How To Use Overage In A Sentence
The investigation revealed that it was likely that the airplane gradually accumulated a thin, rough glaze/mixed ice coverage on the leading edge deicing boot surfaces, possibly with ice ridge formation on the leading edge upper surface, as the airplane descended from 7000 feet mean sea level (msl) to 4000 feet msl in icing conditions, which may have been imperceptible to the pilots. - Business News
The increased number of detectors and tube rotation times combine to give faster coverage of a given volume of tissue.
One effortlessly got saturation coverage, the other struggled to get noticed, despite the mandatory presence of a celebrity, a suitably weighty one too.
This multiplication of coverage is cunningly designed to bamboozle the party media minders who sit in party headquarters with stop watches timing their contributions to ensure balance.
The most important thing is to consider television and radio broadcast needs and any other issues that address coverage of the debate.

The media coverage was shocking.
The television coverage of the event was rather sparse.
Despite a string of victories-the judge's stinging decision enumerating Allen's "fraudulent modus operandi," occasional media coverage, and the support of real CIA agents and military heroes-he is no closer to collecting the $40,000 he says was "conned" from his family in 1993.
Edgar Allen
Much of recent news coverage is sensationalized like soap operas.
Relays mounted on a space-based platform offer the advantage of large coverage.
This continues to be your firm fave - winning for the third year in a row for its full-on coverage and matte finish.
The Sun
The emotionally devastating effects of non-accidental injury, especially to children, has been receiving dramatic mass media coverage recently.
Certainly, the fawning coverage has got to stop.
Times, Sunday Times
She discussed the Afghan War, huge Wall Street profits and media coverage of the Balloon Boy hoa ...
Huff TV: Arianna Discusses Afghan War And Huge Wall Street Profits On CNN
Press coverage of this long-term infrastructural build-up has been remarkably minimal, given the implications for future conflicts in the oil heartlands of the planet.
Nick Turse: As Washington Talks Iraq Withdrawal, the Pentagon Builds Up Bases in the Region
Two editions were broadcast on BBC2 to make way for BBC1's coverage of Wimbledon tennis.
They called the prospects of U.S. success in Iraq "farfetched," writing: "We are skeptical of recent press coverage portraying the conflict as increasing manageable and feel it has neglected the mounting civil, political and social unrest we see every day.
CNN Transcript Sep 14, 2007
David Dimbleby is being lined up to lead the coverage from Britain, with the 6pm BBC news presenter, Huw Edwards, anchoring a special programme from New York.
Implements the total management to the product cost a primary coverage is must carry on the science to the cost the predict that works out the reasonable plan.
Most of you probably know that "formularies" are lists of drugs approved by health insurance companies for partial or full payment "under the terms and conditions of the coverage.
Formulary Time: Parody of Auld Lang Syne and Invitation
Put them in an arena, live coverage, president vs. prime minister, king vs. emperor, dictator vs. puppet ruler. It'll be like Unreal Tournament, except more fun.
This expansion brings elements of Journal news coverage to an additional four million people who buy these newspapers.
The fans are snubbing live BSkyB coverage of the Premier League at £304 million over five years.
The story was nicely timed in public relations terms to swing media coverage away from his risible performance at the tribunal last week, when he was unable to recall matters of facts on a large number of occasions.
The letter will have full details but basically the gist is that there ` ll be a per Gigabyte overage charge dependent on plan with a maximum charge, for example here ` s the residential packages and overages,
Cogeco to launch metered billing
Sure, even the most ornery fusspot will come across something he likes when perusing the coverage, but for the most part the stuff that emerges seems to fall under one of three categories:
Archive 2010-09-01
What I most assuredly do not dig is the crappy coverage by NBC.
Archive 2004-08-01
Health is also of primary importance to lower-income earners, who may have lower rates of health insurance coverage.
This service provides 24 hour clinical pharmacy coverage each day of the calendar year.
News dissector Danny Schechter wrote two books and made the film, WMD (Weapons of Mass Deception) about media coverage of the war in Iraq.
Danny Schechter: Inside the Secret War Between Wikileaks and the Pentagon
Giving these events a lot of media coverage merely perpetuates the problem.
In a sense, the prime minister's Monday statement in the Commons on the IGC was a "closure", allowing a natural pause in media coverage on the EU treaty, until the Parliamentary battle starts for real in the New Year.
Archive 2007-10-01
The existing Anchorage network has been merged with the new ANSS stations to provide improved coverage of the Anchorage region.
I find myself wondering, as I watch and read the unfolding news coverage of this event, if, as a society, we remain equipped to pause long enough to consider the long-term ramifications of any event, tragic or otherwise.
Elizabeth Bisbee Silber: The Consequences of Our Rapid-Fire Culture
A bill to let workers carry health insurance coverage from one employer to another should be a sure bet to become law.
Under his editorship, the Economist has introduced regular sports coverage.
And the coverage of U.S. atrocities aroused feelings of shame rather than pride.
Polls and complaints to the BBC about coverage before the event showed an unexcited nation, he said, adding: The public holiday blows a hole in the idea that the wedding will be an economic boost for Britain.
Royal wedding prompts surge in foreign holiday bookings
As the slope steepens, warm, moist air overrunning the cold air is cut off and the precipitation coverage begins to rapidly decrease.
The Masters 'highest-rated Sunday coverage in the overnights was a 15.8/32, set in 1997 when Tiger Woods won his first Green Jacket.
What did you think of the BBC's election coverage?
He then went on to attack the rest of the press for "rhapsodic" coverage of Obama and described the New York Times as "as far left as you can get".
The Guardian World News
These include considerations of the completeness of the system's coverage and the delay in making the data available.
The minister's resignation was given widespread coverage.
Take the systems we have now rewrite them, combine them and reenforce them with up to date coverages.
Sources: White House considers drafting health care bill
Farnborough subsequently had its first piece of national coverage by the way of Alpine sports newsletter.
Public fascination with the romantic lives of our country's most powerful (mostly single) women is fairly predictable, train-wreck coverage that ranges from whispers of lesbianism to reports of so-called bitchy behavior to completely de-humanizing or hyper-sexualized commentary involving pantsuits.
Maegan Carberry: Finding a Man's Love in a Man's World
But hypercompetition, saturation coverage, and decreased objectivity weren't the only changes shaping the new media environment.
(Read The Observer's extensive coverage here.) "Save The Hotel" activist Gregory Jones once took issue with my use of the term "fleabag" to describe the dowdy would-be landmark on Seventh Avenue.
Win Trip To 'Luxurious' Hotel Pennsylvania!
With a 30-second spot during tonight's Academy Awards ceremony valued at up to $2.1 million, advertisers will closely scrutinise the television coverage generated by the event.
There is some insurance available, although the amount of coverage is paltry.
Treaty signatories also undertake not to dump or allow other states to dump radioactive materials or wastes in the zone of coverage.
The fuss over coverage of the jubilee river pageant shows that we still care.
Times, Sunday Times
But if the journalistic scope includes the sequence of events that led to the leak, the coverage has the potential to be illuminating.
Make Blog has a great roundup of links and coverage for the opening of Bletchley Park's recreation of the Polish "bombe" code-cracking devices that were instrumental in breaking the German Enigma cipher in World War II.
Boing Boing
On top of the 500 reporters traveling with the military and the three cable-TV news channels beaming 24-hour coverage there's a new element in this war: unfiltered eyewitness accounts online.
Our goal was to gain news leadership by providing more in-depth coverage and stress original reporting.
Despite challenges to pricing, they will benefit from an ambitious reform of the health system to restore universal coverage.
Times, Sunday Times
It brought home to millions the excitement of gavel-to-gavel coverage of the presidential nominating conventions.
This slant is most unforgivable in its news coverage, given that paper's claim of journalistic objectivity.
Richard (RJ) Eskow: Parasites, Politics, and the Press: Social Security Attackers' Covert Ops
And even while operating under that constraint, Clinton proposed to expand Medicaid coverage to some 5 million uninsured children.
But there is a risk of giving far more coverage to former criminals than to the victims of Italy's mafia clans.
Times, Sunday Times
Seriously the media's coverage of women in politics is so egregiously pathetic.
Submitted Without Comment (Blog for Democracy)
Direct losses include claims under property coverage, workers' comp, life and accident, business interruption, general liability and more.
What I find both amazing and aggravating is that those who insist on what they euphemistically call “single payer healthcare” refuse to even discuss the propriety of those who have preexisting conditions, or persist in the negative behaviors that lead to diseased conditions, paying higher premiums in exchange for their not being denied coverage.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Putting Lipstick on the Health-Reform Pig:
Media coverage of cycling in July was pretty impressive.
The Olympics receive extensive television coverage.
Then we could file briefs pointing out the unfair and unbalanced nature of FoxNews coverage.
However, we consistently leverage F-words to get our clients television, radio and print coverage.
The trial was given saturation coverage by the press.
The express purpose for which it was allocated by the international authorities was to provide full national coverage as well as extending the service to our emigrants and fishermen at sea.
I congratulate you on your excellent coverage of not only national events but also international fixtures such as F - 1 racing.
Since Matt's death, though more people have been attacked or killed, media outlets have not responded with the kind of multilayered coverage - political, legal, cultural and personal - that makes these issues real, urgent and immediate.
Rashad Robinson: The Matthew Shepard Murder, 10 Years Later
There was blanket coverage of the royal divorce.
They already had been instructed to avoid Simpson coverage, but Fujisaki expanded his order to a blanket ban on all news.
More than a quarter of the job losses will be from news and regional coverage.
Times, Sunday Times
The Packers lacked depth at linebacker and their coverage units have been merely average.
They already had been instructed to avoid Simpson coverage, but Fujisaki expanded his order to a blanket ban on all news.
Why is our war coverage invariably sanitized to “PG” or even “G,” when we can go to the movies anytime and see “R” rated, pornographically violent films?
William Astore: A Very American Coup: Coming Soon to a Hometown Near You
A joint statement said the agreement will be comprehensive in scope and coverage.
These topics are important, but instrumental analytical chemistry plays an essential role in analysis these days and needs better coverage.
No obligation to get coverage and a less robust safety net for the working poor.
Times, Sunday Times
It happens with only a handful of Members in their places and achieves little, if any, coverage by the media.
The Drive programme will have extensive coverage throughout this glamorous event.
This time round, the immediacy and breadth of much internet coverage has, for news junkies, already given it the edge over TV and print.
Some have reduced their electric bills, while others receive monthly checks for their power overages, he said.
More feminist fuming: No mandated contraception coverage in healthcare bills Pro-aborts pull out stops opposing Stupak Amendment in healthcare Shock: TMZ calls preborn's killing a "brutal murder" (8 Comments)
After the First World War the coverage of unemployment insurance was extended and a contributory pension scheme was introduced.
Poor network coverage will also affect how you can access the internet.
The Sun
And this minority stakeholder is interfering with “fair and balanced” coverage.
Think Progress » Conservative Activists Rebel Against Fox News: Saudi Ownership Is ‘Really Dangerous For America’
Sagan, Johanson, Hawking and others generous coverage to enunciate their beliefs.
Medium and high coverage of vegetation in the landscape tend to simplify and stabilize, the complexity of the overall shape is reducing small, the degree of the boundary trace complex fold.
There was blanket coverage of the royal divorce.
man-boobs" - or "gynaecomastia" in official language - was not a new one, it had been thrust into prominence by media coverage.
BBC - Ouch
A run through the historical record, staring with Tacitus on Nero's blaming the Christians for the Great Fire, then Pliny on his administrative problems in Bithynia, then a long section on Cyprian (who I think gets more coverage than any other non-emperor); then a period of relaxation, which however is abruptly reversed by Diocletian (though that period of persecution seems to be more effective in the East).
Gibbon Chapter XVI
Coverage of these topics is currently, for the most part, inadequate.
The coverage used alternating pairings of commentators from around the world.
An echocardiograph (EKG) at Hackensack's Gregory M. Hirsch Center for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy would cost about $100 without insurance coverage, Tozzi estimated.
Latest News
Despite challenges to pricing, they will benefit from an ambitious reform of the health system to restore universal coverage.
Times, Sunday Times
Peace and blessings 2 all of good moral conduct, i pray and hope that this bill will stop insurance companies from being immune from prosecution when they behave criminally by changing a patients identity in order 2 evade responsibilities in honoring the ethic codes of providing health coverage without prejudice because of preconditioned injuries, ..
Reid's vote surprises everyone – including himself
Over the last month, media coverage of the presidential race has been driven by wildly vacillating poll numbers.
Michigan's no-fault insurance law provides unlimited lifetime coverage for medical expenses tied to auto wrecks.
After a good bit of study and thought about the issue, I do support universal care on the Bismarckian model: e.g. along the lines of Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, etc.: universal coverage through a government regulated, but nevertheless private insurance system, with care provided by the private sector.
Only Rep. Frank could go kill health care rationing… - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
Not so great for hungover days when you want a bit more coverage.
The Sun
I leave other readers to comment on the amount of space and coverage given.
The ability to provide instant access to detailed background analysis and comment pieces brought more depth of coverage than other media could provide.
The coverage by the columnists diverged from that in the main news stories on this question.
When news of the riots broke, there was obviously significant coverage given to the story by UK broadcast media.
A shocked woman, who recognised him from the media coverage of his case, described how she saw him at a garage in Queensway about a fortnight ago.
That level of coverage should just about deal with most parts of the UK that matter.
John Doyle, CEO of AIG's commercial insurance division, defended the company's business decisions, saying underwriters do not provide coverage if the premium is too low to cover losses.
On the other hand, maybe these sessions were merely held to procure media coverage for the issue, in order to affect the election.
The majority work long hours for low wages, with no insurance coverage or legal protection.
Andy Gray, the face of Sky Sports' soccer coverage for the past 20 years, was dismissed by the broadcaster after "new evidence of unacceptable and offensive behavior" that took place off-air last month.
Sky Sports Soccer Commentator Fired Over Sexist Comments
Let's begin our coverage of the dramatic rescue of nine trapped coal miners in Pennsylvania.
The past week has seen much media coverage of the new countries, with newsmen and broadcasters reporting from Ljubljana, Valletta, Nicosia, Budapest and more.
She had not worked in at least 20 years, was therefore, probably not self-sufficient financially and due to her pre-existing condition was not qualified to seek out private coverage after the COBRA plan ran out.
Think Progress » Woman Who Was Denied Insurance Due To Pre-Existing Condition Looking To Get Married For Health Care
If beneficiaries in PFFS plans did not contact their plans before obtaining services to ensure that the service was covered, they may have had to “pay for the entire cost of the service if the coverage was later denied” and PFFS plans charged exorbitant cost-sharing to beneficiaries who did not “prenotify” a plan before obtaining services.
Wonk Room » Administration Releases Regulations To Scale Back Unfair Insurance Practices
The leisureliness of the Times's coverage is especially apparent when compared to that of its top competitor.
Unfit to Print?
There's little coverage of foreign news in the newspaper.
Foundations provide the coverage you need to disguise dark spots and undereye circles.
Should it still be committed to universal coverage of a comprehensive range of services free at the point of care?
The Pentagon can save $15 billion per year by reinstituting a fairer cost-sharing balance between military retirees and taxpayers, and reducing overutilization and double-coverage.
Lawrence Korb: Open Letter to the Super Committee
During the presidential campaign, Palin discussed how she and her husband Todd had “gone though periods of our life here with paying out-of-pocket for health coverage until Todd and I both landed a couple of good union jobs.”
Think Progress » Palin Admits To Travelling To Canada For Health Care
Huh! I’m not a huge fan of the full coverage cases, but the cozips really are as unbulky as a hard case can get, I’m going to see about the full case.
Review: Cozip iPhone Case : #comments
CBS affiliate KPIX-TV spokesperson Akilah Monifa said that due to sweeps, no one was available to comment on the station's lack of coverage.
In place of our advertised programme, we will have live coverage of the special memorial service.
An outbreak of feverish media coverage has been unleashed upon the United States.
The only difference between a suicide and a martyrdom really is the amount of press coverage. Chuck Palahniuk
According to the social worker's notes, the hospital anticipated that the patient would need long-term ventilator care and that, as a legal immigrant with less than five years in this country, he would not qualify for Arizona's Medicaid coverage.
T r u t h o u t
Naval historians would do well to familiarize themselves with his style of narrative, his comprehensive coverage, and scope of research.
If it is prolonged and performance is affected, this will affect the total amount of coverage we get.
In the coming year the Governors will consider the BBC's coverage of European constitutional affairs and religious programming and publish the findings.
The paper seems to have lurched politically rightward in its news coverage lately.
The trouble is that news agencies and many, if not most, of their operatives choose not to bring balance and breadth to their coverage of affairs.
U.S. Cellular, the sixth-largest wireless carrier with a presence in 26 states and operating revenue of $4.2 billion last year, is getting squeezed from above and below as the larger carriers outmuscle it with better coverage and phones, while the smaller players use price to nab new customers.
McDonald's Marketing Chief Leaves to Take Reins at U.S. Cellular
Further confusing the picture, courts have also expanded the patent coverage for software.
If there are other considerations. like custody disputes or court wardship, then the school should make sure they are not put at risk of identification by excluding them from press coverage, including photographs.
The minister's resignation was given widespread coverage.
News coverage should not favour one party over another.
«Time discovers a certain comedic talent in its health care coverage.
It’s official: Charles Lollar is running for MD-05. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
Media coverage of the event was mixed.
Ever prepared, Edelman and the Patriots believed they'd have a chance for a big return because Miami's Brandon Fields is prone to outkick his coverage. Top Stories
She said yesterday that the idea grew out of frustration as she struggled to get press coverage for the campaign.
Times, Sunday Times
It's always a good idea to speak with your auto insurance carrier to see if you already have these overages.
But the gaping holes in the U.S. stance are being largely papered over in news coverage.
reinsurance enables a client to get coverage that would be too great for any one company to assume
I agree that media coverage of the issue too often has been laden with generalizations, hyperbole and sensational images.
Parts of it would have done much to improve BBC1's dire coverage of the river pageant.
Times, Sunday Times
I declined every option of coverage, initialing beside every X.
The New Yorker Stories
Time discovers a certain comedic talent in its health care coverage. »
So much for those ‘Free Tibet’ bumper stickers. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
PacBell Mobile added four antenna sites this month and has expanded its total coverage by 125 square miles since January.
His network DID provide gavel-to-gavel coverage - but only via the Internet.
Is there enough TP for seat coverage, or is there a disposable seat cover to use?
Few Americans think local news coverage fairly captures the essence of daily life and progress in their hometowns.
The huge media coverage of the show is also a worry.
The Sun
Your coverage has kept the Western Mail ahead of all other papers. I quote the letter not from any feelings of conceit.
The event is bound to attract wide press coverage .
The only difference between a suicide and a martyrdom really is the amount of press coverage. Chuck Palahniuk
He dumped 33 cattle stomachs on the side of the road, earning him a court appearance and press coverage.
The two dozen participants started off by identifying “what’s wrong with the media,” and the blackboard is filled with complaints ranging from the lack of in-depth analysis and foreign news coverage to story repetition and reinforcement of stereotypes.
â”We canât use Mickey Mouse to tell other thingsâ” |
The main challenge, for both the government and for OSE, is to raise additional resources to increase sanitation coverage and sewage treatment to reach all Uruguayans.
Slide J. 13 Laboratory studies: effect of Azolla coverage on anopheline mosquitoes
Chapter 13
Since there were 2 of them, they offered more extensive coverage.
Please explain your training or experience in the field of insurance coverage.
Human Resource Management in Government
There will be live TV coverage of tonight's big match.
The laser warner provides broadband laser frequency coverage to detect and display rangefinding, designating and missile guidance laser threats.
Unfortunately, ObamaCare's coverage of "free preventive care"—now being touted by the Obama administration in taxpayer-funded ads—further insulates seniors from costs and will drive up spending even more.
Why Medicare Patients See the Doctor Too Much
When was the last time photography attracted quite so much thoughtful coverage in the mass media?
There's been massive television coverage of the World Cup.
They post authoritatively on topics like media coverage of health issues and the use and abuse of statistics, and happily their quantitative bent is accompanied by a joy in language, particularly of the so-bad-it's-good variety.
Archive 2009-03-01
The efficient amount of news coverage equates the value of the marginal story with the value of alternative uses of these resources.
He said that organisations have approached security in the past by providing blanket coverage.
You will supervise a staff of five. Round the-clock coverage, two people per shift.
That game was a blowout, but it wasn't a result of dropping nine players in pass coverage.
The study set out to examine bias in television news coverage.
In addition to afforested land, the area of bush forest, the area of woodland inside farmland, and the area of trees planted adjacent to farmhouses and along roads, rivers, and fields should also be included in the area of afforested land in the calculation of the forest coverage rate.
When a Billion Chinese Jump
Another chilling measure was railroaded through federal parliament this week without any noticeable media coverage.
Why she continues to receive press coverage bewilders me – unless it's because the press enjoys showing what an uneducated and unintelligent person she is!
Obama brushes off Palin on nuclear deal
This may be helpful in a particularly high-risk area, where premiums are sky-high or insurance coverage is generally very difficult to come by.
This will give coverage to an activity taking place at the school but may only feature one or two children.
It is often cut a raw deal in terms of media coverage and sponsorship.
Times, Sunday Times
This rhetoric could only reassure if you were a blinking idiot and hadn't seen any news coverage of the current situation at all.
The election was given ample coverage on TV.
If one of these people who is not for reform on health care loses ther lifes savings due to an illness (because they reached there max coverage, or the insurance carriers drop their coverage), I'm sure they would change there mind.
First on the Ticker: Nelson buys TV time on health care
They also failed to give live coverage to yesterday's drumhead service attended by 6,000 Royal Navy veterans and hosted by Brian Hanrahan and Kate Adie.
I mean, when he teamed up with Lenora Fulani, for instance, someone who's made a lot of anti-Semitic statements in the past, and their sort of political union was covered as just another news event rather than Pat Buchanan teams up with discredited whacko, which is much more accurate I think, yeah, that's incomplete news coverage.
CNN Transcript - Reliable Sources: Are the Media Excluding Third Party Presidential Contenders? - June 24, 2000
However, preparations for the event electrified Kelantan's residents and received wide coverage.
It can be applied using standard brushes, rollers or spray equipment, but to minimize the streaks and get the best color coverage, you'll probably find that foam brushes or spray equipment work best.
It's more than likely that coverage of this deal will disappear into the sunset, which is a shame as the lessons learnt here would be useful to many others who should have looked before they leapt.
How about all those who want to start from scratch on healthcare drop their coverage until a new plan providing affordable access to quality healthcare for all americans is achieved.
Rep. Kline to Obama: 'start from scratch' on health care
PG, you raise a good point about what PSRC's meant to be - an angle not explored at all by this coverage yet, which results in fiery but half-cocked comments.
Seattle Council, KC Exec Support Highway-Heavy Transportation Plan « PubliCola
Considering its limited funds in a time of rocketing prices for art, the museum has succeeded well in its aim of broad coverage.
The press coverage the event receives is invaluable, she said, but she suggested the industry also consider the strength of the subliminal message.
In the brave new economy of outsourced jobs and short-term gigs and on-again, off-again health coverage, American workers cannot rationally plan their economic futures.
Harold Meyerson Needs to Rethink a Few Things About Families
Coca-Cola has downscaled its media coverage in Ireland, ‘so as not to interrupt the sombre content of the news’.
It may not have received as much coverage as the voluntary voting proposal, but one recommendation in yesterday's report of the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters is an absolute stinker.
There's no polite way to put this: The coverage of Hillary's" cackle "was simply sick to its core.
Was The Media Unfair To Hillary? Here's Our Rundown.
The CCRIF will enable governments to purchase catastrophe coverage akin to business interruption insurance that will provide them with an early cash payment after a major hurricane or earthquake.
If anything, that period was under-represented in the journal's coverage, not over-represented.