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  1. any of various insects having leathery forewings and membranous hind wings and chewing mouthparts

How To Use orthopteran In A Sentence

  • These include large numbers of cockroaches, crickets, other orthopterans and large moths, as well as geckos and other lizards.
  • Signal duration and pulse rate are important for female choice, for example, in orthopteran calls but also in some other insects, and even in spiders.
  • Orthopteran weight was significantly correlated with blueness on the rump but not with blueness on the breast.
  • More than half of the arthropods were spiders, followed by coleopterans, orthopterans, and homopterans.
  • Its presence is both a revelation and a joy, since the song, a long soft drawn-out reeling buzz, is one of the most resonant of all orthopteran melodies. Country diary
  • More than half of the arthropods were spiders, followed by coleopterans, orthopterans, and homopterans.
  • In other orthopteran species (Tettigoniidae), the duration of ampulla attachment is correlated with female intercopulatory interval.
  • Indeed, I have not seen a smooth green snake in southern Michigan in the past twenty-five years and wonder if it is not because pesticides have killed off the little orthopteran insects and spiders that are the mainstay of this snake's diet.
  • The body fossil record of arthropods in the Chinle Formation is limited to beetle elytra and a few poorly preserved wings of orthopteran insects.
  • Cricket Crawl NYC, an amateur-science event held Saturday night to enlist area residents a la crowd-sourcing to collectively document the distribution of seven orthopteran species throughout the metropolitan area. Scientific American
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