How To Use Opsin In A Sentence
This pellet was utilized to prepare bacteriorhodopsin while the supernatant was used for the isolation of crude fatty acids.
Upon replacement of chloride ion with azide, the fast electric signal changes its sign from positive to negative, and becomes similar to that detected in bacteriorhodopsin.
Rhodopsin consists of a protein called opsin bonded to a pigment called retinal.
Other arrhythmic animals must also have dichromatic color vision during the day and detect wavelengths somewhere between 430 and 500 nm at night, depending on their rhodopsins and specific types of blue pigments.
The newly identified isomerase enzyme plays a crucial role in the regeneration of rhodopsin visual pigment in the retina after light exposure.

Also, rhodopsin helps keeping our eyes see things clearly in the dark by improving the visual ability, and at the same time protects us from the hazard of the computer radiation.
The NK1, kappa opioid, and CCRS receptors all have an amino acid composition similar to rhodopsin near the conserved Pro.
The economies of traditional fuels like RME and ethanol from starch and sugar cropsin moderate climate zones are poor and unlikely to reach competitive price levels.
Chapter 9
They'll-get-you-coming-and-going, from his Grove entry: Apart from [his appointment as Abbot of] Löpsingen, he had three sources of income — a stipend from the Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide in Rome, the abbacy of San Stefano in Carrara, near Padua, and a provostship in the Rhenish town of Seltz.
Archive 2009-03-01
Each of these species contains opsin genes which are not expressed in the adult retina.
Another anion, azide, is used in the study of bacteriorhodopsin mutants as a substitute for proton donor or acceptor when they are altered in the protein.
Although this can be visualized for bacteriorhodopsin, the calculation is a large computational undertaking.
The scientists were able to see previously unobserved changes in the structure of rhodopsin, which is a model for the ubiquitous G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), heptahelical, transmembrane receptors found in eukaryotic cells. - latest science and technology news stories
Namely, two rhodopsins that absorb in different spectral bands and optimally function at different intensity ranges generate two photoreceptor currents that control flagella movement during phototaxis.
1966-70 Continued microcosm studies: with Scott Nixon metabolism of brine microcosms and analog simulation showed rhodopsin photorespiration in pink Halophilic bacteria before it was found by physiologists.
Annotated contributions of Howard T. Odum
We constructed eight mutant rhodopsin proteins and studied the effect of arrestin-mediated deactivation.
A new approach to the three-dimensional structure of membrane proteins has been developed and tested on the integral membrane protein, bacteriorhodopsin, the crystal structure of which had previously been determined.
Advisories will remain in effect until there have been two consecutive weeks of non-detection for anatoxin-a, saxitoxin and cylindrospermopsin and two consecutive weeks of microcystin below 20 ppb (set by the World Health Organization as the upper end of the moderate-risk range for contact with microcystin). - News
Hartmut Michel managed to crystallize a membrane protein (bacteriorhodopsin) after having solubilized the lipid bilayer of the membrane with a detergent.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1988
Invertebrates have rhabodomeric cells that use a special version of the photopigment called r-opsin, and activate cells by a particular pathway called a phospholipase-C cascade.
PZ Myers - The Deepest Links (on Evolution)
The pancreatic, the most important of the digestive fluids, contains other ferments; one called amylopsin, takes up the digestion of any remaining or imperfectly converted starch left from the salivary digestion.
The Chemistry of Food and Nutrition
Retinal sections were stained with cresyl violet for examining general retinal lamination and with photoreceptor cell-specific antibodies (rhodopsin, cone arrestin), which showed the preservation of cone and rod photoreceptors within the MSC treated animals.
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It is the reddish purple color of retinal that gives rhodopsin its former name visual purple.
In that case, Kenny Shopsin's "Eat Me," a hilariously crankish collection of artery-clogging recipes from the diner that fed the elite of New York bohemia in its heyday, will hit the spot.
A Recipe for Escapism
The solids include mineral salts (the chief of which is sodium carbonate) and four different chemical agents, or enzymes, — trypsin, amylopsin, steapsin, and a milk-curding enzyme.
Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools
They'll-get-you-coming-and-going, from his Grove entry: Apart from [his appointment as Abbot of] Löpsingen, he had three sources of income — a stipend from the Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide in Rome, the abbacy of San Stefano in Carrara, near Padua, and a provostship in the Rhenish town of Seltz.
Archive 2009-03-01
This finding suggests that functional differences in G-protein binding or activation may exist between the two opsins.
Halorhodopsin, an electrogenic light-driven ion pump which belongs to the family of the seven-helical trans-membrane proteins, was discovered in the archaea Halobacterium salinarum.
Based on the λmax of heterologously expressed opsins from O. niloticus
PLoS Biology: New Articles
PYP belongs to the group of photoactive proteins including the rhodopsins, the phytochromes, and the cryptochromes.
Visual pigments are composed of a light-absorbing chromophore that is bound to the protein opsin.
An animal's brain distinguishes among colors by comparing the signals it receives from cones containing different opsins.
(A) Relative SWS1 (ultraviolet) opsin expression is higher among Lake Malawi cichlids foraging on phytoplankton, zooplankton, and epilithic algae (phylogenetic ANOVA).
PLoS Biology: New Articles
I refer to Shopsin's, the ultimate in idiosyncratic cuisine, now located for your madcap pleasure in the Essex Street Market.
Avery Corman: New York Hero Sandwiches: Not Always Heroic
The carotenoid compounds, including beta-carotene, are essential components of our diets, acting as precursors to the chromophoric molecule rhodopsin, the pigment of vision.
Right now I have an IUD, which is long lasting and no-oopsing, but it's reversible, if, someday, I change my mind.
The Future By Thirds
These 'nonvisual' light responses have been suggested to be predominantly mediated by the novel photopigment melanopsin Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) belongs to the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)/glucagons/secretin family and plays pleiotropic roles as a neurotransmitter, neuromodulator and neurotrophic factor
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We vertebrates have ciliary cells, c-opsin, and a phosphodiesterase pathway.
PZ Myers - The Deepest Links (on Evolution)
He also investigated the mutations in rhodopsin that are associated with retinitis pigmentosa, the cause of night blindness.
Times, Sunday Times
These 'nonvisual' light responses have been suggested to be predominantly mediated by the novel photopigment melanopsin Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) belongs to the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)/glucagons/secretin family and plays pleiotropic roles as a neurotransmitter, neuromodulator and neurotrophic factor
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Flashbangs produced an incredibly bright light—approximately two million candela, which even with eyes closed would cause a bleaching of the rhodopsin, the visual purple in the eye, creating the spots and temporary blindness most people have experienced and referred to as the flashbulb effect.
State of the Union
This is one order of magnitude slower than the decay of K in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle.
Molecular characterizations and spectral tuning studies have been performed on opsin proteins found in many insect groups, including bees, moths and butterflies, mantids, fireflies, and fruit flies.
The channelrhodopsin switch is “really going to blow the lid off the whole analysis of brain function,” said George Augustine, a neurobiologist at Duke University in Durham, N.C. Dr. Deisseroth, who is also a psychiatrist who treats patients with autism or severe depression, has ambitious goals.
The Beam that Flips the Switch for Autistism | Impact Lab
When Teresa and I ate there last summer, I was trepidatious about asking for some substitutions, given Shopsin's reputation for being a real hardcase with finicky eaters, but he was glad to try some new stuff for me, and the food turned out superbly.
Boing Boing
They'll-get-you-coming-and-going, from his Grove entry: Apart from [his appointment as Abbot of] Löpsingen, he had three sources of income — a stipend from the Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide in Rome, the abbacy of San Stefano in Carrara, near Padua, and a provostship in the Rhenish town of Seltz.
Was (Not Was)
So the scientists got to wondering: what would happen if they gave a boy squirrel monkey the same opsin that girls have.
[Footnote 27: Ptyalin and amylopsin are the ferments found in the mouth and intestines, respectively.] and in the digestive juices of the intestines [Footnote 28: Ptyalin and amylopsin are the ferments found in the mouth and intestines, respectively.] cause this change.
School and Home Cooking
The spectra of the intermediates and the ground forms of the rhodopsin family possess a characteristic common feature.
Lack of proton-pumping activity has also been found in heterologously expressed Neurospora rhodopsin, which has carboxylated residues at both the Schiff base proton donor and acceptor positions, as does GtR1.
Japan The photopigment melanopsin has been suggested to act as a dominant photoreceptor in nonvisual photoreception including resetting of the circadian clock (entrainment), direct tuning or masking of vital status (activity, sleep/wake cycles, etc.), and the pupillary light reflex
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The photopigment melanopsin has been suggested to act as a dominant photoreceptor in nonvisual photoreception including resetting of the circadian clock (entrainment), direct tuning or masking of vital status (activity, sleep/wake cycles, etc.), and the pupillary light reflex (PLR).
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In non-chordate inverebrates, opsin is linked via the adaptor protein to an enzyme called phospholipase C, and in chordates and vertebrates, it is linked to a phosphodiesterase enzyme.
Blind Mice vs Behe; the Evolution of Vision - The Panda's Thumb
Every photopigment consists of a derivative of vitamin A linked to a protein molecule called an opsin.
Invertebrates have rhabodomeric cells that use a special version of the photopigment called r-opsin, and activate cells by a particular pathway called a phospholipase-C cascade.
PZ Myers - The Deepest Links (on Evolution)
Vitamin A then combines with a protein opsin to form rhodopsin.
Deyes goes on to discuss rhodopsin before throwing this red hot pepper in the pot:
Building Trees Sequentially
N, et al. (2008) Visual sensitivities tuned by heterochronic shifts in opsin gene expression.
PLoS Biology: New Articles
The Netropsin ligand consists of a guanidinium, two pyrrole, and a propylamidinium part.
This action is due to the _amylopsin_, (61) which is similar to ptyalin but is more vigorous.
Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools
Walter Stockenius, Dieter Oesterhelt had discovered bacteriorhodopsin in halobacteria and later proposed that it acts as a lightdriven proton pump in the framework of Peter Mitchell's chemiosmotic theory.
Hartmut Michel - Autobiography
The non-radiative resonance energy transfer between purple membrane protein(Bacteruiorhodopsin) PM and ionophore A23187 was observed.
The transport of opsin to the outer segment of photoreceptor cells seems especially critical for viability of these cells.
Even native, isolated pigment proteins like bacteriorhodopsin have been investigated for their applicability as optical switches.
Legend Potential areas of conflict Roads Railroads Threats to the troopsIn planning the peacekeeping operation, army officials are preparing U.S. troops for Bosnia's many dangers: 1 As many as 1,000 Islamic fundamentalists, called mujahedin, are operating independently in Bosnia and could harm U.S. troops.
Gearing Up For Peace
Flashbangs produced an incredibly bright light—approximately two million candela, which even with eyes closed would cause a bleaching of the rhodopsin, the visual purple in the eye, creating the spots and temporary blindness most people have experienced and referred to as the flashbulb effect.
State of the Union
The method was parameterized with the aim of retrieving the native structure of bacteriorhodopsin among near- and far-from-native templates.
They found that N-cyclopentyl-tazopsine, a less-toxic compound derived from the molecule, was effective against early, liver-stage malaria parasites in animal tests.
The membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin, a light-driven proton pump, is a very suitable protein to study proton transfer.
In contrast, most New World primates, such as the tamarins and marmosets of South America, are dichromatic, having just blue-sensitive and green-sensitive opsins.
In Bombus impatiens a similar pattern is likely, since UV opsin is found in zero, one or two receptors per ommatidium, and these cells always correspond to the R1 or R5 photoreceptors
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Saranak J, Patel N, Zarilli G, Okabe M, et al. (1984) A rhodopsin is the functional photoreceptor for phototaxis in the unicellular eukaryote
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Vitamin A is material to synthesis rhodopsin which is a kind of sensitive material in human and animal retina.
This result qualitatively explains the experimentally observed wavelength dependence of Phi for rhodopsin and reveals the importance of delocalized, torsional modes in the reactive pathway.
Blurred vision can be a lack of a light sensitive pigment called rhodopsin, or visual purple, that’s composed of vitamin A and protein.
Human Eye: Part 4
Another protein is rhodopsin, which is found in cells that make up the retina of the eye.
The Edge of Evolution
At the same time the present study shows that proteorhodopsin-mediated phototrophy (the process of acquiring energy from light) allows marine bacteria to better survive periods of starvation in an often nutrient-depleted ocean. - latest science and technology news stories
Because azido has a unique vibration frequency that is sensitive to its surroundings, the team was able to use the spectroscopic data to confirm structural changes rhodopsin undergoes in light versus dark. - latest science and technology news stories
The integral membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin acts as a light-driven proton pump in the purple membrane of Halobacterium salinarum.
This alters the way in which one of the proteins in the retina—rhodopsin, a pigment responsible for night vision as well as blue-green color vision—behaves.
In the pure-cone American chameleon retina, all visual opsins including rod opsin are expressed.
Previous anatomical studies of PACAP/melanopsin-containing retinal innervation suggested roles of PACAP/melanopsin in a broad variety of nonvisual photoreception
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To calculate average single - or double-cone sensitivities, peak spectral sensitivities for each opsin were weighted by the fraction of their expression in each cone type using the following equations: where fi is the relative expression and λ max values from heterologously expressed O. niloticus opsins (SWS1 = 360 nm, SWS2B = 425 nm, SWS2A = 456 nm, Rh2B = 472 nm, Rh2Aα+β = 523 nm [mean], and LWS = 560 nm) [63].
PLoS Biology: New Articles
The solids include mineral salts (the chief of which is sodium carbonate) and four different chemical agents, or enzymes, — trypsin, amylopsin, steapsin, and a milk-curding enzyme.
Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools
Internal structural water molecules seem to play an important role in proton conduction in membrane proteins like bacteriorhodopsin, the photosynthetic reaction center, and cytochrome-c oxydases.
In 2003 they published a paper with a bold claim: “ChR2 [a variant of channelrhodopsin] may be used to depolarize [that is, excite] animal cells… simply by illumination.”
World Wide Mind
Algal toxins arising from the blooms include microcystin, anatoxin-a, cylindrospermopsin and saxitoxin, according to the Ohio Department of Health.
The Star Beacon; Ashtabula, Ohio Home Page
And it invites the conclusion that rhodopsin-like compounds are a particularly favoured way of going about light detection in the animal world.
We trace which amino acids contact the chromophore of rhodopsin.
Lu J, Fischer D, Saper CB (2003) A broad role for melanopsin in nonvisual photoreception.
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