How To Use Orthopteran In A Sentence
These include large numbers of cockroaches, crickets, other orthopterans and large moths, as well as geckos and other lizards.
Signal duration and pulse rate are important for female choice, for example, in orthopteran calls but also in some other insects, and even in spiders.
Orthopteran weight was significantly correlated with blueness on the rump but not with blueness on the breast.
More than half of the arthropods were spiders, followed by coleopterans, orthopterans, and homopterans.
Its presence is both a revelation and a joy, since the song, a long soft drawn-out reeling buzz, is one of the most resonant of all orthopteran melodies.
Country diary
More than half of the arthropods were spiders, followed by coleopterans, orthopterans, and homopterans.
In other orthopteran species (Tettigoniidae), the duration of ampulla attachment is correlated with female intercopulatory interval.
Indeed, I have not seen a smooth green snake in southern Michigan in the past twenty-five years and wonder if it is not because pesticides have killed off the little orthopteran insects and spiders that are the mainstay of this snake's diet.
The body fossil record of arthropods in the Chinle Formation is limited to beetle elytra and a few poorly preserved wings of orthopteran insects.
Cricket Crawl NYC, an amateur-science event held Saturday night to enlist area residents a la crowd-sourcing to collectively document the distribution of seven orthopteran species throughout the metropolitan area.
Scientific American
Cicadas, orthopterans (crickets, katydids, and grasshoppers), and anurans (frogs and toads) are among the animals that Darwin described as having ‘musical powers.’
We find many examples of this in insects, such as butterflies and Orthopterans.
Trenching and vein-cutting behaviors have been reported for lepidopterans, orthopterans and coleopterans, and there is a correlation between resin canal organization and method of deactivation by insects.
To ensure that we used biologically meaningful parameter estimates in our model, we used literature values for orthopteran species whenever possible.
More than half of the arthropods were spiders, followed by coleopterans, orthopterans, and homopterans.
Birds consumed dermapterans, orthopterans, arachnids, and coleopterans in proportions equal to the prey's availability and did not select for prey size.
Thus, they appear to be specialized morphologically and their long, deep bill may facilitate the capture of large, fleeing prey (e.g. spiders, orthopterans, and geckos) that are uncovered under the leaf litter.
Tuataras are primarily nocturnal predators of arthropods, especially those associated with sea bird colonies, and tree wetas (giant New Zealand orthopterans).