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open letter

  1. a letter of protest; addressed to one person but intended for the general public

How To Use open letter In A Sentence

  • Gilliam famously had a rough time getting it into cinemas: the film was recut for a more conventional happy ending than the bleakly ambiguous one the story originally intended – and demanded – causing Gilliam to take out a full-page ad in Variety with an open letter to studio chairman Sid Sheinberg. Brazil: No 17
  • The bishop sent an open letter to the city's parishes Tuesday criticizing him for "moral incoherence" on the issue.
  • Its open letter on cloning was prompted by newspaper headlines of Panos Zavos's claims to have transferred the first cloned human embryo into a woman's womb.
  • Hamm and his co-signatories asked in their open letter to the president.
  • Macmillan's CEO stood his ground, and explained his thinking in an open letter, and Amazon was forced to "capitulate" and return Macmillan books to the store. Fast Company
  • The Lithuanian parliament also sent an open letter to the United Nations.
  • Open letters appeared at key moments in the history of injustice in this country.
  • The Lithuanian parliament also sent an open letter to the United Nations.
  • Instead, they issued an open letter to the mayor demanding the release of the four leaders.
  • Open letters signed by individuals or groups are an important way for civilians to resist dictatorship and fight for freedom. Times, Sunday Times
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