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How To Use Othello In A Sentence

  • A herald announces feasting in honour of Othello's marriage.
  • The Duke oversees the case between Brabantio and Othello, whom he believes to have bewitched his daughter with magic.
  • Shakespeare's use of "seamy" in this passage of Othello is also a pun -- appearance seeming and reality is a major theme of the play. SEAMY
  • Pretty soon, Othello is convinced that even his wife, Desdemona, is making a fool of him. LEO: STAGE FRIGHT
  • He skilfully convinces Othello that his wife Desdemona has been adulterous with Cassio.
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  • gave an impressive performance as Othello
  • In _Othello_, "if virtue lack no delighted beauty," i.e. "_want not the light of beauty_, your son-in-law shows far more fair than black. Notes and Queries, Number 43, August 24, 1850
  • In order to demonstrate progress on race relations, John Othello is made the first black commissioner of London's Metropolitan Police force.
  • Othello smothered Desdemona with a pillow
  • The difficulty Ducis felt about translating Othello in consequence of the importance given to such a vulgar thing as a handkerchief, and his attempt to soften its grossness by making the M.or reiterate 'Le bandeau! le bandeau!' may be taken as an example of the difference between la tragedie philosophique and the drama of real life; and the introduction for the first time of the word mouchoir at the Theatre Francais was an era in that romantic - realistic movement of which Hugo is the father and M. Zola the enfant terrible, just as the classicism of the earlier part of the century was emphasised by Talma's refusal to play Greek heroes any longer in a powdered periwig -- one of the many instances, by the way, of that desire for archaeological accuracy in dress which has distinguished the great actors of our age. Intentions
  • He was cast as Othello / cast in the role of Othello.
  • Without even asking Desdemona if it is true or not, Othello kills her by smothering her.
  • When it comes to car theft, police in Othello, Washington, say it's time to start blaming the victim. Police Target Owners Who Leave Keys Inside Cars
  • In the play Othello, the character of Othello has certain traits which make him seem naive and unsophisticated compared to many other people.
  • Emilia, still reproaching Othello with Desdemona's innocence, dies.
  • He underacted the part of Othello.
  • Some might consider this sacrilege, but the contrast with Shakespeare's play, Othello, is striking.
  • �Now, that may sound harsh, but the Tri-City Herald newspaper says more than half the stolen cars in Othello have the keys left inside. Police Target Owners Who Leave Keys Inside Cars
  • Othello, though decently acted by Keith David, needs to be of more heroic stature, more purblind nobility, and, eventually, of more pitiable, poetic grandeur than mere competence can summon.
  • A white actor playing a black person is one thing - black actors play white people in Shakespearean plays all over, and I'm sure more than the occasional white person played Othello, but the line is crossed at colorface. The Matrix as a Charlie Chaplin short - Boing Boing
  • A courtier, who saw Othello performed at the Globe Theatre, remarked, that the blackamoor was a brute, and not a man. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 01, November, 1857 A Magazine of Literature, Art, and Politics
  • He plans to make Desdemona slowly abhor Othello and to use Cassio as a means of cuckolding him, bringing nothing but hatred and dishonor to Othello's world.
  • 'In other lips indeed than Othello's, at the crowning minute of culminant agony, the rush of imaginative reminiscence which brings back upon his eyes and ears the lightning foam and tideless thunder of the Pontic Sea might seem a thing less natural than sublime. Shakespearean Tragedy Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth
  • The next day, in hallowed Madison Square Garden against the New York Knicks, he missed six of nine shots but had nine points and made a move down the lane against Othello Harrington that ended in a thundering dunk. - Stoudemire set to shine for Suns
  • [Footnote 11: Iago says of Othello, in _Othello_ I., iii. Shakespeare and the Modern Stage with Other Essays
  • Also, a great nation, having made up its mind that hanging is quite the wholesomest process for its homicides in general, can yet with mercy distinguish between the degrees of guilt in homicides; and does not yelp like a pack of frost-pinched wolf-cubs on the blood-track of an unhappy crazed boy, or gray-haired clodpate Othello, “perplexed i’ the extreme, ” at the very moment that it is sending a Minister of the Crown to make polite speeches to a man who is bayoneting young girls in their father’s sight, and killing noble youths in cool blood, faster than a country butcher kills lambs in spring. Sesame and Lilies. Lecture I.-Sesame: Of Kings’ Treasuries
  • Othello is a mass of temporal impossibilities.
  • The name Othello was decided upon at this time, too. Kate Kelly: World of Othello Tournament, Now in 35th Year, Taking Place in NY Area this Weekend
  • It's like complaining that Othello is "selfish" and Desdemona An Interview with Toni Morrison
  • And then there was Orson Welles Square, a memorial to the corpulent director who filmed his Cannes-winning Othello here in 1949.
  • He plots a scheme to make Othello believe that Desdemona was having an affair with Cassio.
  • Othello, a cross between checkers and tic-tac-toe, is a popular game.
  • Aristotle's idea that a tragic hero acts from a hamartia or mistake rather than evil intent was distorted into a theory of the so-called tragic flaw and was applied to describe foibles of Hamlet and Othello (jealousy).
  • She is equally capable of defending her marriage, jesting bawdily with Iago, and responding with dignity to Othello's incomprehensible jealousy.
  • She is equally capable of defending her marriage, jesting bawdily with Iago, and responding with dignity to Othello's incomprehensible jealousy. November 1st, 2002
  • We are driven to see the terrible absurdity of Othello's misunderstandings, as well as their plausibility and consequences.
  • Othello is now a popular pianist called Aurelius Rex (Paul Harris) and Desdemona an esteemed singer named Delia Lane (Marti Stevens). Lessons Without Lectures
  • He skilfully convinces Othello that his wife Desdemona has been adulterous with Cassio.
  • Love, lust and passion, ardour, hate and jealousy combine to make Othello one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies.
  • By moving Othello from the visual medium of cinema to the visual space of the art gallery, Wilson redisplays Othello as a different kind of spectacle - the exhibition object.
  • Othello's jealous rages grieved not only her, his ill-starred wife, but also all those under his command.
  • The title of this play is 'Othello'.
  • The title of this play is 'Othello'.
  • Desdemona is the innocent victim in Iago's plan of destruction: he causes Othello to believe his wife has cuckolded him with Cassio.
  • Love, lust and passion, ardour, hate and jealousy combine to make Othello one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies.
  • Orson Welles's Othello "waded through the great speeches, pausing before the stronger words like a landing craft breasting a swell. A challenging role for a complex thespian
  • I'll also not forget the scene in Othello when Iago talks The Moor into believing something which flimsy evidence would easily prove to be false.
  • OTHELLO HUNTER - Othello is a raw, developing 23 year old sophomore forward. MVN
  • In the First Folio (of 1623), when the editors want to refer to Africa they use the word "Barbary" (Iago calls Othello a "Barbary horse"). So It Wasn't Jealousy After All?
  • Fear of bringing up the “greedy moneylender” controversy is why universities refuse to teach The Merchant of Venice, just as fear of the “uncontrolled thug” stereotype led to “Othello, the WASP with anger issues of Venice”. The Volokh Conspiracy » Approaching Arguments That Have A Racist Past
  • In the face of such scurrility, the dignity and calm of Othello emerge with great force when he takes the stage in the second scene.
  • Jemmie Ferguson the old strapper, whose occupation like that of Othello's was all gone, saw it start with a heavy heart, and crowds turned out to bid it good-bye. From John O'Groats to Land's End
  • What he offers us, with driving energy, is a bluff, dirty-minded NCO who is filled with a rancourous, destructive negativity that leads him to detest Othello for his "free and open nature" and to loathe Cassio for the simple reason "he hath a daily beauty in his life that makes me ugly. Othello – review
  • Resplendent in his uniform and medals, [Forest] Whitaker's Amin is a gloriously mad and grandiloquent figure, conceived by screenwriters Peter Morgan and Jeremy Brock as a Day-Glo Shakespearean monster, with audacious hints of Othello and even Titus Andronicus, a monster for whom they have written boldly extended dialogue scenes of unabashed intelligence and theatricality," writes the Guardian's Peter Bradshaw. GreenCine Daily: Baftas. Nominations.
  • Shakespeare's tragedies include 'Hamlet', 'King Lear' and 'Othello'.
  • Also, a great nation having made up its mind that hanging is quite the wholesomest process for its homicides in general, can yet with mercy distinguish between the degrees of guilt in homicides; and does not yelp like a pack of frost-pinched wolf-cubs on the blood-track of an unhappy crazed boy, or gray-haired clodpate Othello, "perplexed i 'the extreme," at the very moment that it is sending a Minister of the Crown to make polite speeches to a man who is bayoneting young girls in their father's sight, and killing noble youths in cool blood, faster than a country butcher kills lambs in spring. Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • Iago is the heavy role in `Othello'
  • All this, you know if you did Othello in high school, culminates in murder and suicide.
  • He kept reading.… Othello's jealousy manifests itself in the imagery of the bestial, which Shakespeare utilises as a motif of animal passion and the absence of reason…
  • Othello, the fortitude of the place is best known to you; and though we have there a substitute of most allowed sufficiency, yet opinion, a sovereign mistress of effects, throws a more safer voice on you: you must therefore be content to slubber the gloss of your new fortunes with this more stubborn and boisterous expedition. Othello, the Moore of Venice
  • Othello seems to anticipate Freud's idea that a man marries in order to recover the lost mother who sent him out into the world some time ago; a forbidden, incestuous desire for the mother's body is transferred allowably onto another, younger woman. Shakespeare
  • I knew next to nothing about Othello before this, and the single point that jumped out at me, given my peculiar interests, is that apart from the first act the whole thing is set on Cyprus, a place where interethnic fault lines remain sufficiently sharply drawn to keep me in business. Winters Tale follow-up
  • Othello, the hero of their tribe, won his Desdemona, in whose love he finds the countercharm of his wandering life. Lectures and Essays
  • It is comforting to know that while Hamlet, Rosalind, Portia and other sublime intellects do not exist in Othello, they do exist in life, and they will always outthink the Iagos of the world. Robert David Jaffee: Will Fort Hood's Iago Speak?
  • The company Jim founded, Anjar Co., is the owner and exclusive international licensor of Othello. Kate Kelly: World of Othello Tournament, Now in 35th Year, Taking Place in NY Area this Weekend
  • Othello. Prithee, no more: let him come when he will; I will deny thee nothing.
  • I played Iago's codpiece in Othello, and I gave my Bottom nightly for two months - and it was very well-received, I might add - in a production of Midsummer Night's Dream. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Othello's account of the origins of the handkerchief, another example of this discoursal antithesis, combines, in a contrastive fugal pattern, domestic detail and the mystical sublime of an empowering love.
  • Alone, Iago speaks of his hatred of Othello and a rumour that the Moor has cuckolded him, and hatches a plan to persuade Othello that his wife is unfaithful with Cassio.
  • we are going to stage `Othello'
  • His highly charged exchanges with Patterson Joseph as Othello, take the audience on a gripping journey, culminating in a moving climax. "
  • The claim is based on the word "Barbary," the name the woman is given in some modern texts of or references to "Othello. So It Wasn't Jealousy After All?
  • Thus little in Othello violates the impression of a soft, unwarlike culture.
  • When Othello and Desdemona lovingly embrace, Iago grabs his wife in a rough, lewdly competitive clinch.
  • He was cast as Othello / cast in the role of Othello.
  • But if Othello dies a deluded and confused figure, would that not rob him of all dignity and nobility, turning him into the pitiful victim of a vicious, hostile society?
  • It is comforting to know that while Hamlet, Rosalind, Portia and other sublime intellects do not exist in Othello, they do exist in life, and they will always outthink the Iagos of the world. Robert David Jaffee: Will Fort Hood's Iago Speak?
  • Over against the malicious slanders of these men is the nearly universal admiration for Othello.
  • A theatre critic's secretary is caught up in a love triangle involving the stars of a production of Othello after she is persuaded to alter a review to make it more favourable.
  • John Gielgud, playing Othello at Stratford in 1961, was less happy, complaining that Hall's costumes were "beautiful but cumbrous" and that the elaborate production stalled while Zeffirelli leafed through "his damned press cuttings". Peter J Hall obituary
  • The handkerchief is the physical evidence that convinces Othello of his wife's faithlessness.
  • Othello, told by Iago that Cassio has admitted sleeping with Desdemona, falls into a fit.
  • You may teach him to fence, and to dance, and to elocute till he is black in the face; you will never teach him to play "Othello" unless he is an actor. The Idler Magazine, Volume III, June 1893 An Illustrated Monthly
  • The beau is watching Othello tonight with a friend, so instead of sitting around the house with my dog feeling sorry for myself, I decided to go out and about. All the small things. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • Mr. FECHTER presents HAMLET as a perfect "flaxy;" partly in deference to the present popularity of the tint, and partly to show a marked contrast with his OTHELLO, which character he always makes up as a male brunette. Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 02, April 9, 1870
  • OTHELLO - Two new businesses want to come to Othello, but current natural gas pipelines must be expanded first. Undefined
  • By a series of unfortunate circumstances, the tragedy of Othello the Moor, was turned into The Moor The Merrier.
  • Othello, a cross between checkers and tic-tac-toe, is a popular game.
  • Iago and his despicable sidekick Roderigo refer to Othello as 'the thick-lips', 'an old black ram' who is 'tupping' a 'white ewe' (that is to say, Brabantio's white daughter Desdemona), and a 'Barbary horse' whose animalistic coupling with Desdemona will beget a generation of creatures half human and half horse. Shakespeare
  • But culinary naming rights are nothing new in New York, where a Derek Jeter can be a sandwich with roast beef, turkey and muenster (Stage Deli), or a chicken cutlet hero with ham, bacon, melted swiss and Russian dressing (Othello's Deli). I'll Have One Jeter To Go
  • Brabantio believes Othello to have used magic and witchcraft to summon Desdemona from her home.
  • Emilia asks to be placed next to her dying mistress, and as she dies, she tells Othello that Desdemona is innocent and chaste.
  • Othellos, the Don Juans that illustrate to us that the fable is a game of chess played over and over again, a thousand times with whatever pieces destiny throws up at any given time. Camilo José Cela - Nobel Lecture

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