How To Use Oval Office In A Sentence
- Obama "cherishes" a trinket and a book given to him by Gordon Brown, and he worships them like tiny gods by keeping them in a little pagan altar he set up in the Oval Office. Wonkette » top
- At the same time, it has left him open to charges of flip-flopping, and concerns that his deliberate, decision - making style may be a hindrance in the Oval Office.
- She reads a teleprompter well, but Bible Spice, as Alec Baldwin so aptly dubber her, is not a qualified person to be sitting in the Oval Office. Brian Ross: A Protester Displays His Fear of Obama
- Just as it's not that difficult to situate novae, errata and chimerae in textual specifics ( "The door dilated," "President Himmler sat in the Oval Office," "The crescent sun was high, the moon low,") pataphysical quirks are not so hard to pin down, I think, as it may at first seem. Notes on Strange Fiction: The Pataphysical Quirk
- It doesn't matter what kind of poltroon parks his or her butt in the Oval Office, or how they get in there; they will be presented to the people as a figure of moral authority and gravitas -- and be accepted as such by large swathes of the public. Chris Floyd - Empire Burlesque
- Why hasn't this job weighed as heavily on you as it has on some other occupants of this Oval Office?
- And you ignore the fact that Clinton pissed away 3 years of his term lying about getting a blow-job from a 22 year old in the oval office? Hillary On Bill: I Understand That "It's A Lonely Job In The White House"
- Peterson sneered, then about-faced and walked back into the Oval Office.
- This book examines each of the eleven occupants of the Oval Office since Herbert Hoover in terms of six yardsticks.
- Every day imposed the same unmanageable burdens whether he was in the Oval Office or campaigning in Terre Haute. O: A Presidential Novel