apple-tree among the trees of the wood; the rose of Sharon: the lily of the vale; the cedar, with its dark green foliage; the rock for strength; the sea for multitudinousness; the heaven with its limpid blue, like the Divine compassion, overarching all -- these are some of the forthshadowings in the natural world of spiritual qualities in the nature of God.
Love to the Uttermost Expositions of John XIII.-XXI.
In light of the complexity of the universe, which of the overarching theories of materialism, humanism, or theism provides the best explanation?
The crisis gave an overarching justification to the government's policy.
In place of an overarching framework - the web that connects humanity together - historians are encouraged to focus their inquiry on the local and particular.
To overarch a territory filled with warring religious wackos who have for
The New Big Lie
The morning light fell upon him, dappled as it was by the trees that overarched us, and revealed the full horror of what he had suffered.
His overarching definition of the archive is rooted in a turn-of-the-century culture in which denotations of class and classification became a basis for photographic meaning.
There are no overarching themes.
Times, Sunday Times
The boys, to whom their grandfather -- so far as they regarded him at all -- had mainly presented himself as a benevolent old proser, were surprised to find that they sincerely regretted him; and the events of the next few weeks threw up his merits (now that the time was past for rewarding them) into a sharp light which memory overarched with a halo.
Lady Good-for-Nothing
A series of piecemeal settlements, rather than one overarching deal, is more likely given the variety and number of parties.
Times, Sunday Times
However, its main strength is its potential to provide an overarching political framework that will enable a wide range of goals to become achievable.
Each two-decade period is assigned an overarching theme giving it a broad historical overview while serving to limit and condense the curatorial scope.
The overarching discretion of the trial judge to take into account the particular circumstances of the offender is essential to the imposition of a fair and just sanction.
The overarching aim of the National Archives policies is to improve public access to archives.
Republicans may be struggling in the dunk tank since the last national elections, holding onto each other for warmth and flotation in the Senate and House and fractiously searching for a new overarchi ...
Phil Bronstein: GOP Pols Believe in Outsourcing -- the Dirty Work
Individuals, we are told, should not be seen as the mere creatures of their positions in some overarching social structure.
Choice, Rationality, and Social Theory
It was proved that the centre of the drop didn't overarch the water fall.
Yet the overarching question remained unanswered.
Times, Sunday Times
This scene overarches the entire first act
I'm interested in what you see as the overarching artistic principle here.
The overarching theme was new beginning.
Times, Sunday Times
Pedagogical freedom is not an absolute; it is instrumental and subservient to the university's overarching interest in promoting free inquiry and debate.
The overarching principle at work is that everyone contributes to the common need.
Then there's a kind of duller brilliant writing that you get in Battlestar, where the overarching idea, the plot, the sheer weight and momentum of the story is the thing that excites me.
The fun of Psych
Whole systems (and the universe can be seen as an overarching system of systems) have properties beyond those of their parts.
From an overarching historical perspective, Scots and Scotland have been for several hundred years at the forefront of medical, educational, technological and philanthropic innovation.
United Future contends that the foundations of this bill are rooted in the overarching principle of national security.
Grape vines overarched the garden path.
There is a lack of overarching concern for aesthetics or consistency that runs deep within our political infrastructure.
Faced with the horrors of the extermination camps and what is now termed the Gulag, Arendt strove to understand these phenomena in their own terms, neither deducing them from precedents nor placing them in some overarching scheme of historical necessity.
Hannah Arendt
Colossal emergents with overarching crowns a hundred meters across dominated the chlorotic topography, while smaller yet still gigantic growths fought for a share of life‑giving sunlight.
Mid Flinx
JFCOM's elements of joint context provide a list of capabilities and characteristics required to accredit any training event as a participant in an overarching JNTC-enhanced event.
The overarching theme of the government's educational reforms has been to enhance opportunity for all pupils regardless of background or ability.
Times, Sunday Times
A key mission of science is to examine the disorderly, even chaotic appearance of nature, and develop overarching descriptions for defined segments of that nature.
In the end, there is no overarching answer to how to deal with hostage takers.
Times, Sunday Times
Indeed, the underlying philosophy of executive partner programs is that top-manager/key-account relationships should be very long term and overarch any particular job responsibility.
Billed as a comedy, The Green Butchers certainly squeezes a few audible laughs from you, but mostly the humour is the aftertaste of the film's overarching absurdity, dry and fleeting.
These required a prodigious grasp of detail as well as of overarching policy.
Times, Sunday Times
An overarching structure exists to determine and deliver policies across Europe.
Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
The narrative's overarching theme is how humans cope with the unthinkable.
Times, Sunday Times
One of the overarching goals of planetary science is what we call "comparative planetology," in which we compare what we see on other planets to what we know about the Earth.
SETI Institute: Life at the SETI Institute: Cynthia Phillips -- Decipering the Cosmic Puzzle
How to teach decoding and comprehension strategies to foster efficient abstraction of meaning from text is the overarching issue.
Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
However, its main strength is its potential to provide an overarching political framework that will enable a wide range of goals to become achievable.
The narrative's overarching theme is how humans cope with the unthinkable.
Times, Sunday Times
The overarching theme of the manifesto is that Britain is heading in the wrong direction.
The empirical basis of his work is sound and it would be churlish to complain of the absence of any overarching theory.
It seems to me to be totally inappropriate for one department to be able to have that sort of overarching control of that wider area.
These pairings are not contradictory but complementary; they are aspects of the same overarching reality.
She is not in thrall to any overarching theory, so the questions she asks remain cogent, real and often unanswerable.
Times, Sunday Times
The United Nations has an overarching responsibility for refugee matters.
Before we answer that, it needs to be pointed out that, especially in the past century, such overarching categorization is ignoring a lot — neo-this and - that, jazz-classical hybrids, various nationalist styles, that whole Hindemith thing, &c.
She is not in thrall to any overarching theory, so the questions she asks remain cogent, real and often unanswerable.
Times, Sunday Times
It points to truths that overarch all our narrow perspectives.
Fr. Dwight Longenecker: Ordaining Relativism
I'm not an economist and I do not offer an overarching economic strategy.
Different villages within a larger cultural unit are highly autonomous and there is no overarching structure of the whole.
Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
Here the image is of a literal place, a location at Fawns: ‘an ancient rotunda, pillared and statued, nicked and roofed’, surrounded by ‘alleys… densely overarched with the climbing rose’.
There are some well-constructed chord progressions and melodies but her music often lacks an overarching vision to hold it together.
Different villages within a larger cultural unit are highly autonomous and there is no overarching structure of the whole.
Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
Charlotte's sanctuary is described as ‘an ancient rotunda, pillared and statued, niched and roofed, densely overarched,’ a perfect replica of Maggie's mental image.
What she wants or does not want is subsumed in absolute indifference and the great overarching project of finding the perfect negation of ego.
This overarching idea of simplicity is what Mies van der Rohe, architect and leader of the Bauhaus movement in Germany during the 1920s, meant by his motto "less is more".
The title ultimately referred to Hurley literally writing the script to Empire Strikes Back in a Dharma composition book, as well as the overarching theme of Miles (Luke Skywalker) coming to grips with his estranged father Pierre
Best Week Ever
This means they also have things like closure, resolution, and an overarching plot.
Christianity Today
There are no overarching themes.
Times, Sunday Times
The new larger regiment is aimed at being more flexible with one overarching body of troops covering air assault, armoured infantry and light infantry.
US actions are forging a new legal dispensation in which their overarching global authority would be acknowledged.
As a convinced Bible-believing Christian I have no problem with recognising that everyone is inherently religious and that without some overarching world-view would slump into what sociologist, Peter Berger calls 'anomic collapse'.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
The overarching theme of the election campaign was tax cuts.
In effect, nationalism provided a strong overarching bond of identity to set against and ameliorate class divisions.
Moe Tkacik's latest piece for her Das Krapital blog at the Washington City Paper fingers Charles Lane for most of the Washington Post's obsequious coverage of the post-crash economy -- from their overarching devotion to Timothy Geithner, to their fussbudgety and nonsensical concern-trolling over Elizabeth Warren to what Tkacik describes as an overall "neglect" of "the economy's more conspicuous challenges -- such as the foreclosure thing, about which they have yet to issue an official proclamation.
The Washington Post's TARP Mythmaking, A Recent History
Another barrier is the fact that economic considerations overarch many of our decisions.
None of this is to dispute the overarching point in this thought-provoking book.
Times, Sunday Times
The 1983 Communication did not call for a horizontal, overarching, regulatory policy which would apply to research in any area using biotechnological processes.
They place the burden of proof in laps of the accused, entire sectors of the economy, while ignoring the overarching basic fact that in society there are law abiders and law breakers often on both sides of the equation regardless of what entity is making the rules.
Meet Tom Reed (R CAND, NY-29). | RedState
The overarching vision of a totally deterrent New Poor Law where relief would only be administered in the workhouse clashed with local parish budgets and the reality of the family wage economy.
She then helped to set up a command centre, pulling together various systems into one overarching facility.
Times, Sunday Times
Appeasing the fans is an overarching theme this season for NASCAR, which relaxed the rules for bump-drafting at Daytona and has encouraged drivers to embrace more slam-bang action while displaying their emotions.
McMurray hangs on to win pothole-marred Daytona 500
Along the lakefront a curving sweep of barberry and daylilies terminated at gazebos overarched by old apple and willow trees.
Old chestnut trees overarch it from the terraces, and its floor, thick with their dried, toasty leaves, is littered with the hedgehog shells of chestnuts.
A series of piecemeal settlements, rather than one overarching deal, is more likely given the variety and number of parties.
Times, Sunday Times
Grape vines overarched the garden path.
The overarching theme was new beginning.
Times, Sunday Times
unburdened by an overarching theory
This means they also have things like closure, resolution, and an overarching plot.
Christianity Today
All three schools stressed the overarching value of "ataraxia", the absence of disturbance in the soul.
She then helped to set up a command centre, pulling together various systems into one overarching facility.
Times, Sunday Times
Therefore, it must be the union of the past state with some supposition or set of suppositions that overarch both the past and the present.
A Pictorial Doubt about a Form of Determinism
It is time to show genuine, overarching political support for what Washington is trying to achieve, without petty, nit-picking reservations.
The overarching theme of the 2001 Session of the BNC was the New
ANC Daily News Briefing
Different villages within a larger cultural unit are highly autonomous and there is no overarching structure of the whole.
Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
These required a prodigious grasp of detail as well as of overarching policy.
Times, Sunday Times
It was proved that the centre of the drop didn't overarch the water fall.
There is one overarching positive message for developing countries from the genome project.
“If Mr. Springsteen puts out an E-Street Band project with one rave-up and several tracks containing an overarching theme of redemption, the president will certainly take that as a strong indicator of economic recovery,” said press secretary Robert Gibbs, adding that an album cover featuring an American flag would be “extremely promising.”
Monday Night Linkdump #2 « Gerry Canavan
The overarching theme linking the twenty essays is that the rise of American democracy is inextricably linked to the rise of mass literacy.
The Times Literary Supplement
How else but through holism to really see the overarching patterns of the universe?
I would say then the root of the problems that undermine and derange the Chinese society is the overarching metaphor characteristic of our patriarchal society: managing a country is managing a family.
A fury snake overarching was looking at us.
An overarching structure exists to determine and deliver policies across Europe.
Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
A shared overarching global polity would embody this intimation in continuously revisable structures dedicated to promoting the common good insofar as this can be agreed upon.
It was the overarching concern that shaped all of Sherman's preparations.
These required a prodigious grasp of detail as well as of overarching policy.
Times, Sunday Times
It is also highly selective, highlighting a few overarching issues with wide biological impact or interest for the non-specialist, noting important trends and interpreting their significance.
Dollington, which was the old London road from Gylingden, was pacing backward and forward under the towering files of beech that overarch it at that point.
Wylder's Hand
The overarching theme linking the twenty essays is that the rise of American democracy is inextricably linked to the rise of mass literacy.
The Times Literary Supplement
Energy security and supply an overarching theme of Russia's G 8 presidency.
In the centre of this whole situation, one can clearly see the hand of big-state socialism at work (never mind the fact a govt may be conservative or liberal) with its overarching ajenda to fragment the family - destroying it outright and bringing all under the state (or private enterprise as is here in Aust) umbrella.
Born at Home
His auspicious debut might have given him the leverage to realize some of his grander plans, but the Simon Fraser film grad says his films have grown by steady accretion of ideas and details, rather than an overarching scheme.
Republicans may be struggling in the dunk tank since the last national elections, holding onto each other for warmth and flotation in the Senate and House and fractiously searching for a new overarching identity to avoid being the outlying party for the next several decades.
Phil Bronstein: GOP Pols Believe in Outsourcing -- the Dirty Work
The overarching objective of the review is to complement the work of the current investigation team by assessing progress to date.
At present, most democratic civil law countries tend to uphold the doctrine of strict legality as an overarching principle.
The goddess Isis was the first daughter of Geb, god of the Earth, and Nut, the goddess of the Overarching Sky, and was born on the fourth intercalary day.
Hancock (2008)
However, the overarching principle is that of conscientious objection, rather than the risk of participating in unlawful acts.
Along the lakefront a curving sweep of barberry and daylilies terminated at gazebos overarched by old apple and willow trees.
These are among the reasons why the conquest of poverty has become the overarching Millennium goal of the United Nations.