How To Use Oval office In A Sentence

  • Obama "cherishes" a trinket and a book given to him by Gordon Brown, and he worships them like tiny gods by keeping them in a little pagan altar he set up in the Oval Office. Wonkette » top
  • At the same time, it has left him open to charges of flip-flopping, and concerns that his deliberate, decision - making style may be a hindrance in the Oval Office.
  • She reads a teleprompter well, but Bible Spice, as Alec Baldwin so aptly dubber her, is not a qualified person to be sitting in the Oval Office. Brian Ross: A Protester Displays His Fear of Obama
  • Just as it's not that difficult to situate novae, errata and chimerae in textual specifics ( "The door dilated," "President Himmler sat in the Oval Office," "The crescent sun was high, the moon low,") pataphysical quirks are not so hard to pin down, I think, as it may at first seem. Notes on Strange Fiction: The Pataphysical Quirk
  • It doesn't matter what kind of poltroon parks his or her butt in the Oval Office, or how they get in there; they will be presented to the people as a figure of moral authority and gravitas -- and be accepted as such by large swathes of the public. Chris Floyd - Empire Burlesque
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  • Why hasn't this job weighed as heavily on you as it has on some other occupants of this Oval Office?
  • And you ignore the fact that Clinton pissed away 3 years of his term lying about getting a blow-job from a 22 year old in the oval office? Hillary On Bill: I Understand That "It's A Lonely Job In The White House"
  • Peterson sneered, then about-faced and walked back into the Oval Office.
  • This book examines each of the eleven occupants of the Oval Office since Herbert Hoover in terms of six yardsticks.
  • Every day imposed the same unmanageable burdens whether he was in the Oval Office or campaigning in Terre Haute. O: A Presidential Novel
  • We doubt this was the private reaction in the Oval Office, whose occupant was told by Ms. Romer and economic co-religionist Jared Bernstein that the February 2009 stimulus would kick start a recovery in growth and jobs. Employers on Strike
  • But seeing what we're seeing right now made me think of that line and how it reminds me of the current occupant of the Oval Office.
  • Is the role of Attorney General to be a corporate 'consigliere' defending the mob bosses in Wall Street, and the political whoring collaborators in Congress and the Oval Office; or is the Attorney General assigned to be the prosecutorial guardian of the Constitution and Bill of Rights? Jeanine Molloff: Prosecuting WikiLeaks, Assange, and Free Speech v. Eric Holder and a New Sedition Act
  • When Bush came to the Oval Office, the abortion pill had been approved for the market.
  • Abdicating his war-time leadership role to Congress and the generals is EXACTLY what President Bush did throughout his managing of the Iraq war, falling back again and again on some supposed unwillingness to micro-manage from the Oval office. Republican: Obama must lead on Afghanistan
  • This is what you call a chat with dad in the Oval Office. CNN Transcript Apr 25, 2009
  • The pirates who boarded you on Election Day 2000 and who today man the oval office have no interest in cultivating you, or in nurturing the free flow of ideas which grow in any fruitful and fructified democracy. Condoleezza Rice��s Blueprint for a Repressive State
  • I also "complimented" Cheney for (according to Bob Woodward's book) defiantly not bowing his head in the Oval Office when our intellectually challenged Commander-in-Chief asked him and the other advisors to pray with him for God's help in slaughtering Middle Easterners. CounterPunch
  • The obligatory trip round the Oval Office is now so much of a ritual that he approaches it with the wry, self-mocking tone of an ersatz tour guide.
  • The classic American films were met with a penholder carved from the sister ship of the vessel whose wood was used to make the desk in the Oval Office. CNN Transcript Mar 31, 2009
  • Remember that as this loser of a president shields himself behind the cadets at West Point because he is unable to issue this edict from the Oval Office. Five questions for Obama on Afghan war
  • This is the guy who condemned Obama for not wearing a coat in the oval office, and then the next day pictures of a coatless Bush in the office started popping up anywhere. Former Bush chief of staff likely to run for Kennedy seat
  • Over the course of a tumultuous decade, those consequences included not just the ignominious end of an unpopular war and the fall of a president but a profound change in how much deceit the public — and the media — would tolerate from the Oval Office. Untruth and Consequences
  • Peterson sneered, then about-faced and walked back into the Oval Office.
  • So the stock market will perform better when the Left is in the wilderness and the Right is in the Oval Office.
  • What kind of wussy are you -- just one heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Bonnie Fuller: President Obama: Dump Joe Biden, Your Vice President of Panic, Right Now!
  • But the man who has occupied the Oval Office since January, 2009 is someone entirely different -- a man seemingly without a compass, a tactician who veers rightward one day and leftward the next, an inside-the Beltway dealmaker who doesn't explain his comprises in light of larger goals. Robert Reich: The Empty Bully Pulpit
  • He served a record 10 years as speaker of the House, and during most of that stint a Republican was in the Oval Office.
  • Hillary will bring all her dirt and smoot to the Obama – and changes the keys to the Oval office each chance she gets!!! Majority of Dems want Clinton to be V.P.
  • One can't fault them for thinking that this is the most cutthroat bunch of political operators to soil the Oval Office rugs in a long time.
  • SCENE: The Oval Office. George Bush and Condoleezza Rice.
  • We’ve been too well-off for too long, so unless Obama comes up with a memory-killing drug to put in the water supply, he’ll be lucky if he’s allowed to sit out the rest of his term sucking his thumb in the Oval Office, while the governors and legislators like Rep. Ryan take the lead. The joke that is the CBO
  • At a certain point, pragmaticism must set in, and the pragmaticism of free markets and firm actions against terrorism has to become apparent now that he sees things from the Oval Office. Obama to congressional Republicans: "You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done."
  • And how the wine will be presented in a wooden case using old flooring from the Oval Office. Obama's gift to Berlusconi: new American wine in old floorboards | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • In 1986, the rebel leader travelled to Washington where he was received like a head of state, meeting the President in the Oval Office.
  • He presented his credentials to the President in the Oval Office on the morning of June 10.
  • The contract was inked on October 26, 1995, at the kind of White House Oval Office signing ceremony that usually marks a major piece of legislation or a military or diplomatic pact.
  • That Obama and Reagan are still almost identical poll twins could portend good news for the current occupant of the Oval Office down the road. Obama and Reagan: poll twins
  • One can't fault them for thinking that this is the most cutthroat bunch of political operators to soil the Oval Office rugs in a long time.
  • The president was in the small putting green outside the Oval Office chipping golf balls and whining - he did this a lot - to his aides.
  • The cartoon drawn by Barry Blitt shows the couple standing in the White House's Oval Office with an American flag burning in the fireplace under a portrait of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.
  • Imagine if he did become president: he could be telling the world, in a live broadcast from the Oval Office, that he had, on a whim, pre-emptively launched a nuclear strike on Belgium, and no one would pay any attention because we would all be transfixed by his hair. Danny Groner: Donald Trump's Hair and the Presidency
  • This is what you call a chat with dad in the oval office. CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2009
  • Meanwhile, just as head-scratchingly, the same media that typically treat female politicians like little girls playing dress-up and subject politicians of color to racist screeds and reflexive dismissal were getting all hot and bothered imagining a Clinton-Obama race for the Oval Office ... and telling America that this wasn't only possible, it was the most probable outcome. Jennifer L. Pozner: Super Tuesday Media Musings, Part I: Why Media Forced Edwards Out of the Race
  • He works from an opulent Beverly Hills headquarters, whose inner sanctum was modestly designed to resemble the Oval Office.
  • Although I, like most law professors, can do a riff on how "35" is indeterminate, that is recognized as "academic" in the most pejorative sense; unless and until some 33-year-old is viewed as the truly indispensable person to inhabit the Oval Office, it will be taken as a given that we "know" what "35" means, which means a the passage of time time measured in solar (and not, for example, lunar) years. Balkinization
  • Time was the people in trailer parks had no doubt that they had a friend in the Oval Office.
  • In a way, this weirdly understates the severity of institutional racism in the United States, since it implies that there were all these qualified minority jurists who were getting short shrift from the Oval Office. Standing Pat
  • The sum is the money lost on sales of cigars and brandies when gentlefolk once repaired after dinner to the Oval Office downstairs to blow rings of smoke and converse.
  • And the oval office in this library is the exact replica.
  • Political leaders and heads of state last night paid tribute to a commanding figure who survived both an assassination attempt and a brush with cancer during his time in the Oval Office.
  • And I invite her every morning into the Oval Office to stay for a while.
  • The more time and energy they spend on depicting Sen. Clinton or any other Democrat as "unlikable," all we have to do is remind them of the "likable" goof who's been sitting in the Oval Office for the last six years. What's Not to Like?
  • There's black and white pictures of presidential iconography: the oval office, motorcades, and the Presidential helicopter Marine One.
  • The step sought by Virginia, known as certiorari before judgment, is one the court has taken only a handful of times, including its 1974 decision ordering President Richard Nixon to turn over Oval Office tape recordings and its 1952 ruling blocking President Harry S Truman from seizing the nation's steel mills. Chronicle
  • That name will live in infamy for as long as the US continues to exist; the most unintelligible moron to ever foul the Oval Office, as well as the worst president in US history. Think Progress » DC Media Scoff At President Obama’s Substantive And Detailed Answer To Health Care Question
  • You got it - it's all about making fun of the woman whose husband got a knobber in the oval office. "Who painted it?" asked Hillary Clinton, unaware that "the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was miraculously imprinted by Mary."
  • Over the years, Larry's show has become a favorite forum for would-be occupants of the Oval Office.
  • A veil of secrecy has often shrouded the Oval Office.
  • BLOCK: Aha, so it doesn't mean another rug or carpet was unwoven and reconstituted in this Oval Office rug? New Oval Office Rug, Made In America
  • It opened the door to the Oval Office to an African-American for the first time, and did so with a national vote in which his race seems to have been a relatively minor factor.
  • After months of what some critics called overexposure, President Obama has of late avoided questions from the White House press corps at large, closing the Oval Office to traditionally informal question-and-answer sessions with reporters and pulling back from the fast pace of news conferences he established when taking office. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • Keith Pitts's semicircular set subtly evokes the Oval Office from which Nixon retreated in disgrace, and Mike Tutaj's rear-wall projections transport the viewer from place to place with discreet finesse. This Stoppard Is a Second 'Scoop'
  • The pictures are from the Oval Office after Reagan won a close Senate vote to approve selling to Saudi Arabia radar technology known as AWACS, short for airborne warning and control system. News for Richmond Times-Dispatch
  • Will black voters go to the polls in droves in November to have their say about who should be the next occupant of the Oval Office?
  • The American people were inundated on a daily basis with new and ever more salacious bits of gossip about the occupant of the Oval Office.
  • Most folks’ jackassery is independent of the occupant of the Oval Office. Waldo Jaquith - Will your core beliefs switch with the presidency?
  • I can see it now: We here in the Oval Office and our partners at WHO and in the CDC feel that there would be no elevated risk of exposure to illness were you suddenly to find yourself locked in a 737 with a bunch of terminal ebola, plague, hantavirus, and flu patients, while crates of lab rats and rhesus macaques are turned loose to bite everyone's ankles. My Tail's Not In A Curl Over Swine Flu
  • And if she runs, the controversies of her past and the scars of her husband's Oval Office tenure would be fully revisited.
  • I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office. George W. Bush 
  • But Jacques Chirac, not due for an Oval Office schmooze anytime soon, puts it slightly differently.
  • FORT WORTH, Texas -- It feels like walking into some kind of motorsports Oval Office. Undefined
  • Clinton has fought a good fight, she need to understand now that the fight is between dem and rep, Obama is almost impossible to be overtaken now, if clinton's delay in conceding to him would damage the dem chances for the oval office and that would be a big dent on her legacy. Vilsack says it's over
  • This comprehensive chronology covers the events shaping Bill Clinton's journey from Little Rock to the Oval Office and during the eight years of his Presidency.

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