
How To Use Ordain In A Sentence

  • Former Suffragan Bishop of Southampton, the Rt Rev Jonathan Gledhill, ordained Cate as a deacon at Romsey Abbey in 2001 and the curate was priested the following year.
  • It is too bad that we often put readers, ordained and lay, in costumes that shackle the creative reading of texts.
  • Our mercenaries (Blackwater and Haliburton and their minion) will still be on the ground, interfering with the new government whenever it drifts from the preordained path carved out by the American government since The Carter Doctrine. CNN Poll: Americans overwhelming support moving US combat troops out of Iraqi cities
  • In Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell, the "telescreen" compulsorily present in every house is not only a television broadcasting from the outside, but a sort of CCTV camera, observing the people in the room, shouting at them if they fail to meet the standards ordained by the state of which Big Brother is the dictator, always watching them. news business sport the Daily Telegraph newspaper Sunday Telegraph
  • The re-ordination conferred there was based on the precedent of the strengthening procedure (Pali: dalhikamma) followed, for instance, when bhikkhus ordained according to the procedures of the Sri Lankan division of Theravada have been re-ordained according to those of the Burmese division of Theravada. A Summary Report of the 2007 International Congress on the Women's Role in the Sangha: Bhikshuni Vinaya and Ordination Lineages ��� Part Two: Day One
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  • But ascetics, nuns, and unordained members of religious associations of men were not originally in the ranks of the clergy, and, strictly speaking, are not so even to-day, though, on account of their closer and more special dependence on ecclesiastical authority, they have long been included under the title clergy in its wider sense (see RELIGIOUS). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • Abraham learned that God had selected and foreordained many spirits to specific missions in mortality.
  • On its ground floor, executive director Amy Tobin showed me some salvaged-wood tables, benches, and a lustrously smooth black-acacia countertop created by Paul Discoe, an ordained Buddhist priest whose Oakland-based company, Live Edge, utilizes lumber from urban street trees that have been cut down due to storm damage, disease, and other reasons. Anneli Rufus: Rainwater Toilets and Slag: Touring Berkeley's Greenest Building
  • His eldest son John was ordained as deacon, serving as curate under his father at Llangeitho.
  • Not yet, however, was the power of the keys instituted, which is derived from Christ's Passion, and consequently it was not yet ordained that a man should grieve for his sin, with the purpose of submitting himself by confession and satisfaction to the keys of the Church, in the hope of receiving forgiveness through the power of Christ's Passion. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • This year eight men will be ordained in Ireland to the priesthood of the Catholic Church.
  • Watson had been ordained a deacon in 1856 and he took priest's orders two years later.
  • Nature and Law compel it: whose direction now is towards grand centripetalism, where before they had ordained heterogeneity and the scattering and aloofness of peoples. The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • But there was nothing preordained about the outcome of events in the Balkans in the late 1940s.
  • This exhibition reminds us that such a result was hardly preordained.
  • They were staffed by clergymen ordained in the Church of England.
  • When I began ordained ministry as an assistant pastor in Fairport, New York, I was invited to be part of a pastors' group that met monthly to study the pericopes for the next month's preaching.
  • Law ordains universally that neither Man nor Woman shall be approached so closely as to destroy the interval between the approximator and the approximated. Flatland: a romance of many dimensions
  • Of course, these parallels do not preordain a second Depression. Depression 2010?
  • He was ordained a minister of the Church of Scotland by the Presbytery of Edinburgh in 1936.
  • Mahan did not hold that the ultimate outcome had been preordained - that is, that naval supremacy as such guaranteed victory.
  • An exaggerated sense of antiquarianism, anthopologism, confusion of roles between the ordained and the non-ordained, a limitless provision of space for experimentation -- and indeed, the tendency to look down upon some aspects of the development of the Liturgy in the second millennium -- were increasingly visible among certain liturgical schools. Clear Words of Msgr Ranjith on the Flaws of the Postconciliar Liturgical Reforms and the Need for a Reform of the Reform
  • That would see ordained lay deacons performing most of the functions of a priest, apart from celebrating the Eucharist.
  • The noun, according to the same authority, denotes the act of decreeing or foreordaining events; the act of God, by which He hath from eternity unchangeably appointed or determined whatsoever comes to pass. The Doctrines of Predestination, Reprobation, and Election
  • Thyself ordain who first must seize the blazing bar and burn the Cyclops 'eye out, that we may share alike whate'er betides. The Cyclops
  • I begin by analyzing the key role played by Red fronter turned Red hunter J.B. Matthews, himself an ordained Methodist, in calling attention to Soviet-lining clergy in a highly controversial 1953 American Mercury article. Jim Tuck's homepage, biography and published works
  • In 1861, after some hesitation, he was ordained deacon in the Anglican Church but never chose to advance to full priesthood.
  • And this proficience in navigation and discoveries may plant also an expectation of the further proficience and augmentation of all sciences, because it may seem that they are ordained by God to be coevals, that is, to meet in one age. The Idea of Progress An inguiry into its origin and growth
  • And, of course, there were those who said they would split away from the church when they decided to ordain women.
  • Howbeit not yet was it ordained for the heroes to set foot on Achaea, until they had toiled even in the furthest bounds of Libya. The Argonautica
  • This stunning defeat causes another "helpful wave of indignation" [1] across the "homeland," preordaining a new US response. Big "Sacrifice" Gambit
  • On such occasions my unease has been all the more apparent because these unordained ministers do not share it.
  • Joseph's parents know that he is a miracle child with a special destiny ordained by God.
  • Anyone of average intelligence might wonder: Who ordained these traits?
  • So was shaved Shagpat, the son of Shimpoor, the son of Shoolpi, the son of Shullum, by Shibli Bagarag, of Shiraz, according to preordainment. The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment — Volume 4
  • But if the story of Poland tells us anything, it is that a nation's success or failure is never preordained.
  • For the record, I was raised in a Christian home and both of my parents were ordained hellfire and brimstone ministers.
  • In such cases, the re-ordained bhikkhus were permitted to keep their seniority. A Summary Report of the 2007 International Congress on the Women's Role in the Sangha: Bhikshuni Vinaya and Ordination Lineages ��� Part Two: Day One
  • 4 According to the Apostolic Constitutions the woman deacon is ordained ‘according to her worthiness’ into a ministry of the lower clergy (subdeacon, lector, cantor).
  • When the dramatic decline in the number of candidates for the priesthood is factored in, the threat to the sacramental mission of the church weighs heavily on today's ordained ministers.
  • Religious experts vary from formally installed priests and teachers representing the institutionalized religions to self-ordained shamans, healers, and sorcerers.
  • A lot of self-ordained mystics did the same thing in the sixties. EVENING’S EMPIRE
  • He remembered seeing planes flying across the sky to some preordained destination and the feeling of wanting to join them on their voyage.
  • At the last minute, the host decides to lighten things up by adding Zerbinetta and her Italian commedia dell'arte troupe to the program, and then, to save time, ordains that the opera and the harlequinade be combined. Christmas Gifts From Paris
  • Hereby the community or whole body of the faithful, even to the meanest member, are vested from Christ with full power and authority actually to discharge and execute all acts of order and jurisdiction without exception: e.g. To preach the word authoritatively, dispense the sacraments, ordain their officers, admonish offenders, excommunicate the obstinate and incorrigible, and absolve the penitent. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • Father O'Dooley was ordained a priest in 1949.
  • And, any style manual or self-ordained expert to the contrary, neither way -- with or without comma -- will be wrong in the way I think you want to use it. The girl who kicked the publisher's keister for misplacing an apostrophe
  • He ordained us not to talk.
  • Recently a priest who had served for years as an official in the chancery office was ordained an auxiliary bishop.
  • At the same time, though, a monk who deliberately ends the life of a patient, even from compassionate motives, is expelled from the monkhood and can never reordain in this life, so there's no room for euthanasia or assisted suicide. Educating Compassion by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
  • America's belief in its own God-ordained uniqueness started to erode.
  • Ordained an Anglican priest, he did keep up with his era's intellectual currents.
  • To be ordained a priest in the Church, a person had to be able to read Syriac and learn the Syriac liturgy by heart.
  • Periodic meetings of ordained leaders link the districts of a settlement into a loose federation.
  • The newly ordained priest will minister for the next two years at the church.
  • That good pope who was the first institutor of fasting understood this well enough; for he ordained that our fast should reach but to the hour of noon; all the remainder of that day was at our disposure, freely to eat and feed at any time thereof. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • But it was equally unpleasant to drift aimlessly through the blackness of space, all the while abiding either the fortuity of happening upon errant matter or the slow, foreordained approach of death.
  • Some theologians object to the idea that a person ordained online is called a "reverend" but isn't necessarily obliged to act on all of a traditionally trained reverend's premarriage duties, such as counseling a couple before their wedding day. Chapel Bound: Getting Ordained Online
  • He was ordained priest last year.
  • foreordaining" them signifies His fixed purpose, flowing from this, to Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • It was foreordained that the company would suffer a spectacular collapse.
  • In 1803, he was ordained minister of the Federal Street Church (now the Arlington Street Church) in Boston.
  • For so the Son of God was "foreknown" (so the Greek for "foreordained," 1Pe 1: 20) to be the sacrificial Lamb, not against, or without His will, but His will rested in the will of the Father; this includes self-conscious action; nay, even cheerful acquiescense. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • In fact, a bishop today is not consecrated but ordained.
  • Italian-born missionary and prelate who introduced Christianity to southern Britain and in 598 was ordained as the first archbishop of Canterbury.
  • The brute force and overwhelming technological superiority of the world's sole superpower preordains the ultimate outcome.
  • Mary looked at the army of women celibates in offices and in stores and in their apartments and in their boarding houses, women celibates five and ten and fifteen and twenty years into the period when nature has by irrepealable edict ordained love. The Women of Tomorrow
  • Shaggy's enjoyed our fair share of kind offers to have our anatomy enlarged, become an ordained minister online or join a deceased dictator's family in spiriting millions of dollars out of Africa.
  • He was ordained as a Lutheran minister in 1819 and later entered the Presbyterian ministry.
  • His life seems to have followed a preordained path/direction.
  • Conscience prevailing, he was received at Douai, then sent from Rome by the Jesuits to Bohemia to serve his novitiate, before being reordained in Prague.
  • ‘O Allah, I swear by Thy Greatness and Thy Glory, I meant not through my disobedience to transgress against Thee; for indeed I am not ignorant of Thee; but my fault is one Thou didst foreordain to me from eternity without beginning; 357 so do Thou pardon my transgression, for indeed I disobeyed Thee of my ignorance!’ The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • SPIRIT, by which was "revealed" to them "_The wisdom of God_ ... even the _hidden wisdom_, which GOD ordained before the world. Notes and Queries, Number 39, July 27, 1850
  • Dr. Gentry is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America.
  • She was among the first group of Church of England deaconesses to be ordained as deacons. Coping With Sudden Hair Loss
  • Benedict also discussed his contentious speech in Regensburg, Germany, in 2006, which provoked the ire of the Muslim world; denounced drug abuse; explained what he described as the impossibility of ordaining women as priests; and, with surprising candor, said that if he did not feel up to the task of being pope, he would resign. The Seattle Times
  • Six Colorado parishes have left the church to join the Anglican Mission in America, the organization headed by the two bishops ordained in Singapore.
  • And they rejoice, he "has made all things for himself; yea, even the wricked for the day of evil;" and that he has, for his own glory, foreordained whatsoever comes to pass. Sermons on various important subjects of doctrine and practice
  • In other words, does where we're born preordain where our loyalties will fall? The Welsh Girl by Peter Ho Davies: Questions
  • He is brimming with unused love, a passion for justice, a need to repent that surpasses what the law ordained.
  • The Indonesian bishops have been petitioning for some 30 years now to ordain some of their married catechists in order to provide the Eucharist mass and the sacraments for people.
  • Freemantle and the newly ordained Richard Grey remained Crewe's closest confidants through the last years of his life.
  • Unprecedented numbers were joining the ranks of the church's vowed celibates (priests, unordained brothers and nuns) to staff this vast infrastructure.
  • It was ordained by God that man and woman should marry and raise families.
  • In fact Watson has been ordained a deacon in 1856 and he took priest's orders two years later.
  • I wrote earlier about how I thought much of Twitter's value came from not preordaining the way it should be used, the way Dodgeball did. Consider Twitter - Anil Dash
  • As mentioned earlier, Archbishop Raymond Leo Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, today celebrated Pontifical Mass in the usus antiquior and ordained five priests for the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FFI) in the church of St. Francis in Tarquinia (a small town in Latium). Ordinations for the Franciscans of the Immaculate
  • Maybe the results were pre-ordained by the intrinsic superiority of a renascent New Zealand.
  • He received the confessions of his monks [there are instances of those who were not priests usurping this office (Marin, op. cit., 96)] and could ordain them to minor Orders, including the subdiaconate. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Phillips 'order "does not order the military to redesign its barracks, to retool its pay scales or benefits, to reordain its chaplains, to rewrite its already extensive anti-harassment or' dignity and respect '"rules, or anything else," they said. Log Cabin Republicans Push Supreme Court To Vacate Stay On DADT Repeal
  • Hasan lay hidden beneath the settle, weeping-eyed and woeful-hearted, knowing not what was decreed to him in the secret preordainment of Allah. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The plummet in interest in religion was brought home last week when only one Catholic Priest was ordained in Northern Ireland for the year coming.
  • Would you go along with that or is that sort of preordaining something that is not a foregone conclusion? CNN Transcript - Saturday Morning News: Political Races Heat Up in Wake of New Hampshire Primary - February 5, 2000
  • The decision to ordain me to the priesthood was made because they needed a priest for West Point.
  • Langs (1974 stated emphatically that the failure to share a preordained termination leads to “overintense, paranoid-like, rageful and vengeful fantasies, which are based on the sense of betrayal, “because the therapist has compromised himself and no longer invites trust” (p. Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • The minister was ordained only last month
  • All governments are ordained by God and hence David's ire at the messenger who brought the message of Saul's death.
  • On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
  • John Taylor, an unordained pastor working at a Bible Society shantytown, accompanied them and was appointed by the government as their agent.
  • The purchaser of stock, of course, who must always bear in mind that stocks are never foreordained to go up or down.
  • So I don't think that you can, uh, foresee or foreordain any particular outcome, but I do think what we're all saying is that there is, at least in our experience, more of an openness to process, to bring people together to the table, that collaboration and collegiality. Archive 2007-01-14
  • But fate ordained otherwise, and he lost his life in the most tragic way as he was lending a helping hand at the new home his daughter Jane and her husband were building.
  • HuffPost Arts Editor Kimberly Brooks hosted a lively Q&A after the film at which friends, family, and self-ordained critics asked questions of director Brooks Branch and two of the film's stars, Mira Sorvino and Dana Delany. PHOTOS:HuffPost Hosts Screening of 'Multiple Sarcasms'
  • Recently we heard of a club that had a one-word code preordaining the next seven plays.
  • To foreordain or elect by divine will or decree.
  • Moreover we ordain that those who hold the provosties, shrievalties, and other baillies cannot sell them to anyone else without our leave, and if several persons combine to buy the aforesaid offices, it is our will that one of the buyers shall perform the duties for all the rest, and exercise the liberties pertaining to remounts, tallages and public charges, as the custom is. The Memoirs of the Lord of Joinville
  • The discussion concerns postulants and candidates for holy orders, more particularly those who aspire to ordained ministry as vocational or permanent deacons.
  • Contacts between the area staff and the students were not limited to formal classroom work and occasional formally ordained informal contact.
  • The diocese prays that all those involved in this attempt to 'ordain' ` Roman Catholic Womenpriests will be reconciled with the church, and that the harm and division caused will be healed," the Diocese of Venice, Fla., said in a statement. Clerical Whispers
  • At some point along the way he was ordained as a Pentecostal minister.
  • This encounter with what was then an optimistic ecumenical movement led him to be ordained as an Anglican. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, baptism establishes the lay status of a believer by ordaining that person into the lay order.
  • The King ordained that deer should not be hunted without a royal licence.
  • Rather than being a preordained victory for a Prussian steamroller, the war was a fascinating and uncertain contest between two rival military systems.
  • In the pre-earth life, I was already foreordained to be a missionary.
  • It may seem you are making your own destiny, but always you follow the path Fate ordained.
  • The result, as ordained by the panel of Elders, is not what the current incumbent expected. REVIEW: The Good Old Stuff edited by Gardner Dozois
  • These orders all seem to go to saying we can, as it were, foreordain a regime that will minimise the risk.
  • But in trying to cut off speculation, he appeared to foreordain the final judgment. The Real Cover-Up
  • An ordained pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, he previously taught homiletics and liturgics at the University of Notre Dame.
  • But the sacred bulls, the one called Apis and the other Mnevis, were dedicated to Osiris, and it was ordained that they should be worshipped as gods in common by all the Egyptians, since these animals above all others had helped the discoverers of corn in sowing the seed and procuring the universal benefits of agriculture. The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion
  • I am the bread of life -- Henceforth the discourse is all in the first person, "I," "Me," which occur in one form or other, as Stier reckons, thirty-five times. he that cometh to me -- to obtain what the soul craves, and as the only all-sufficient and ordained source of supply. hunger ... thirst -- shall have conscious and abiding satisfaction. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Whether or not the ordaining bhikshus incur a minor infraction, after the new bhikshunis have kept their vows purely for ten years, they can participate in a dual sangha and also confer shikshamana and brahmacharya ordinations. A Summary Report of the 2007 International Congress on the Women's Role in the Sangha: Bhikshuni Vinaya and Ordination Lineages ��� Part One: Background
  • And on the other, it is the conscious acceptance of man's vicegerency on earth as ordained by Allah.
  • Not every one of these cases is likely to achieve unquestioned acceptance as evidence for ordained women in the ancient Church.
  • And there was ordained an horse bier; and so with an hundred torches ever brenning about the corpse of the queen, and ever Sir Launcelot with his eight fellows went about the horse bier, singing and reading many an holy orison, and frankincense upon the corpse incensed. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • The ordaining prelate was Msgr. Appignanesi, archbishop emeritus of Potenza, Italy. New Priests for the IBP
  • I recommend this little volume to lay and ordained people alike as a companion to daily prayer and as a source for inspiration - and quotations!
  • He studied theology at Cambridge University before being ordained as a deacon and priest in 1979.
  • The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.
  • For life is a paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment.
  • John Connor is ordained to be one of the several survivors of Earth who will be in the lead a very complicated rebellion in opposition to the automatons. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 61
  • There is strong support here for the tough economic reforms ordained in the federal capital, Prague.
  • Union, establish justice, "-- yes, Sir, _establish justice_ --" to promote the general welfare, and to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Speech of John Hossack, Convicted of a Violation of the Fugitive Slave Law Before Judge Drummond, Of The United States District Court, Chicago, Ill.
  • An oxherd hight Bubulcus, and is ordained by office to keep oxen: He feedeth and nourisheth oxen, and bringeth them to leas and home again: and bindeth their feet with a langhaldes and spanells and nigheth and cloggeth them while they be in pasture and leas, and yoketh and maketh them draw at the plough: and pricketh the slow with a goad, and maketh them draw even. Mediaeval Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus
  • He left the University as a probationer, but he was not ordained at this stage.
  • He is a presenter whose entire oeuvre comes with the invisible inverted commas of self-ordained irony. Times, Sunday Times
  • _Breath_, diversly Figured by the Instruments ordained for the Speech. Surdus loquens. English
  • President Barack Obama has appointed Indian American management consultant Anju Bhargava, who is also an ordained 'pujari' (priest), as the member of a faith-based advisory council of the White House. Undefined
  • For instance, the Old Catholic church ordains women. Do you know about Old Catholics?
  • The Wakamba ordain a coitus about the third day, and after this the puerpera is considered clean. Labor Among Primitive Peoples
  • On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
  • an ordained priest
  • Fate had ordained that he should die in poverty.
  • Ironically, the way in which Aeneas abandons Dido in favour of his preordained fate is characteristic of Carthaginian treachery.
  • Groves believed there was no need for him to be ordained to minister the Word of God.
  • And major advances in Unitarian theology have always had significant participation from non-clergy: There were unordained people -- most notably women -- in the central group of Transcendentalists; the organization of the National Conference of Unitarian Churches in the mid-1860s introduced lay representatives of churches for the first time; the early 20th-century Unitarian movement was promoted more aggressively and probably more effectively by the independent Unitarian Laymen's League than by the denomination itself. Philocrites: A religion still seeking definition.
  • London who is also an ordained Church of England clergyman. Times, Sunday Times
  • John Paul traces his pastoral concern for the young back to his work with them soon after he was ordained a priest.
  • Later, the Fuke school came to be composed primarily of wandering, non-ordained ascetics who specialized in playing the shakuhachi flute.
  • One unordained woman minister expressed gratitude that she had never been ordained.
  • And also such another chariot with such hosts ordained and arrayed go with the empress upon another side, everych by himself, with four hosts, right as the emperor did; but not with so great multitude of people. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • He was ordained a minister two years ago and is pastor of Perfecting Faith Church in Freeport, New York, which has more than 400 members.
  • Yet no one can deny that God foreknew what end man was to have before he created him, and consequently foreknew because he so ordained by his decree… God not only foresaw the fall of the first man, and in him the ruin of his descendants, but also meted it out in accordance with his own decision. Why I am not a Calvinist « Anglican Samizdat
  • All the rights, powers and authority given Powers and du - to the North Adams fire district by this act shall be exer - cised by said fire district, subject to all the duties, liabil - ities and restrictions herein contained, in such manner and by such agents, oflScers and servants as the said fire district shall from time to time ordain, direct and appoint. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • He summarized the state of deaconess issue as follows: The possibility of ordaining women to the diaconate is still an unsettled question in the Catholic Church. Milwaukee News Item #1: Married Catholic Priests « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • Fate had pre-ordained their meeting/that they should meet.
  • He acknowledged that his fingers had lost their cunning, but the fates ordained that his ideas should blossom as his manipulatory skill withered Tropic Days
  • He was the first Westerner to be ordained as a monk by the Dalai Lama and now teaches at Columbia University.
  • The ‘reality’ about the Church is that it last year ordained 569 new deacons - 50 per cent more than four years ago - and that today there are more than 1,600 ordinands in training, it says.
  • God and/or the king had ordained it, and they were powerless.
  • Invoked by ordained priests through daily puja rituals, the Gods and angelic beings, or devas, in the inner, spiritual worlds are able to bless us through the Deity's image in the temple.
  • In 1959 Andrew was ordained as a minister and has served the Lord faithfully in different ministries, pastoring churches in Mexico and Texas.
  • A monk brought Buddhism to Korea and started an unbroken tradition of ordained men and women which continues up to the present day.
  • On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
  • The protestors were denigrating the primary symbol of the ordained ministry, they claimed, and thumbing their noses at the Church.
  • Only this I would recommend to you, that before interest had guided men in what they had to do, all the translations that were extant in English did read this text, "And ordained them elders by election," as the word doth signify: so you will find it in your old translations. The Sermons of John Owen
  • One amendment effectively would expel from the council any member who "attempts to ordain as a member of the rabbinate, or to denominate as 'rabbinical' or as 'clergy,' a person not eligible to serve as such as those terms are understood under the policies and positions of the RCA. JTA - Recent News
  • We would pray for those who are in training and especially for those who will be ordained in your church this summer.
  • It has shown itself unable to pass on the faith in its integrity and is inadequate, therefore, in fostering the joyful self-surrender called for in Christian marriage, in consecrated life, in ordained priesthood. Jesuit: Obama is "the most effective spokesperson" for "the spirit of Vatican II"
  • At 23, Jackson was ordained as a minister in the African Zionist church, while learning wood-carving from his father.
  • An ordained pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, he previously taught homiletics and liturgics at the University of Notre Dame.
  • He was ordained as a diocesan priest in the year 1984.
  • Because Watergate has become part of the received national lore—with heroes, villains, and the comforting moral that crime does not pay—we forget that its outcome was not foreordained and that those two years were very suspenseful. The Good Fight
  • In 1959 Andrew was ordained as a minister and has served the Lord faithfully in different ministries, pastoring churches in Mexico and Texas.
  • His rule was ordained by heaven.
  • After completing his studies, in which he excelled in philosophy and theology, he was ordained and was assigned to preaching.
  • And you can trust that it is ordained by God himself because Brian Tamaki tells you so.
  • They are each a series of predictable reactions that are socially and geographically ordained. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like all municipal corporations, up to an advanced period of the Roman empire, they issued honorary decrees, [11] voted resolutions, which had the force of law for the community, and ordained corporal punishments, of which the hazzan was the ordinary executor. [ The Life of Jesus
  • He was exiled in 1915 for political activities and ended his days as an ordained member of the Sagha.
  • Meanwhile on the churchly front, he served as canonical counselor and defender of the first Episcopal women priests irregularly ordained.
  • Should the Church bless same-sex unions and ordain gay and lesbian people in same-sex partnership?
  • He graduated from Columbia Theological Seminary in 1996 with the Master of Divinity, was ordained in 1997 and received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Texas Christian University in 2006.
  • You speak as though we all exist as helpless puppets ordained to live a certain way, and that to struggle against this cookie-cutter is wrong and futile. The Volokh Conspiracy » Sex Education, Dirty Words, and the Due Process Clause
  • Women have been ordained for many years in the Church of Scotland.
  • We need to distinguish between the foreordaining to adoption, and the actual act of adoption which took place when we believed in Christ. The Great Doctrines of the Bible
  • Conservatives object when progressives attempt to make life better through government action because they see no point in altering a pre-ordained order of things, and they think that the less government there is the better. When the kids ask how America could fall so far so fast (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • They're not ordained by God's invisible hand in the market.
  • Hopefully researchers will let the data speak for itself without preordaining an outcome which the data must be made to conform to. The Volokh Conspiracy » Data Sharing and Climate Change Research
  • Selected for Ordination in Canada he is to be ordained here, by the Bishop of Southwark with letters dimissory which means that the Bishop of Southwark is ordaining him on behalf of the Bishop of Fredricton, Canada.
  • It had been one of Fletcher's last acts to choose her to go to the Mission; he'd even indicated that it had somehow been preordained. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • The coming correction was preordained by bad policy choices backed by erroneous economic theories.
  • Indeed when the time was right for me - as I believe it was pre-ordained - I found the shul and the rabbi to whom I am most indebted.
  • His views were considered heretical by many in the convent, but nevertheless he was ordained a Catholic priest in 1572.
  • His rule was ordained by heaven.
  • The sanctuary's founder went the extra mile and got ordained so she could wed the couple.
  • Right, but that's a rather rigid view as though "foreknown" can't be a part of an overall foreordained scheme. It Is Written: LOST and Slumdog Millionaire, Peter and Judas, Ben and John
  • Instead of creating Winthrop's vision of an ordered society, the Pilgrims actually invented the raucous, ultra-democratic New England town meeting — a system of governance, the Dartmouth historian Colin Galloway observes, that "displays more attributes of Algonkian government by consensus than of Puritan government by the divinely ordained. 1491: excerpts part 3
  • He was ordained minister of a small rural congregation.

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