- United States physicist who directed the project at Los Alamos that developed the first atomic bomb (1904-1967)
How To Use Oppenheimer In A Sentence
- Peter Oppenheimer just raced into the Jobs Pod okay, he kind of lumbered, actually after reading this item from my blog earlier today about the guy with 100 old Macs in his house. The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs : Our new Mac recycling program
- Oppenheimer seems to have absolved himself for lack of special expertise in ethics.
- Miami Herald Latin American correspondent Oppenheimer traveled all over Mexico between 1992 and 1995, and this crisply written, eye-opening report depicts a country in the throes of political turmoil, corruption, peasant rebellions and massive layoffs. What to Read on Mexican Politics
- Next, Oppenheimer rolled on his back, gingerly took one of his front upper tooth -- an eye teeth -- between thumb and forefinger, and consideratively moved it back and forth. Chapter 20
- Sed Wolfius ae - ram hanc percurrens in Oppenheimeri exemplari samech pro mem et quin - que millenaria pro quinque unitatibus accepit, legitque vel effecit annum mi - noris supputationis 254, Chr. 1494« Annales Hebraeo-typographici sec. XV
- Everybody certainly had the impression that Oppenheimer cared what each particular person was doing.
- Accompanying the installation is a soundtrack of hesitations created by the artist, who has lifted them from a speech given by the father of the atomic bomb, Robert Oppenheimer.
- Far more entertaining would be a tie-in with Los Alamos, and the Metallurgist Chef explaining the culinary wonders of the actinoid series, and why the Oppenheimer Diet is going to be the next big thing in weight loss. Althouse on the road.
- Oppenheimer also knew that science can not proceed without the free exchange of information.
- He explained that he didn't trust Oppenheimer partly because of his consistent opposition to the superbomb. The Long Tail