How To Use Open letter In A Sentence
Gilliam famously had a rough time getting it into cinemas: the film was recut for a more conventional happy ending than the bleakly ambiguous one the story originally intended – and demanded – causing Gilliam to take out a full-page ad in Variety with an open letter to studio chairman Sid Sheinberg.
Brazil: No 17
The bishop sent an open letter to the city's parishes Tuesday criticizing him for "moral incoherence" on the issue.
Its open letter on cloning was prompted by newspaper headlines of Panos Zavos's claims to have transferred the first cloned human embryo into a woman's womb.
Hamm and his co-signatories asked in their open letter to the president.
Macmillan's CEO stood his ground, and explained his thinking in an open letter, and Amazon was forced to "capitulate" and return Macmillan books to the store.
Fast Company

The Lithuanian parliament also sent an open letter to the United Nations.
Open letters appeared at key moments in the history of injustice in this country.
The Lithuanian parliament also sent an open letter to the United Nations.
Instead, they issued an open letter to the mayor demanding the release of the four leaders.
Open letters signed by individuals or groups are an important way for civilians to resist dictatorship and fight for freedom.
Times, Sunday Times
George probably lifted the footnotes from a short, blustering and inaccurate open letter by Nepstad himself.
The sadists, the masochists and the scientists
A similar stand was taken by 24 retired four-star Marine and Army generals in an open letter to the President in July 1997.
Open letter to live tweeting aborter Angie Jackson from father of teen who died from RU-486 abortion Pro-life group plays hardball with UCLA over graphic display of aborted babies Planned Parenthood of Houston plans posh grand opening gala for huge abortuary Hitler/abortion billboard makes international news; Polish pro-lifers on fire New Stanek WND column, "The copycat who stopped live tweeting her abortion
Abortion News and Information
One courageous leader has begun this bridge-building work in an open letter to the Anglican Communion on the place of human rights in communities of faith.
Rev. Dr. Cindi Love: An Indecent Piety
In an open letter to fans, Mr. Gilbert audaciously - or perhaps asininely - argued that James '"betrayed" Cleveland by leaving.
Andrew Wilkes: Lebron James and the Taste of Humble Pie
It stood silent, with one hand raised above his head, from which a pale flame seemed to flow downward to his brain; its other hand pointed movelessly to the open letter on the table beside him.
Stories of Mystery
Chicago Sun-Times movie critic Roger Ebert, in an open letter to sportswriter Jay Mariotti, who quit the paper to become a TV reporter and told an interviewer that "newspapers are dead".
This after he posted an open letter to the Republican Party in July in which he said he would be willing to re-join, \ "if and only if\" certain conditions would be met.
Dawn Teo: Tempest in a Teabag: Tea Party Founder Announces He's (Re)Joining GOP
Chicago Sun-Times movie critic Roger Ebert, in an open letter to sportswriter Jay Mariotti, who quit the paper to become a TV reporter and told an interviewer that "newspapers are dead".
Open letter to live tweeting aborter Angie Jackson from father of teen who died from RU-486 abortion (24 Comments)
Abortion News and Information
Particularly wounding was an open letter to the press by 23 of his colleagues, dissociating themselves from his views on immigration policy.
In the 1960s Trofim Lycenko, the notorious Stalin’s scientific pogromist who personally snitched on many scientists wrote an open letter to the Russian scientific community saying that he ‘just had some ideas to discuss’ and that ’that what he was doing all his life and was ready to debate those any time’.
On Kings and Cabbage and Opednews
A week ago, Mr. Scajola sent an open letter to Mr. Marchionne requesting a meeting and highlighting the "centrality" of Fiat's Italian plants to Italy's economy.
Fiat CEO Says He'll Meet Unions
Here's how the dilemma is summarized in a remarkable "Open Letter To Congress" that was, by one "Numerian," who appears to speak from deep experience working in finance and with derivates and gives permission to anyone to republish it or send it to congress, a letter that has also been reproduced by Cernig at Newshoggers, and which I think should be published at every blog in the liberal blogisphere:
The Gooner also carries an articulate open letter to David Dein, Arsenal's cultured vice-chairman.
That's not all. The Iraqi newspaper Al-Umma al-Iraqiyya carried an open letter signed by 400 Iraqi intellectuals, both Kurdish and Arab, defending Alusi.
But he has issued an open letter to parents which takes the extraordinary step of condoning occasional lateness.
To correct his misunderstanding and misperceptions I have addressed the following open letter to him which touches upon some key concepts and basic points.
Today thousands of students across North Wiltshire will open letters and scour noticeboards for the exam results which will change their lives.
The Labour party was thrown yesterday into turmoil by the open letter written by three of its leading moderates about what they termed the gravest crisis in its history.
From the archive, 2 August 1980: 'Gang of Three' split Labour
In July, Sennels wrote an open letter to British Prime Minister David Cameron in which he called the Quran "a criminal book that forces people to do criminal things.
Jennifer Turner: Government Witness Claims Gitmo Radicalized Child Soldier
In 2004 leading researchers in the field of prenatal exposure to drugs signed an open letter explaining that these women are not "addicting" their "unborn babies.
Lynn M. Paltrow: Do People Who Support "Traditional Values" Value Pregnant Women?
The doctors who signed the open letter, led by David Nicholl, a neurologist at City Hospital in Birmingham, want to see Hospira following the example of Lundbeck, the Danish manufacturer of a barbiturate called pentobarbital that has been also used in US executions.
US pharmaceutical firm Hospira under fire over use of its drugs in executions
The Lithuanian parliament also sent an open letter to the United Nations.
The editor published an open letter to the prime minister.
The Lithuanian parliament also sent an open letter to the United Nations.
Russell Crowe has written a heartfelt open letter to his baby son to mark the boy's first birthday.
an open letter to the editor
The title of the piece was Open Letter from a Writer to the Military Junta and it skillfully attacked the dictatorship with an arsenal of reason, facts and moral certitude.
Open letters signed by individuals or groups are an important way for civilians to resist dictatorship and fight for freedom.
Times, Sunday Times
Don't you think that Katie's open letter at least deserves some kind of response from the almighty corporation?
In an open letter, the Foreign Press Association said this week that the closure of the Erez crossing to journalists marked "an unprecedented restriction of press freedom.
The open letter signed yesterday by both men avows that all the tests ‘could and can’ (but not will) be met.
But to paraphrase Talleyrand, his Open Letter was worse than an insult; it was a mistake.
Scientologists and Nazis
Mousavi, himself, has written an open letter to the people of Iran, congratulating them for their high and historic turnout and condemning what he calls the cheating, the official manipulation of the results.
CNN Transcript Jun 13, 2009
A similar stand was taken by 24 retired four-star Marine and Army generals in an open letter to the President in July 1997.
Shoesmith, 55, appears widely respected among her peers in Haringey: an open letter signed by 61 primary and secondary school headteachers in the north London borough last month called her an "outstanding public servant" who had in her previous role revitalised Haringey's once embarrassing and demoralised education service.
Baby P: The incompetence of Haringey Council was always the story