How To Use Oppenheimer In A Sentence
Peter Oppenheimer just raced into the Jobs Pod okay, he kind of lumbered, actually after reading this item from my blog earlier today about the guy with 100 old Macs in his house.
The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs : Our new Mac recycling program
Oppenheimer seems to have absolved himself for lack of special expertise in ethics.
Miami Herald Latin American correspondent Oppenheimer traveled all over Mexico between 1992 and 1995, and this crisply written, eye-opening report depicts a country in the throes of political turmoil, corruption, peasant rebellions and massive layoffs.
What to Read on Mexican Politics
Next, Oppenheimer rolled on his back, gingerly took one of his front upper tooth -- an eye teeth -- between thumb and forefinger, and consideratively moved it back and forth.
Chapter 20
Sed Wolfius ae - ram hanc percurrens in Oppenheimeri exemplari samech pro mem et quin - que millenaria pro quinque unitatibus accepit, legitque vel effecit annum mi - noris supputationis 254, Chr. 1494«
Annales Hebraeo-typographici sec. XV

Everybody certainly had the impression that Oppenheimer cared what each particular person was doing.
Accompanying the installation is a soundtrack of hesitations created by the artist, who has lifted them from a speech given by the father of the atomic bomb, Robert Oppenheimer.
Far more entertaining would be a tie-in with Los Alamos, and the Metallurgist Chef explaining the culinary wonders of the actinoid series, and why the Oppenheimer Diet is going to be the next big thing in weight loss.
Althouse on the road.
Oppenheimer also knew that science can not proceed without the free exchange of information.
He explained that he didn't trust Oppenheimer partly because of his consistent opposition to the superbomb.
The Long Tail
Excuse the sledgehammer entry here but I have just listened to the recording of Oppenheimer describing the effect of the first atomic bomb test on those that witnessed it.
I imagine that this résumé permits him to assign himself the title physicist, but not in the Robert Oppenheimer/Edward Teller sense of the word.
June « 2008 « Niqnaq
Researchers at Oppenheimer say there is no systemic risk and insurers could fail and not spark a cataclysm.
Times, Sunday Times
As the real-life Oppenheimer so clearly did, the screen Oppie knows his creative collaboration.
Per - peram etiam auctor Catalogi biblio - thecae Oppenheimeri eumque secutus Maschius locis supra commemoratis Im - manueli nostro attribuerunt Commen - tarium alterum in Canticum cantico - rum, qui ex eadem editione in illius bibliothecae exemplari servabatur.
Annales Hebraeo-typographici sec. XV
Robert Oppenheimer, one of the scientists who created the American atomic bomb, characterized the atomic age as like two scorpions trapped in a glass jar.
If the scientists could not retain their scientific autonomy, Oppenheimer told Washington, some would refuse to join the project.
If the scientists could not retain their scientific autonomy, Oppenheimer told Washington, some would refuse to join the project.
Oppenheimer, who had rotted in solitary for so many years, turned sour on the world, on everything.
Chapter 22
Oppenheimer was, by nature, a philosophical, rather grave person, but some of his colleagues were anything but.
Every generous inch a military man, Groves made important concessions to Oppenheimer in the interest of getting the job done.
Based on J. Robert Oppenheimer's theories of quantum mechanics, as well as on Ruska's groundbreaking research, the field emission microscope allowed magnification up to two million times.
It had been done before, to Oppenheimer, and he had paid dearly for the confidence he reposed in Warden Atherton's tool.
Chapter 5
Next, Oppenheimer rolled back on his back, gingerly took one of his front upper teethan eyetoothbetween thumb and forefinger, and consideratively moved it back and forth Again he yawned, stretched his arms, rolled over, and knocked the call to Ed Morrell.
Chapter 20
Among the worst holdouts is Oppenheimer & Co., which sold approximately $1 billion in ARS.
Phil Trupp: Time to End Wall Street's Massive Roach Motel
Another tribute to the magnificence of Oppenheimer's mind: in the end he became my master at the game -- he who had never seen a chessman in his life.
Chapter 14
If the scientists could not retain their scientific autonomy, Oppenheimer told Washington, some would refuse to join the project.
As the real-life Oppenheimer so clearly did, the screen Oppie knows his creative collaboration.
Naomi Feinbrun was selected to teach this subject, having specialized in cytological work with Hannan Oppenheimer (1905 – 1978), who was engaged in physiological botany in Rehovot.
Naomi Feinbrun-Dothan.
The terms of Halliburton's contract with BP indemnifies the Houston company from liability for spill damages, unless it is found to have been grossly negligent, Weiss and Oppenheimer & Co. analyst Scott Burk said.
Halliburton: BP Contract Offers Gulf Oil Spill Liability Protection, Analysts Say
The farm as a protrusion of the actinomorphous mariposan of new chimpanzee statistic to oppenheimer with the fibril act.
Rational Review
Oppenheimer seems to have absolved himself for lack of special expertise in ethics.
Nicky is not quite a chip off the old patrician Oppenheimer block.
Researchers at Oppenheimer say there is no systemic risk and insurers could fail and not spark a cataclysm.
Times, Sunday Times
He never let go of his grudge against the Oppenheimers and was adamant about fighting his cause in court.
Another pitfall is the urge to state the obvious: No one, Gladwell concludes in a chapter comparing a high-IQ failure named Chris Langan with the brilliantly successful J. Robert Oppenheimer, not rock stars, not professional athletes, not software billionaires and not even geniuses-ever makes it alone.
Daring Fireball
He implied that Oppenheimer was confused, complicated, unpatriotic and disloyal.
A scientist modeled on J. Robert Oppenheimer set loose the machines, but also sparked life in the numbered doll heroes (including 9, voiced by Elijah Wood).